Times Advocate, 1998-11-25, Page 2Regional wrap up
Liquor licence application
faces objections
;F:4F OR,Tii - Town council and the local busi-
ness improvement a.•s<►cration don't want the Sea -
forth arena to get a permanent liquor licence. ac–
cording to The Huron Fxpositi►r.
Council and the RIA feel it will take business
aw o from Main Street and faxed their objections
to the Alcohol and (taming•Commission'of Ontario
just prior to the N'ov. 15 deadline , •
Gcwncil is concerned the arena will become a
• 'one-stop shopping centre' for sports. food and
drink, thereby eliminating the need for a down-
t.owri business core.
The Ontario Minor Hockey Association rules for-
bid the sale of alcohol at minor hockey tourna-
ments which the arena board would have to com-
p!) with under • firms of a permanentlicence.
Employees- would also. be required to pass the
provirice*s "smart serve' course. •
The• town of Scaforth has seen licensed estab-
lishments including two hotels. two .restaurants
and.three other facilities
Drilling to start in new year
seismic. exploration last slimmer. a drilling rig or
two. •will be in action in the McGillivray -Stephen
7 ownships area c-arh in..i 999. reports The Park-
hill Gazette
IDaybrea.k Energy - Corporation explored more
than 23.000 arres,in the two•t.OWnships and is still
e'vaJuating the data •
The cumparr. 's president told 711e Gazette the
techniai quality a the data is gaud but wouldn't
give any further details.
Lambton association
dismisses Donald Campbell
PE7`IiOI.IA They Assr)eiatiun fur the Mentally
Handicapped in l.arnbton County has fired Donald
Campbell. the: e-xe-cut1ve dlr.-ex.-tor,. re-rJ,rts." The
Parkhill Gaze(('' -
Campbell has be-'-n•drawirig IulJ.salary for most
of the 1(J months -he has been in jail. accused of
killing hid wile-
. The asst,' atllln.` b'iard :bade- the decision %1
weer. ith.e.. a jidge..,Jrde,r,e-d the 45-)ear•'lld Nett--
( r'an adn):instrator to stared trial or: a charge of first
Id gree mors -v .
<.arnpbe•11 s wife J-I-eny was found dead at '1 tral-
1 fir. a.e.c°(duet s•.(-ne-. but .f»',nald was art ted .011-.-
i dal w'h'-r1 lt,le5t1',ator5 lr
,' ,ur,d 1-,-00> ...> I:It:ll
I w ejUrld w 65 'lot '.vr1515t'•nt v.'th an injury (air -AA f1•)
a traffic a•' idem "
While 0117. asse,'-1ation, 5 chairperson 'l on; •Saul
told The -(JaJ:ette the asso'-latjvr, bas the "greatest
r•e•speia'. for-(.a.lr,pb'-11 the needed ;1 lull. time- :ad
1 Wingham recrtati(fn c:Mrni)lex
has goal to hrc:ak.cven
1AJR(,JJAM • Thi Huron liruii- (;irritrlunity
' •'Jrnplex planned fol inghaln ' all opl;r'au- with a _
!Jai:Ito;r bUdxel . a.•;e!)rdi,1g VI the '"nJt„ lttee 5 111/1/
In' t e•ldt.i'"r15 chat/Perraun Art t:lar'1.
f; L'1 bre•aa)ny e. ell w 1JJ be a challenge
Thr Witighatn Atha 1 i Ce :l (lacy repuri, the curt,
Neer wili '.•l5' !I»(,.430.000 Ji; will in' ludo- :tri aqua'
105 1.1.11211 1/.1 r•hi . '.'ir,lr11U1111) '.e/1114. 1111/1•55' e//1,•
and squash (:Mori.
lle find.!. pl.1' r Id tot Judrrlx 'arid pal • base tit hl
tinau,'u,f pi 9/119(0/1). a111J grilills l5
A t'JNt,-9vvite.d JiJ-4.,re site 1)1 1111411-1111 �5vu11,' 1.,1
plaza has Jll:e•11 '•husi'n The •'l/nple'x will use halt
(tial amount of land Plans are riot undg,:way f*n
outdoor facilities but it ►s llupl:d 1'101 '4 land adja
'Ait to •tJ►c site. may. be purchased later
NoviuJJ fundraising Counsel has been hired 1,,
kelp with the fund-raising campaign. (lice 70 pet
cent of the funds are •:otnnnitted tat elle campaign.
wi architect will he hired In February. the public.
will be officially asked tier its financial support.
Rester Times -•Advocate
In the News
Cheques galore
Weehl1'y(f„y, Novernbl,► 7.. 11'7•'
The Exeter Lioness Club handed out several cheques to area community groups last week. Pictured are
(including how much their group received), from left: Exeter Villa's M.J. MacDougall ($250), Huron Safe
Homes for Youth's Bart DeVries ($100), Exeter Lioness Liz Stephen, V.O.N. Palliative Care's Karen Leh -
nen ($250). Christmas Bureau's Audrey MacGregor ($700) and South Huron Rec Centre's Jo -Anne Fields
($.140). The V.O.N. money is. earmarked for its bereavement program while the Rec Centre nioney will go
towards public skating ice rentals. Other groups who have received Lioness money include: Lions Founda-
tion Canada Hearing Days ($100), Exeter Legion ($32 for a Remembrance Day wreath), TOC Alpha
($100), South Huron District High School bursary ($200), Shoebox Program for Children of Bosnia ($50)
and the Terry Fox Run
Sewage plant
cost upped
131 i)IA:1.P11 •I'N'N. —
7alk about a hefty hike.
The proposed Granton
sewage plant's price tag
jumpedS39S,956 due to
various new Ministry of
the Environment. require-
ments that double the
size of the plant. The
original price tag of
about .S1.5 million is now
between SI.8 million -
$1.9 millir,n. .
Representatives from
Frank VanBussell
Sons. the Lucan firm
awarded the project.
broke the news to
Hiddulph council at last
Week's meeting.
The township was
awarded - an up .. to
$8 53.476 provincial
;(,rant for the, project in
lune. vvitll the rest of tJn
project cost to be either
"d'•IN-ntared by the, town-
1,lp or. paid through
:1 X1'S
1Siddulph :uJ►runistrat►,r
111rry 1lot'on said .work
or, the plant will hi,p'•ful,
I y EN -7111 Jn the spring at :1
slv along ISiejdulph (Alto:
12 south 1',f (;rant,n
Other nodes Ire,ln the-
rrle.e•ttr►l (:ouneal award.
ed the te•nde'.r for Ow
1,n, an ye.w.l-r system'
.ster,51/,n ,rot,) liiddulph
Ailsa 1.raiK'S 1Srohri
1.4711,l7'inl,n,e,lit5 1rir 'flit'
Ln.'PSG 24V the rheapeat
,f three tenders subniet=
ed The either tendert
e're• 114111 l.IJ U:1o'1
lal:rnre(.:,1 t1'' I(' .lrm4
'id ($:S1' 337 1,:1j :end
.u' ait'5 1.11(, l x' :lvati,tu
'til' a Ili' t$:s',.>S'I!I 4.1)
1t"t.',u yard -the woi6
11',1/14 be d "t)1' by
hi J 1igiaa and shuuldli'1
,yrupl ira11i1 "'I be 110e
ill Is eMA-sole'd at rioat
1).f/fiat Dente• Thos'
h', will -be able .t,
1•, 'lie lime after the
1, 1•,11 t6
1'1'1' Ih' I►ub111e ye8 ii1
' 4)1'11e1.4/1 Saintsbury
u /Man► �1
Jtii . l► said Il'Nnr'►wl,
J 1.,111/• Julltli could
neday hook up Is, the
wee line 11 della 01
-ants the township or
''an/Iiiddulpli . L,)
51 tinnier
Food drive atiiijt'to
By Craig Bradford
►1 11:1"AI)V((:,1l: SGiI'I:
has been provided by the Ailsa,Craig
•United Church,. Christian Fellowship
All -SA CItAIC , Church and the food bank's landlords.
• Angels grow on trees • ltepairs are expected to be completed
in Lucan:'
At least they du at .Nicholson's Garden Getting those repairs done is impera-
Centre where for the second. year, gen- five, Juergens said, since the food bank's
erous shoppers at Nicholsons can make - Christmas drive has begun. Food ham- .
a needy child's Christmas a little more pers and gift packages will be delivered
joyful. •
to families.in the Lucan, Ailsa Craig and
The Angel Tree is an Ailsa CraigTood Ilderton areas from Dec. 20-23.
Bank & Thrift Store initiative. also fea- The food hampers include the normal
tured at Atlsa Craig's Country House non-perishable foodstuffs (pasta and
Flowers and the ilderton Co-op. • .. sauce, macaroni and cheese, canned
Here's how it works: the food bank fruit and vegetables, etc.) plus potatoes.
provides .the gender and age of a child onions, turnip, bread, Christmas pu,,d-
that are placed on an 'angel' and put on ding and either a turkey or a ham .as • -
a Christmas- tree or another similar special holiday treats. The gift packages
structure- at the business, Someone include hats and mitts for children plus
wishing to help .out a child picks ,the books and other presents. -
angel olT.the tree and buys a suitable "We're very fortunate at this food
present for. the unidentified child and bank," .luergens said. "There's over -
brings it hack lotto: business. whelrnin
g Ailsa Craig Food .Bank director Donna sometllin .'slikesupport. It's really quite
luerl;1'ns said: unwr:l , Mrd giftspe-}, It's like a network 1/l' people.
(erred, ridding sorer- generous. people Individuallywe everyone's 1111 efforts'do sti tsetveral .
call the food batik to adopt an entire items are needed including canned veg- -
family rather than give a single gift to a etaltks, spaghetti swore, presents for
child. boys and girls over age 12.
Nicholson's manager• Dianne stocking stonier -type items_ and small
.1 r_evithirk said the fount hulk gives there .1tlergens added volunteers are needed
-25.30 angels to start with eachl• added to deliver Christmas hampers to those
as the sease,p draws closer to (:ht'istuiits who do uol Ifil%V. reliable lrtulsl,(;rtitliun
"11 -went over' .well lust , year," ` The Ailsa Craig. Fuad Hank N; 'Thrift
i1ivitliick said Store .is i►pe'ri-Itesdily-Friday, 111 a.ui.•4
1n art upiJ rte• Irma last week's story p 1/l and Siltur•dity, 10 i .tit -1 p in. For
' about d:tin:lge• to (lie loud bank due to 11ior1• information, call 1:,1'1) 293-:16:17.
_the Nov. 1 1 wind storm, the !'icl bank is In CUM` of an emergency, call .ltlet'gens
open dally and continues to. rel•1.11'i' iit,1 i ') 227-11,2-1
doluition, 01 f 1, thrill:40re lime, and. Fur more Information about ,
(:hr'irtrnal presents
J'er'ge'iis said additional storage. spare I7(►tt►Isun's Angel Tree, rite) 1;;1'1) _':;7
-WOrk 4''OntiIntits
i.XI• 1.1•It towline
11011 on Hives side 111•
footnotes alld town all
tninis1rator (tick liinidey
says_ the i nidi actoi1 ;ire
dieing; a }felr,d )(di
l ilt road h pit, 111114•
•1)111 4'1114/'/1 191 '11141.1 pet I
401s 111 111111• lot -,1'1 114'1•
When 51'1 vires Ill' IIiv
el'y14W 1'.51;111.1• anti 111'151
ing barites :dont; Itivl'r-
sid..1)1' were.1;1.ml;
installed. the Ielael bale
1111de1. 1114' pa y(n11'141 With
found to he' 01 11ou1• Iltial-
ily and 1(4tcd5 lo be inl-
proved The work will.
be done this bill
Shoe boxes destined
for Central America
Continued /non front pages
in the boxes," Maclmod
said, adding area btlr,i-
IIIls5es also , lll►Ilille..11
• 11115 11 1111' Illw'ih seal
IOU elle 111 4J4+1 1 it) 11111111
1111'011 Selen(y•t11ree•
1111111.1 Willi' 4 111Iit1•IIt(J I;111
_wa1•.1->,1t1et1 I'tlblir Srht►el)
bat been (iiu-i •4 11111 111•0
litli1 111 Illi! fail(
:0l,Idinatrd I)y
Samarium's I',trso, i,
Calgary,-ba511d (.11riatian
organiialiun. Operation
(111151ii, th Child hill/1).011S
In tle� ltlufir.d 4'01111t ilia
M.111111(1 Illi' worl(1. In
191)7, 11111TH 111(511 1.(J 11111-
114111 1,10,1 t5 1%it1•i* tit/tidied
1(1 uredo _4 Ilildl en 11'01111
w iter -
"I1/r kids 11110 hale
nothing, this i1 •wontle.r-
ful," ft fact.1otf liti(1 1'0111
1401 5tttclenll' 114•1•311111111 e,
,he) really enjoy it It
gives them it 1 fiance to do
something It 1 an (xanl-
ple of wurklnb'togtether "