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Times Advocate, 1998-12-02, Page 27
I 1 Wednesday, December 2. 1998 100 Births BINKLEY - Pete. :.Ur.,le and big sister Eleni, are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Jake Peter. born November 9. 1998 weighing 9 lbs 2 oz. Special thanks to Dr. Silcox and the OB Staff at St. Joseph's Hospital. (49*) DUTO'T - Lisa & Kevin Dutyt are pleased to announce the safe arrival of a 7 Ib: daughter, Cassandra Marjorie, November, .25, 1998 at Stratford Proud grandparents and Marie Rammel and Lewis and Marjo Clinton. (49*) 105 Cards of Th 106 In Memoriam HARRISON In .loving memory of a dear father and grandfather. Leroy who passed away I year ago December .3. 1997. Your.presence is with us always. • Though we only have our memories. We miss you so much, • Your hugs & kisses, your senile and laughter, Hospital. ' • Your everything. • are Pierre Always . remembered by oo, Blyth daughter Debra, Ken, Sarah- rie Dutot, kale and Ken Jr. (49•) - ant. MACDONALD - In loving --- memory of Edna &..Ted, who s can't Passed aw y November -2-2.. You've l fqe tI n `►972' children, You've never been forgotten , in-laws, Today 1 miss 'you still workers. You have a place within my s and • - heart - at • That no one else can fill. i Ho m , Love always..Trudee (49).: BE 'ARD - Word express -the grarifude my heart to all my their spouses,.sihlings family, friends, co - residents,. owner administration st Queensway Retiremen girls at Mane Even neighbours, Fr. W parishoners at 81: Bon . their prayers, flowers, gifts, cards; masses offered in my intention. To Dr. David Chess, his staff, Drs. and staff in emergency room - at St.. Joseph's Health Centre on October 19 avid November 8 when I had rny'acci'dcnts, to all the wonderful nurses floor for their excellent care on both 'occassioh helped make my hospit as pleasant as possible. you all. Spgcial thanks dear husband Peter for h and being my guardian throughout the past six have a long way to go know I can make it with your love, concern and su Theresa (49*) CRdNY,N The -family late .Gayle Cronyn woul to empress, their,apprecr, and thinks fo family, tr and neighbours for their and,support. We grate ''acknowledge and appre your expressions of syp►p Mass Offerings, cards, gil food, floral arrangements, dogations to charities. family extends. special 'th to Elizabeth Ebert and al caregivers who helped ma 'possible for mother to ler ih her home. Their act kindness and hove will alw be remembered by ,the lam Thank you to Father P Baillargeon for cclebrati the Funeral, Mass; Our Lad Mount Carmel choir for t beautiful music, the ladies the C.W:L. for the lovely lu ' and to,Bill Haskett' for , personal and profcssior services. (49*) KNEE --•I would likc'to'tha • Dr. MeYers and the nurs especially Brenda, at 1 • Exeter 'Hospital and to Mr. Mrs. Hoffman for the excellc -care, I received While I was your care in- Exeter and duri the ride to London Ia Tuesday.' Your top rate ca and kindness was greatl apprediated. Thank you vc • much. Ryan (49) - , ' MCCALLUM - Thank yo friends and family 'for th many cards, flowers, treats phone cdlls and visits in th ho phial and at home. Ar 9) 106 In Memoriam BELL - In loving em mory of a , dear lather and grandfather Harold, who passed away 25 years ago, December 5th. Dear dad, we never shall.forget you.. Sweet memories cling round your name, True'hearts that iri life always loved you Will love you in death just the same. ronski, • • fac ic fur - - PFAFF - In loving.memory of a dear husband, father and Poppy Harvey C. Pfaff who passed away December .5, 1994. Sadly missed along tile's way: Quietly remembered every day, No longer in, our life to share But in our heaps; he's always. ` nursing A little tribute small and tender s'•who Just to say we still remember. al' stay love Sadly missed by' Dorothy. to my Steve and JoAnn, Greg and is,TLC Cathy, ' Janet and Andy. angel Stacey, Scott, Stephanie'and weeks. Sarah. (49*) ,butt all of — on 4th there. pilon; PRESZCATQR - In memory of a dear Wife, Mother and - Grandmother, Joyce D: of the Preszcator who passed away d bike one year ago Decmebcr 6, ation 1997. icn'ds When evening shades are love falling . fully • And eve sit in quiet.alone, elate - To our hearts there conics a athy, 'longing is of If she only could come home. anThe Tm Friends ay think we have The .forgotten, anks I the When at Lines they see us kc it senile, Hain -But they little know the s of heartache, ays Our smiles hide all the while. fly. Sadly missed and lovingly aur remembered by Lorne prig Preszcator, Perry,. Kathy, y of Rebecca & Rachel Preszcator, heir. Darrell, Tammy, Megan & of 'Amber Preszcator, Dennis & nch Susan Preszcator. (49*)' his --•- hat PRESZCA'TOR - In loving memory 'of a ,dear, mother and nk grantlmother, Joyce who es, , passed away, .Dece,mber 6, he 1997. & She never failed to do her best, nt . Her heart was true and tender,. in. She toiled hard for those she ng loved, • st Then' left them to remeinher. re' At early morn, when all was Y_' still, IT God gave His great command; In silent peace she passed u away, ' e Into the Better Land. , Sadly missed, Darrell. Tammy, c Megan &Amber. (49') SMALE - In loving memory of my father, friend, grandfather and great-grandfather: Howard who passed away December 3, 1996. My life goes on without,you, But things are not the same, It's hard to hide the heartache When someone speaks your name. Your resting place I visit, place some flowers with care But no one knows the heartache: • As I turn and leave you there. Sadly missed but never forgotten, Love Shirley, Harry, and family. (49*) Lovingly remembered by Carol & Winston, Vicki & Robb (49*) 4 i Exeter Times -Advocate Announcements 106 In Memoriam SOMERVILLE • In memory of Rob who passed away I le..enrber 4, 1996. o years have passed since you slipped away without saying Goodbye. They ,ay old soldiers never die. They just fade away and Chats just what vuu did. We speak your name arid see your picture un the wall. 'So memories o(' you %%rtl ;lever Always in our hurts. • ,Missed by your wife Lou, son Randy, Grandchildren Sara, Michell and Craig W9*) Happy 80th Birthday Mom ILENE ROLLINGS Tell me it Valerie couldn't be,., Gould is SEVENTY! Nov. 30/98 iJpi9 Late Anne Ryan HARGREAVES - McCLINCHEV Forthcoming marriage - .Greg_a� _ __ Judy Hargreaves together with Don and Gwen "•• McClinchey ore pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage ar riage of children Jennifer to Rob. - The wedding will • take place on -Saturday, December 5. 1998 at: Brucefield . .United Church.: An open reception will follow _at the Hensall Community Centre. fJ 'Jpii)'1 AS11.11'PEi dry PHIL a ELLEN CONLIN DeCember 1, 1973 Love from your family Happy 75th Birthday BILL ROHDE December 7 Frohn Rhoda, Doug and Judy, Glenn and Marilyn, Calvin & Val and families r W ]L / 5U W firma & Rob Lawrence November 29, 1998 Love from your family When you need • William R. Dinney it the most,,,. since 1887 Funeral Director Only someone who has been through the experience can understand. At Dinney'4 we understand. We've been a part of this community for over 110 years and we will be here when you need us. Come. Worship With Us EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Communion Service _ Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour Thursday Evening Home Bible Study at 8 p.m. For info, contact 229-6572 94 Orchard Street, Exeter Everyone Welcome • December 6 11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron Si: W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant•Pastor John • Boyachek 235-2661 Sunday, December 6 Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 and 11 a.m. • 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wed.; 7 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome • fir • CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Dec. 9. H Courtesy Car - 235-2784 Sunday, December 6, 1998 7 Giving Tree' Dec. 13 F 11 a.m.,Worship Service P Dec. 3 7:30 p.m., Choir Dec, 19 C 7 Dec. 22 B S Dec, 24 C p. S EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 332 Huron St, W. Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 December 6,1998 10:00 a.m. Morning Service Sunday School for ages 3 to Grade 4 during morning ser- vice Nursery Available 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 2C Global 5:30 a.m. December 6, 9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel 71.7.7 'EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St. Sunday, December 6, 1998 • Second�Sunday in Advent - Wear purple! Rev. Cordell Parsons Sunday School 10:30 a.m. . " Social time followin the service. Courtesy car: Glenn Goff, 235-3478 Nursery provided ay Ride, 7 p.m. and :30 p.m. riends of Music, 7:30 .m. hristmas Cantata, - :30 p.m. lue Christmas ervice; 7:30 p.m'. andlelight Service, 7 m.; Communion ervice, 11 p.m. ©a 111 9 Practice Dec. 13 12:15 p.m. Lunch, followed by the Sunday School concert Dec: 14 P.C,W. You are welcome to worship God with us. ' ' All welcome!