HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-28, Page 32moonemiey, October 28. 199h
titer T
Frightening front yard
Robert and Kathy Bray and family have decorated their Usborne Twp. front yard for Hallowe'en with ail
forms of ghosts: and goblins.
Show a quilt at IPM '99
B� Dolores . NI7
EXETER - Man ques-
tions are being asked
about • the .quits
Competition and Quilt
Hindi . Challenge for the
International flowing
batch . and l arm
,Machinery Shinn .1999
mustasked ques-
tions is. "Who can enter
inu these cutnpetitiutiS""
The answer i' anyone
. who. wants. to get
involved and show their
• quilting talents. This is a
goldeen opportunity to
participate in our con►=
ntunitl which is an
International event
Hov1 du .'ou get.
involved with Quilt Block
Challenge' First. call
Dolores :M Shapton..
(u1.9-2:35-1(1271 or write
her at IL.li. '1 Exeter,
Ontario. NOM 1S4 and an
information package will
.be sent tri _you ininletdi-
alai) . This package gives
you the rules for Quilt
Contpetitiun as well us
• the Quist Block Challenge
Hew. much dues Quilt
Block (:hallertge gust'
Guist Block Ct►all.ettge.
costs $i,- feet to. tenter
which gives you a kit of
thiree different 'pieexs• of
cotton material and auto-
niatic:alie eeJiLer, your
nano., lir the -99 draw
l of teal add five addi-
bonal colours- to coin-.
Wen your block design to
depict your interpreta-
tion of Huron Count)
Blocks. utust be subinit-
ted to Shapu'u or the
(:untntitter• by January
15, 1 9(►e9 '
. How. ntanl categories
are in the Quilt
Competition'' Special
Wording is designed to
nivel . the quilters needs.
example - work of
entrant utth , work of one
or more. individuals or
work of two or more •
individuals with various
named techniques in ,
trine categories :lige win-
ning entry in nuniber-
nine will be+t trine the
properly ei1 UR' Old Mill.
Highway 4 south uJ
Blyth and 'Bainuin's Old
Mill. dewttu,wit Blyth
with the winning entrant
receiving $70(1 •
Flow do I enter'''. in the
quilt categories an intent
to cutter 'apples:auo' u1►d
appropriate lei, should
be sent to. Sha'pton by
Januar) 1 1994 acid
enit'1 form must be'
received b1 1'ebruarl 2l�.
If there. a. quilt ,show"
' es a quilt show will be
held on April 8.'9. 10 and
...19!)`). at• Souttt Huron
.Itecre ttIor Centre..
•1•:xe•ter with ail entries
displayed The winnitig
entries will be shtnrn' in;
the Quilt Tent al IPM 'y9.
September 21>%5,. 1999.
1n a• are counting on our
design to teak(- '.Hurcit;
C.outn� Suite( ru ;99 Vor
further inturinat'tun call
Blue Water Rest Home residents
dine at MillingtQnS of Brucefield
ZURICH - "fie residents
of Min Water first Hume
viijuyed Lunch at
Milhtegu►oti of Brucelield
un October' 21. Residents
Ethel Moore. \ era
O'Brien: Marg Hedlt�y .
Esther Makios, Marie
Gingerich. DurotllY Bapty
and Clarence Gascho,
with the -assistant-( of
Marion MacK-ie. Kat
'Webb. Gien Thiel and
Lathy Shantz. dined on'
beef and.._barley soup, tea
biscuits. quiche. lasagna
and turkey casserole
The Zurich .Connection
entertained the residents
on October '22.. Rev. Art
Flurst. Helen :and. !.Loyd.
Otterbein and .Mrs.
Eleanor played country
music with violins. gui-
tars. dobra. and tatn-
Grace Martin and Verda
Baechler served lunch to
the residents and their
The Merry Makers
entertained -tin the after-
noon uf•October 23 Susan
VanLgniond. daughter of
Gladys. led the group on
the piano and. saxophone.
Mozart Gelinas Sr , l:il;in
Nut and Harvey McDowell
played Octoberl'est music
-for the residents.
• 0i:tuber 24 members of
Highbury Gospel Hall
Choir. Loddon. sung
gospel music lir • the resi-
Nancy Paquette, Pamela
Dyck, Melody Parker.
Vvonuu Patten and David
Robinson, friends.:of resi-
dent Beatrice Mt'Nab,
with the assistance of Don
Piewis. sang many; famil-
iar and favourite hymns
of the residents.
October 20 the Christian
Reformed Church Choir of.
Exeter visited the Flome
and sang hymns for the
The -Monday afternoon
movie was "'Little Men'
which the residents
watched on the large TV
screen in the auditorium.
Rel. Reynold Kipfe•r. .
lnterini V1iuister- at Zurich
Mennonite Church. con-
ducted "Thursday after=
noon Chapel. Service.. Er.
Matthias Wronski. • St..
Boniface Church, Zurich -
celebrated Mass. -
"I'he residents luck for-
ward to bowling on
October 26 their grade
live Buddies October .27,
'Hallowe'en Tea October
28, carving p.utupkins
October 29. the Swinging
. Seniors October ;il) and
all the trick ur treaters un
October 31.
An afternoon tea: with
the theme of
-Mother /Grannie'
-Apron': will -be herd 00
1'.0 ember 25. Anyone
with aprons of a ,particu-
tar- period ur design are
'asked to share thein with
-the residents You trey
.pick up your apron on
November 26 front the
Office of -Adjuvant Cathy
Shalee or if you wish fur-
ther information, •please
call 236-4373.
Attention all.
CPR instructors
I.(1'DON - The Hea•rt..
and 51rok(• 1•nundatic►n
and. i I( 1 M-•1'yti:.A. art .
h(istlnk the 144t'i Hett•ri
Steps London Save a Life
Saturdal •or: 'vnverner ;.'1 ,
tlI the L?;ndr,n i.(•ntr-
}tranch of the 11M-1'1A'(;.A.
'I't11. program tf, d.!signc+.d
UP .help Save fives • t►pro-
c. free .l'.!'It.
1(eesusclitatiorti training to
the pubo(: The chances. of
sur' i' td dramaticall�
increase for 1 !('1trrls of
sudden (;ar.dla( arms*. )f
CP -It tS adrul .-1e•rf•L
y,ronlpth utter Ate- -tinsel
NtrtteCl'fi instrurtors.a',d
volunteers are noodeed t(,
•niaki• this program; possi-
ble "Filen' are three SVS -
, It) {i ;;(l a 1:, --
Child'1tlfant. 1(1-.30 -a rn
to12.30 adult l 30
to 3.30 p.tr: - Eta ult
If -you are a1a:lar)i;
help v.'ith all ar f'ven SU:
of this event, ('r lo' . more
ltriorrrlatit►i: 'please contact
-Iarure-.1'alrncer t t the !team
u'1d Strokf 1-oundatt(In
157 41 t,;'(►-Ut,41. • A_ 1('�
!tours Of 1 (lu. ttaIpe (:('U.1G
Detwiler. Iltf' e:'1!: (britt'..
5 p.m - ] ear..
Lid 1 ante Tickets St,
available at
i....� at door $;;
lunch -DI
C'rf' hN• Tr►E
L1,:•tr,c ! C (� r
you all
* there
A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
A resume detailing an applicant's work history and j
education is extremely helpful to an employer who.
is seeking a person for a• specific job •vacancy.
Your personal resume.should accompany
- your Letter of application.
He - t Gee mon:r 8i-del:nes is (.r:?uu to prep -t:-.-4- Vv4r rest:rr-c
itilake it ac�tcise,atiC e;:t y u. reg_ _ z,:i:-/neer
slier. iwccleveerrs•
J Tt,e resume"should be typed on t 1'2""x ::' white pipe-'
tic►a. enoiigr wince space to -privy c. ttereti
your'nanie. tire p:•vr:t r.ur:;!�c
Next. tattier sub -he i iu r ,•*. orr. History.. Ge:?~.. -..c
p!'evlous.jobs vo11'vt i,t•,L - it. res t-rse ditto ur:le_r
ti:a: ►; , .last jot firs:.
Use a separate paragr::pt, tar each. position
precede it with -the duce: you held that
3 State the job title, ti brief description of the
responsinilities : and the resuiti yvu ac%iieveC
:.1 The next section of your resuttit si.uuid Come under the
sub -heading of "Edt.►ca los ' Sxr. wilt'. the 'highest
• degree;outauied ot.grade•compieteC fvtivwed t!i• the
i ane of -the institutiut: ut which. you studltd- Fvllow
this wits previous education utttiiaments rt tt.e ec,C;
tis: ani' specific instructional cuurses"yol.
attended ir.'-cunjunctiur, with your auris
'."iter the sub -heading ' Affihauvas' , i.st triernbership:
at.d ur offices held. in prufessiunal or industry .
'- cider the sui,-heading "Persona? Interest:" list any .•
achy►tie; winch you feel will be of interest tt the
enti iuyer - sucn as volunteer worts, etc
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
factors that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an interview. So make it as impressive
. as you can- but stick to the facts.
We car he.'p you.ge! an impress,ve and
professional -looking resume
Calf Debbie Lord at
'424 Main St. Exeter
(519) 235-1331