HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-25, Page 29:t, Exeter Times -.Advocate .Announcements \S,'Anemia). Nuvt•►ubn'r Z.'►. 19'tri Wedding rMykventeCknstiel celebration N Parkhill's 7th Annual Evening in Granton Santa Claus Parade �'' . Muriel Lewis 1i!L&' itis c(utit[i';PO'11 :1 1 GKANTON - The first accuieuluLIun oI' snow for the Season this come and gone. Milder weath- er-is eath- eris predicted for a for.' days and that 'sure sounds great. Granton area grand- parents and other rela- tives attended- the wed- ding of Linda Vallis and Dave Mc -Kay 01 Knox Presbyterian Church- in Mitchell on Saturday afternoon. Nov: �1 A reception and dance ftillowe'd at the Kirkton. Community Centre._ At the (;canton United of Sunday, Nov. _ . Luh Pastor -Hudgins, ntitted 'her Sermon 'Glimpses of Glory'. The anthem b_r• the :_choir was 'Canaan Land is; lust in sight... - After church. a lunch of chili and hot-dogs was enjoyed.. set•s-vd• by UCW knit 2. A time of fatuilbowl- ing in -St._ Marys -wets ar'rang.cd for.. Sunday alert - At St: -Pauls Anglican. Chu.rc•h in Kirkton on' Nov 22. the -last Sunday art. t•r Pt LIt'cost. the 1-te..ign of-(:h-ris.i..-Ri•t Glenda Meakin ce'ie'b.ral- ed the. Holy Eucharist. i'he ines'. lgt' y. as iLbl'Ut ill, • i .. • e 'it iltid- .1 yr )2, tt. c.utltus through Jesus Christ '011e 11•`ti(►tlti ti4t'rt' read bt John 1, rduhur•t (old ter iirittitiL►•r- • Dance Hall Bpm- am 34&2678 Urge Darkers Wararw F_ri ., Nov. 27 Sunrise Sat:, Nov. 28. Country Versatiles !f!f WSIftf lf!flEtf** • Sun., Nov. 29 • FLOATS: Cummerctal, Service Clubs, Family, Church, Sehool. l-forses, nest Decorated Garden Tractor Parade to assemble and begin at North Middlesex District High School FOOD .DRIVE ALONG THE ROUTE Judging 4:30. Parade starts at S.30 p.m. BE SURF TO VISIT SANTA AFTER THE PARADE,AT TOWN HALL ' For more info contact: Louise 294-6646 •• Monetary'donatiuns will be collected and greatly appreciated along parade route Santa Claus Parade Come Visit Donald and Mickey and some of the Disney Characters on Sat., Nov. 28 after the parade at McDonald's. Enjoy a FREE piece of cake! Art SI'I?(:NAI, (1/4 Hamburger and Small Fries only MtAci)°eurs ii 267 Main St: N. Exeter 235-4227 Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary BINGO 110V.26 7:00 P.m. Jackpot Guaranteed Full card $500. 130-150 Persons $750 Over 150 $1000 "NEW' Au purifiers No one under 18 admitted Lie e/M405944 - - .•> _.=r, ---'.-, - - {^IitHt)n h t)1sttit-1 ( {111ti1'Idll �t {lt>r)i i►,, Itr you OPEN House Thursday, December 3 at 8:00 p.n1. 11115 $- <111 Irlflxnl<Iti011 t'vtning whir I► in( lurtr s d slide presentation r)rt (:hristirin echo ation, meet the staff, tour ilia' school. -refreshments!' Everyone Welcome PALTROW s to every story. e both of them ... re time •w Dr r r' ntic Comedy!" ANGI lit MAGAj,N SLIDING SLIDING- - SLIDING S DOORS DORS QL, G W YN€TH PALTROW '0 "A Sweet Romantic Comedy!" ..rib.,. l01 16N461l1 MA4A41.11 • These arc two sides to every slaty. Hdien is about to live both,or therii . - at the some - • K(rrti licher '14 • 235-4877 Fax 235-4878 518 Main St. S. Exeter Graduate - ' Happy 20th Birthday Tabitha Overholt - November 30, 1998. Congratulations on your graduation. Tabitha has graduated from the Rehabilitation Assistant (Physio -ther- apy ,Assistant/ Occup- • ational Therapy Assist ant) 'Program .at Conestoga College. She is working at Guelph/Fergus Phy- siotherapy Clinic -as a Physiotherapy Assist- ant. Great Job Tabitha,, we're proud sof you- Love ouLove your family. , doming events U,ECADENT IC'E C'KI=AM DESSERTS - invites you to slop in for a Irce coffee. slice of ice cream pie and preview our exciting Decadent Ire Cream Christmas Desserts! Yule Logs, Santa Faces. Snowman and much more! We will be open every Saturday beginning Nov. 7th front 10 a.m. to 2 p m for preview until December 5th. Orders for Chnstma. Deasens will he taken until December 19th We are heated at Middlesex Hall. Room 110 at Centralia International Academy. in Huron Park. Carl 228-6640/1-888.820.7775 EXETER OLDFELLOWS ANNUAL. CHRISTMAS PARTY - Lodge Hall. Tuesday. December 1, 1998. Dinner 630 pm All Bros wcic•onle Non-perishable food and donations for Christmas Bureau will he accepted at this time 1.16.48' t• HANDEL'S MESSIAH - presented by" Blyth Festival 'Singers December I2th. 7 p.m. Knox Preshytenan.Church. Goderixh and December 13: 3 p.m Northside United Church. Scatorth. Tickets SIO advance. $12 at the dour Blyth Festival Box office 523-930t) (48.49) IIIBt3ERT UNITED CHURCH. S"IAFFA - Roast Pork Supper. Wed. Nowt-4+er 25th. 5-7 pm. Roast pork. baked potatoes. corn. coleslaw and pie. Take-outs available Adults 59.00/advarne. S10/dolor.• Children $4.00.- 'Ticket. Gwen Harburn 527-2257. Roger Fell 345-2697. Helen• Fell 348-4291 or Karen panting 228-7212. (46-48*) • - KIRKTQN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING - Tuesday. December 1st. 6:30 -pm. $2.00. Storm date December 8th, Kirkton Woodham Community Centre. Potluck supper. Bring plates and cutlery. Demonstration Brenda Smith. Mitchel,. Topic: Floral Designing. Mini Christmas Show. 1999 Memberships due 53.00. (48'.) • NEW YEARS EVE PARTY,- South Huron Rec. Centre. Dance to "Decades". Hot and Cold Buffer. Door prizes and favours $25/ticket. Call 235-0323 or 235-4665. (46-48) "RURAL"-SCHOOI. SUPPORT DANCE AND COMM-. 'MTV.. SOCIAL. - sponsored by Friends of Usbbrne Central School. Friday, November 27, 1998. Kirkton-Woodham Coinm. Centre. 8:00 pin:l:(X) am. 'Music by D.J., lunch included: •SIU/person. Tickets available Cairn 229-8586 or 229-6897.(46-48) •• THE CHRISTMAS :rRADI'f fUN OF MUKRAYS' CHRISTMAS HOUSE CONTINUES DAILY.- 10-4. t0 UNTIL Dec 24/98 • 101 ofI every puichasc, 50'% till srlected rnerc•handise IR1ACINIi ...fu) 20'yeais our 10 10011i horse has magically shunrneed With this glow of twtn- kling• lights, the encltanyuent' 01 the decorated tiers. cher- Isbell, ornaments .. all expertly r.(altecf and exyunite...will stretch your .rrnaginauu!► acid oiler Much 'to e►5hani:e yl,ur own holiday festivities. •Plea�c unt)e visit, (-heti►se a day, .treat yr>ursell- ucae your faiurly..►i 11 all your friend~' I:xpeite►ice the -Climate- in shopping ple.awre' 7(0.1 Richmond Si, Atkoua, 51') $28- 3 398,ur 12-800-575-19-17 "Learn Huw"'1)rint11`;11ations-'. drily 10 a -n1 Vow Ire odic ititerp Teti' e. Hotel* ,l)ecoraur,ns (44;46,48') -- ' !.111). WI:S'1"1;KN ONT 'SHOW. SAI.L• -,of •Paint toy.. �pk,n3 cards. Grath, teddy 'bear . doth .and gilts. sponsored by 'ealorth Agncultutal Society Sat. Dec 5 /Sr Sun Dec (i, I() 00-4..30 days. Adnitisnnt 1)3.00 to enp,y :ill of ihl- shows. 10 -and under. tree wdir parrot Held tit Seafotik Agrtplrt- fltghschvid and ('outtnunlly ('mutes In Sealniil '(Jird Hwy 8. 1 hour norih'o1 Lundon,.1 hour west tit Kitcheriei five skater►g hlitli days 2:30-4 3(1 .I;ood & reIieshrnrnis av�tiable Whrelchsur seer, ihle Wa )tm ridra.,hrlineeu,evet,l', Many new 'veudu s with put, 111 til y, p1ufor ynu to ser'.Aalo 519-527)7'),l) I'+iii, (41,49; t, - r-\ Irbs-Countr3 iGitcit.en' 16 Main St. Zurich 236-4812 EWA Book your -Christmas Party Now •!i`c'e d a (,i)$" (;ivt• a (,idt Certificate frons Erb's Country kitchen Itl:tylNISl,R OUri SUNiu4Y.l$l(UN41i DECEMJ3ER FEATURE Sunday Smorgasbord Toa lowaI eirtuii sal $1uws • 51).'c Tal c, 1 vrIy luc, night: \e.' SO -al. $8.95 with Ourowrl Jlontemade ('hn,Iinas pudding Every Thurs. is Perch Night Jan. &, FebJ99 we will be closing for Sunday evening smorgasbord only Hours: 6:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon. - Sat. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sunday Brunch 4:30 p m - 7:30 p.m. Sunday Smorgasbord Licensed Under L.L.B.O. Reservations Recommended