HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-25, Page 6(►
Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, November 25.119')8
Jim Beckett -
Publisher and Editor
Don Srnith
General Manager
Deb Lord
Production Manager
Published by J.W. F.edy Publications Limited
424 Main Street South. P.0.Box 850
. Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 • (519) 235-1331
Help make Christmas joyous
e're appealing to our readers to payspecial
attention to an insert in this week's ews-
It's a bag which could easily be overlooked by.
• many people as just one. more request to._help others
•who are less fortunate...but it's also a bag. that could
• be used to make a positive difference for many local
• residents who, l'or a. variety of reasons, are not shar-
ing in the rewards of living is this affluent area.
The bag -is part of the annual campaign of the
Iltrron County'Christmas-Bureau who have done an -
- outstanding job over the years in finding and help-
ing hundreds of families. They're asking for goods.
- such as cereal, pastas and'canned goods,.everyday-
items for most of us.'..but vital necessities for many
• others. .
The T -A, along with all other newspapers in Iluron
County., is confident our subscribers will come
through by responding to the. bureau's request.
Bags can be dropped off' at- Exeter s three grocery
stores and also at the -United Church from Dee. 7-11.
Please...fill it up.
Don't sell any more buildings
T• here must be a lesson somewhere. to .be learned.
by members of the Avon Maitland District •
•School Board.
The board recently sold one (*fits administrative
• buildings in Stratford for $215,000 to a couple of
pretty smart investors, Brian Shackleton -and Brad
Lutz. Board members were probably feeling pretty
good about thei•
r actions. as they, are definitely under
pressure. to get rid •of surplus properties. -
The feeling of Successfully looking after taxpayers'
property certainly made an about face as the local
investors turned their $215,000 investment into
. -$335,000 as the,same investors flipped the property
over to the Montessori school whose original offer of
. $2`13.000 Was more than. the first offer of,Shackleton
and I.oti. .
Birard:chair-Abby Armstrong was reluctant to give
cion. details on the board's decision because it was,
handled in a closed*session which is allowed 'under
..the Education Act. The value of thi± building wits
determined based on the opinion'of local real estate .
- agents. No appraiser was hired to conduct an official
assessment of the building. value. Is there a lesson'
-here somewhere? '
This most recent move by the board comes in the
middle of some of the most important decisions its
members will have to make in years, deciding which t6ee
schools could be closed in order to more efficiently
,deliver education to students. •
Selling one of their office buildings for $120.000 les'" ag
than it was flipped for just days later is a good reason ' is
why taxpayers should monitor their every move. ect
4'x• a
Right idea businesspeopiebody
, wrong
Give full points to those
behind the formation of the won't bring a new factory or a big retailer into town.
Exeter and District Chamber of Commerce for their ini, What it will do is help its members become more cus-
tiativeand drive -to kick-start. economic ,activity in the tumor. friendly, serve as a municipal tax watchdog and
hatch projects to improve tourism. It wont
spur on economic growth in the traditional
Those behind the Exeter and Area Chamber
of Commerce have a good idea, but perhaps
the wrong focus.
And be careful what you ask for...there's
already 'a slight controversy over hiring more
But upon reading between the proverbial
lines, what these pro -active businesspeople actu-
ally want is an Economic Development
A chamber, according to , the new 'Exeter and
area group's pamphlet, is defined as "people
working together to,make the community a bet-
ter place to live and make a living." A noble pur-
suit, �•�. civil servants at Exeter town hall...
suit,forsure. CRAIG
But what chambers across Ontario, Canada BRADFORD -One last, note on the topic...with the cre-
and North America•: actually do, on top of All the MISSILES AND MUSINGS ofion omf ene e Exeter is District Chamber the
services they provide to members, is -strive to � Commerce, what is to become. of the
provide an ,environment'for their members to make good work they do each year?
Exeter s Association and. all the.
more money. Chambers, in chis journalist's experience, , Stay tuned...
are. highly political bodies that not only continually ask,
their municipalities to spend more on the doyvntown or 'Net happy
other business areas and. hold 'the line on taxes;bu't last week each reporter and some other _staff at the
openly lobby higher tier governments to -pass legislation . T -A received their very own a -mail• address and access '
for them to do busineess, i.e., make more to the Internet on their computers.
Money.making it easier .The T-A'sports department (me) received an extra
Let me -be clear on this:, there is nothing wrong with bonus...an extra working e-rnail'addre;ss solely fiir'sports
wanting 'to make more money: Our business people in tit-sports@southhuron.com. My personal .0 -mail address.
the area work themselves .o the bone providingif you prefer. is cbradford@ta.eedy.com. News tips or
quality " 'ether tidbits can be shared at either address or at our
goods and brvices -with ;t .Smile and that -small town
spirit. general addreess, ta0.eedy.c•onr.
, But -the focus ,of those behind the Exeter and AreaThe first address has been featured at the top of ilio
Chamber of Commerce seems to be on prodding the rco- first sports page. since the T-4 went tabloid' in last ,
�iomic base, something That Ibr the most part has been month, but there have been some bugs- that have finally
in the'town's hands. ;Some businesspeople are tired of been sgtSashed.
e town's apparent lethargy when it comes Kudos to David Janzi.n, the T -A's and Eedy•
e economic Publications' o , cum ute,r_ vizar4,--fer.se'ttin upt
welopment and want to do the job themsejlves. -- --_—�_ p g the e -
Again. there's nothing wrong with that. mail addresses and hooking us --all up to the Internet in
But an eccmomie. development corp, with a paid man- record time. , .
et -schooled and experienced, id making the big deals(lest assured many of us -technological dunces will try
what the doctor ordered if the diagnosis is Exeter's to expand our horizons by learning to surf the 'Net FOIL
inumic' puh a is Weakening. A. chamber of commerce WORK PURPOSES ONLY (wink, wink) over the next few
- - weeks
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The Times -Advocate Team
Publisher & Editor Jilt) Beckett
General Manager • Don Smith ..... ' ' rxt. 112
Production Manager Deb Lord ...... . ext. 114
Barb (:onsitt e.
ext. 109
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11uthanne Negrijn, Huth Slight •