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Wodnesda) . November 25. 199A
!A(' tea
Christmas Open House
Customer Appreciation Days
Fri. & Sat. Nov. 27 & 28 - 9am-Spm
Sun: Nov. 29 - 1:30pm-spm
RR . Zurich - .
t. U�.r. .
: 565 X122
Kln $ilcke rings up the total for Muriel Wells.' basket of baked goods a�T
Women's annual bizarre on.Saturday. - vitt Memorial Anglican Church .
Ontario Special
have arrive
\•AVAST#tA - Ontario
Special c cal Curling.at \ anastra. Curling Club.
Olympics is pleased to announce begins wec#nesdaY-Nc>,ventber=G;, ttL
the expansion- of. it's programs. m 6-
7- p.m .Call. Sherri Lachlan.
�ariastrti. Currently volunteers and .19--887-9275 fornlurm4t i . at
athletes are being recruited to par= Ontario S
tic#pae inotwo new S Special E)lvmpics is a nun-
Icip t prgrams._ Special priifit -organization that provides
...Sport *training
in a
Swimming starts Saturday', variety of spurts year ro.urtditotchil-
lVoveniber 28 at \•anastra •dren and adults'witha mental•ditr
Recreation Centre. Toronto Blvd., ability
Vanastra. Registration starts at -12 - Through
noun and practice will go to 1:3(t' • sport clubs a hletes. With a me n al .
p.ni. Cost is $3./week.:Pleasecall disability can: develop sport skills
Tracey Schelken. at :.Z'7-2933 for slat- will enable= them to take
more infurruatiurl - part
at all lever of competitions 'Peau;
camaraderie. newfriends and indi-
vidual goal setting. -are just a 1NH of
• tite additional perks experienced as
a -Special Olympics athlete.-
Everyone is welcome to -attend
our registration.
If you are ,interested in participat-
ing ase volunteer or athlete or
want more infurriiation regarding
this and other Special 'Olympics
pr. ogranis. please call .T=amara
Govier..-Club Development Co-ordj-
_nator at 1 -888 -333 -55.15. -Ext. (l or
Veterans recall •
experienCes at Blue Water
LUItIC}I - Munda%
f1 ednesda. afternout
residents of -Blue :11
!test • Borrie . Watt
"Gone With theWin
class),... starring •CI
Gable and Vivian Lee
l uesday afternoon
residents listened to
\ aiflani:uurt.• and
I.asette waving inst
.mental music using
amplified viulaiviolin
guitar. This was Paul
Al's first visit. to
flume' Paui lives in :
Chntutt area -
In tele. evening .1
Christian . ( ttefurtn
1iurch choir rriembe
eittertalrit.d the resider with tel(' 'singing of hyrli
wirier the leadership,
Peter 1•Isscher and pia
Stephen Pourtinga ,. Aro
%an Bergen read a poi
entitled r -Soanebod
• Cares
"-7�1a�iTlucil�ir•titt•. ,<tn
' the• Tuwnliner•. -wdrine;
the heart's 'and souls
the, residents' On Thursda
e vetting
with -sold bell
• 1 U51c IV1a , t'IUll1
i-Iarve Smith -on guitar.
George • i\4attlioinia un
artor'dion and Phyllis
tlewilert 'ay pianist filled
theauditorium with the
-sidled of music'' '
I i ida� alterni,un, Art
coker) played modern
.tunes uu the organ til the'
(alilpe'1 Art maintains a
' aptiye- audietlle Helm
t►ri'nW, a new flavour of
Music to the flintier' His t is
and - wilt,
the -cutripanion and Visits st
-ater .the r•esidents•on t#1
lre'd weekh visits.
d•y u At. tire ftemernbrar
arse Day Tea..Bob }ied#t
Grand- Bend. husband
the Marguerite (Ma
Haul Hedley dressed in Legs
Ai -attire and riledals..a
ru- spoke to •the residents
his ►rlernories-of warm
and year,- '. - Lt•ran• reside!'
and Hobert (pod. Carson at
Neil-Mustarc -also spa
the ttb(f-uI their '••.jit•rience
iitt.y 11 fail lughte�r
tie•, residentker_'tt•if1lau
ed Adjuvant `.l.arle ti
'r's I inkbr,iner asSjsL .d•th
115, re side•rll5 with Lt•a al'.
115 rell•e-Slltne'ttls
lrf • 11.elrorue to. Italpl
ist f arrel) of Suit#Iville
up, new resident tU the
tr, Burne Italpfl-s daughter
Suzane• I arr•ell lives 11
1�t::uld lit -rid- and rttiR : sill
d ' and her l:iusb,and will
d' rluse Ralph's w•iff-
11 broth+ 'hopes to loin her
husband at the Home
ant soon,-
with . Our- readership became
e i r . rotlf used with the recent
announcement of ..the
ice • Grand Rend Golden Agers • ,lug band entertaining the.
of resideltts ort November 3.
rgi We should have relerred-
ur, _ter the• .7 7 rnernberrisein-
rid tile• as tile (,roam-fS'tint'
of: (olden Ager. 'Kitchen
'Band Another Music'ai
ts: group in our CUIptilurllly
id are t'eferr•ed to as.'tto Jut
kt: .band and this, caused .
tune -stir: ill the corriniuril•
If ' t 1` a5 to who was -w11(/.
d (fur- apologies for the tuiS-
t• representation: 'however'.
e _cif you get the --chance take
d a minuettt to lislen t(; both
groups There 5 q,ciite•
I ,group ul.talented senors
a and some taut quite. r,,,
senior -
TM rt•Si 1 •ntS look Iur-
hard to. u -. %ep hc•r
• Bir-thdaParty' wiCh
- i:niruanuet.l_,tiit(.d Chart t
on No%ettlber 23. lhe•Ir
Grad(• 5 Buddy and
I_akt. vi• --
4.y%�,un.`.e.r- alt
Annette's Cakery Decor
spec:lab/411E in Birthday.
Anni "ersary and character Cakes
Annette Denumme,
la (519;2354452
Mennonite • Churc'-t,
November 24. an apron
tee huvettttier 25. and the
Ike ;'1de•ftrl arniI -
Christtnas .Dinner on
November 29 - - -
leu~ kounc Hous Mon -Sul A 30.5
The (imminent} Carr Access Centre for (�wHarm
{C .
pruvnlet I.realtl. and support services to the residents (11 H w, Cl
:o tht-i tomes schools anti lonj;.tern carr tacihtes 7wc, i, -.
se-ve es arc hursulg services and Hunremakrng arid Personal Support
•crura•„ Tilt hoard ul Directors of the CCA( Is pleased to annuunct
that it has leo eutly awarded ( untracis Iur int proves~>'n• of these
servrtes as :allows
•Ior Nursing services three -veal contorts have beet, awarded to-
'unlnlunity Niue -situ. Servrteb tielgrave and t(. Sarin Eilzabrt1•Healtt,
Lars' MdTktldni : des morel Is ((-bt established u, Huruu '...31U11.3-;
1 • io
Homemaking and Peraal Support iervices two-year
'ronlracts nave been awarded ((. Tirwh and Cuuntry Support Services
Wl11ghan. and 11 Sarin Elizabeth Health Cart Markham. r an ufbrt iu;
be tstablIslled II, Huron CuuntyJ
These agencies are broth -11(31 -aur -profit charitable organizations
.:urumunity Nursn,gServices-and Town arab Country Su
out. beet. lung-lltand,n server. e(pun Slid Itis
loaner Nuroi, County Hume Cart Program Saint EIlzdbeth the i, Health tl'are .
will bt Iew It, Huruu County and rias an excellent reputatrui, of
pruv(dmt' iugt..qualrty Chani -centered services 111.mm). other parts u:
tier 1•►uvnri,t ul Ontario including LUrldor'Mlddlebex "WC are pleased
tr be wur1ing mitt again with: tw(•.of ourcurrerit providers and loot -
torwa►d 10 developing a working relationship with Saint Ehzabett,.
HedIN. !are. olid together ser.v.ng the Crtizena of Huruu r_.uunty''stint°
Buie Taylor 'Thief executive Officer ul'tht CCA-
'rhes~ r oritra••ts were awarded as a result of a rte. -elle .13.e
Proposals (KFi'i process When ttlry. WC►e Created by tilt Mltllstryiest ! ,i
Health ',.unuuuogy Carr Centres .wet mandated it- award
-berVn-t provision cuntraCI through -o managed t-timl.etltwu pr rest.
it''1 at krh, or tenders wlucar lar. Hittite o=faar and equ'irabR
cuntpetrtion lir cuulracla in this recent conipenhun. proposals were
~valuated based on quality standards and ..:mart.,, tisee.env oth¢ass•cd
'11.r11'.s.•n•.r•es' hmllrat. ►esuur•es frnarit£di rrenareen.er.r ar.'d
urgdluzall(Id. program as welt as or, prate Tilt qualile tomputient of.
per-,ritaluatiiii, was weagfitte as ergnty.-Irvt per• .•i' , r.•'
s• on. tor onapuri.Qt w•a' weighted as lihtet, per ._tri , 1 r•. • �• r and the
ta.'n Proposal•, . . , 1 ter. !'real
•in ihuarm ll tis quite eunnortable ariatU3ilidena tardy nit. es'aludtu,,, ,
PT to' .-ss utilized roduted. valid
re. orl(Invisitations for the award of These to maces •• st ter 1t' i,arle3
- haxter 'Ancor of the board of Ihieclurs ut ttre, C' A'. Iur Hurul.
—rlr.- r 31111r4•1? dwdr,ded 'at, a result of this , 01,4r.,1.r,r m.- ',‘111.7d I'.
t./j4111, or. Aare : 154} . exptaureo tsar,. -tie tsugr� inn.�,
• a •.•r..•s .
Manager ant' K14 --t uurdmur /item: for the f.,•_AC:/item:. "Tries wit 311.133
tiff- stab of tire CCAr. as -welt as tin '-u'ren' and crew ser ye... -ye... -pr", ,u.... ,
11 pian ., thorough aid thuugttt1u; 'rahSltruir ,rt,, e??. the'. ...:
rrrutdvi,u' It c,. Int least'unrusry for 'our •:h't,(.'
Both our respected brands Mata
and General Electric are Maytag
significant Mail in Rebates on
select Models
$20 to $100
Limited time offer - hurry in!
390 Main St. S.,Exeter 235-0705
SAL'LS ANi.) SL RV/CL "Your choicer for value'