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Times Advocate, 1998-11-25, Page 1
BITERS SANTA CLAUS PARADE STARTS SAll 'RDAY AT NO( ):\ SHP'S licalu-m1_ 48 3 Format ...”•4126-2 Doctor Do Littk $.14.97 Kirkton Brownies PAGE 9 4 SvsErS 4 & 33 Emmet Z$S-41312 Christmas Trees $20.00 s TIMES -AD OCATE 1::eittit Ontario Canada • Be ready to sing carols • next week Nt't witt•is • . ittitied i401111-- 1411, 41111114 - ill ChritillIlit: SUM?, 111) tU vitt. ciiiirtes lot DUtIP tirrftt, itt3vt1rth, en% retitin-inu and. ilium: comm. 1, .tiittle tip it1)11? iattct 1dtt SL. • Who gets the job? EM-rtitt •io, .111 treVi '1",rertt.,/ MitttiAtte'• outst 11 vitlwIttl am tilt post ttin iiaimei• uhrrye(:.ittr; hitt: 1101 Milli it..;!;411)tut, 11' it1W1 itt11111lissicitit). 2.1 otli,:tit it1111t11114....• 1111711. 1: 1*::$1111:,41.1c it t.111. 1..t1t1111i 1114141E1111, , • - Wednesday, November 21, 111131 Helping Central America. • Rd So h OH S. teacher•MacLeridt, office'bvas crowded ea ytio . go tit WM . • with 74 shoe boxes .filled with.donations or Cantrat'Arntiricaft , , „,. • 111;1):1 S.!7 4.147.1. 111.1:4 •f' kilJt•ift •!tiV I -I (ar) g()„ - • .boxeb were (,.;o:11.(-)cted. . 4.1:;14.,fi '- 0,1;113 IA VIM (includes GST) Tenders awarded for Pryde Blvd. - Birriarn Excaiating of Forest has i.ixtrroeci the contract for the Se% er work in ,_,,rjdit•,S(Jr1 Exeter !. r7rrr.17. f -7th& U Vi S : bd •of S • "7 - ' e. Hjoi, x;)( :t.4 • ,f- f-- vi444 c.f • ;•4,• ,pr(). Der:11 • z •••••1 LI 44 fe. .51 • .4-'-';'-r • 7 • t- 4- .4 ' 'd , • r. * % ": Donation bags for Christmas Bureau in T -A i. 41 J.") 1.1.• • "! i47 Ji;a'j::' ' ..!':1..`• 1 . ri (,I ills d 1:4 -lid 2,St f.0:11:'' , 1 4.)! .i.' ti iia‘ill '44 ,/lid ' '.i 1,110". !'/I 1 stic•',. '11(lad - 41,4,1 : Py!.trf rt.'..•:-i0...•iit,..... I.') ?irilif 4.,/ (--d;‘,(,,rJ , EE 4 I n4- ' 4-!1t4 ;11 iii4 allial tga f- r r o "..tir, fit 1:`, •i I hi- ( t, ' I , 111/0: *.•tttl by! f (t -,x 1t: t f • • •• :),.• • t, • iuNN ..tow • 1 • .1. rt)i ire ils for Operation tijkte,t , f I !( I: '31'-..$7,41) 01./4!1 ikklf.t1%.1;14S URIC 1..t11•1 • '• ted' '; t?' I 4" •''" 4.14' 1"1 l""V• ,It1k1C1 tsVill..101-i 11i,4: '1 •Z, .7 tt t il," .• ' t :1'•; 1''• 1.4instrxias . • „By Kate 11.'" • ".4.tti( tis . ..1rIrt 1 r! titl . quItliEli.. tr•. ; . :,11..-..1 • 4;...: I -It ',,,.%. • " - 1 .t•'%gqi.. , i - 1.,,\FTPAI 1--- it t; lifttlOr to givir Wald to , tit4;01.4C - . . • , ' ' IJI" V 1" 4 • , ...,.11• ,, South Ftuctio thstr int High ;t-liciol „ p„ ..,,,e( .t,: 1.,.. t.' .t,,k .„,t,:* 'mit ut„ititit,,,ot„,, idittiti: pte: those iio9rd.t. 'into twtion Ifttlf471: • 1.)/' . /. otra.1./ ' ,1i14:1•1 Wile/. when Uit . (iodated to • Christina. Child • I I /0011 411tti bi the bttldkftli 0. (ichi(P., the projor:t paw 74'shoe 4;rannunii with SI -11)1.1S: stUnniiLs: tie 14.to tier 1)1f 1'11d 1. 4.• ;3141 (34441;,14 j yt 4 111,;.! • etiptItrse V.4 y f.,.)r - • r -hr v, 4 13 1- .4t34 14.1: I 1,4 1::1$1,0?.. ht trOill tile iltitin z •- in the tiVi.gut why get Lw itt(1., • iLit'sliudetik, oilust" tiw age anclSt'A Of the chile v.QuAtzi ce.c..e.iit• the , nwiuded tu),s. school vii,p;), . • Si(141.7. titUtitKi 41,1114.1titit, i14.1ti .kt.,f.t. "1:011.1;•e11)• 1,(111tI.4 iciidt, -110Cetuit4. ithuti( whit( tile'* want to put •C .4,:Z • 4)1 4.4).1 • 't ; k; ;)•1 ly 1 ?fili lot t 1,1 .3 • ;!.t , - r 4- 1 p4-44,1. 4.1-4.44 11 .7., ei 4.f4. 4- • 044 11.1f ',II' cf • cis. tit 11 ..11 tit 11 ), .0 13 n Law titit' Ito IWO' raltitv; (4-4444 03.03 (.1fr) r .3 COntral A11101.11;it WI* 1:1){.1Stfil ttiV ' 4 0.1:47:.' 41(1 tlillt 1 Se i•i0lEbOXE5 Fratge 2 ,.,t •Lt..: 41. „ n G.S.T. „,, P.S.T. us ttl tegular priced inetekiiiiidisc 3 BIG DAYS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY NOV. 26,27,28 4-4 f1-1 • I 7 4 „ , 111()(1(:, T.' rr j v(f.:•* irr I 21Z r urs & Wthdow hohitiss 47 Main S. kket4tr 236-0173