HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-04, Page 34+ + :zzs;ssz�: 4 + • • + + KELLER C . ifieds 34 Exeter Times—Advocate Wednesday, November 4, 1998 Classified Ad Deadhiw MONDAY AT 10:00 API The Times -Advocate. urg- es our readers to u'` e caution when sending money for business op- portunity or employment advertisements. Be cer- tain • you are dealing with a reputable, compa- ny before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any ad- vertisement sounds. too good to be true, it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on ttx number. of words. Sets -.of numerals as fo' sena! numbers. street numbers phone numbers of prices,count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. - FIRST INSERTION • 20 words $9.63 2 insertions $16.05. 3 insert,ons $22.47. Additronal.15$ • charge for each „word over max, NOTICES: 3C words (berths. deaths. announcements. coming events. nleniorrams). (Cards of thanks 104 ea_ Nh word over maxi mum1. a rnsertron $11.77 2 -insertions 423.54 , • 3rd insertion No charge • Clasaiod Ads mint be,prepatd. Ads ell not be printed until pay - matt received". WEDDINGS tr ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $30.00 - GRADUATES with- picture - $15.00 • • BOX 'NUMBERS to .this ol1ue $?.50 per insertion. SUPER, ADS 811.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 10 a.m. Mondays . OUR ADJV(RT$$INO POLICY • Ativertnsmg u, lne Tm,es,falvoeste 15 accepted (11cxdlpon -rat. rt' the term , of a typographical error. Ural portion 01 the advertrirne space occupied by the erroneous item. will tie rerun 111 d bub Sequent issue as a inbke good at no charge. whale. We balance 01 the alive''' 4sernent volt Oe ped Ion at an apptu:aele • rate. in the event of a' iypugraphwa error advertising ipops Or services at ., «long price. goods o' SO(wces,may not be sr:kt. Adverb>:ulg as wo offer (0 turf and may be wrtidrawn at any time. My errors must be ieluruwiedged writs seven days 0f publication - The Tams -Advocate reserves the pa, lege of revising. or riyectrtlg advertise ments that II considers obie0NOnabte and to change the classification of am apverbsement from that ordered to inn Nan. to We policy of this newspa)pe' Contents are prol40le0 Ay cupyrrgnt RoirrOductiOn of any matenel without the permission of one publisher es forbeide' Adwllbsers purchase Space and Cgwla lion only. An rights to any #004)11155 lents produced by the lenes•Advocab: using artwork. typography or'Phu tographs arranged for by the riewspape' shin be the property or the Tunes. Advocate. No such ad or are pamtherc of ruby be reproduced or assrrjxxl wd' out. written consent W the Trines Auvocete. r • STATEMENT qr POLICY" The Ames Advocate is not respunsrtte for *trues v' advertisements not sutxndled rn leglbie Rom. raw for mine than d Sate incur ''eco insertion 0I Wet adrer isen(�tit • Phone 235-1331 'Oat'raaauias,•*ith aM'Iiii SuperAtterwevAll intmfastyrour adMp'to anotlwr-sw ntiktwcsvrw .qtrorfille twice,* ••,One:ttsm psr'.ad • tllr wile - non•commertMl • maser* »AAJi aft - nssrbe,propeld ,011. 254It:t 1fistilit&smit irmatttliji edTomas. 3 Situations Wanted MOTHER OF 2 LOOKING TO CARE - for children in my home. Contact Jann at 262- 2242. 145;46a) .. CLASATIONS 1 Lost. Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Vehicles 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musial Instruments 14 Appliances, Television IS Personal 16 For Side 17 Wanted to buy 111 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rem 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rem 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 4 Help Wanted MOTHER OF THREE - looking for babysitter._ Preferably your home. Must he flexible: Call 235-2455 144A5,1 ONTARIO HARVES7ORE SYSTEMS is an autttonzed Harvestore dealer servicing the needs of Harvestore customers throughout Ontario. With our continued success. we have several openings for service teetinicians. This position will appeal to.customer oriented individuals with mechanical experience working in a tart environment Willing to train the right indwfduals_ Please mail or fax your resume and earwigs expectations to: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER Ontario Harvestore Systems P.O Box 3613 Guelph, ,Ontario N1H SRI Pit._:. Floti 519-763.0,293 100 POSITIONS STILL AVAILABLE (Temporary Ongoing Assignments) Successful applicants must have • Steel toed safety boots (6'tug-%), safety glasses tirith hard sine sheds • Ability to work al+ 3 shifts (nays. afternoons, mionighls. pus weekends . • Own transportation , . • Abihty to work on -Callas- well as icfieduted shifts ,CRITERIA: • • 1 year automotive factory (asserniily) experience beneficial. but riot essential • ' • Grade 12 education oeriefictal but not essential - Apply ir' persbd Thursday, November NS, bang along a copy of your current resume. work reference and cups of your grade 12 diploma between Inc hours of 8:30'a.m and 3:30 p.m. to, &tit in g beaten: swim of Columbus Ball,' 285 %Wigton St. St. Thomas Ware ' No phone carts please.. • Prewous applicants need trot apply 1••••••, 4 Help Wasted - FULL TIME PERSON REQUIRED IN A SWINE - _farru.wing operation. Experience not necessary.. Possible house available.. 519- 238-8536. 144:45" ) GRADE 11 • & .12 EDUCATION -REQUIRED - for temporary and full time factory 'employment. To apply call Tempted Employment Services at 519-263.-6I 16 end 'lux resume reference~ 519- 263-4)117. This is atree Service to apphcunis (45-47) 4 HURON COUNTY MUSEUM AND HISTORIC GAOL requires an ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - MUSEUM AND PROPERTIES Ines is a temporary full time.position f0r approximately 12 months. Inc • position- is responsible for assisting with a variety of clerical nudes relating to the Museum operations and for providing administrative - support ,services in areas pertaining to physical facilities and property management -on betiag bf'the County. Qualifications. • Secondary sdnool graduation (OSSGDI and at least one year of post secondary :education• or •equivalent combination of education and experience. . •- .. • Sirorig background in computer usage including a good working llnowiedge ol'databases. word processing and spreadsheets. • Good comrriunicatton skills. both written and oral • General btttce experience and, knowledge In the use of off ode equipment. - ; ' • Strong,pubhc relations skills and. ability to nandle telephone and personal Inqutnes. • Ability to worK independently or In a.smali interdisciplinary team. Hours of work. -9 a.m. to 5 p.m . 35 flours per week. Monday to Friday. some- weekend or evening work may be required from time to'time Closing date..November 13.1998.12 noor - • Please forwaid letter of application and resume to: - Manager of Human Resources. County of Huron. Court House. Gooerlctt, Ontario NSA 1M2 , • , Only those applicants, invited 10f an interview wit be contacted. • • HAIRSTYLIST REQUIRED - License and clientelle an asset. Apply nt person with resume to Eclipse. 50 'Thames Rd. E. Exeter 235-1880 .144;45 MEMBERS FOR HURON COUNTY CRIME. STOPPERS B(fard of Directors. For information- cull 1-800-222- 8477 i44,45.•1 Part Time H.C.A. required must be ,available for all shifts in Long Tern). Care setting. 'Reply in writing: Exeter Villa, 155 John St. E. Exeter, ON NOM 1S1 INDS meet ......... 11P43 3Urrafllitlane ......... 1112.47 Illawa lgawrirMn Wig 81rewheiNa o ei third. 8f18iiaanolpia., _._,.:.. 4 Nth Waded•. VAN RAAY FARMS LTD. - has an opportunity for a Herds Manager in -our modern 500 Sow Farrow - to Finish operation. a'e entourage indivdual, growth andthis position will .allow you to. develop your potential in this field: There is a beautiful renovated spur bedroom home available.. Looking forward to tieanng from you. Please call Martin or Teresa at 1-519-237-' 3255 or tax a resume to 1-519- 237-3196 144,45i WE ARE LOOKING FOR KEY PEOPLE to expand our fmantle) services .business in th:s •aiea. Experience • not necessary. Will train -Send resume to Jell Bond, Branch Manager.. 1615 .North - Routledge Park.. Suite 34.. London: Ontario N6H 5 L6 t42tin ) E X PE R.1EN:CE.11 CAREGIVER - to babysit 6' month -old m Exeter:.1- uH-linin 'weekdays • Starting Jan./99. Appl\' with !reference!, to Box 118.civ'-.Lie Tithes Advocate. 424- Maim St Exeter. Ont. NUM 156 445.46) • PROF ESSIONA1 O1'ERA 1ORS ,REEDLO Veli institute of Professional Truck Driving ,will prepare you for your AZ- Iipence- and also -train you'to be a professional tractor trailer operator. - Job -placement , ' assistance airailable For further information contact Larry Novinger now at 1.888-903-8374 6 Services PL NO TINT G • REPAIRS • REBUILDIt�;, • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP CHASERS • REGULATING • BENCHES rtim $ Services LAWN iti GARDEN CARE SNOW BLOWING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom -framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis. Photography. Main St. Exeter 235-1612426d-10 • BRUCE PULSIFER 348-922.3 .sit (41(1.1.1 THE ANTIQUE WATCH AND CLOCK SPECIALIST = - Does' professional repairs to watches.and clocks. Free estimates to repair grandfather clocks. Call Rudi Arnhold 75119 Gillespie. Port Franks Phone 243-1130 (26t1n) TELEPHONE -TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewire houses -Repair wiring - Install jacks for phones- modems-internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 pet AppIiceti 00 - CJ O'4 Peter Auriger Reports & invoices Internet Scanning photo & OCR text Tutoring 235-2877 - SiwwblOwing Commercial or Residential Coil Carl Gower 229-6542 • • • • • • • 4 ++ Keller Roofing has immediate positions available for 1 experienced roofer also, 2 roofers' helpers AZ license 'an asset Apply in person 206 Victoria St. West, Exeter Ont. 4+4444+4 + +•4•+4•••••4+•+++4+++++4++•4+++ invest in/our 64880 1 dipzesstmenit SPRINGdOU SHING liatirg wad Ws * Or boar char TME MOVEN MIUTY Of METAL wmi TODAY'S TEOMMOLOQY, ADiIVICED PANTY SYSTEM MID SEALANTS. • Patente0 anteMlockrlg stungle • Strength or steer • lrx.aeases your home's value • took Of traatwrldi rooting. • Low maintenance • Environmentally friendly • 100% recyclable • Weather and U.Y. resistant • Durable and l,ghtWe'gtrt • Superna Kynar 500e paint sybteln • 9 architecturally pleasing (bloat • Cokwt coordinated trims • Can be installed over existing roof • Avid wally tear off and dabs/sal • No eSPObed cut edges or fasteners • Decked try *meaningful earranly MR uruumar OR 71* MAWS Of AN INsrActin NEAR YOU PLEASE CONTACT:: SPRINGI4OUSE INC. If WNW I t I.. Lwtrr. ittle.Y fowl los 1111118111 f' -1 • F1e1 alai =Ail