Times Advocate, 1998-11-18, Page 9Wednesday, November 18. 1998
Exeter Times–Advocate
Biddulphers can
now bank at home
Can't make it to the
Biddulph Township
office to pay that bill?
You don't have to make
the trip now.
Now Biddulph
Township residents that
bank at the TI) Bank.
can pay their taxes or
their water bill via the
telephone or their com-
puter. with TD Access
Telephone Banking.
Biddulph administrator
Larry Hotson said the
township started sub-
scribing to the service
last Friday. The service
is free of charge as part
• of TD's service package
for the township.
The service also fits in
nicely for people who
can't make it to the
bank during business
hours due to work or
other reasons.
"It's accessible 24
hours a day. seven days
a week," Uiotson said.
"You don't have to
leave the comfort of
your ownhome to pay
your taxes or your
water bills.
Hotson said the TD
service, is not available
to those with accounts
at other banks or finan-
cial institutions.
Those interested in
TD Access Telephone
Banking can call the
bank at 227-4446.
Exeter Parkette donations
EXETER = The Exeter Lions Club wish-
es to thank the following for their gener-
ous donations to the Exeter Parkette
•��' being developed on Main Street. The
fundraising campaign is going well and
we are confident .the target date of
November 30, •to have. the$40,000 raised and the
Parkette completed, will be met..
Previous donations $24,850
Anonymous • 100 •
.George and Lois Godbolt & family 500
John and. Edith Brintnel 100
The Purple Turtle 100 -
Gerry and Marlene Parsons & family
Northlander Industries 2500
Huron Motor Products 2500'
The European Addition 100
Algoma Tire M. & A. Connolly 100
Total to date $30,950
Note: Receipts for income tax purposes are given for
each donation and postdated cheques are accepted.
Please call John Stephens, 235-2214 or Ted .tones.
235-2415 if you wish to contribute. or if you require
CIBC 1999 charity calendar to
raise money for Youth ro
the Canadian .Breast
Cancer Foundation and
the Children's Wish
Foundation of Canada.
"Ensuring -that young
people have the opportu-
nity to lead successful and
productive lives requires.
the commitment and par-
ticipation of • all
Canadians." says Al Flood,
chairman and chief execu-
tive oMcer, CIBC. 1 have
had the opportunity to talk
to 'many of our employees
and customers across
Canada about their needs
and concerns for the
future. They have told me
that one -of their key con-
cerns - as parents and as
Canadians- is to ensure
that Canada's . youth
obtain -the secure and
happy lives they deserve."
CIBC is a strong support-
er of youth through its'
Youthvision initiatives and
has committed more than
$9 million in the last three
years in -support of educa-
tional -institutions and pro -
tomers can now pick up
their 1999 wall calendars
from any CIBC branch
across the country and
with a small -donation can
help CIBC support pro-
grams for youth.
The theme for CIBC's
1.999 calendar Is "Saying
'Yes'. to Youth: investing in
our future." Each month
features a photograph and
quote from a young per-
son who has been helped
by a CIBC -supported
youth organization or pro-
Like last year,CIBC is
inviting its customers to
make a suggested $2.
donation for the calendar.
All donations to this calen-
dar will go directly to sup-
port the youth -oriented
organizations and pro-
grams that are featured in
it. With the generous sup-
port of its customers and
employees, CIBC's 1998
charity calendar raised
more than $140,000 for
grams. Last- month,'CIBC
announced a further com-
mitment to youth and edu-
ration, which includes
$6.5 million in scholarship
Two million dollars for
the CIBC Chair in Youth
Employment and Student
Support at the University
of Toronto and $450,000
• for literacy programs
through the Frontier
College Youth Program.
CIBC also sponsors the
Y'1V Achievement Awards
and is a founding sponsor.
'of the Canadian Youth
Business Foundation.
The 1999 calendar high-
lights several of CI13C's
youth programs, such as
CIBC's Youthvision schol-
arship program, which
partners with Big
Brothers and Sis-ters of
Canada and YMCA
Canada to provide crucial
financial scholarship sup-
port, mentoring and
internships to high school
students. The calendars
Exeter man earns CGA designation
LONDON — An Exeter
resident IS -among 27
members of the London
Chapter of the Certified
General Accountants
Association of•Ontario to
recently receive CGA des-
• Donald Ellison received
his CCA designation at
the Association's annual
membership ceremony at.
the Westin Ilarbour
Castle Conference Centre
in Toronto on Nov. 7.
This year 734 members
completed the CGA certi-
fication .process, bringing
the total number of certi-
fied general accountants
in. Ontario th more than
11,-000. _ • -
Members; • of the
Certified General
Accountants ►n
of Ontario are entitled.
under acts of :both -the
Parliament of Canada and
the legislature of the
.province of Ontario to the
designation of CGA.
1st 2nd Mort ge
at 6.5% interest or less Personal
Loans Totally Unsecured it you quali-
• ly. monthly payments as low as
Amt. App. Mthly Payt.
55,000. $27.68
-S10,000 • $54.16
S15,000 - $81,25
Consolidate Your Debts .
1(800) 387-1932 Astral Funding
are available only at :IBC
branches while supplies
last. Customers will be
invited to make a donation
when they pick uptheir
calendar. How much they
'donate is their decision.
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Sewing Machine
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LIG hTI N of
November 27
6:45 - 8 p.m.
fl Wel ome
.` 6 � -
rt �
in Exeter y _
beginning at 12 noon •
Sat., Nov. 28
At the Rec Centre
Pli1:30 p.m. Children meet Santa
2 - 4 p.m. Free Skating