HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-18, Page 3636 20 Property For Rent 2 BEDROOM APT IN TRIPLEX - parking. storage. washer. dryer hookups, electric heat. References, first, last. No Pets. $415/month plus utilities. Available Dec. 1. 235-3152. (4711n) 11.181 TIO( til SIOU1(�I I:OR RIJN Vehicles, equipment, motorcycles, snowmobiles. Would also be ideal for small .business or trades person. Contact Gary MacLean 235-0800 Daytime, 235-1245 evenings 3 BEDROOM WELL KEPT COUNTRY HOME Available now. Non-smokers. References please. $550 plus utilities. Call 229-6819. (46;47s) $37 &5UP - fresh) and cleaned. 235-051 AVAILABLE y 1ST - One bedroom a Heated, fridge an supplied. $355/mon 235-1354. (38tfn) BACHELOR The Males, APART P Hensall per month, heat in Phone 2364230 (44tfn BROOKSi EDAPART - Large luxury 2 bedrt controlled entry, laundry, 3 appliances; arca, designed per adults. Phone 519-235 , • (26t(n) Y Painted r I. 2 (42tfn) Call Garry or Liz 519-238. EM EB R 2512. (46-48) partment. HENSALL - 1 and 2 d stove apts., fullyca bedroom th. CanI stove, ved den, fridge and P" parking, TV cable, etc. Special rates for = -- seniors. 13th month rent free. MENT - 262-2230 or 905-66,2-6603 $250.00 ' (26tfn) chided. - --- H1 NSALL - ground IlOo 1 & 2 hc.dr ► Exeter Tlmes.-Advocate Wednesday_ November 18, 19'18 20 Property For Rent EXETER • 2 bedroom ground flour, includes fridge and stove: 1 block from Main Street. $495/munch plus utilities. Available Dec 1st. Contact Gary MacLean 235- 0800 or 235.1245. (47th) EXETER'". Large one bedroom plus. Fridge and stove, parking and laundry. 23S-1497. (47itii) EXETER - 3 BEDROOM HON1E - Newer furnace. windows and kitchen, 1.1/2 baths, close to downtown. Available November I. $600. plus 'utilities., 234;6252 after. 7 p.m. (41(In) EXETER: NEW FEATURES INCLUDE Large common room -lounge, exercise and garpes rooms. One and hvo bednonr apartments from $375 up, fridge and stove included. Extra options available. One month's.lrec rent. ,Phone Glenn Haven Apts. 235.0349 (26tfn) GRAND BEND MAIN STREET - 5 bedroom house. 1 .1/2 bath. $550/month plus utilities. Available Octobe 1.. __ bedroom apts. r MENT' ts. Heat included. $ Special rates for tenants that >om apt, qualify. 236-4230 (30tfn) cosine storagi HENSALL - I & 2 bedroom mature apartments available now. 2961 , Well maintained building.with CLEAN 2 BEDR HOUSE FOR RENT - reriovatc,d. Easy to heat pets or drugs. Available December I. $575/month. Call 235-244(} after 6 poi. (-14- 48)„ convenient laundry facilities. OOM Call Sue 243-2123. (38tfn) newly . No -CRED1TJN - ,3 bedrooin apt. available Nov. I. Close to store, laundry Y facilitiesas hheat. $450/month cable included. 231-3472. (43tfn) DASHWOOD _ bedroom a I and 2 apts. 'monthly, P $395. and $450. laundry facilities des appliances, available: Call RE/MAX BIu'ewater Realty inc. Marlene Parsons at 235-3777 (26tfn) DOWNTOWN LOCATION Onc'bdrm. units available irn Lots of parking. Rents $350. plus hydro. Call, Dave 23, 217.1 or 652-3009. 27tfn) EXET Newer 1 bedroo apt. 'Fridge and stove. supplied Ca11'235-3293 (26tfn) EXETER' - 2 bedroom apartment, park setting, quiet, suitable for mature adults. $455/month plus utilities. Phone 235-3293 (39tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apt., recently redecorated, stove and fridge, large flowered yard with trees. 235-0298 or 235- 4996. (43tfn) Shirley Margare, < Apt, Exeter Ideal for single person, young or retired couple. Stove and refrigerator, balcony, laundry facilities, cable TV and heating. One year lease. Phone Cliff )(nip 2286236 LUXURY APARTMENT - - Main Floor of House, ru, Hardwood Floors, Stain Glass 00 Windows, Central Air, 5', Fireplace. ql Bedroom, Fenced back yard. Two Parking. close to downtown. No pets, References required. Ca11519-235-3633. (38tfn) -SEE WHY PEOPLE ARE 'CHOOSING CO- OPERATIVE LIVING! Large 1 bedroom apts., 2 & 3 bedroom townhouses available in a quiet, safe community in Exeter. Wheelchair accessible unit available. Joip a Co-op and get free of landlords. Lots of extras. Move -in incentives available to qualified applicants. Call Exandarea Meadows Co-op at 2353382. MODERN ONE & TWO BEDROOM APTS. - Main St. Exeter. 235-2557 (24tfn) OFFICE/STORE FRONT RONT - Main St. S. Exeter., 235-1462 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTM frid ENTS - Stove, ge, parking and heat included. PUC extra. 451-2131 (26tfn) RENT GEARED TO INCOME APARTMENTS - in Clinton, Exeter and Goderich for women and children who have experienced abuse; call Phoenix of Huron, 524-1620; 482-5288; 235-3183." (46;47) ZURICH - 3 bedroom house with garage, nice yard. $550/mo. plus utilities, avail. November 1, references needed. 236-7525. (4,6;47*) , 3 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME - 3 miles south of Bayfield, $550.00 per month h Phone 236-4230. (44tfn) 20 Property For Rent ROOMS FOR. RENT - to a centrally located home in . Exeter. Use of family room, m kitchen in. Ca l af er 4 p . 235- 1514.(42ifn) . ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT W CORPORATION HURON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVAILABLE FOR LEASE Two parcels of workable agricultural land (I10 and 40 acres) for (ease at Huron Industrial Park. One term • of two years to start January 1, 1999. One date and time only to view, Fri., November 20, 1998at 9:00 a.m . - For further information on bidding process at site visit 20 Property For Rent LUCAN TWO LARGE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS- - clean. I'AR I MENT:S- clean. quiet building, Iaundr , facilities, utilities included - $550/month. Call 227-1066 anytime. (47:48) STOpi • Great Move in Bonus - • Spacious bach. 1,2 & 3 bdrm • Superb & caring bldg. mgr. • 176 Oxford St., Hensall • Starting at $321 Incl. utll, • Quiet, village living • Newly decorated • Lovely clean units • Come see and believe! Phone: Kyle at (519) 262-1060 For classifieds call 235-1331 ThiVjJie Y board to hold meetings n s LUNUON - The "Thames Board tabled its 1998-1999 `►Iley District School teensy, bf�ginnin draft budget yes_ dent-focuse'' funding model process d the boa rd's prnew o posed expenses. - The board expects to approve the budget 00 Dec. 8. • The board has invited the public to attend its sessions on the budget and provide written sub- missions.. All meetings are held in the board room at the I:duratiun Centre, 1250 Dundas St., London. Meeting dates are as follows: -regular of the board. "Tues.. meeting Nov'. 24; special committee of the whole, Tues., Der. 1; and regular com- mittee of the whole, Tues., Dec. 8. . The board is 'requesting written suggestions and co• 'Inents be submitted by Thurs., Nov. 26 at 4 p.m. Correspondence should be sent to ileather Wice, chairperson of the board, Thames • Valley District School Board, 1250 Dundas St., to 452-2256. P.O. Box 5888, I.ondon, Ont., N6A :51.1,- or by fax Summaries of the draft budget are ailabl the board's web site at'amew. tnrlshc .oae at re. cot. ��'LLL•L L L LML'1� ,�,� •L•L L L' �L'�'(-'L LLL TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the' Corporation of the Township of Biddulph intends to pass by-law' at its meeting on f December 1, 1998 to close k highway O'Flynn Street through Part parLot 25, Concession 1 (Leslie and Steven Greenlee property) as shown on Plah 178. A full metes and bounds description of the section of road t� be closed may be obtained from the Clerk of the Township. AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of Biddulph shall hear any person who claims that his/her land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. Any person wishing must apply at, the address below and a day and time will be set. Any person who does not otherwise apply attend the meeting of Council commencing at 7:30 may' on ,December 1, 1998 and such person will be heard by Council. Dated October 27, 1998 Lawrence Hotson Administrator, Township of Biddulph 33351 Richmond Street, RR 3 Lucan, ON NOM 2J0 (519) 227-4491' ll_limagiagssmassagsganasaassialassagaasen_.L• L. Auction Calendar Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 Thls Week band aysa Dispersal of antique an 1010L� at 4. 0 D m glasg, small wares, and showliccsele furnishings, china and s. eHcmesteaders Antiques, on location at 1116 c. KMrs. I Krainz of See last weeks paper for full list. •in g St. Hensiyll. tiext Week aturdar -N v --4-MID4et 28 at u a ... Dispbrsin at Hensall Arm whose incuan. excellent offering from Grand Bend home incl. a desirables olecttions nof smallse incl. a rox. g plus additions Doulton figurines', Royal Dux Bohemia birds, Beswick, l Kaisen, Royal Crown Derby', y y �.oyal Wedgwood incl. Blue Jaspe wa eand embossed ssed Queens. ware, lead.crystal, Cornflower, crocks, granite,>,vare, several paintings and prints - incl. oil and water colours, signal prints, furnishings by Vitas. Nordic-Markdale, appliances (good) and much -more. This is an excellent- offering .worthy of attendance. For full faxed list contact the Auctioneer. Great Great to shop for Christmas. omine Saturday D at South Huron Re`s Large offering from several local homes plus additions. See next weeks paper for full listings. LARGE AUCTION SALE • Contents of large old Blyth home at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for Norah Kelly plus good additions. Saturday November .„ PPLIANCE 17 cu. ft. chest freezer, almond washer, wringer washer. ANTIQUES FURNITURE ET round dining table with centre Upright piano and bench, and large pedestal, six chairs, buffet g beautiful glass front china cabinet, drop leaf wooden table, 4 matching wooden chairs, washstand, antique settee, 4 matching side chairs plus rocker, ornat antique dresser with mirror, matching stand with end towel bars d tear . drop pull, • nursing rocker, p blanket box, cherr antique jam bedroom suites plus other bedroom buffet. ses with box runks, old springs and mattresses, chest, Tots of bedding and linens; some handmade quilts, vacuum "Cleaners, seat, chesterfields, modern matchingnelove pictures, crocks, wing back chair, modern recliner, )acture, scrub board, mantle clock, oil lamp, dishes and glassware, including antiques plus our to mention. usual Targe offering of items far too numerous NEW CARPET. 10 pieces various colours . in large sizes 12'x20' to 12'x30'. TERMS: Cash or cheo';e with proper ID. TWO AUCTIONEE . selling, starting at 9 a.m. Please come early. -�- Auctionee(Richard Lobb 519-482.7898 Clinton www.auctionhotline.com • • • • •,• • • • • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • aimoirmum • • Of Furniture,Antiques, Collection Of Excellent Tools, . •• Guns, Coins, • • Ds, Misc. ItemEtc. Komoka Community Cent e, Komoka Ont.. on Queen St.,• 'Just off Glendon Dr. (a few ml. w. of London) • • Thursday, November 26'- •4:30 • Already consigned from Hensall, Lucan, Parkhill and Londor • estates: Electric stove, chesterfield suites, 1940S version • refinished kitchen cupboard, TV's. love • what knots, kitchen table and chairs, $eats, quilt racks, • • drop leaf dining table and 4 chairs, .double bed (ining like new), • • • single -beds, desks, office chairs, complete 8 • dishes, microwave, unique coffee table, pc• settingw of ll • • clock, crystal, knick-knacks, card table and hairs. lamps, • • pictures, silver serving • poor stops, cast iron ppcs., china pcs., wardrobe, bells, • • assortment of shot ons, black iron kitchen pot hanger, • • requiring an FAC to purchase, ssortme tam rifles,poftcoins riflesing $1.0all 0- •• it Canadian, British and Australian, New Zealand back to • • 1920 and 1917. Excellent collection of tools from the • • estate of the late Geo. Robb; radial arm saw, air sander, • • touch-up air spray gun, Toro power shovel, Lubrimatic • • grease gun kit, B/D skill saw, variable speed i • complete welding outfit torches, etc.; 1 ton bench) jig saw, 8 • pc. lathe chisel set, high • Forestner bits, g speed wood bits, 16 pc. set • • assortment of C adjustable speed bit, 25' rubber air hose, clamps, 5' rubber whip •• • hose, sanding bloc, Easy stet • heat gun, bolt bins, tool box bottom and top, 12 vol150 heatltt un,trouBble • • light, Wood Mate bench, jack stands, small tool boxes, • • squares, plane, wood vice, levels, drill press, spring loaded • • pickup hitch,. truck toPper for short box, grass seeder, • saws, some hand wrenches, router, etc., sanders, Dado blades, shelving. This is an dssortment of tools like new • • that Mr. Robb collected over the • • This is a partial list only. Plan to attend. Seating available. •• • • �$; Cash or approved cheque sale night. No buyers • premium. • • Filson &Robson, Auctlone : Phone Fax: 666-0833 • *A sale In our hands means $$$ In yours* • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •