HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-02, Page 22
Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday. I)eceniber 2. 1')°M
In the News
Regional wrap ups History ringing out at Exeter Fire Hall
debate tonight
CLINTON • - The issue
of bringing slot machines .
to the Clinton Raceway
will" be debated tonight
(Dec. 2) at Central Huron
Secondary School at 7:30
The two sides in the
slot, machine debate will
be balanced.- according
to The Clinton News -
Record. Jane Holmes, ex-
ecutive -director of the
Ontario horseRacing in-
dustry, Association and
Jini Cronin of the Ontario
Lottery Corporation will.
be. on the side arguing
for the slot machines.
• - Speaking against the
• arrival of legalized- gam-
bling will be John War-
ren Kindl, • who has ap
peared at numerous U.S.-
Congressional and' Sate
Legislative hearings . on
gambling. fie will " - be
• .ye4ed by Norm Corrin.
chair of Citizens for a Ca-
sino -Free 'London and
Robert Parr, :.vice-
principal of Seaforth Dis-
trict High School who
will be addressing local
interests. •
ian Fleming, manager
of. the- Clinton Raceway
has agreed to- be availa-
cull a
Continued from front
page '
At that point the deci-
will be made
when_ to have more
culls. The original -plan
was to reduce the pop-
ulation by 30 per cent -
every year for three
years. '
Huis said there has
been little public reac-
tion to the cull over the
past week and he cred-
its park employees
with getting the mes-
sage out to the public
that the cull is neces-
sary and the deer, are
hurting the _park and
becoming' unhealthy
because of their large
While he is happy
with the -results of last
week's- cull, Huis
warned it could be sev-
eral years before vege-
tation in the park
begins to recover.
He said the success of
the cull was due to the
work of the First
Nations shooters and
park employees who
worked as a team and
showed commitment
towards the project.
The majority of the
meat from the deer will
be going to the First
Nations, although some
will be distributed to
area food banks.
ble to make a case for
the local raceway but he
will not be a member of
the panel, as he does not
EXETER Exeter fire -
feel that is his role. lighters . halted a welcome
Roger Stryker, a mem-
ber of the Clinton and
By Craig Bradford
return to a piece of their
Area Social Action Com- Past last reeently•
mittee told the News-
The Huron County
Record . no members of Museum has permanently
local government have loaned Exeter's fire bell to
stepped forward to vol- the Exeter. and Area Fire
unteer to give Clinton .Department and the bell
council's point of view at has been 'mounted in.
the debate. Ile hopes a front of the fire hall on
local proponent will William Si .
come forth to participate Exeter Fire Captain and
on the panel... fire department historian
Danny Smith said the bell
was 'refurbished and
Wilkinson wins mounted .for display
nomination efforts
the generous
efforts of Glavin
S'I`itA'I'FORI) In a Sandblasting. Kongskilde •
changing of the guard, • and Herb Bloom.
Stratford businessman Huron Courtly Museum
John Wilkinson. a new -
curator Claus Breede.
comer to politics;" has described the recent cere-
won the Liberal nomina mony officially handing
tion in Perth Middlesex over -the bell as "repatri-
for the provincial elec- . ating the object" 'andto
tion expected next.year. commemorate Exeter's.
The Journal Argus re- 1250 - an.niversary of
ports Wilkinson won a incorporation this year.
close two-way race with The bell was first.
St.. • Pauls .area farmer brought to the Huron
and teacher Brian Innis County Museum . in
.at the Coliseum in Strat- Coderich in 1950.
- ford on - Nov. - 18. A 28- It had been used to call
vote. margin separated the volunteer firefighters
the two candidates. into action since the town
The riding's urban- bought. it in the mid=
rural nature was mir- 1880s.
. rored by the- two.candi- it was.used till 1950.
dates and in the -end may first at the north end fire
have helped. Wilkinson .hall on Alexander Si. and
secure victory "in his later mounted on two
home town of Stratford. poles after the north end
The Conservative nom- . fire hall was demolished
ination - is tentatively set" in 1933 (see a brief histo -
for January. As of yet no ry on the Exeter Fire
one has stepped. forward Department in sidebar). -
to challenge Perth MLA. - The bell was on display
Bert Johnson " for the at the museum till. '95
nomination. , when -that- part of the
Walter Vernon,,a museum was renovated
- teacher living in lldertn, and has been sitting in
was selected as the NDP . storage since.
- candidate in an uncon- Exeter Mayor Ben
tested " nomination. 'last Hoogenboom was on
"August. • hand to represent the
town. • • - "
MI Reim
The bell is back. Exeter Fire Captain Danny Smith, left, Mayor Ben
Hoogenboom, Huron County Museum curator Claus Breede, Fire Chief John
Morgan and Exeter. Firefighters' Association secretary/treasurer Bill Vandeworp
mark the return of the department's original fire bell.in front of the fire hall
recently._ -
"We believe some of the gin." he said. "It gives the would 'else be displayed
history dating back to museum a small presence at the hall.
before. the town was in Exeter we are really ., Items. on display now
incorporated rightly grateful for." include an original
deserves recognition," Smith is glad to, have the Defiance Co. No. 2 helmet
lloogenboom said: bell back. and a trumpet won at the
Any extra costs- refur- "We don't have much of St. Thomas Fireman
bishing the bell were paid our past to reflect on." he Games .by the Exeter Fire"
for by the Exeter said: - _ _ Department in 1893..
Firefighters' Association: Exeter Fire Chief John For more information or
The bell isn't, the first Morgan agreed on the if you have an item the
-historic item the museum bell's significance. - fire department could put
has returned to Exeter. "It's a good symbol of on display. call 235-1981.
Just over la years ago the -dedication." he said, Many items marking
m u s e -u m _ • adding the _ Exeter's history are on
returned a "It gives the museum a bell is a display at the. Huron
1944 fBicklesmall presence in - reminder of County .Museum. The
Seagrave • the hard- museum is located at 110
pumper to Exeter we are really ., s . h i p s North St. irrGoderich.
Exeter. grateful for.". Exeter vol- The museum is' open 10
It was —•HURON COUNTY unteer fire= a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-
restored MUSEUM CURATOR f i'g h t e r s Friday and 1-4:30 p.m::on
and eventu- CLAUS BREEDE , have had to Sundays (closed- on
ally bought - deal with Saturdays in.winter). The
by an _ over the museum is open -10 a.m.-
'Exeter firefighter and is years. 4:30 p.m. in the summer.
often put on display. The Exeter and Area For more information on
Breede has mixed emo-- Fire Department is look-. . the museum, call (519)
-tions about sending a ing for artifacts from .the 524-2686.
treasured museum item town's original two fire FYI: Though the bell is
back to its hometown. departments to display at -on display, Exeterites
"It's always painful but the fire hall. won't be hearing its loud
it's always rewarding. They are also looking chimes...it. can't be rung
- having an item on display - for any old articles or pic- • anymore.
in its community of ori-. tures- from the past that
Buyout package offered to Biddulph workers
Continued from front page
Lucan administrator
Ron Reymer said the
packages are similar to
others offered in the pub-
lic and private sectors.
Biddulph Reeve Earl
French, the future mayor
of the merged Lucan
Biddulph, said all employ-
ees have till Friday to
decide whether or not to
take the buy-out package
and end their employ-
ment with Lucan or
He said all employees
except the three who
have been laid off could
remain with the new
municipality if they
Lucan Reeve Robert
Benner said the buy-out
packages were offered to
all employees to create "a
level playing field for
"It's the first step in
them participating in the
new municipality," he
The decision to lay off
Hotson, Johnston and
Hackney -came after the
transition board (the
appointed entity to make
decisions leading to the
merger) meeting on Nov.
The three were told of
their plight Nov. 24
(Tuesday morning) after
the Times -Advocate went
to press.
The transition board
meeting was held in -cam-
era because it dealt with
personnel issues that are
not open to public debate
under the Municipal Act.
The transition board
has examined the prelimi-
nary operating structure
of the new municipality.
Benner said, and the lay-
offs are part of the pic-
He said the cuts to staff
are a necessary evil due
to several workers filling
the same roles at both
"it seemed likethis was
in the best interest.of both
municipalities," Benner
said. "It was not a unani-
mous decision."
French confirmed nei-
either the transition board
vote or the joint council.
'vote after to finalize the
layoffs were unanimous.
Neithervote was record-
The transition board is
made up of French,
Benner, Lucan Deputy
Reeve Harry Wraith,
Biddulph Deputy Reeve
Paul Wallis and Lucan
administrator Ron
Reymer was recently
named the chief adminis-
dministrative officer of the
merged municipality.
Reymer said both votes
have to be "reconfirmed"
at the next transition
board meeting tentatively
set for Dec. 7. He said it's
unlikely the votes will be
overturned. nature of the meeting
overturned. nature of the meeting,
"I'd say the hardest
decisions have- been
Made." French • said,
admitting it has been a
tough week for . all
involved. "You are upset-
ting people's lives. it's not
an easy thing to do."
Benner concurs.
"it was a very difficult
decision that 1 don't think
anyone was happy with,"
he said. "Things are going
to be more positive from
here on out. The really
nasty business is over
Johnston has worked
for Lucan for almost 27
years, while Hackney has
worked for Lucan for 18
years and Hotson has
been with Biddulph for
over eight years.
The original merger
proposal called for all
current staff to be kept on
till six months after the
official merger date.
Due to the in -camera
details why the original
plan was scrapped were
not divulged. -
in other business, the
new municipality will
likely have to buy a new
computer system some-
time next year to handle
themerged tax and
accounting systems and
to address the Y2K (the
•Year' .2000) problem.
Reymer said. Biddulph's
computer and tax systems
will be used for now.
A decision to hand the
Lucan TD Bank branch
all of the new municipali-
ty's banking services will
likely be overturned to
give the Lucan Bank of
Montreal branch (Loran's
current bank) an equal
chance to bid for the ser-
vices, French said.
"It may be a combina-
tion of both," French said.
"We don't know that yet."