Times Advocate, 1998-10-28, Page 30Wednesday. October 28. 1998
Exeter Times—Advocate
iN Skew102 Deaths
ALLEN - Don and Catherine
(Johns) arc delighted to
announce the arrival of Mary
Kate on Monday, October 12.
1998 weighing 9 lbs 2 oz.
Welcoming Mary Kate home
are excited big sisters Eniily
• and Mikayla. Loving
grandparents are Keith and
Nancy Allen, Londesborough;
Marjorie Johns, Ushorrte Twp.
and great -grandma Genevieve
Allen, Londesborough.
Grandpa Philip Johns watches
down from heaven: (44*)
100 Births
OKE • Leanne. Ted and hig
brother Jonathon are pleased to
announce ttte safe arrival of
Larissa Ashley burn at Victoria
Hospital. London on October
14, 1998 weighing 10 lbs 3 oz.
and 23 inches long. • Proud
grandparents etre Betty Barnett
of Wasaga Beach and John'and
Joan Oke of Exeter. (44•)
I'YM - Allan •and Marg of
London are pleased to announce
• the birth of Rachel Margaret ,on
September 9. (998. Allison is
delighted with her little sister.
Proud grandparents are Grace
Pym of Exeter and AI and Vera
Moore of Charing Cross. (44*) .
a Boy!. Dave and Kclli are
happy to announce the safe
arrival of their new son,
• Mitchell David William •
Consist, horn Monday; October
'19, 1998 at 7:41 pm weighing
6 Ib 4 oz. , Proud grandparents
arc Ron -& Sharon Schroeder
and Bill & Marjorie Consist.- A
new. great-grandson for Hazel
Dowson. Special' thanks to
Drs. Salsbury, Wenske,. Smith
and the O.B. staff at Clutton
Public Hospital, especially
Janice Carnochan. hugs and •
kisses to the Grandma's and
Aunt's for the visits. help and
ad ice since returning home.
Baty and Mom are doing well
and Dad's on Cloud Nine.
(44x) •
SCOTT - Dcan and Trish. and
daughters Shannon and
Colleen of Hruccfield are
thrilled to announce the birth
of daughter #3 and little sister
Alannah Margaret. Our
precious bundle arrived
.October 18 at. 8 pm and
weighed in at 9 Ihti. Proud
grandparents are Jim and
Audrey .Scott of Lucan grid
Scan and Marilyn McMahon of
Guelph. Great grandparents
are Wilmer and MaryScott of
Lucas] and Nora Wessel of
Granton. (44*)
101 Marriages •
SHIPMAN/MOULTON - Laurie, daughter of Garnet and Bernice
Shipman of Exeter, and James Moulton; -son of Bill & Linda
Chiasson of Delhi were united in marriage on October 15, 1998 in
London, Ontario. James and Laurie currently reside in Exeter.
Love and Best Wishes for a happy future together from your
family. (44*)
CONNOLLY - At South Huron
Hospital, Exeter on October 21.
1998, Mary (Johns) Connolly of
the Exeter Villa and formerly of
Mitchell and Hilbert Township
in her 83rd year. Beloved wile
of the late Fred Johns (1980) and
the late Patrick Connolly (1984).
Dear mother of Donald Johns
and his• wife Marjorie, Ken
Johns. all of Hibben Township,
Margaret Miller and her_husband
Harry of Exeter and Doris Rock
and her husband Earl of
McKillop Township. Loving
grandmother • of eight
grandchildren and sixteen great
grandchildren • Predeceased by a
-grandson Roy Johns (1980).
Friends were received at the
Lockhart • Funeral Hume.
Mitchell where the .funeral
service was held on October 24.
1998. Bob Heywood officiated.
Flower bearers were Mary Jane
Forrester and Shelly-Toornstra •
Pall hearers were Rob and Ken
Miller, Dennis, Keith and Bob
Johns and Jean Elliott. Intemient
in Roy's Cemetery, West Perth
(Fullanon Township) (44)
HUXTABLE - At his late
residence in Exeter un Friday,
October 23, 1998, Wilfred JamesHuxtable. formerly of Centralia,
in his 97th year. Beloved
husband of Anna (Love)
Huxtahlc..101' (r5. years.__ Dear_
father of. Bill Huxtable and his
Lamp -ion Cathy Peterson uI
Centr • Dear grandfather of
Brian • met, both at home.
•,ed by a daughter
at Elizabeth (1947), a.
sista Florence Mitchell and a
brother Fred Huxtable. Friends
called.at Hopper Hockey Funeral
Home. Exeter on Saturday where
the complete funeral service was
held on Sunday. October 25.
with Pastor Heather .Scott
officiating. Interment Exeter.
. Cemetery. Donations to -the
Town and Country Homemakers
or Centralia United Church
would be appreciated.by the
family. (44)•
Worship �
9:30 a.m. Communion
Service •
Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Thursday Evening Home
Bible Study at 8 p.m. For
info, contact 229=6572
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
November 1
1f:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Worship Broadcast -
on Community Channel
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John
Sunday, November,1
Moming Worship 9:30 and
'11:00 a.m.
Sunday:School 9:30 and
11 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wed., 7 p.m. Family Night
• Everyone Welcome
68 Main Street South
Courtesy Car'- 235-2784
Sunday, November 1, 1998
Guest Minister: Rev. John
11 a.m. Worship Service and
Sunday School
Nov. 3 8 p.m. Gordon
Nov. 9 Guest Minister: Rev.
Lillian Wilton
You are welcome to worship
- God with us.
332 Huron St. W.
Pastor Peter Tuininga _
November 1,1998
10:00 a.m. Moming Service
Sunday School for ages 3 to
Grade 4 during nfoming ser-
Nursery Available'
7:00 p.m. Evening Service.
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
. CKNX 920 10:30
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
November 1
9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Worship Broadcast
on Community Channel
Comer of ,lames and
Andrew St.
Sunday, November 1, 1998
10:30 a.m
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Social.time after the '
Sunday School at
Nursery provided
Courtesy car: Norm Whiting
. 235-1931
Christmas Bazaar
November 14
All welcome!
Lake, Ontario passed away i
Winnipeg in his 75th year on
October 24, 1998. Left to mourn
are his wife Elsie. sons Emerson
of. Manitoba and Dale of B.C.
Predeceased by his parents'
George & Lillian (Goforth)
Riley, daughter Jody and brother
'Lloyd. Surviving are brother
Harvey of Kitchener, sisters
Miura Farr of Stratford, Beatrice
Neal. of Mitchell. Gertrude and
Bill Kellington of Brussels, Wyn
& Lloyd Riley of RR #2 Staffa
and sister-in-law Elizabeth Riley
of Stratford. Internment in Red
' Lake Cemetery. (44*)
105 Cards of Thanks
GAGE - I would like W thank al
my family & friends for make
my SOth birthday s
unforgeluhle. Thanks to m
children Karen, Kathy & Kevi
fur. remembering me in such
special way. They gave me
surprise party on October 24t
that I will always remember.
had friends there that I hadn'
seen in many years as well as m
sister and niece Irons Ottawa an
,.my mother and other. relative
Irons London. I would also lik
to thank Gary who always give
me that extra littlebrk►st when
feel too tired to go out and stil
manage to keep a secret.. The
evening was a huge success.
Thanks. Harb (Mont) (44')
GODBOLT - Whai a wonderful
special party for my 90th
birthday! A sincere thank you
goes to family. relatives and
friends. for 'helping at and
attending my open house -as well
as all the ends. flowers, gilts and
good wishes Gad bless you all.
Elva 144*)
1061a MN
soadaia 106 la saeriam
I CLARKE - In loving memory
ng a dear mother, grandmother a
o. great grandmother, Audrey. -
y You had a smile for everyone,
n You had a heart of gold,
u You left the sweetest memories
a - This world could ever•hold,
h To me you wcrc my best friend,
1 What more is there to say.
t Except to wish with all my heart
Y That you were here today.
s Remembered and sadly misse
c• every day by your daughter Pa
s and her family. (44*)
1 _ _•
1 CLARKE - In lolling memory of
Audrey who passed away
October 25. 1996.
To us you were so special •
What more is there to say
Except to wish with all our
hearts .
• That you were here today.
You couldn't say good•hyc to us
. You couldn't see our tears
Out you left us with great
We will treasure the rest of our •
Sadly missed by husband
Russell; children ' Patricia,
Bonnie. .& Larry . and
grandchildren. (44*)_
01 LEWIS - 1n loving memor of
nd our parents, grandparents and
great-grandparents. Earl ss ho
passed away October 26. 1982
and Jessie, October 30, 1991
Time may hate the sadness
Like a smile that hides the tears,
But precious memories nes et
Despite the passing years.
d Sadly missed and lovingly
I remembered by Helen, Don,
Edith, Norman, Linda, Allan and
Gladys and our families. (44*) ,
RYAN - For best wishes, cards,
gifts and time spent with us, 'on
the occasion of our. 40th
Wedding Anniversary; thank
you. For helping hpnds with
clean up; thank you. For -a
. family that any -parent would he
proud of; a hig loving than! •
H,u' kc Helen (441`) - .
KIPFER - A big thank you to my
family. relatives and friends for
all the. prayers, cards, flowers
and treats while in Stratford
Hospital and since returning
home. A special thank you 10
Dr. Sorsdhal and the VON's for
your great care:' - Your
thoughtfulness will not he
forgotten. (43:44*)
HERN - A'sincere-thank you 'to
all my family. friends, relatives
and neighbours for all the visits.
flowers, cards and treats while 1
Was, in Westminister. Hospital
recovering from surgery and
n 'since returning home. A special
thank -you to my own "Florence
Nightingale's" who continue to
care for me at home!• 1 really:
appreciate everyone's
thoughtfulness and love: • Sandra
105 Cards of Thanks
BEAVER - l would like to thank
my family, friends and co-
workers for the phone calls,
-' visits and gifts during my illness
and 9 week stay in the hospital..
Special thanks to Mom, Dad and
Dennis for being there when I
needed them and for their help,
love and support. Cindy. (44*)
EDWARDS - To my wonderful
family, relatives and friends and
you kneqw who you all are.
Thanks for the fabulous totally
surprise 50th birthday party. Just
remember most of you are
'younger' than I am. Lave you
all, carol. (44x) '- ' . .
ESSERY - June and Bill and
their family would like to -.thank
everyone for .their thoughtful
expressions of sympathy during
the recent passing of June's
sister. Your flowers, prayers,
and cards are very much
appreciated. (44x) -
Thanks to the Hospital Aux.
members and the many
volunteers for their generous .
help. Thanks also to the
community for donations and for
supporting South Huron
Hospital. Rummage .Sale
Committee. (44)
SCHOOL would like to thank
all area businesses and
individuals who donated items,
time or talents to our silent
auction. To all those who bid.
your generosity was greatly.
appreciated and helped make our
da, a succe.ss. (44) '• -
- WEBBER - Lloyd would like to
"thank" everyone for the visits,
cards. gifts and calls he received
during his stay in hospital and
since returning home, especially
our minister Marilyn Carter,. Dr.
Jadd, all the nurses and therapists
for all the care he has had. Also
our family for being there when
we needed them. gorothy can't
thank everyone enough either.
WEIGAND - We wish to express
a sincere thankyou to family and
friends for the kindpess and'.
sympathy shown to us during the
loss of our dear father and
grandfather, Louis Weigand. We
are deeply grateful for the many
donations and floral tributes in
Louis' memory. We extend our
appreciation to Dr. O'Connor
anethe Bluewater Rest' Home
staff who cared for Louis..Our
heartfelt thanks to the Pallbearers
and to Rev. Gani Lazaro for his
thoughtfulness. Special thanks.
to the, Caldary United Church
Women, in Dashwood for the
luncheon and to the staff of
Hoffman's Funeral Home for
their guidance at this time.
Sincere thanks. Rill, Doris,
Mark, Jodi, •Andrea & Chris.
DIETRICH In k"" ing memory
o1 a dear husband. lather and
_gram!. Jitter, .Lorne- who passed
ay October 28, 1982
Gone are the days we used to •
. share,_
Hut in our hearts you're always • -
• there.
To us you were very special, - •
REGIER - In loving memory of
a dear Husband, Father, Son and
Brother. David whom God called
home so suddenly one year ago.
In a quiet country graveyard.
Where the breezes gently blow.
Lies the one we loved so dearly
And lost one year ago.
Time cannot stool* heartache
. Or even stop a tear,
• Or take away a memory
. 01 one we loved so dear.
We may not show our sadness
- Everyday throughout the year.
But in our hearts is where we
We're wishing you s, rc here •
Always rcmemhercd and sadly
missed by His family .(44`)
What more is there to say.
Except wish with all our hearts, -
That you were here today.
You didn't say good-bye to us;
f' You didn't see our tears,
But you left us with beautiful
We will cherish through the •
- years. -
Always loved and sadly missed
by wife Mary. his children and
:heir families. (44`)
STEBBINS - In loving memory
of Pearl.lrene Stebbins.
Even though a year has passed •
• November 2. 1997 •
Since we laid you in God's
_Those we love don't go away •
e -
They. walk beside us every sa• d
Unseen. unheard, but always
near -
Still loved. still missed, still very .
dear. -
Remembered and lovedalways
• by Verna andHoward, Dorothy
• and Wayne and families. (44')
1... oininn together for another year
b.. our feelings for someone we hold
- N._ olsey with fun; life and laughter
A...Iways caring for others and coming
home after
T..ogelher we have done many things
H..eaven must have been what
happiness brings •
. O..nly I wish someone else would
have done •
N..ot our loving son. • r
Giving thodghls a free run
Reminiscing when all is said and done -
Over and over again all the time
Only to Know everything will be fine
Tomorrow' perhaps bdt not today
Leaving sadness in it's shay
Only to open a door
Voices will tell me what it was all for
. Evgn 1 will listen for more
Love always, Mom, Dad, Elizabeth,
- Bridget, Stefanie and Thomas.
STEPHEN - In Loving Memory
of a Dear Husband. Father and
Grandfather, Don Stephen who
passed away October 30, 1995.
To us you were so special,
What more is there to say.
Except to wish with all our
That you were here today.
You couldn't say good-bye to us.
You couldn't see our tears,
But you left us with beautiful
We will treasure through the
years. -
Love:Joan, Mark & Andrea,
Heather, Randy. Matthew &
Anna. (44)
JONATHON GROOT ....(1(7229, 1994
In everyone's life there is someone special who will
-bring a smile *to their face jut to think of then.
A certain' little greeting this person always has'that l
you will recognize it is them.
Sometimes guessing what they are thinking by the
leak on (heir face or just to pick up the_ phone to
have u conversation all about life and what is going
A special moment that you helped them' through a 1
•t happy or bad time in their life
Celebrating holidays, hirthd/rys or just to get together to have a good t
'time. -
1 I -
In everyone's life there is .someone special whu will bring fears to '
their eyes to think of them.' �
- A certain little greeting -you will never hear this person say again.
You could neser pick up the phone to call them to say "hi" or just
hear their eoice. •
No more special times and then is only one day _mu take time set '
aside to celebrate just for ihfm. /f you could call it celebrating:
Some people take for granted that person'will always be then
Ti, hug and tell them how much you love them. •
1 wish / could take back a moment in time before you left to tell you how
much you would be missed or how much I love you but I know I can't r
No macer how much time or how much space,someone. could put
between us. i win wait for the moment we can see each other again.
1 will never ever forget you but it is time to say goodbye. '
I love you - always androrever:. your sister Elizabeth'
1 . l