HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-25, Page 23PLACE All AD ki Per 424 Main Street South. Exeter f'tonday to Friday, 8.30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. By Phone: (519) 235-1331 By Foie (519) 235-0766 By E-mail: to@eedy.corn Classified Ad Deadline MONDAY AT 10:00 AM 3 Situations SUPER ADS Get results with our SI I Super Ad or we will repeat your ad up to another seven times at no dale. • For Sale items only • One here per ad Private non-commercial ads only • •'Afl ads. must be Prepaid Call 235-.1331 for bordered or monthly. ad rte. Wanted 4 Help Wanted rMUTHEk OF ONE looking to carr Itr chlicirc•i. tri fli‘ 1Srhtt'l lt'I(l tiiimt• .fomes;.. hath, 233-7211, -:?•. • 4 Help Wanted WE ARE LOOKING FOR • KEY PEOPLE - to expand our financial Serr,ceN business'Hi 1111> area - f:, ICrle 1 rice nor tlecesstln Vt',11 train Senc 9csutnt' t(, Jell bofU• Branc•1 Manager. '015 rth koutit•ul,t • Pari,. Suite. 34. � Londur; Untariu ti6H 5' '42tlr: • L6 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT oriarges are base: ori tli fiuntbe' o' wuras Sets of.nunierais as to' Sefra' nudIners. street number:. morn- riUfrkyers Of. prices count b'- one 'aura per set. WOriis.romett by hyphens count as Separate words FIRST INSERTION 20 words E` C- Insertions 11-6.05. Insertions $22.47 Aodltrona( 15< charge tor each word Over. max, rllbni NOTICES: 30 :Wows .(births. deaths arlrtourrc'enlentS conilrrg events' rrteurorrantst (Cares or thanks 10r each word over maxi mum) • mserinnr$11.77 2 Insertion $23.54 ire msertruo Nt charge Classified Ads must be Ads will not bePrinted until d pay- ment received • . WEDDINGS (6 ENGAGEMENTS War picture $3L.tX •GRADUATES with picture • BOX NUMBERS tc this Office $25(. per nlsertrur SUPER ADS S11.o0 Deadline. for classified ads Is 10 a.m. Mondays OUR ApvERTISING i•OLIC8 . Aovrrbsu,e ,I the T,n,es.Au.o•_dtr ,t we-eple0 w: curedibw Ifedt. re Ira- eyrie U' d tyWgfdploot,td Wow waroirtwe er. r'k dorerteser Y. si,dtr ucwd try) p,eIl,t er rurieuus neer wm 4t re•eur, dl d sou fprUFln oySut dt a rndost.guut; d: 1.1 g *Nit the ud,dlece u' (Ile daver Gserrlere will Ut pdrtl lo' d- di dpplicdUkt idle or slit C 8(8(11 p' d Inougtdptl,cd error dUverteseil f guuers u• serr,t;es d' MIMIC Pete guuos ur setietx: rndr rnr• tit SCIU. AOverLsuif is a,. Wier lac ser did/ real tit wIttlOrawn d! "duly herr' Aso, .euurs Imus! tot dckeuw,edged wltl.,r. serer., Cloys lu' I,ubilcduur I 110 ur:ale reserves tie, per. .egt u' Ielrs,lie to, rertrcbrlg adverbs, ,18erq, tee' er.euns,oers ob,ec4n,r und' anc tt tredrigt' tree trdsslbtdew u' d... dnrertsenNlrl! Owe we. unities to tu, lour It Tie poet.; u' (nit r.ews4dpr• Lunirnls. die pewee:tee u, cupregrr hepruuucGw• u' dny rndlend- wgrnru, U,t perin,ss,wl ur 11* publ,sfree ,S (uru,uue, Aorertesers Iwrclwse spdex arra cntu,u burl unly All rights 1u any drertese ,nems prudut,ed to We Tinies•Advt,t;aie ustt,f 0,10(n. (Ypogrep,fy u' pier tugrdpet dr rdrigbtl sur uY (1l$ lirwspdpr' shall tri• Int property at tier Innes At/Kg-air. No such dd w Oily pert Welt u' Oki, tie repruducrc w u., roift wrlltt(n euDsen'. uf o the he tTimeess ..unrtatr: SrAIEMENT Of'POL(cr Tne Tm,es Au0.0.11t s mol resputasiu,r fur yaws durerhbernenls tut sutnt.nit,tl « lura, IMOIto11 kVA',err tr,d. d sdiglr nK,or «t ,t,semur, of ,fret durertoYedeen• 41-0 Phone .E 235-1331 CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Lost. Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations' Wanted 4 Help Wanted • S Business Opportunities I 6 Services • 7 Livestock 8 Fairs Machinery '9 Sports s Equipment. icles I I Can, Trucks 12 Pea • 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances Television He Wanted SER1/ICIE reathuicuuris ONTARIO HARVESTORE SVSTEA/S is an authorizeo Harvestore dearer •servicing the needs of Harvestore customers throughout Ontario. With our continued success, we have several openings for`seryice technicians. This position will appeal to customer mechanical a oriented Individuals with experience working in a farm environment Willing to tram the right Individuals • Please mail or fax your resume and earnings expectations HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER Ontario Harvestore Systems. - P.O Box 3613 • ._ Guelph. Ontario . N11 -16P1 Farce 519- 7E3-0293 Applications Now Being Accepted for Future Drivers for Local Exeter Area Only Must have a clear drivingrecord. recor Age 25-60 Will trim_ to get your license Applications at - L4IDLAW TRANSIT LTD, 150 Thames Rd, E. Exeter (opposite North/ander Ind.) Ken Ogden Mgr. 235-0450 HURON ADULT DAY CENTRE • • CO-ORDINATOR Require: A h_O INA R OF ALZHEIMER AND INTEGRATED PROGRAMS Day Programs present etre requires ar, intern!: �O-UdrrratU' Uf t•it Uay rogra,r're ort y perat(ng in Central and Soutri Hurer;. Tr.per r p s to the•Executive Director. and is presenpy. )view as the Adut! pay Centre eXpanos artd:grows tc ni • the news 01 all clients in the Centra! and South CuuntCithilaceeeec i ?nee' areas of ;',e Degree. D,plorle; ((; Nurs(n . o ocisl Sciences. or Gerontology Sound knowieagr: of Alrhe t related disorders+ceasase and other GerratncMinimun a rings experience working directly ,rl d • Experience tc les gn and Irhplemenr new programs: Volunteer Supervision. Sound knowledge or available community resources Good community liaison arid public relation sknis. Coop interpersonal skills: . Applicants with the above qualifications are Invited to submit trier resumes to. - Rosemary Armstrong • Executive Derector, Huron Adult Day Centre Jacob Memorial Building • R.R. 5, Clinton. On_, NOM 1(-0 • Telephone: 519-482-7943, Fax: 519.482.1236 Information regarding salary. benefits, hours of work etc are available on request. Only those applicants who closely match resthe qualifications listed will be contacted for interview. All. umes received become the property entre, and we reserve the rI i, to! e -a vothe HuronAden Day appl(cationl received do not match the position n (n the event that Applications received after theposrtlon as advertised Zitielen will not be considered. 16 PerFo son l • 17 Wanted to Buy 1$ Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent. 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 242Property Wanted to Rent . Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 2$ Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 4 Help Wanted Part Time Position available with local truck Company. DZ licence required.App in writing to Corbett Young Inc. RR 2 Ado Craig, Ont. NOM !AO WORD ADS I insertion r_U 2 aeftioris MOS 3 insertions52247 20 word maurrfum IS( for each addition$ wore NOTICES Births. Deaths. Memon„ns. AnnouncementsCd, Corning Everics. hanks I insertion ...... - .$15.77 2 insertions .... $23.54, 3rd insertion . • free 30 word maximum 1 Sr for each additional word 4_Help Wanted Cashiers Accepting applications for part time cashiers Hours include weekends. Experience preferred. .. Darling's Foodland, Exeter Ont. Employment Facilitator / Job Developer 2 - 20 hr/wk positions (Exeter & Goderich) . Assisting people wit; errlphyrr(ern Uarrrers tc obtain -arid maintain employment INe Have 2 part tune posrbons available for nigh c:reabve, innovativeg energy pe'.>pae with The successful candidates will have be computer literate. and haveirri sr OWn.veh skills access to trite own vef(x:les. las well as be familiar with the business comrnun . • Fax resume to (5191272-1299. rty ey re tiervrng indicating location .411 appliCarrtS are aPpieclated, but only those receiving an interview wig be contacted Deadline - Dec. 2/98 Town and Country Support Services The Tower and Country Support Services requires Herne Support Workers, in the Exeter area • wart '.rficatlon as a Level II or 111 HSW, Health Care Aide or PSW. • hours are part time • ability to work days. evenings, nrghtS and weekend hours • a vehicle is necessary. Please send resume to Town and Country Support PPort Sfrvicc's Box 969, Wingharn Ontario No(.2WO' lsts'L`'L`Y-lsi`.L `L�eiL`.Ltit'.isleL`LL� PH COMPOSITES INC. AFTERNOON SH11='1 SUM VISOR REQUIRED IMMI:DIAT1.1-Y The successful candidate wlli Oe reapunsifyu overall management of the night shift prods' schedule Requirements Post Secondary School Education Preferred Experience: Min(munl 3 years experience manager/supervisor level • Fiberglass • Carpentry • Auto Body Saler y/Benu•• Manufacturing/Industrial e: Conuneruwate with experience and qualifications highly If you are a hl Inlayer with a y motivated individual and a team playerfa positive outlook. kindly submit your by Of mall to: Maureen Denomnle Human Resources Bldg. a r:3 Huron Park. Ontario NOM 11'0 Fax (519) 228-6460 NOTE Only selected candidates will tie contacted Wednesday . Nes e:1)1)er 25, 199a PAYMENT METHODS AM classiRed ads must be Prepaid • Cash • Cheque (with ID) • Money Order • VISA • MasterCard PlPl� c check your ad on y k appears to ensure that it is correct GRADE - 11 1, & 12 EDUCATION REUIRED - for temporary and full lime factors- employment. Te apple call Tempted Employment Services at 519-263-61,6 and • fax resume references 519- 263-6117. This is a free service lo applicants. 14.-49) OFFICE ASSISTANT - Must have computer. general bookkeeping & payroll experience eith good cummuni;atiun skills. Experience on Ac•cPac Plus. • %IS word & 51S• Excel a definite asset.. - Seasonal position ,possrblh leading to full E leer Wage ha•sed on • xperierice •S1a11 resume to NOG Inc N 0 Box 699, GrandBend. ON NOM 1 TU Of, apply 'in person between 9:OOam-4.3Opm (4$:49) PAR TCLERK iME ACCOUNTING dor local business - ” F7exihl.e hours Experience necessary. Apply to Box 123 'c/.o Exeter Times Advocate, 424 Main St., Exeter, Om NOM 1S6 /4Fi..49) • The CorWr•twn uf the C•only of Huron Huron, ter ruled Hu/unka Humes fur the Aged rte,wrt Health ('are Aides Hurviivtrio -(.'bntun and Hurunter - Brussels Vwllfica(ws: Per weal -S.ippurl, heater ''1 Healtb Care Ald Crnr6tau - (.ue.tr vninunnarl u Vit. 115 •Prty:uut Criperre(Ke rid., (ret eltkrt) are ;Surf 1)utie►: f,, prr,irde huLaut direr car lac -warily resrdrnt.under the super1istud til the refesturd )tall dud charunr Hours of Nurk: 'semi regularly Nebedutrrl 11u14 as rill as tall Ins muss be ai.wlable for all eurt•slufis )' !tours; and rimy seised wtrkrrd A rettwrtd . Clueing date: Ikern(br1- i Iyyyy Send letter and resamt lo: Manager til Huowr kesuurtct (CWM) til Pluton (oun'ilouve (Jude -rub ()wavier N7A I M.' Only 1pplurahce fur un Interni* Neill be r u,Wu ted kis)The Corporation of the County of Huron Hwonvie* and Huronlea Homes for the Aged 'eft .188 health Care Aides Huronview, Clinton and Huronlea, Brussels QualHlcatlons: Personal S44u9ff Worker or Health Car,: A17 Certificate Good commun'(cat(on sklus Previous experience with tilt elderly an asset Duties: To provide hollstiC direct care to eldeny residents under the supervision of the registered staff• and charting Howe of Work: Some regularly Scheduled Shifts as welt as call Ins, must be evailabie for all three shifts (8 holes) and every second weekend tf required. Closing Data: Dec 3. 1998 Send letter and resume to Manager, of Human Resources. County of Huron, Court House. Godench. Ont, N 7A 1M2 Only applicants Invited for an interview will be l.,ritacte0