HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-02, Page 22f The Tirnets-Advocate urg- es our readers to use caution when sending money for business op portunity or employment advertisements. Be cer tain you are dealing . with a reputable compa- ny before releasing arty credit. card -information Ftemembei.•. i' any del verttsement suundt, tut gubc it; tit_ true, 1t is 1 C ifieds 99 Exeter T' %ednesday• December 2. 1,998 11n Amon: 424 Main Stwtt'Saurlt,'Estater. 'Monday ao'Friday. 6:3D a.m. twStO0:pim. lik,9liumis: l(S t9) 235-1331 spilt ,(5tt9) 235.3766 �r16+>fltaig' eadycore Clwts i1it d Ad Deadline MONDAY AT I O:OD AM CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT merge .aft Otsyet' 04 ' n{t .nunilN 0' rruitit -bets tit Ilulllefal: a kr seua' nunlUer- .shoe.' ilun)Uett: - pItO11t flunhler: O' p11ukt cool)' dt VIII wul<' p, SC Y1f1,1JU:. tunic( l5-, - I.yPnttit: cutin' d[. yepaidtt' WUIUL •FIRST INSERTION 20 words t. InsarGliu� 51C•.Ot ntjeflrvrl:u' $21.e: ltIUIUOnt►1'.1✓< Clldlgt- Iu• vac, Wuti' ort:' IlftJA. nit. • . NOTICES'' it. *WO:. .Iul;til;. tit-•dllr d11lluUiIt eIltt In . cU L•.. eyunl� IIte411Uiti,11.5,-t'.:d(tUC 01 tudni(-s lU< ee'i' wuix1110 Hann, r ssentul - i I 'Sett ItOi ; '.,: ''arc rusertrul NVt Crlditt, - exissifled Ads must Ur Inupald AU: wiu Trot bt printed until pay- II1u111 ItiCelvutt' WEDDINGS b ENGAGEMENTS WH1 y.ctun :J; '• GRADUATES raft .tt.tuti BOX NUMBERS it U. pito,. SUPER AUS $3.1.00; Uaadline• ito classified alis Is to a.n, MunUays UUH AUVEHISIM4 POUt:t i.. c,HSq,t' .. 11,.- Iu4.:_vU ray 1.•. 1:1 .,.,rylice 1.11 .u1 N].bW 4..0 .., 1/k eve/1' o' Iryukldph...d rev' ere' p401,44 - .s Uw . 4,01IV"by.M.4 tn.wplel: 4. 'I1 r.ItNlttu li1eg11, NN. W' ltYal 5-h n auG' aeyuC//' •S9W dS •1 loan. {J Wt' d' In U.a4gt' 1141114 dM' Udldl,U' J 4414• edge: 4 t144I.kl.' M,1. W' pdKi ld' a' al 1y47IWdU•t 'a ll•a • rete 41 u,• a;.mr a .' igWM!• anti' n1:ra.4sky, gets u' SahK"1' e' .1 Mid* 11444•, - ga.lvu 4.01 4014N.<8; ,,.a, 4.11, W-'l4K: httrb/LSN tl: •. a1 olio' a 'aUl al.(1 luai 0. *411gnaer d' ol,• boa J... un41:. laid!' U,. dG10•U1/,lt) 4114 r114i1.4 strait Udg'• d' pUlNK.d44.X. 14.4.•144, -Mi rdl,etr _.5-u eel a::. li14 ylyr. ,.k u Iev.1.44', u' Ie,t•c.l'I.f• ddrulu a4 41/1444 - 1111' 1' luI'S.fJul• Wiut:twrldbd 1114 lAaa111N•11•'11. d .11. a.i•Vit14V1IIVI 1101. (lie. W1U1c(: 41. 1.141 lull' i. 'tile POW, u Ill•: /•UFlydpie cuulunn. air y1o'.....w t., wy.gl'liu'. huylWw.4u1. co' al.. mdLu44. 14,114.d' Ills Jn, 4111ls1w' d' dM tAMASllu' 41 11140.0004 hOr04(414u1: yulciwx• 69.14• .1114: {A1wi1 tail 4/111y All rlgll(S II` .111, .aUruitisc- mar+b y1Ww,w1 Ly VW ta44u14' ti.Ubate. usu.' altwuf4, typug.aptly te, pt.0 tugrapt.:. direr%ilei til' L. t4444 I.t:hSydyu' 144ra1 4. We yiuyu'ty f lne !4144441' Hdrua.du .1 Sucb 041 u' ariy per Uel.; VI Rias' W' 147pi{/tl.Wal91.0assigJM40 *411 oat wrinpl. v4i'.unl u' th41 tiu,u • AUr.14.114• S:AI{:MENI Of POLIGY, tat rm.t,. A0rv4ate 1S 4141'. 11419414418014' 11.A' U1141.• .1 .Mt'r114411141441114U I.ut 14alAnitlull A (Ur/n 4 I' IUI'ItW{t' 01444- a sant 411.0' sect 14,1411(U) u4 11111 dOvUf 114OJltWlt. Phone zz 235-1331 SIMPER AIDS Gat results *with our Il 1 Super Ad or rive will repeat your ad up to another airmen forties at no charge • For Sart hams only • One item per ad - Private rtun-commercial • ads only • All ads must Ge prepaid Call 235-.13 31 for bordered or ntontttly ad rates. 4 -114p -1".A4 PART-TIME ACCOUNTING. CLERK - for Lucus business Flex Mit hours i.,xperrelive necessary: Apply ,tu box 123 t;rN 1_:xeier -':.ties Advuculc. 424 Mata tit . E..i tea, Out NOM lS(i 4414-411, WE ARE LOOKING FOit KEN PEOPLE • to expand our 1tlltuu:i1tl service: binanesi, u4 this ineu' . E:xllt'riviicc not ueet'bNor> x\•411 trust Send teatime u,. Jeff btuf.. brunet. vi au;l1 1 . - 16 1 5 • North kuuti tlgr l'ttri-..Suite 3a. L'tintiul. Clr.:i4' .t' +'.('H SL.( CLASSIRCAT)ONS 1 Lost. Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Vehicles 1,1 Cars. Trucks, 12 Pets .13 Musical Instruments -l4 Appliances Televrslon IS Persona 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 111 Warted 19 Property for Sale 2s Property for Rent 21 For kept 22 For Sale or kept 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 tdduces 26 Legal Notices 27 Tender's Wanted 211 Auction Sales 2! Yard and Garage Sales 4 Help Wand 411e p Wanted HO'. SE:C'L•E. i 'N -EI< - u4 Lu;:ut; . h;Iur:. t+art week:. -- b 144' MINI; PEL.TI'.(7.'' HELP • Full • t1111r . tint ; 1 • ` mot. No rtcllt•riet►cr I,rc r:.satr).. Carl :,'2974109.f• 14!'.511, (;RADE • EDUCATION kEC)l.'1i'E0 tor tt•ntp;ll urs and • to t l''' it t Newry en111k'vment Tu apply c.�t1 i 1 en eC: E ulrluymen t •Service: a `ii i6 and ip. rrar.nit ftlrliuct. 9- at n ice a a;•;Iil;:anlo. i45-49 • LAND SEK�f10E:S LTD A fallut' ; .. Wt a't .iii •.'I ;WK.; f.t/it :114'-''er.•v "+;;:4 It speeraittln(' Ir the lull•;:•.}- :If mlrn••al. <rl: , tJ•ag 'Ii +'.; for. prugret15Ivt' +J kr:' 1•.1 L,.5- :It'"•'ILt•: 'W! We :•t.•}..1•.14 sot ..tt tu•.rt:aa U Uen re•.:•ultl'1£ •i'' til! ,o 1ItIU' '.I- _ ' LA,NDMAN Juallir d:5 -J 'a - JiitVC' ,it( V' . ,v1iy.Yt. 'i*.1 ' Jt %:.t'��tltll'LUrllltllrfll aGJ• d'l 'J•Fa'1'.a1;1'J':a tall'b AUIIIU iC vru'r 991' n1Ue1re11Utsnat a•1::'t v tea,- r e•'I:J!:' • • kelratlit 1tinlSyV`:<Itr,' -1,' - • •-hairt:antra :JJ.nj; :445-.5-' d' asset UJ' 'I;5-. lir .5-F tiJ'sllt 1' vdi• +IUt11U IIAt tt a' d! t•.V.l:5-r£, g1Vwt1' '.alltrif<,:., )ICi'A!' 111111 V' :a: 5-5-1;4J'44 w1;• .'. 1vr:'41 t{ +C.:t" •" �l1CI bCd', l J' ..d'1a11ti►f %:• t_,'dn( bent, 1Mntarlo 238-.63•ot •1 -or mute mit s, • '.1' Ut!' :"Of}IsJatk U4t I'. UJ' tvr�,lyltt tVizvN t 1' [tsF Lft�1 .. Ili . Nr, ;munisalt pit:<ist iv al: ayyb'�an1- we tii:J'ir. you tJr r'JJ: itltilit..r Utt" :ewe' 111(1' Uftlt `;ttti " ot•tt;1eC ct' I'tte'Yiet WIl ort' •.elle 'tt:6 dirt: U( - - . OFFICE ASSISI ANT - Must . :base - c ttniputrr general bookkeeping. ik payroll • r,. pert-rti(t' w•i11•. gu:id, 1.tlnttiuti)1 'Bort • skills. E,' prrirttc r on AccP ti MS *old. A MS Extd drfintle assn Srasvnad position possibly leading to full time Vi ago IpbtiCJ on exprr►rntt Mail Tr.umr it) l U G• )rt P O Bt's • Grandbti1IC C'1• ti1M ;TO (IT. 'r: t4CtN'rerl. PROFESSIONAL OPERATORS NEEDED. • • Veri institute of • Professional Truck • '' Driving mil v•P:r;,are ycit, • 1• y., ,• 1�. 1'.erl.e and e pe. a • a'•Jte sior."r 6Services • • WORD ADS t *warms 5143 2 insertions $114.0S 1 exertions .. .. . 52147 20 word maximum 1 SI for sac% addluonal word NOTICES briers, Deaths. Homonym, Announcements Corning Events. tts. Card d Thanks MMnOon =1177 3t i teens is ..$23.S4 JO word maximum m '1St for each addaional word 4 Help Wanted Hero') Horne Claikkart and F annit kesoerci Crate ll,cept 4'plicausei itx utr 1!.4!LI lug ccmtrtrt't Wigton Parini Fdiucstiue C atrrdioata Pointe +Part•tier+ . Duel m:•ludr ' Prtlrrrrte Parrilting Eciu::auon m • Huron Piney ! 1 with ttitumxr ie dttatcm Must 1CIr1rm4 applt::ct,r..tt'ana rrsuntt N'Itr, mot Ieliattr is tt);rt : y rtt. cn.'11. 15th • yfnt.. . .•' M ' Yilukc. ' Htiron Hume Childcare and . Flhmili Resource (:mart- 27, , Ptrutid St- P.U. bw 499. Cleave.'WM 11,4 Ht titans tryst •44 !tr. 't•rt'' c •:'.'rt 414 44Ilia7•tXcast;'5-l'.•. 4. 4 1" .'4114 t tar 44 111t•7•,:u >• • • 3..7.742.27Z2724; N•M ' H Hefisa' Dis(slt:' GUiopelative .'s s`urrent'y, sevexit' a', ;41 ener'geUE r'ldlv(d;id, to further complement •u:►+.,s.it.;.e:_'../ M tea ce Uii' i'it:'+SJI, ,rJ•..d'r'.1 . 4 N - ' • CREDIT MANAGER' ' • N ' µ '''it: 1:1i :1"1t' positiori.rs resp4 nsioie for acrlievvg aGGV:r'!`., 04 Mre,ffivaott' :<rgef aril t951./nng .t':at all. credit is proptny M N grdntt20. L flit it•(7-dr?U.'YUri(rollec,• . proper toI1 ' •'J,p, oil past Z' HU'ar doevuittt . - diiC rrnpiementl'lJ: credit- it policy, a'i^. prvt•'eCifes: IV �J�.eSSfLi- ca'ididdte rr1✓. ! be. fano; a' 6 t5-'. GO,iStfUGtlun Isere. alit •4111 aria, lu'ritie' credit A I•Ci bt•,J;rldt)U•' irr,C or readied e.'periefiGe would be a'i asses r {fir t.U)4tOertydttur 15 GO'fir►iensu'ate wRlr the applicant. • • ♦ Fur further information • contact Jeremy Rouse now at 1.88&905.8374 345- 141 5-r N N N t'Apt" 1e/P;t' with fur Guniprehe'iswe tienetrt package. Only IN 34 H 14 H H M L4XUX11WUfl.ZZZ,LUX:XXXxxzzxz•lxtzurt:z ;, J•,,rr;.5lu dppllcd'►ts will tie contacted for an inter'vrerr Pit:dot .v' lidrdyour resume by December 1.4. 1998. HENSALE OISTRiCr.GO.OPf_RATIVI. INC. - ATTN: HUMAN RESOURCES HENSALL GO.ORDfNATOR DISTRICT 1 DAVIDSON DRIVE Co-OPERATIY1E P.0- BOX 219 • HENSALL ONT. NOM 1X0 FAX: (519) 262-2317 `An equal oppor tunny employer' NO PHONECALLS PLEASE TELEPHONE -TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewire houses -Repair wiring= Install jacks for phones-' modems -Internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 'ElHNI ONTARIO HARVESTORE SYSTEMS to an authorized i-iww.slote'3taier serv►01ri•Y t'41 'lee'fs'of Harvestor' 41JS'torrl*15 throughout Ontarr With out 1..xtttnued.sucress. W t t i4ve' severe! 0[Jen1'1'�S he service technician] • ''its positionwillappeiti to customer oriented individuals vett, '•iethiantl 4t experie'icr worktny in d f¢trn environment VIlIinu iv train the rlrytrt individuals Please rnaltpr 1wt yourresumean4 earnlrtg5 expectations ors I'.) 1 la _ HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER (3 1 ntytno H4rvestore Systems. • .P.O Box 3613 , Guelph. Ontario- NIH 6P;1 P - Fat, 515.763-0293 PH C()MI'()SIT1;S INC. AF1J.EKNQON,SIJ111 SUn' Unit «EQU11i1_I) IMML:DIA! ILY %tie sut.cessful cd'[dlddte ells i;t 'ral>'r•alble her the t)4/1;rall inanagenieilt Of the merit, stile fNoduc1on sr;lit:dale • Requirertients: Post Secondary Svttool Education Preferred Experience: Mtnlirturtt•3 years.exPerience ' nldn' ger/Supervlsos level .' • 1 1l erglass • Carpentry • Auto Body• • Mar ulacturmgjlndustr al Salary/8e11401tc: Commenswate with experience and qualifications if you we highly motivated individual and a team player with a positive outlook, kindly submit your resume by fax or mail to: Maureen Denonunr - . Human Resources Bldg,. #3 . Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1 YO Fax: (519) 22845460 NOTE:'Only selected candidates wtu be contcicted PAYMENT METHODS AN demigod ads must be prepaid. • Cash • Cheque (with ID) • Money Order • VISA • MasterCard Please chard( your ad on the fist day k appears to ensure that it is co.Tect 6 Services LAWN & GARDEN CARE SNOW BLOWING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 FOR PRI -ME POWER - and standby electricity that works and stays working. call Sommers Motor -Generator Sales Ltd.:Relt.ability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396 f26tim ' • 1OCCS - EDUCATIONAL TOYS - games and crafts. Party bookings and outside orders...Catalogues available. Call Judi at.1519)228-7141: .'48,49!) • ' Mf:kitY CHRISTMAS HAPPY SEW' YEAR' 10 All- - Wayne Ottcrbein's Barber Shop; 394 Main St . Exeter 235-11559 Closet) Dec 25 & .26. Jar,. 1..Op n Wed Dec 23 149;'53I'! - (11; A 1. I'1 Y - ' • PHOTO. laHl!iG - and tliitlitu framing acid now 5 ithJuutc trilargergems ' • „Jervis Photography, Mani Si Exeter 23.5 )(,)2124r1nr rills AN"11(JI;1: wA'lt 11 AND,(:I.(.(K SI'1:(�iA1-IS7 Does.prolesalorial-rrpatrt to vlIII Olt ;•..and':tlocks Frei • esUtuaIt11 to 'repair. yraidl:ithet r. lot fr.s. Call'•Kudr Arnh1,1J 7599 (itt1ctpnn, ktitt- harnks. l'trorit 24.5- 11'30 (24tlui. - • PIANO TUNING =,, • REPAIRS • RERUILDIiIG eon • KEYS RECOVERED altar • OAMPP CHASERS e` • BENCHES Mem air• IOW r BRUCE 1'L'LSIFFR 31if-92:.1 suns Ili1 I [Swbk»ing Commercial or Residential Cali Carl Gower 229-6542 (:OM1'tJTER A1'PI,I('A'i IONS 1Rrpurls li►vlifrrJ Ioti.i art StdflrliHg OCR (AI t)oil:kcn 99 Actuunlln� I utul ane I'e$er Amigo' 2 3S-2877