HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-04, Page 30{l l
Wednesday. November 4. 194S
Exeter and District Chamber of Commerce elects executive
Sy Scott Nixon
n .ais-Anvoc:An: STAF)
1:1C'I'TElt -- I•.xeteer •
moved nue step clu[+trr
u• huving ILb oifelr
Chantbtlr of Commerce
after t,t i Thurs:du'se`
first meeting; o1 th •
Chamber's•Chamber'sgt•nt•rul •
sneering committee
• ;rim new' Chamber.
• which wtlh: he set to go
on Jun 1-4,.1944,
• • at the ltanch House and
hammeredhammeredi►ut ti
decisions on. Litt`
Chamber's:, name:. itits
guuls. mtentbers hip leesUnd. theexeer.utive
' he steering •ca)mntit-
• ttet (iectcted u= tome tate
new (:hatuber the
at.d •t)iStrirt
('liitinber of .(aentnterct
11 wit include t xeter.
• - anti tht uttttrulf; lir ra`;,.
u! Litt WW1 SAI
Miro!:f u+`i. '.t ntr'ttlit!
ant' 014. tuwntitup`
•''lie t'Utl+•[li1LCt t• ihist' Ult•t. ut 1!: 1'\t•e'ltt,t1
rk 11)•'t 11141(10.e: -.11141(10.e:-. frogi.
Ni'`+Nbiistei t)' ttu- 1l'at11+'t
lit►l►tit t)'t Si(e=ell' t ilio
.•=+I.1 =' oi= !
' ti=..••'t'ti:= \ • tint(
Bill hinn.' of Dinney
Funeral Hume. treasur-
er. The president and
secretary *111 serve one
year and three months
before elections and the
vice president, and tree
surer will serve 'Nix.
AIM) tieI*i'tt=d .a'ert'
tw'u directors Julhe
Clark of Guiher-litroll
will serve 'one yea
r and
I:Ileu Hullun,d . t=1
t•a•t+rgreuir t arms will
Serve six mutitht, The
Chamber will elect
additional• directors at
its •t'ir•si' meeting 'in
Memusuel is optimistic.
• about the tutture of the
Chamber . • - •
ti"t 'e i progt•t•sbed
tremendously • tunigilt..-
be suid "Wt. re Ha=ving
verb rapidly
The Chamber s goals
-= 11 pr ttliitt• t.xteter
and urea businesses
also rteceivted, notal dn.-.
r.u`;siut• a: :j nteetitih.
W1.11, Uri. ill t".Itt I t' T `
tiftr•tee•tit !.xt'.tt• .
•i►'•tiFiit 1:- Lou iI• %' &.t+('
tt• Lt ttlti►rt=.t•te(.
Nie Mit.• ,*.• ... '. .t.
1 \rite• I►lltifitt':,t ' Uir
tr111111: \: Gins :u' t•1
mitt, for the past three
or lour years, and needs
to grow again,
"A growing cuttltnuni-.
ty is a f►eealtt►y cummu-
nity ." he said.
. The c'omtnittt•t• will
also begin. wnrl:ing on
applitutions for
(:ttun►be•r membership.
and hope to have about
300 n►uiled -.out within
the . next 14 days.
Included tot the appli-
cation form will • be:
-space for appin:anti. to •
describt their buslnesl•-
tei. 1111 1 uture rtettertene:e
McMuster added that
:such information tint
each business v ill help
rail:t . the busiti es, ;• pro-
file. Karl. v. Brown .of
-Helpmates', H ht• was
elected as cittiirwoncut:
u' 'the',cl[utItber' . can+-
11'utli(:taint* cuntntittee
tigrteeed t:xeter bustlers• -
es -1►:eed more t,'(+tUt.-
ut►u and said busities.ses
ut: stri:ets t ttlrr lila[.
1uN t : • i,.•� t.t p;
:.tet•r'e''. '
1it•11-10 •.,i, t : i' 1 tis
nolo=«'; St►t +v• ttt(111.4
t 1 N t; : t t 1.
ttlliit'ti=. 4l•(
fur a business with over
10 employees.
There's• also a volun- -
tary 510 membership
fee to juin the On.taric►
Chamber of Commerce
i'birh gibes members
discounts on things
such as 'car rentals.
hotels and long ths.tance
• rates
The Chamber's. next
meeting is \o% 12 and
will hear reports from
its constitution. finance
and communication
"Great Chrittmat
Yoe Family's Needs,"
70 Main St. S. 235-0996
165 Downie St. 273-7374
1074 Dearness Dr. 681-9895
Mit.. 1w' ✓C°JL
z L ►:: :t =tt RAW
.ME SU;;i1tN
Jlrr'JNt1• illi:
Mt ViOet (.a't -
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• 1(4 KeyyttwarC
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to_ Fxet.e• ,at=c Commerce elected tts.first executives during
nteetinE las• 1 tiu• sc3ay %'iouret it: front are vice president Frank. Zawaisky, left.
ane .n esldeti Hugs McMaster. Ir' back front left are Heil Holland. director; Elaine
Soong. secretary, Jake Clark. director. and Bili Dtnney. treasurer:
Wheri you (,ruisiny at lightning speeds
.:l'• 4y% �.i-. � h.£FJ_ . .. .. •. I+ifilt�, pit
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