HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-11, Page 28Exeter Wednesday. November 11. 1998 Farm News Meeting of the minds Presenters at a Roundup Ready soybean grower day at Stanley Twp. Complex near Varna last Wednesday. compare notes.. From. left: Monsanto Canada Territory Manager Ralph deVries, Monsanto Canada. Eastern- ' • Canada Roundup Ready Specialist Ron Taylor,.grower Stan Johns ofTuckersmith, Hill & Hill Farms Mike. Verhoef, First Line Seeds Bob Thirlwall and grower Peter Post! of Brucefield.. Verhoef said the Roundup • Ready soybeans are selling very well and he expects to be •sold out by Christmas. He encourages growers to get their. orders for '99 seed in now. Exeter Fall Fair Field Crop/Grains/Seeds results Field Crop: Competitor Hay (50) W.W. W.R Wheat Wheat (150) (1503 White . Beans ± (150) Soybeans f (150) 4 Grain Ensilage a Corn Con f 150 i (150) TOTAL 1 Don Weigand ' 473. 134 • 148 122 ! 130 582 Peter Dearing f 45 . 140 136 127 4 .. , 448 Earl Marten90 146 95 122. 307 Bob Down 91 134 127 '118 - 516 Don Dearing i 45 • - •138 125 � 308 Hern Farms 48 142 137 140 ' 123 ! 131 673 Alan Bern 46 X49 133 128 . 148 136 128 128. 130 122 I 585 563 Mike Hern Tom Bern 47.5 • 118 122 '. ' 288 Doug/Tom Prout 136 133 124 ' 393 y Al Renning - 49 134 141 96 126 123 1 1 623 394 Bpi uce Shaptou 137 134 Allan Powe 91 99 93.5 4- 284 . , 394 Genal Johns . - 132 136. 126 Murton Brock 89 ' - 94 r - 83 1 1266 102 i 93 Roy Ryan 102. Lorne Ballantyne ' - 93 • WINNER: Herm Farms Grains/Se eds Competitor Doug Kegler '1 um Hern Mike Hern Prout Farms Al Benning Allan Hern Bruce Shatptun Murton Brock Don Weigand Carolyn Johns Peter Dearing Bob Down Hern Farms Joan VanSlghtenhorst Mired Grain lit 3r11 W. N W.W' Barley • White Wheat Wheat n 11 MOS') POIN'T'S: Mike Hern Runner Up: Allan Hern Most Points Stephen Township: ind 34 Bruce Shaptun Beans Soybeans 4111 5111 Ilu� Ha) I ' 2'4 2nd 1.1 2r►d 5111 3'd 4i1' (;1 aim f'.usilagr ( :urn ; ( urn 41 3rd 2ud ! 4111 411. nd 5111 4111 4111 I Sl11 1st Denfield Livestock Sales The market at [)enfteld Livestock •on Tuesday. November 3 traded on a •good demand at steady price on all • classes of fed cattle with the Anu rican type cattle trading strong. Good fed cows.sold strong with canners and cutters a little. easier Don Eedy and :Mark Vanderploeg, De,nfwld sold 11 heifers avg. wt 1261 lbs. avg. • price 94.42 with sales to 96.25. All ptirchased by Norwich Packers. •- Murray Switzer, St. Marys sold 4 heifers avg. v''l 1254 lbs. avg prier, 88.39 sales to 89.00 Purchased p� Mower -Packing (.o • (ord liardh : 1.ucar. sold steers avg .N t 1319 Ibs avg price 92.45 sales to 95 00. Purchased b� Siorw'icli. Pa( kers. Bob Hodgins. Lucan sold 11 he.avsteers avg wt. 1456 lbs a‘ g pr,c'' 58.52 sales icy 94.00 Purchased b� tiorwict, Packers. Bi1I •l.'uuweriberg. (Glencoe hold a Belglar:,,Blue cow 1N15 Ibs .at 72-50 Ralph :Pool. Wyoming omittg sold S. steer'- a i wt 1 36'+ !Os ,erg. price `iO 1 >, with' sales 16 97 00 Purr hds'-d b* Norwich Puckers' Cho1,r.F :sti•'•rs 90.00-95 00 Sales u. 97 00. (,ojd steers �` 00-90 (10 choirt. American t)pe steers N:.00 tu.93.00 . • Owler' exotic cross heifers 90.00-95 00 sales to 96.25 • Good heifers 85.00-90,00: Choice • American type. • heifers 86.00-92.00 ;fetter"' cows 60.00-70.00. Good *cows 50.00-60'.00 sales to 72 S(1 Canners and cutters 43.00-48.00. Shells 20.00-. 40 00 Direct to Packer cows mer 6001)>s. 1 00:Direct to . • Packer bulls 1.02 Pearling steers 90.00- . }05.00; Yearling heifers. 90.00-100.00 Sows 20.00-25.00: Boars 14 00-18.00 . FARM & MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE Specia11zing tn. • farm ti Municipal Drainage • Cisl & PIaStoc Ti4E Installatons • • Backtm & Dozer Service • Septi:. System installations For Quality, Experience & Service call: Wayne Cook (519) 236-7390 R.R. 2 Zurich Ont. NOM ZTO PARKER apARKER L I M I T E rD TSSSZZZTrSSZSZSSSSZx1SZZZZZS/ SZTZzSTY zSZSSzzz Borland Farms GOi Jeff Borland 235-3805 11 sad r„urtwtw. H Novartis Seeds and Borland Farms N H N N N N N N N N N N Invite you to a P. POST HARVEST GROWER ,. INFORMATION MEETING DATE: Mon., Nov. 16 IL=. .4 TIME: 10:30 a.m. • PLACE: Three A's Restaurant, Exeter TOPICS TO INCLUDE • New Pry ducts • Positioning • Plot Results • I.R.M. (Insect Resistance Management ) • Monsanto Round -up Ready and Grower Registration Numbers • Question and answer period • Lunch zzzzxxrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzr. zzz:zzzzzzzzzzz:zzzzzzzzzzzzzz;; H N Borland Farms Jeff Borland 235-3805 First Line Seeds and Borland Farms Invite you to a POST HARVEST GROWER INFORMATION MEE'I'IN(, DATE: Thurs., Nov. 12 TIME: 10:30 a.m. ' PLACE: 'Three A's Restaurant, Exeter TOPICS '1'O INCLUDE • New products • Positioning • Plot Results • Monsanto Round -Op Ready and (irower • Registration Numbers • Question and answer period • Lunch ' For further information, please feel free to call JEFF BORLAND .(519) 235-3805 - zz zzzzz H • . .