HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-25, Page 20Wednesday, November 25, 1998
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Exeter Times -Advocate
Huron County talent takes the stage at IPM
By Kate Monk • dren's hour, musical trib-
'r;Mrs-nov(x:A'rr: STAFF utes. a stand up comedi-
e South Huron
NTY - District !high School band,
e tented the Barvinok Ukranian
flatly the Dance Troupe and other
come to musicians.
omeone Saturday, the last day of
'national the IPM, • will feature
Central Iluron highlight -
►pp and ing the Blyth Centre for
Events. the Performing Arts,
eople to Blyth Festival Orchestra,
Huron--communityshows and
d talent children's entertainment.e 1999 The show ring will rea-
d. Lure the West Coast
has Equine Showcase under
p of tai=. the direction of Adrian')ay plow- Brand. Each' day of the
venues II'M will includ'' a' morn-
nty for 'ing and afternoon show ()I'I' '
show Iluron •County .horse
tug of. breeds.
plow-' Horses and their riders
will compete in team pen-
is will ning Thursday and Friday
nt for in the show ring:
Ill !;ON COU
Plowing and th
city arc traditio
• first things that
mind when s
thinks of the inter
. Plowing Match.
But Heather Kis
her Special
Committee want p
• also think of
County venues an
when they visit th
IPM near. Dashwou
Klopp's team
announced a lineu
ent for the five -d•
ing match from
throughout the coil
the main stage,
ring, horseshoe and
war area and VII'
""The special even
provide entertaini)rc
people aged live to
Klop.p said.
an th
Karen Passmore and Matt Seabrook were two of
many talented musicians at Sunday's concert at
South Huron District High School
The. main stage will fea-
Festival Singers present `Messiah' tore talent from a differ -
area of the county
'MYTH - With more Catherine Green, mezzo each day.
than 60 voices, the Blyth soprano Susanne - East Iluron will provide
Festival Singers will pre- Ilawkins, tenor John De entertainment Tuesday,
sent Nandel's Messiah on Jager and bass Chris the first day of the match,
Saturday, December 12th Biernacki.. 1'tie linea ,
p includes the
in Goderich and on The Blyth Festival Seaforth Marching Band
Sunday, December 13th Singers will perform two
and other local talent.
in Seaforth. _ . hours of the great work The parade and opening
The December 12th including the choruses, ceremonies will also' be.
performance in 'Goderich And he Shall Purify, 0 held at the main stage on
will be at Knox Thou that Tellest Good Tuesday.
Presbyterian Church at 7 Tidings to Zion, Glory 'to Wednesday, North
PM. The December 13th God, Behold the Lamb of Iluron -takes the main
performance in Seaforth God, and the famous. stage highlighting_ the
will be at Northside Hallelujah Chorus. CKNX Barn Dance and
United Church .at 3 PM. Tickets for- the Blyth the Wingham Heritage
Handel's classic work Festival Singers presents- Theatre. Fiddle and step
will be conducted by tions of Messiah are dancing are also part of
Richard Hansen of St: available in advance or at the schedule.
Marys, with special organ the door. Tickets are West Huron .shines on
accompaniment by- Dr. available from members Thursday with talent
Ronald Fox of London. of the Blyth Festival from the Goderich area.
As conductor and choir Singers; Nifty Corners, Queen of the Furrow
leader, Hansen serves as Seaforth; Dutch Store, speeches will -also take
the new Artistic Director Clinton;
of the •Blyth Festival •Photography, Goderich; place m. onat 1 main0 a.m. and 3
Singers. He alsorecentl Snyder Studios, Wingham Soup'm' th stage.
has a full
founded the-Stonetown or the Blyth Festival Box scheduleofentertainment
Choral Society, and is the Office at 523-9300.
co-director of the on Friday including a chil-
Georgian Bay Children's
Choir in Owen Sound. Ile
also works as Director of
Music at St. Marys United
Hansen's musical skills
encompass a wide spec-
trum. As an accomplished
organist, Ilansen was
awarded the Associate
Diploma of the Royal
Canadian College of
Organists in the summer
of 1998.
Hansen was born in
Windsor, Ontario. Ile
started organ lessons with
Victor Batten and contin-
ued with Arthur Woitte
and later with David
Palmer. Hansen currently
studies withthe
renowned British -
Canadian organist, fan
Sadler. Ile also studied
choral conducting under
Richard householder.
For the December pre-
sentations of Messiah,
organ accompaniment .
will be provided by Dr.
Fox. Additional special
music will be offered by
soloists: soprano
Capsule Comments_
with Ernie Miatello
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Horseshoes and tug of
' war competitions are also
on the agenda of special
No IPM would be com-
plete without the VII'
('lowing competitions.
• The first day of the'
Match kicks off with
media, .MI'• and MIT
.plowing. The Queen of the
Furrow competition takes
place on Wednesday.
Mayors and deputy may-
ors show oil' their skills un
Thursday while wardens
and regional chairs vie for
the trophies on friday.
.The Saturday competition
is open to anyone.
The IPM executive has
given the go-ahead lnr the
special events to have a
higher profile than previ•
ous matches. •
Klapp hopes the special
events will draw more
people to the 1999
International Plowing
Match and make the
event more interesting for
rural and urban visitors,
alike. If people are unsure
of what days they'd like to
attend the IPM, the spe-
cial events may help them
decide. Klopp said.
Each .special events pre-
sentation is an hour or
Jess in duration, giving
people a chance to relax
yet not interfere with the
,rest of the activities.
"It's also an investment
in the future," Klopp
explained.. "It'll give peo-
ple .a preview so they'll
conte :back to the. attrac-
tions in the future."
The 1999 International
('lowing Match is Sept.
21'-25 Mirth of Dashwood.
For more information on
the special events, call
(leather Klopp at 519-
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