HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-28, Page 3720 rti► F flat TO Property For Raft 11- DROOM HOUSE: WITI-1 LAKEVIEW - Il mites nonh of Viand Bend. Across from golf course. Natural gas heated S19-236-4607 (21k1'0 27 ACRES OF PASTURE - sod sprayed with roundup for tent. Offers (519)237-.1485. (44;450) SEE WHY PEOPLE ARE CHOOSING CO- OPERATIVE LIVING! Large 1 bedroom apts.,. 2 4 3 bedroom townhouses available in a quiet, safe - community in Exeter. Wheelchair accessible' . unit available. Join a • Co-op and get free o1 : landlords. Cots of extras. Move -in. • ificentives.avaitable to ' qualified applicants. • QIM/ Exa darea toteaclows Cava at . 23533112. Farm Property Auction Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874. 3 HEUROOM ('(1l TRY HOME? • 3 miles south 01 „ ayfieW, SSS0.0o per month Plane 236-4230. (441fa) $375 & UPfreshly painted and cleaned 23..0312 (42tfn) EXETER - One bedroom apartment with fridge and stove, $375.0() per month. clean, convenient• newer sI pjex 23 -00 or 519-335. (43-43°1 Arbirent'1br Rent Exeter 386 Mete Street $345.00. One bedroom, appliances. 'entrance control,: paved Parking TQ view 236-7744 or 235.4613 Cieann r 7 0 6 auction of 100 acre tarn:. items. For Harold and Phyllis Parsons. machinery and corse Mem The (arch n RR tit_•KtPPen, Ont reserve at 1 - - will be .offered sub p.n, tett to reasonable 6DAM'a Property d knowbatanct"•.or; agreed --closing date (30 Township'.Consisting o 100s.lot nth• .1a. acres morersmltr less workable. on which is .rooted `with• 70 k home with si r' r good 4 bedroom brick roc' aha excettent updates. along- with a large hip root barn and separate sited•and shop in good repair House has cornu o and wood furnace. 20 acres hardwood_ uush Formorte information on the property Contact th• ., troneer . - 't:fNT AND imatt: t c INC i rp 4 • 'Massey 750 combine, 300 bushe steep ,rr, head. 18 hoatnng-cutting head, 6 pickup with heat.. 2x #56 Int, corn planters ,nsectrcde' .. 15' Kongskiide .cultivator. 12' Cockshut •swather. 570 bear' wrndrower. New Edea .side rake, -George White 300 gat sprayer. 7' nay conditioner, McCormick 3 pt hitch mower. 48•.3 pt. hitch Woods mower. 2 wagons with gra' racks, wagon with gravity box. Marta .wagon. 16' tandem axi, stock trailer, swather 4 trailer, canoe or. 1 truck box with hoist. 24' teed y 16' tube bale.'elevator, - 4" x 25r auger, 6 po, auger. drag harrows. 4 row Smith bean puller. 500 gat poi: water tank, charm fah with stand. ptatfonnt scale: fanning; int' 40' ext. ladder..` comp. alum fuel tank (33 gal and 66 ga;. E. used. corn stoves. 1 vorr foe: pump. a' quant o•_ eiectr,ca' ane neattng supple- ai,c fittings. a quant';,, o• firewood NOTE prope_►ty offered by Bob Heywood. Licenced Salesperson with Prudential Heartland Realt y Prudential Auction Calendar Auctioneer Bob Heywood • • 235-0874 ,Wk_w_. ^Pin} gt_til-;--L�►31at�A ...• We have beer- favourto ed:h°tr- a epi itemarea s from the Lucan ousehold and collectible with estate of Mrs: K. Haggai along ons from the well kept homes of Mts. Olive Fisher and Mrs. Viola Ritchie. additi PART xt r icrem. ;nciudes beautitui wainut.dinin 6 needlepoint chairs and- matching chinacabinet g table with dinrngroom suite with ext. table. 6 chairs. china b b t t buffet, antique oak dining Pc sideeoard, g table with 4 -net and Roston hutch -and buffet with r oak chairs, oak and 6 chairs (nice). -love! 3 out maple table Pressed pattern, y Pc anUque�pak bed - suite - with p'ess d 2 rn 'Baronet- .4; pc. bedroom suite in mint antique couch armoire on legs. 2 good double beds. blanket. ou h and 2 chairs, antique dressers, waShstartds, - radio, rove x. �tdaarvest table, buffet''Stewart•Warner'- floor parlour- chair, sofa bed . as new.•3.pc: Eastlake set. wicker fernery Imperial Loyalist dinette table and chairs. lamp and plant tables. an collectibles and useful smalls inc.ch rya a ellen! offering of incl. cobalt and depression, carnival. Limo e, and glass, oil lamps . service, Adants silverware, antique clocks.. silver tea crystal. • marbles, fruit Jars. graniteware. Indian (several dozen pcs), dash churn,diary arifacth chairs. -excellent recliner with wbrsadr rand 2 wooden heater ($2000 high new). queen size mattress with split boas • wood stereo system. 30" range. eget' r wriPang• Keasher . microwave. convection oven. Elec(roluxeva vacuum, ecolourhTV - and much more. iada Clearing faun a y vemb°� j00 . • and misc. items. See full ac thisacre Property and equipment Paper. Moving auction for i. Krainz of Homesteaders Antiques - Hensell. Selling antique furnishings, smalls, china and glass etc. on location. Full list to follow. • Exeter Tlnt„m.,,BVOCate C1assjj eds 2Pr+operty For AVAILABLE NOV 1ST' - One hedrr,nn i spa Heated, fridge and supplied $35.5/month 235.13.54 , (38Uit) Rent TO Ptl rye For Rent t?MHHR LL!XUkY APARTMENT nmenl Maui Flour til iluu.c. stove Hardwoeid Floors: Stair (lass Call Windows Central Air, ' Fireplace 'Appliances, Twp, Itcdomtm.- Fenced in back yard Parking: close tet downtown No pets. References required ('all 319-213- 463 I Who MOiEiRN ONI: 'eY TWO BEDROOM Alr7'S • - Main Si Exeter 235-2557 (241frii BACHELOR APARTMENT - Bedroom; Bathroom. Kitchen, Livingrooni 5375/month plus utilities- 235-0800 ask for Jerry or 23571 286 evenings (1 SUM . BACHELOR APARTMENT The Maples. Hensall $25U.(N) per month, heat Included. • Phone 21.34:4-2.3.(421.34:4-2.3.(4)(H441:111:14)EXF:7 E'sk -23 ..l (44HfitU1tOUM HOM1. -• Newel turnacc. Windows and kitchen. 11/2 baths,: close to downtown Available November 1 $600 plus utilities 234-6262 atter 7 p.ni. (41 ilii l EXETER NEW FEATURES INCLUDE: > Largo .common room -lounge. exercise and - games rooms Oine and two budl'oonrapanntents from $375 . fridge and stove included gra °pitons available. One onth's tree rens Phone Glenn ven tkpts 235-0349 (26tlnr . . ukfViSi,E,i 1.t'Xiii v up Ex m He 1�. tse_Dk0olt1 - riverlront condo, conditioned. 1irejil-eco:.. whirlpool. •pool• deck.. cathedral ceilings.. • g„t• barhequc. gar heal Non snmkers • avarlable•lron, Sept AL„ 15 $550 plus utilitic: 3;, '4.(3811» r WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT Vehiclesequipment. motorcycles; snowmobiles Would also be idea, for inial; busrrress or trades person. Contact Gary MacLean 235-0800 Daytime, 235-1245 evenings EXETER - 2 bedroom ground fluor. includes .11tdgt• and stove 1 block; -limn Mani .tree} $495inii,nth plus .ulilrries Availably Dec 1st Contact Gar\ A1acLean 2,45 01+(0crr 245.1245 )43tln, - l: I;Tlat - 2 bed'°un; apt rect•n(h redecorated. si°ye and 11uigc. leigt• !lowered y.rid „rllt tree. '.45-02% u, 2.45- -lvv (sun, - GRA -.`v1) Iii:Nit -- - herd, ours' lrir(.tge "seits- $ ISiniontlr t )•.. rink(, 0.4:44' i �er,le:e. - 'HENSALI_ - 1 and 2 heti/Lion; ants . luif� carpeted. lndgt• end ,s(uvc.-.pavctl parking.. -r1" -cable.: etc Special rates I�,r Nemors 13th month rens lr�i 262-22.3(1 °r 905-n62-660_3 t�6tgnr IIFNSALL - gluon(' flour. I Zer 2 bedroom 'apts. Heat k w: hided Special rales lot tenants that' yuahly 236-4230 r i0tlnr - - IIGNSi1L1. •- 1 & 2 bedroom aparl,uents availablenow %4e11.ma,ntaincd building with ewive/nem laundry facilities. CaII Jim 262-.445. (3811n) STOpv Bach. 1;2,3 l,aur, own, 176 Oxford St., Hensall Great Prices and Great New Management • All utilities included • Lovely, Clean Units • Quiet Village Living • Freshly Decorated • Laundry Facilities MOVE IN BONUUS Please call ELIZABETH COURT (519)262.1060 One Bedroon, Apt. for rent In Centralia tiitage, ;entralfaFridge, stove and all utIUtier; included. 234-6421 OFFICE/STORE FRONT C°n►mereial space 101 rent. - 111.m° St S. Exeter 235-1462 (26t1n i - ONI: AND TWC) 13EUk(-)OM APAuT4l1:AT ti $149 - .00 Irani i►' Exeter 2.45-1854 (26t),, O,NE-AND-TWO HEOROOM APARTMENTS - Stove. Iridge . park int! anti heal •. included i'U(' extra .451-2_131 (2bth» • ONI: l3EltR(r()A1 APARTMENT . rcntivated - Newts • apertruehl litcat�tl downtown (.',il!.Uuine% s ,ri 9aui 5 Irni (_i ?Ili ROOMS KM: RENT .entraliy IuItet - home in Exeter I./se tit !singly worn. bathroom. kuehen and laundry wont Cal! alien. Orn -2:45- 15.44 442tiri,.• 131:t)I(0O,1) AJ'Au't',111:,\'"1: $:35p fudge. stove. heat end hydro included, 11 you -are interested pleaK call Talmo\ • 22S -60s Shirley' Margaret -i Apt. Exeter Ideal for single person. young or retired couple.. Stove and refrigerator, 'balcony. laundry. facilities, . cable .TV and heating. - One year lease. Phone Cliff Knip 228-6236 H uron :Rebekah Lodge - i'he.charter• of Pride of Huron Rebekah. • Lodge svfis draped in inen1 ,- of Bro. .Pere Noels„,Sis.-Gladys Coleman and five ,Grand 4,odge. mentbelrs. The fi►rnis for br.Iling cheese are biting disIribute-'d. It Was decided to again sponsor a ytouth for •.the Pilgrimage for Youth program. Ni;• Joan !lodger! will be- laying a wreath al the cenotaph on November 8 for Remembrance Day. December 2 will be the (:hrislnia,. dinner meeting. PasSt (:rands are bolding a candle party on November 12 at the Lodge Hall at 7:30 p.m. A1I 111f31i- bers are invited. Marlene IlI(ittit(ilr find her son entertained svith their singing. Wi,rin,•';elris (h•tr,tir+r ll~ 11)44( i Associates Inc. HENSALL AREA FARM TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION FOR THE MCDOWELL ESTATE Frido November 6 1998 at 1.1 S Wt hove 111. neer re�stec w set. by Wei ouchot,,!lir piopert, know, 0'. Aro 30, (oncessloi. 13, lownshn, of'fi r:. County o' Perot:, being int 0cre wit(`63 Opprox workot>re acre: !': acre woodbr ani; thcboldrw i i. licensed gravel pt l0(AIION aro Siderou' carr of Hensel', fury, telt t(: (htselhdrst fain' n or: the S E corner FIRMS (air (lose u. 30 day; I)eposr, S 1000 00+ Purchaser will be requester! to doY o sole Fhr chose pactvoY n 3 buyers kettle, actin Mai( the not Property selling suolw r(+ bus low. low reserve o- the Auctioneer bite must tx sole Bruce Rafwell - 519-233-71E11 de Associates Inc. ESTATE AND PROPERTY AUCTION We 'would Eke to rnwte.yoli to.* buchon sale to- the estate or (nosy. (olentor, to be heed or are Henspli keno or, • Saturday. November /, o' l C..30 c n PROPEREY • 113 Krug Street. Nensot'.' lo' 24 Complete with i i • YV P' . It 240. Ptah 267; /2 storey alumina tronie hoist. (orale' to 76`) 1.31'" (approx.;,.with new F/A furnncc exceilenr rerrenten' home (ON iFNIS 9 pc woiriut dining rn surfs corns p' wolnut bedroon sults, aiesterfrerc cu'c actinr tomo' Ott proal • beds, cosies one ens cable; os• .(nes•.°• drawer:. Mir beds, 1 oft burrow tcae wrung urons,.ror a' 1,0. rc century preserving (mourn, gross, in'ru;, run; ontrque. one iu, nisturig;, miss 'tents iERMS - Contents qt 10.3140? Cush o' cheque wet 11) .PROPEREY -;;,000.00 doff bolero n! 30 days Views priresorerve to day of sore Selling cit .1 f..m o' tit( went: SSuol�plt, 10K • NOTE Verboi onrtoult(enient•lokf- precedence over widen. maim : For more information contact Exe(uror - Ron Coler(ron-519-233-.5;,r, Brace Raell - �wKent Rathweell - Richard Robinson Auctioneers - 519-233-71.81 1 ` AUCTION - Saturday, October 31 at 9:30 'earl.. Estate farm machinery and blacksmith welding 'shop items. tools. misc. items.. cars and repairPau workshop2 location. 1 Sale to be , held-at1/2 miles north to Blakenules west of Zurich. turn right. Blacksmith and iglu - Bla 200 arty p tools.- doll press...blacksmith for . shears. 225 p. welder (Regent). anvil, bolt cutters., metal compressor, steel welding table with vise, work benches, metal and wooden fool - cabinets. gnnders,emerys, bane racks, florescent fights. we ghg cales.r. ntreuch ngerts arid b 4x8. iron. paint. ft. flat steel. rod and angle iron. large amounts -of scrap CQLLECTMILES: Selling as is, - 1965 Corvair. pickup, VW pickup., VW car (less roof) -(811 mid 50s) 1957 Ford motor transmission rear end.3 VW Mercury. - , motors. Model A motor converted into air c compressor. 2 with wheel- Cushman motor not -running.: Cti sur, n3 less motor) push mowers 2wheel Cushman lower. 3 pth rotor tiller (homemade), tardeh. tiller, v_snow uch more mlsc. - - (omemade) many bicycles, and NTiQtJES. -2 large wood Wheels..steel wheels. (various izes). steel roller for making rims for walk( wheels: is rn pump, spark plug cleaner, circle and cross cut 'saws. ar manuals, triangle grass windshield bottles, pop sas- s. bottles and jar, old gas_ pump price numbers. steel an wood bed frames. machine repair inery selling at 1 p.m. for estate of LoiS S ewartonno eenway (farm sold), UTORS: J.D..510 diesel (good rubber), 1365 White 4 wd with loader -and backhee. 2 buckets. Oliver 546 septi unted 3 furrow -plow, 14 ft wheel disc. 18. ft: Kongs. • de cult. with hyd. wings and harrows, 18 ft. wheel har- ator, 4 row scuffles-, 7 rid harrows, tooth 3 pth chisel plow, die-. n ci 3 pole..3 pth Oliver 3 furrow pth cult. 4 in. rain auger-. Plow. JD corn 1'erguson plow. Sears craft 11 3 php ng lawnb(ade. 2 fur er pump and tank. water tank on trailer. trailer lawnmower. axle. instar Myron Snider. Repair shop sold. Terms cash, n.cheque. Not responsible for loss or accidents AUCTIONtR:3OHN FINLEY 518.182-9261 b m A s to c e a ch Gr MO told rowg mo plan wate know