HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-18, Page 336 Services C sc) s Snowplowing 24 hr. service reasonable rates call for a free estimate 519-237-3214 • Serving Grand Bend, Exeter, Zurich, and Lucan areas THE. ANTIQUE WATCH AND CLUCK SPECIALIST - Does piolcssronal repairs to watches and clocks. Free estimates •to repair grandfather clucks. ('all Ruth .\rnhold. 7599 (;illcspie.•Port Franks. Phone 243-113(1126ilnl Do You Need Help With Your Computer & Internet Problems? Call Jeff McCann 237-3531 ' C,REA't (;iF"l IDEA' (Jltrtlight flying training at D0I' approved training .unit #1149. Intro flight certificates $20. -Call519-23872925.(46- 48*) 8 Farm Machinery FORD PLOW--Model.151, semi mounted 3-16", auto reset, new paint, good in corn stalks. -Call 349-2605 (43- 50SA) 9 Sports Equip &Vehicles SKIDOO'S - 1985 Citation 250cc, electric start $1050 1980 Elan 250cc, excellent condition $650. 229-8881. (47-ISA) • '1981' ARCTIC CAT JAG 4000 - low miles, good clean condition. $900 oho. Hensall 519-262=3106.(47*) -I99I SUZUKI RM 125cc Motocross. Excellent condition used only 1/2 -season. halance stored in dry heated garage. Selling due to move. R e c e i pL a v a ti al li3e--47(+1•--nr- - parts. Asking $3.000.0(1 or hest offer. For more Information or view call (519)28.3-1793 (34.47x) 11 Cars, Trucks WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Pars, trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition. Ask for Paul Campbell. Paul's Auto Marine, 168 Thanks Rd. W. Exeter. 235-3922 (261fn) 1966 CHEV BEL AIR - 4 door offers. 284-3233 (47 -ISA) 1994'COUGAR XR7 - fully loaded 'with partial leather, 110,000 km. $9500. certified. Contact52SA) Kris 656-2192. (45- Wednesday, Novontb('r 18, 1998 4 Help Wanted ACCOUNTING ASSISI AN 1 (TEMPORARY POSITION) - To assist accounting manage', Must he able to work Independently, doing hank !ecunciliatiofls. general ledger, trial balance. using lotus 123 and company acct. program Grade 12 advanced. 2-3 yea! accounting level educ. Please call Temp Ted Employment Sen' Inc. 519-263-6116. (47) ACCOUNTING POSITION Full -liner Accounting pusrtlol • available. starting unntedratel lir a huss office located in the EXeler al r.►. iia parlance In preparat'iuII Of financial tate neem s. Working paper,. and nlonthi reporting In a computer lied e11V 1rontllerlt required. Exposure to Accounts Receivable and Payable. would he an asset. Experience with AC'C'PAC Plus General Ledger. Microsoft' Offii.e ..and . Lotus' 5.0 preferable. Please .reply with resume; references and salary expectations to Box 122 c/o Exeter Times Advocate. I3ox . 850 Exeter. Ont. NOM 1 S6 by No\ ember 25, 1998. (-17 I ADM1-N.IS1'RATIVE ASSISTANT/BOOKKEEPER Knowledge in agriculture an asset. Administrative and accounting background:a must. Temporary .10 permanent. Please call.. Temp Ted Employment Service'Inc. 519- 263-6116. (47) Part Time Position available with local truck company. DZ licence required. Apply in writing to Corbett & Young Inc. RR 2 Ailsa Craig, Ont. NOM 1A0 Str Exeter Times -Advocate Classifieds 3'3 4 Help Wanted Cashiers Accepting applications for part time cashiers Hours include weekends. Experience preferred. Darling's Foodland, Exeter Ont. 6 Services LAWN & GARDEN CARE SNOW BLOWING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 FOR PRIME POWER - and standh) electricity that works and ,stays - working. Call ' Sinnle's Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phon 519-655-'2396 (261fnI Iter App/i0d . APC A1C G Peter Aunger Reports & invoices 4' Internet Scanning OCR text Quicken 99 accounting . Tutoring 235-2877 • TELEPHONE -TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewire houses -Repair wiring - Install jacks for phones - modems -Internet PETER • MCFALLS 235-0368 ' Qt•ALITY P110TO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute: enlargements. Jervis Photography. Main St Exeter 235-I6I2(26ttni Pro Drainage R.R. #6 Forest Ontario Farm Drainage Specialists • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • MILK HOUSE DRAINS • EROSION CONTROL • BACKHOE RENTAL • WATER LINES • BASEMENTS "We guarantee you the best value for your dollar" For free estimates call: Days 828h364 1 -Ron Evenings - 786,4241 - Rick Wellington tracting; SEPTIC SYSTEMS... . rSoil:Reports Installation Ai Weeping Beds Designed We Also SeII & Install All Types of Fencing mews•- .« tirttilrlrp. h 11111! U! i1 17.1 li IT IT 1!!!11.1r -I I II11 x111 I$ 11 ei ee 1 ' II sI ee ice 41 41 e e e 81 e eI •e 11 , • PVC • Chain Link • Wooden • Woven Wire • Wrought Iron Call Jim or Shannon Home Office: 235-0642 Mobile: 851-1890 e•• 11 Cars, Trucks 1987.('lll.\ vs FR() AN .. ',Teat Ioi part. selling as is - in.lke an alter ('all 228-6498' alter() 1"" 146,47x) ('AR/ANDER - Local ( sed. (lar Dircc(ory Searchable database of over 600 r sed %eludes at local dealers. sww.opengalc.coin/crfinder. (47;48x) 12 Pets RO"I'TN LI LER" PUPPIES - Well nlafked: no papers, good dupusultin Reasonable Call 294-6125 1.3.48• ). SIBERIAN III:SKY PUPS - red & .c Inle lir black & wink All males, $125.00. 519-234- 6497• Blas e message. (47'i 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR LESSONS Available in Zurich .area on classical, acoustic or electric guitar. All ages welcome, call (519)236-4230 (26118 ) GUITAR & PIANO LESSONS -• Available. Beginner to advanced. all styles of music, Exeter Music Centre 235-1263 (261fn). 15 Personal LOSE WEIGHT - while you sleep. No diet. no exercise. proven results. Call -Al or -Wendy 519-482-9656 or 262- 2299. (47-50) EXETER COMMUNITY FOOD BANK - with 24 hr. Food Drop at 293 Main St.(Beside Noah's Ark) Open 9-12 only Tuesday -Thursday Phone 235-4104 (26tfx) 16 For Sale 10' SA"1'ELITE DISH Excellent conditioSn. Call 236 4566 atter 4:00 pin. (47*) pm. 235-2380. (4I-48SA) 1997 & 1998 PEACOCKS. - 1998 'silver pheasants. Cap 519-284-'1094. (44-5ISA)- L. Hamiltons Machine 235-1655 �l!rj yir9J vr7 an] le Assorted sizes of gear boxes $100 each Contractors toolbox with wheels $750. ' Large lockable storage cabinet $1000 Assorted sizes sprockets bearing, pvIlies and used steel Rugged barn shaped mail boxes $125. (must be seen) Used extra strength logging chain $2-3 ft. Used hooks $S, florescent lights $5, Hydraulic Press $500. Bolts, 5/8x8 with nuts $1. each and other similar bargains. (Flower boxes (in stock) $100 each. ) Xmas - snowmen, angels, Xmas trees etc. made of steel ready to be decorated $10. - $15 each. Welding and custom jobs are our specialty. D d 27,000 BTU STANDAR-- GAS FURNACE - goo condition. $300. Call after 6 16 For Sale 16 For Sale BED. QUEEN - brand new black wrought iron canopy orthopeuu• mattress box & frame. cost .S 1200.sacrilic 541X). (ail 5I9.495.4919 will deliver 138-47SA) • BRUNSWICK 4 1/2' X 9' POOL TABLE - original slate. and accessories. Asking $ I.21X). 235.1497. (47:48) FIRIW000 - seasoned hardwood hickory. beech. ash. maple. delivered and picked doit r up Phone Dignan.Landscaping 236-4457 (26tfn) FIRIiW(X)D - Mixed hard and soli. $35 in the yard, $40 .delivered. 234-6316. (40-47) HAY AND STRAW.- for sale excellent quality. Smal squares. Call 284-3045 (41 48SA) HORN'S 'OVEN" READY ROASTING CHICKENS -.7-9 lbs. Government inspected'- Limited-quantity., - Lilnited quantity Ask about Special savings 'on chickens with 1 leg ('all 229-8176 (34tIn ) ('ASE 930, TRACTOR - rehuilt; I -Ford 100 lawn Mower. 1 loley reel mower grinder, rotol'illei • and snowblower attachment lir! ('uh Cadet & I.:Iss n Mower. 2 n►totillerst,u1 engine) 5.500 Ib lo,ktift+1 3pt hitch) 1 .set 20 Xx 38 tires. good for duals. 1-307 Old Engine and trany. Acorn stove Call 349-2304 134-47.) ('LOT'HIN(, RACKS.- suitable for retail, circular, adjustable. 1 square rack. hangers, pricing gun, etc. 519-227-4772 leave message (47') • COMPUTER FACTORY AMAZING ('HRISTMAS - Spccral' One year no payments, free scanner. 266 nulix loaded. Internet, printer. software and more. $ 16/wk lode) Thune 1=80)0-515-5545 Free deli s cry. (45-48x) ('RI13 AND MATTRESS - Maple finish $75. Fishcr.Price Car Seat $35. Both in excellent condition. 284,4677. } JUST IN TIME FOR WINTER - Valor Gas fired room healer 20.000011 in good condition. ('ompuIe,i,ed Walk Fit Treadmill good condition 284-1797. (45-52SA ► • KAWAII KEYBOARD - - Much _response.. 36 keys, 100 additional sounds phis 50 styles. Like new, paid .5400 - asking 5225. Call .235-4253. after 5 pm. (46;47*) a LARGE INGI.IS WASHER & DRYER• - first $125. takes both: -portable colour TV. 560: Antique large walnut dresser $.180: brass' & glass' 4 shelf stand. 58" h x 16"-w. $2.5: woodtables 32'.1 x 1`1 w 525, looked wall hanging e;irth colours with. wooden rulJ 23"' x 2"-$S. Shoe rail:- new $5: lirror 24" h x 18" w $5. 3 Icutres 20"w eii 16" h $3.Q0 84-1912 (40-475A) • MAKI' A SKILAW,--8 1/4 iUi 60 tooth carbide blade I7►5. Call 284-1814 after 5 pm. (45-52SA) . _ r OLD i13ARN BOARDS •- yellow house brick for sale. Call 229-6608. (46-53SA) . FRIDGE & STO\n -_- working order. $300 or. best offer: , Call 235-4525 after 6 (47) , (46-53SA ) Selection • Service • Parts . DikvSDALE ' MAIT.n nen UNrif reprint'', LT[. Hensall * 262-2728 2 5 .p Iw Pm CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' . - i wOOUS'OC+ MY AND COLLECTIBLES SHOW Tea tvng Toy g... -ear* Babes. Smuts Canis. Nosia and Cc. s Shay. November 22. 'O30am lo 400 pm, i Word A 4lonum, Wo00s Wqcck F wg,elrcis Over ,25 1a5Ms Somemng ,Or ererybne snn 8200 Fq, camera) cal f5194264875 I I W WANTED HARDWOOD LOOS Prompt payments 101 rda habOd'bgs, Vepe nen lot limber slaws Veneer ng axes Pro.Caey kennsed tree markers and Certified ea0'nert Operators Special care taken n harvest Panna Veneer Cq lb. est 1927 340 Loma St . Kith- , ever 1519,7425887 , YEAR 2000 CRISIS Prole $15.000.rmgnih hon ou srwtons W&ifs ka9n lectrecal Francheie 'Foe Iran ny nresodren required 1I-888678-7588 ' 150.000 TO 55 MILLION heed a Kan.1con 0145ater money' Don) cash out you, meslmerts Seca, them et.ntereslno creel* checks ro cements no ,p horst lees 5 are .10 year (errs Tori Free 1-877.509.5626 9140006 r POteryal res Prot rnagalne says 'Best Dulness to go red 98 ' Loa orertreai . no newto Oe.y Yr0ttacte Flanct.se' Cat now tree euamaxei 1. 888.6792201 FREE i4JCOtk1E T. Cancros, aJg iia: a la epa,woCanaoa s ho arq•y fastest row,...) ^come tor. aeparatm trar.ch.se No ilrnai handr.se tee 59* sU',4casls. Envaem '98o Sv99Aa6)e .T100-665.5144 A BUCK OR TWO' Stores has a I•anclrse %torture, a' Commasmers Cart Rata. Laiden For more name incl Contact Francine Ttcfure, TEL. I-809890.863; FAX, 905.738 i, 76 COTTONELLE 3 0l57111BUTORS NEEDED in your d•ed La4ncn brand new p•,lducr Substantial Shear Ddenjal k..o,, nresIPPr�ent 96000 guaranteed Free au0o5•oeopacAage I -W.6062839 PLEASE MUM The leader n prorr a g cruelty yet anon, ape cnldrens clothes enough tic,* presenlatpns Ids wog opuou„ t.es available Cal' no* and ask about our aKL... Nbmatm packer1400-665-96u CAROM Ening wet (Id (4'eer.l 41 Cdlplie,_ s Tamm e We• A.. pre1.1' 5,..0014 Kipi._v,1s Mn.f ghon Helsie•e • w-. Stiq. D -D a Prov am F ra ca. asssa'ce ..arw- -w-:,Wer systems and po p,acemerr 1(494 ara.abr• h0 e.pe'ence necessary CMS 1609 477 95,5 COUNSELLOR TRAINING we Canada o'lers on. tarrpos.aro ccrrespagence curses toward a . n Counseling Pract(e b Dego Mrs 'T'0'C Fr to rogue. cal lows 1-00P665-70;1 BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITE(i with per great 11ane• study course Can today for yccr FREE 80041 /.eO01 '267 '829.T11p Wntng $IChppt. McArthur Avenue. Slate 3116 Ottawa. ON 41419(2 , INTERNATicONAL AGRICULiTURAl ta[hange A9es 18 30 wet a¢cutuai eKpenence b ►ve7lrote rah law* n.. iAuslraka. New Zealand. Eurabe Japan ,809263 ,82, Calgary. Alberta a . SAWMILL 84895 SAW LOGS INTO S. planks beams Large capac 1y Best sawrntl e'e Free nlormalen I.809Nomad 566-6899 Sawm.tsN'vsas R R 2 KewMOy. Cttar5PCE IGO • immuc0LATESBS memo) '^ �51, bars b.dry a new CD fNinlens W CHRISTMAS PRDDLK�WV a NrtLEldb a CDs a,W ed '4093833599. S AVAILA�LE Managers ear: ',PAY triceptiant gent - CANADA BES SYCHCS' Dricuroec•sers' Ma.« 11e bgte chose Answers on ore rimer :weer. 'car numbers Car row 1.9X1-451.3.77 9299tnr 18. 24 IrlICC CANADIAN PSVCIirC5 - Uncover. secrets or, yaw furore tun* anal the yeari mN brag Acerae ern kloncldb'e 1-909451.70705?89.1Ariule 18. -_ MIMALAVA PSrbI,C ANSWERS Guoan.e Ira': amore 4-900-677.7979 9293.1nnute 18. 24 'o -'s Free Jas brred'rt�0er.e 830 2222 Code 85 Molls wry re. • S2 9i mn horoscope 1-6ia-276.1707 1 L9NELV' ALONE' CONNECT wen, sages copes and gays n .o- • 1,4e, l r`9vv , i `NEWS'EE.i- . rod tech t;_. •_ Sr,.. .. . 5: .. 16.5(1000 35'. 5: s'. 61: a. 4r. UJ 5' - 80 s18.400 00 OtheSs Panee, • 80G66o St ADULT vrDEOS Buyarect ttr 4 me (crag. - (kroner eersms Fast. Wscree(.•rs•.c FREE LOGUE CVA1'URECT 5 775 Vara A,,r Dept J Mw0rea' 443W 2144 • THINK MORE CL EARL,' Come our p 1n„ . 01.00 aro erhrwv4441 /And' by L Ron Hubbael 549 0n 5808 • STEEL duILDNGs vAcAyawrRAvt. BEACHES OF S WAL TON. FLORIDA between Panama Cay 6 Destn Toenhomes.-0noos793,, s Sr'o.Drd actmbes Sowell rates tor evendNO stays' Gun From Rede►. Inc 8 421415.3 • Ws Affordable • urs Fast • Ws Easy • Ons BIN Does M All • Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario 5/39 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario 5134 • M Ontario 5390 • Nelon l Packages Available • Can alis paper for deters'