HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-11-04, Page 27Wednesday, November 4. 1998
Exeter Times -Advocate
Zurich Public School prepares
By Carmel Sweeney
Z Ulla : )aammax
Boniface Parish annu
bazaar was a big succe
last Saturday. The wi
ners of draws wer
Josephine Denomm
Zurich, a food hampe
Doris Jantzi, Hensall,
money tree worth $5
Catherine Masse, Zuric
a Father Christmas pore
lain doll; Austi
Armstrong, Zurich,
baby quilt made b
Marcella Overholt; Joa
Ducharme, Zurich, a bir
house; Joe Denomme,
fruit basket. There wer
also several winners a
the penny sale. table.
A ghost of a time was
had by all at the Town
and Country Bowling
Lanes on. Saturday night.
The Optimists hosted the
glow -in -the -dark bowling,
along with pizza and pop.
Anyone interested in
St. taking part In an adult
al mass choir is to phone
ss Teresa Van Remy at 237-
n• 3255. The choir will per -
e: form at the upcoming
e, plowing match service of
r; worship at the Zurich
a Arena.
0; .. The K. of C. reminds
h, everyone to save their
r empty pop cans for'the
n Building Fund at St.
Boniface Church.
y A meeting will be held
n concerning the arena ice
d surface fundraising this
a evening, November 4,.at
e 7:30 p.m. at the Zurich
Community Centre. Plans
are being made .to have a
New Year's Eve dance
and volunteers are need-
Thirteen members of Mitchell.
the Zurich Agricultural The Zurich Fair Board
f R
or emembrance Day assemb
Society errJoyed a dinner
In Exeter at the Rec.
Centre on October 27
with others from the
District 18 fair boards.
Ten ambassadors also
attended. Cactus the -
Clown entertained every-
one before the meeting.
The guest speaker was
Graeme Craig whe spoke
about the upcoming plow-
ing match in Dashwood. It
will be held September
21-25, 1999. The winner
of the Soup of the Match
contest was a Clinton Fair
The first prize quilt win-
ner was from the S.
Marys fair.
The first prize bread
winner was Sheila Miller
at the Zurich fair. •
The next year's annual
meeting will be held in
Luncheon, euchre at Lion's Hall
Bryu^ Muriel
L wis better by and by.' At the conclusion of the
GRANTON CORRESPONDENT Sympathy was extended service the children.,
to former Pastor passed out cookie treats
Some Granton area Normalie Voakes on the to the congregation.
.residents attended the death of her mother UCW
annual traditional turkey Norma Kerr of
supper at Holy Trinity Maidstone last week. Unit one met e
Anglican Church on Thursday, Oct. 29 at ton
At St. Paul's Anglican home of Doreen
Wednesday, Oct. 28. Church, Kirkton on All McRobert for a noon lun-
Becky Kindree and Saints Sunday,
by the
Cathie Westman hosted Rev. Glenda' Meakin Vc I- host ss. 1, cheonsery President
the, Luncheon ` and ebrated the Holy Doreen led the worship
Euchre at the Lion's Hall Eucharist and_ the with a reading 'Dear God
on Friday, Oct. 30. Prizes lessons were read by
f' fol -
or high score and lone Emma Wackier and the lowed �ibygthe 1.ord s
hands were awarded to minister. In place of.a . Prayer.
Jean Noon and Jill homily, the Sunday The roll call was
Westman. Everybody School, children por- answered with readings,
received consolation trayed the story of the poems and stories. Cards
prizes. 'ninety and nine and the were signed for former
Halloween night was one lost sheep' as it was members, plans were
very good weatherwise read by Emma Blackler made. for the next meet -
and the young children and Rebecca Ilawkins. ing and the beef supper
had no problems making Glenda explained the on Sunday, Nov: 8 was
their calls: Eucharistic Service to discussed.
.At Granton • United the children as 11ro-
Church on Sunday. Nov. gressed as gathering ed the p graGoopresent-
m on the.
1, Lay Pastoral Minister . together to listen to the top c ofchange nd the
Val Hodgins entitled her Word of God, praying meeting was;concluded
sermon 'Full or Empty'. together, giving thanks with a self -composed
The anthem by the choir . and celebrating, then contest led by Madeline
was 'We'll understand it returning to God's word. Hardie.
Farewell gifts presented to
Putman conducted the
service at Grand Bend
United Church on
October 2'5. In his ser-
mon to the congregation
his message was to have
Scriptures where read
by Barry Kinden.
Choir Anthem was
"God is a Spirit."
Coming on,November
22 the Christian
Development Committee
invite all to a church
family pool and plaza
party at the church.
There will be swimming
at the .Pinedale with
pizza and pop at the
Anniversary Service
The 126 anniversary
willhold an......._�
hold annual
ing at the Township Hal
in Zurich, beginning with
a potluck supper at 6:30
p.m.The meeting will fol-
low at 8 p..m. The Fair
Board is selling cash cal-
endars at $20 each.
Phone Margaret at 236-
4130 or Carmel Sweeney
at 236-4702.
The Zurich and Area
Figure Skating Club are
taking frozen food order.
Phone Carol Prang, 236-
4661 for more informa-
tion. They are also selling
skaters -lottery tickets for
a chance to win a new car
at $2 per ticket.
Six women of St. H
Boniface C.W.L. attended he
the Regional Deanery No
meeting at St. Joseph in
Parish in Stratford on p.
October 28. A Fun Night Au
will be held in St. Marys to
on February 10. cra
The Bean Festival
1 Committee are planning
to have their annual
meeting for the public to
attend on December 1 at
8 p.m.
Zurich Public School
will be holding a
Remembrance Day
assembly on November.
11 at 9 a.m. Members of
the community and par-
ents are welcome to join
them. Mrs. Howe -Lobb
will organize the pro-
gram. The next school
council meeting will be
that evening, November
11, at 7:30 p.m.
The Blue Water Res
ome fall bazaar will be
Id this Saturday,
vember 7 at the dome
Zurich from 2 to 3:30
m., sponsored by the
xiliary. There will be a
a room, bake table,
fts, a residents' table
penny sale table, and
Tickets are available for
a bus trip to
Frankenmuth, Michigan
on Dec. 13 with Glen.
Thiel. Phone 236-4060.
The Plowing Match
trailer is parked at the
home of Gerry and Diane
Thiel for those wishing to
buy articles. Phone 236-
Happy birthday wishes
go to. Rosie Rothenberg on
November 2 and to -
Connie Masse on
November 1.
t . Helen. Walker recently
spent three weeks in
Merlin, B.C. with her
daughter Sue and Andy
Markson and family.
Earl and Phylis Deichert
and their son John visited
their daughter and sister. •
Susan, in Quebec Cit
• y.
Children I-�ao en1'Y llowe ena
p rtY
By Mary Peterson
CENTRALIA - Children and adults enjoyed the Hallowe'en party at the -Centralia
Community Centre on Saturday, October 31. Mickey Mouse even took time from -his
busy schedule to attend the party.
The costumes were great, and the judges had a difficult task selected the 'best
dressed. Winners were selected as follows:
Best Hallowe'en character, Emily Wells. .Best homemade costume, Kelly Cronyn,
-Shawn Kennedy, Most- unusual costume, Dan Caslick. Hest TV character, Luke
Kennedy. Scariest costume, Leanne Cronyn. Best dressed (5 and under) Erin Wells.
Best dressed (6 and over) Kristen Nelson. Best animal costume, Levi Christie. Best in
general Marina Lathier. .
• After•the judging the children and their parents enjoyed the hot dogs and pop
served by the Cronyn famil}._
_Centralia United Church
November 1, .A11 Saint's Day, there were many photos of special people at Centralia
United Church. Minister [leather Scott's sermon was entitled "The Way Life Is".
There were also beautiful flowers in memory of Wilf Huxtable who recently passed
away. Minister Scott asked that everyone remember his family members in their
The Sunday School hosted a Mission and Service luncheon following worship.
Everyone enjoyed the food and fellowship and special Hallowe'en cupcakes.
Sunday, November 8.
Peter Scott will be the guest speaker at the Remembrance Day worship. service on
Upcoming. meetings
. Centralia UCW will meet at -the church on November 5 at 8 p.m. Guest speaker will
be Laurie Shapton with pictures of India.- •
UCW ladies will also meet at Zion West on November 5 at 8 p.m. The theme will be
Christian Development. All ladies of the church are invited to attend and to bring a .
Christmas -decoration for sharing at roll call.
The Session from Centralia and Zion West will meet at Centralia on November 12 at
7 p.m. to meet with Lori Stewart,Stewardship minister fromthe Conference office. All
elders should attend this meeting to begin the process of designing a Mission
Statement and church profiles. •
ere will be a joint Stewards meeting on -November 16 at Centralia United Church
:30 p.m_. to discuss the budget. If any•committee has budget items, contact
ton Brock or Alan Powe prior to the meeting.
Special activities
ntralia Sunday School children and their
tie church on Wednesday, October 28. Shellie, Wendy and haron1lorganizeests also enjed a'owe'en d fun
ties and great decorations.
tralia United Church will host its annual Turkey Supper on November 14.
gs will be at 4 and 6:30 p.m. Anyone wishing to donate pies is asked to call Alan
at 228-6557.
on November 14, Thames Road-Elimville United Church invites everyone to a -
rmance by Judy Savoy entitled God, Songs and Other Stuff. The show will be
at 8 p.m. at South Huron Hee Centre. Tickets are $12. in- advance or $15. at the
For tickets , contact Sharon Passmore at 235-2708 or Shirley Kerslake at 229-
na United Church will hold their 1998 Christmas Tour .on November 14 and 15.-
ur includes six. homes and the church, beautifully. decorated by local individu-
d businesses: The cost is $10. More information is posted on the bulletin board.
Centralia Faith Tabernacle
mber 7, youth are invited to go to YFC at Brucefield Public School at 8 p.m.
eal Stuff Road Show from Circle C Ranch in Delevon, New York, will share
and much more.
John Spil1"ng, a missionary to the Arctic, will share. his ministry during the
ng worship service on Sunday November 8. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Euchre results
Id Hodgins was the hidden score winner at the Monday afternoon euchre
at Ileywoods Restaurant recently. Lone hand winners were Helen MacDonald
tty Coates.Jim Davis and Ruby I3eavers were the high score winners.
'h organist
service -was held at
Grand Bend United
Church on Sunday
November; 1. Guest
speaker was Peter Scott,'
Executive secretary,
London Conference on
the topic "Children of
Special music were two
solos, "I see the love of
God", and "Art Thou
troubled" by Vicki
Choir anthem was
"King all Glorious".
"Happy birthday" was
sung for Jim Love.
During the service Ken
Lawton made a presen-
tation to Norman Abbott,
organist, who is leaving
and presented gifts.
Norm gave a thank you
speech. Ce
Grand Bend Golden at t
Agers held their bi- active
weekly euchre party at Cen
the Legion' on October Sittin
28, with seven tables in Powe
play. Winners were: high Also
lady, Mary Van de perfo
Vooren. Low lady - held
Simone Rinn. Ladies door.
most lone hands - Mary 8730.
Moser. Var
Mens high -hand - Ray The to
Quantrill, men low hand als an
won by Dee Rath playing
a mans card. Mens most Nove
lone hands, won by Kay The R
Farquhar playing a mans drama
card. Rev.
Next game will be morns
November 11 at 7:30 at
the Legion Hall. (faro
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