HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-18, Page 32Cksifieds. ssifieds 32 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, November 18, 1998 i is 'Rlsin el 1Altister. rtoPftidey, 0 a.m. mrP'!n. 91pyiPhons (5I9) 235.1331 yc (5 19) 235.0766 �r :tapeedy,tom Classified Ad Deadline MONDAY AT 10:00 AM 3 Situations Wanted MOTHER OF ONE - looking to care for children• in my 13rucefield honie Cuntacl' Kathy 233-7210,.(47;48.1 4 Help Wanted GRADE 11 & 12 EDUCATION REQUIRED - for temporary and lull time factory employment. To apply call Tempted Employment Services at 519-263-6I I6 and fax resume references 519, 263-6117. This is a free . service to applicants. 145-49) t CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers. coolie numbers of prices count as one word per set.. Words pined by hyphens count as separate words FIRST INSERTION 20 words $9.63 2 insertions $16.05. 3 insertions- $22:47. Additional 154 charge for each word over maxi • nium. NOTICES; 30 - words (births, oeaths. announcements: corning events..memoriams)• (Cards of thanks 104 each "word over maxi- mum).- 1 inscrtton $11.77 2 insertions $23.54 • 3rd insertion No charge •- Classified Ads mast be prepaid. . Ads will not be printed until pay- ment received • . WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $30.00 GRADUATES with picture $15.00. BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline; for classified ads IS 10 a.m. Mondays OUR ADVERTISING POUCT. AdveNisuig tit the rimes-Ati.or.ate ,accepted on condition that. to We 'ever4 of a lyyugrapn,cai error. that ports/. o' the advertising space ucwp•ed by rhe" erroneous Ilett. will be rtrNn .n a SUU Sequent issue as a make good al it charge, wade tree balance of Uie adver usement will be pad for at air appitcat?i. rale. In the event of a typographical ens adverbsrne goods ur services a, ,+ wrong price. goods or services may riu- tie acid Adverbsmg IS an offer to set• arid -may be wNdrawn at'any tante. A,„ errors must be acluw*ledged•with.r. seven dais of pubi.catwn. The Tunes•Advocale reserves the pro, lege of revrsuig or 'erecting advertise .rents that 11 consrtlels obleetronable and to mange vie dass.f.cat.on of a, , adverbserr.ent burn that ordered W co, form 10 Ole Point of this newspape. Contents are protected by copyrrgrir Reproduction of arty matpr.al *Shout me pean.ss.Ori of the publisher is forbdde, Advertisers pulptase space and ulwia 091 .only Alt rights to anyadvertnsc merits produced by the Tunes -Advocate using artwork. typography or plm tograpl.s arranged for by the itervypaN' shall be the property of the Tuue., Advocate: No Such ad or any pan tire,., ul may De reproduced w assigned win, out whiten consent of lite Jane, Advtxate. STATEMENT Of POLICY. The lime, Advocate is not responsible for boom adven.sements not Wbrnrted e' Iegio4• tune. riof tot more'Uian a single situ, rest utserbort of Uiat edve,t,sement ) Phone i 235-1331 SUPER ADS Get results with our $11 Super Ad or we will repeat your ad up to another seven times at no charge. For Sale items only • One Item per ad • Private:rwr.•cormerctal • AN sds.must be prepaid Call 235.1331 for bordered or mort@iiy ad rates. 4 Help Wanted CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment. Vehicles 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances. Teteviiion IS Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 4 Help Wanted ONTARIO HARVESTORE SYSTEMS is an authonzed Harvestore dealer -servicing the needs of Harvestore . customers throughout Ontario. With our continued success, we have several openings for service technicians. - This position will appeal to customer oriented individuals with mechanical experience working in a farm environment. Willing to train the right individuals. Please mail or tax your resume and earnings expectations to: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER Ontario Harvestore Systems, P.O. Box 3613 Guelph, Ontario N1H 6P1 -' '4`.� F z xlt 19-76 -0 . • 3 k If you are seeking a diversified opportunity please consider the following position Seed Sales Crop Production Assistant' A highly motivated individual is needed to offer assistance and expertise in ,the- dally operations of a seed supply,/cash crop enterprise. The sales territory consists of the Exeter. Kirkton, Fullerton. Dublin, Hensall and Centralia. area. Duties include seed sales. fertilizer recommendations. crop planning and scouting, occasional truck dnving, and the ability to operate various agricultural implements as required' to plant and harvest grain crops. Computer skills and an AZ • _ licence are essential. A Diploma in Agriculture and a CCA would be considered assets. This is a part-time position with a potential to. develop into a full .time position for the successful applicant. Remuneration • is negotiable based on experience and the achievement of targeted sates. • Please send your resume in confidence to the address below. The closing Gate is Nov. 23, 1998. - Box #119, c/o Exeter Times Advocate, 424 Main Street. Box 85C Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 WORD ADS i Insertion 19.63 2 insertions $16:05 3 insertions $22.47 20 word maiunlum 15( for each additional word NOTICES Births, Deaths. Msrnonarns, Announcements, Conning Events, Card of Thanks I insertion 511.77 2 insertions 823;54 3rd insertion free 30 word maximum 15f for each additional word. 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted WANTED :: �,,1,. in SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Murphy's will train and. assist 'you obtaining -your School Bus Driver's Licence. All school holidays off. If you are dependable, a good defensive driver; join the best team- the Murphy team. - St. Marys - Lucan - Arva Murphy Bus Lines, Arva 660-8200, St. Marys 229-8956 HURON ADULT DAY CENTRE Requires A C0 -ORDINATOR OF ALZHEIMER AND INTEGRATED PROGRAMS The Huron Adult Day Centre requires an interim co-odinator of the Day Programs presently operating in Central and South Huron.. This position reports to the Executive Director, and is' presently under review as the Adult Day Centre expands and grows to meet the needs of al! clients in the Central and South areas of the County. Qualifications: Degree. Diploma in Nursing, Social Sciences. or Gerontology. Sound knowledge of Alzheimer Disease and other related disorders; - Minimum 2 years experience working directly in a . Geriatric -setting: Ability to design and implement new programs: • Experience in Volunteer Supervision; • Sound knowledge of available community resources Good.community liaison and public relation skills; - Good interpersonal skills: Applicants with the above qualifications are invited 10 submit their resumes to: Rosemary Armstrong Executive Director, HurOn Adult_Day Centre -Jacob Memorial Building R,R. 5. Clinton. On.. NOM 110 Telephone: 519-482-7943, Fax: 619.482-1236 Information regarding salary. benefits. hours of work. etc. are -available on request. Only those applicants who closely match the qualifications listed will be contacted for interview. All resumes received become the property of the Huron Adult Day Centre. and we reserve the right to re -advertise in the event that applications received do not match the position as advertised. Applications received after the closing date of NOVEMBER 27th, 19.88 will not be considered. dileIRS.la lt.M.4N171-161c1cl.'laatilgc3utwauci.cletI4MetraraMutyteIIIM0 Town and Country Support Services The Town and Country Support -Services requires Home Support • Workers in the Exeter ,area -with certification as a Level 11 or ilii HSW. Health Care • Aide or PSW. - • hours. are part time • ability to work days. evenings. nights ' and weekend hours •. a vehicle is necessary Please send resume to: Town and Country Support Services Box 969, Winghani Ontario NOG 2W0 Avon =::' Iiima,r odds Maitland I ! 1 l> res titins Coke ,••••.0••• wrrr, Avon Maitland District School Board in Partnership with Human Resources Development Canada is seeking applications for a MARKETING/SALES POSITION for the Adult Learning Centres in Huron County. This individual would be responsible for the marketing of the programs. and services of the Learning Lab equipment to a wide audience including service providers, the business community and private industry throughout Southwestern Ontario and beyond. The ideal candidate will -have the following: excellent communication skills; • strong experience in sales/marketing; • proven background to close a sale. This position is a full-time contract position for the period of a year. 'travel is required. A valid driver's license and reliable transportation is mandatory. Applications arc to be received by the undersigned no later than 4:00 p.nt. Friday, November 27". 1998: Jeanne Dionne, Director.gf Human Resources . 62 Chalk Street North . B.Q. #( SEAFORTH, Ontario, NOK I WO We thank you for your application; however, only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. LORNE RACHLIS ABBY ARMSTRONG Director of Education Chair PAYMENT METHODS AN classified ads must be prepaid. • Cash • Chequeth ID) • Money Order • VISA • MasterCard Please check your ad on the first day it appears to ensure that it is correct 4 Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER ..._SECRETAR Y - Full-time in Exeter; :Duties include preparing shipping documents and invoices and , general secretarial duties. This individual -must be organized able to work in a busy office enviroment. Appy. by Nov. 20 to Box 120. c/o -Exeter Times Adsocate. Box 850, - Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6: We. thank you for all .applications but only those selected for' interviews' will be contacted. (46;47) - LOCAL BUSINESS_ REQUIRESFULL TIME - otfi'c'e - help irnrnediately. - Computer and good, bciokkerping experience necessary. Please apply to Box - t1121. c/o Exeter Times Advocate. PO Box. 850. 424 M"ain,St S., Exeter; Ontario. NOM -1S6. All replies will be confidential. 147) • LUV{N(3'. - MA411-:RE: CAREGIVER NEEDED - for 9 month old, preferrably our home but would consider yours. please call 235-0593 (47e) WE ARE LOOKING FOR KEY PEOPLE - to expand our financial services business in this- area. Experience not necessary. Will train. Send resume to Jell Bond. Branch Manager. - 1615 North" •Routledge Park. Suite 34, - London. Ontario N6H 51.6 (42tfn) WE CARE HOME HEALTH SERVICES requires RN's and RPN's. (.asl, belwcn 8:30aut-5pm. 642-1208.(47') ALLEN'S -COUNTRY CAFE: looking for good help. A ppl y in person or call 237-3553 (47) 1; 1, L L: T 'I M L MAINTENANCE POSI'T'ION 'AVAiLABLE-- Duties include . mainly cleaning and pool - , u►aiiuenance, .seine landscaping and painting. Must be. able to work- independantly. Valid drivers license and own vrhii. le - required.- Apply by resume only prior- to November. 27th, •only applicants requested tor • t interviews will be oontactcd. Forward resume to P. O. Box 217. Grand •J3end,,-Ontario. • NOM 1 f O. (47) PROFESSIONAL OPERATORS NEEDED: Veri Institute of Professional Truck Driving will prepare you '.for your AZ licence and • also train you to be. a professional tractor trailer operator. Job placement assistance available For further information contact Larry Nevinger now at 1-888-903-8374 •NN•N