HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-28, Page 28Wednsday, October 28, I')'»
Exeter Timed -Advocate
p ntprogramon
By Ca►•mel Sweeney abuse to
it inch lfl ll'U\JII \
ZURICH St. Boniface (:.1\'.I parish baiarar will be•
held (!!•,.abet' 31 in the hall downstairs from Ill a.m. tci
2 p.nl.i'here will be a bake sale. hot dog booth a mer- t
chant's table et(•.
The annual Right to Life dinner and meeting (l
held in Stratford at the K. of C. hall on November A e
social hour begins at 6 p,m. with dinner at•7 p.m. The
guest speaker will be Rory Leishman. National Allairs Z
columnist for the:London Free Press. 'tickets are avail- o
able for. $13 per person by cahint; .\fau•y .Jacobs, :'e rn
2(113 or Coby, 2:36-40:38 before .\ member 1 'I)' -,r .
tickets are also available for $1.00 each.
•A volleyball tournament will be held November ► • 11�
and 21 al_ the -!.urieh Arena and St. Bonitac'(' School. A
gym. It is sponsored by K. of C: For more information tht
Whine Mike Hartman at 565-5516..
The Zurich Sparks -hold their inetings•every 'Tuesday pr( o
evening,.f►'om 6:30 p.m. to 13 p.m. at the Mennonite wil hall. Last week the orad('" spooky (:rafts for A
their Hallowe'en pally held on October. 27 at the. 5 p
Zurich Public St�hool along' ,.
The Optimist Club will meet at the home of Donna
Klapp on October 2X at 7:36 p.m.. •
Anyone interested in a bus trip to Frankcnn,u1h.
Michigan on December 13 are to. phone Glen 1 hu•I at
236-40(,0 as soon as possible. The bus will lease from
he Lutheran Church at 11 a.m. The cost includes
ransportati(►►1. a chicken dinner at /ender's, a
:hristrnas program at the church and lights in the
vening. .
Cash calendars are available; sponsored'' by the
urieh Minor Athletic Assoriatia►t• Daily draws begin
n November 1 and end on Fe bruin) 213, 1')'19. The
►s( is $20. Thane Nancy Itc�gier, 236-4421).
John Drescher spoke on various topics this week at
e 'Zurich Mennonite Church, froth- Sunday to -
ethtesdu% evening.
farewell service was held ti►r lieu. Galli Lazarc, at p
' United Church on Sunday. A musical program was
`seated b1' a group from 'Tavistock called "Close I
nnection."- A potluck lunch Iullowed. 11ev.- Laiau•u at. II be at a charge in I lanover. . 11 i
beef barbecue is planned at the Varna Cunt ,lex'at Co.m. on October 29. This is- a fundraising .('v'ent lid• hag
Plowing Klatch. - .
.n ntenibers of the Zurich Golden Agars t:lu „r
.nded the Zone #ti :Fall (tally in I lulmesville (
,ber-21. They put on a skit as_part of the entertain
e Zurich Cub Pack spent two of their recent -nice
doing woodwork at the A:it.C: Iftduslries i
hwood. Some of the boys attended the Ilur•o
cart Sixer Seconder Camp on October 17 and -18
Gascho's PSark near Zurich. '
boys gi(oups took part in Apple I)ay on Saturday.
Scouts went to District Camp south of Goderirf
ctober 17 and 1X where they planted trees an
Zurich students
Clinic in Zurich.
Zurich 1\'omen's- Institute preside►►( Bridget (;rout,
Greiner and Louise Ilayter attended the London
area annual convention in Kirkton on October 23.
Their Next 111 011(111 Institute meeting will be held at the
Town 11411 on No%r•nlber 2 at 1::311 p.m.
The Ladies Auxiliary meeting will be held at the !test
Ilonur ort N„ven,ber 3 at 7 p.nt. in the auditorium.
Members are reminded to bring a canned good for .the .
grocery hamper draw to take place at the bazaar. The '
bazaar will be held on .November 7 from 2 to 3:3(1 p.m.
The Zurich and Area Skating Club. began lessons at
the arena last week. If anyone still wants to j(ii), phonic
.Carol ('rang, president, alt 23(► -46(,1.
tun and Sharer] Schroeder.of Zurich announce the
rival of their fourth 'grands(►►►. .Mitchell David •
Iliain, born October 1') to parents Neill ani! Dave
►nsitt (l' lilt #3 Goderirh. This is the couple's first
hy. - •
recent visitors -with .John and .Mary Jacobs in Hensall .
re her sister and husband Pros! 1leilland.: They
yed •luf' a roof(!(' of weeks. •
rr! and .\lar•};_ horse►• and Itr,ss and (;lona Horner
►- have returned home from a two-week trip out west,
wliere..tfiey attelyded -the vveddin); ofllieir nephew ---
1- - Cameron - l lornir-anti his -bade' Bose laior on October
11 10 in :Saskatoon. •
rl • They. also celebrated Earl's birthday, while they were•
It away -and visited with friends and relatives in Si...
- - Paul's, .lnnislail, Olds, . Bowden, Stettler and lied Deer,
-Alberta. -
I . Mary I Iartnian and .Jared (;antis were married at St.
d lionil'aces Church •on October '24 with a'dinner and
reception. held at the Zurich arena,. The bride is the
daughter -mi. Ray and Janice Ifartman, Zurich. The cou-
p ewill be living in the United States. ,
othy and • Leonard Bnwrlian pf •Sarasota, Florida,
ed home after spending a week in the area 'with
ind. Doreen, Oesch and relatives. They attended
Olh annibersar
tlon), with the Brownies. Guides; the
Cubs and Beavers.
The children wore custuntes, played '1'(
treats. hal ('d f;a.11lteS and ate : alit(
On .November- 3 the Sparks are to bring a - puzzle.. ..to met(
their Meeting....
. Grade 5 and. 6 students of St. H(iniface School 'went . ings
on a bus trip to the art gallery in Blyth recently. - , ---- Das
The f).P.P. went to the -school. last Thursday lei pre -Dist
sent a program on physical and verbal abuse -to the - Ken
Students. •
students at the public school 'Hu
the Zurich Library. __ - g week -to -
. The school held a fire prevention assembly for stu- dugO
dents from J.K. to grade 4, presented byfirefighters-
Dave i:rb and Kevin Oke recently. - >;ht( rs The
th schools, grade seven pupils, received hepatitis
vaccine shots recent!
Beavers are making crafts and projet'.ts at the
meetings at the Lutheran Church.
Orr-Novemb. 3
Y they will_be talking about Dor
Remembrance Day: On November 10 they will visit the return
Wo •
Earl a
men interested in attendin Fall D
H. Davis
- SAMY7Sltt'HY (:OHHIt1S!'a\
Patrick's celebrate
p.m. Saturday
Margaret. Carroll le
the service from '('fie
oi' Common 1'-r
Suzanne Davis ass
with the scripture ,
ings and the message.
The children's focus
was -the parable of "The
Pharisee and the Tax
Collector" along with the
message. - -
•-ber. 1 is All Saints
Sunday. The Rev. Stanley
Jay will be at . -St.
Patrick's to celebrate the
Holy Eucharist.
'Any -women going to
the Fall Deanery -meeting
in Stratford are to meet
at thee home' of hazel
Davis en November •4 at
'5:30 p.m. • - -
Sincere sympathy goes
out to the Dickin's `fami-
, lies i11 the loss of a broth-
' er -and uncle James
Dickins (Jim) who passed
away October 21 in his
48th year. He was buried-
. from McFarlane. and
Roberts Funeral biome' in -
Lambeth on October 23.
Jim. and:Janett Barker, -
Bob and -Al,exip, Tindall
and "-Hugh. and hazel
Davis visited the funeral
home on Thurscjay
evening_ . -
Bob an'd • Heather
MacGillivray entertained •
Ralph and Joyce Simpson
to dinner on Thursday
evening in London. Joyce
was celebrating ,her
birthday October 23'
Cdrbin MacGillivray
t was overnight visitor . g
with .Josh White of (areas i
St. on Friday.
d_at(("7 Ashle ' ►,
with y b1 alza('k of S
Lucas was overnight vis- _ r1
ading • itor-..with Starr Davis on s
Book the 'weekend. -
ayer.• 1.
gDeanery meeting
Marley Davis was a 'Sunday callers' wilt
Rest at a birthday -party' Mary Davis at the Exeter
n 51. Mary's on the week- Villa were gr-anddaugh- Donor
nd honouring friend ter and great' gra nde'hil- - Jim i
can _ Westlake with •• dren Joan, Kelly .arid ding a
lovie Saturday and the k'ristopher lie:lune of•
novvnlul '
the .5
Octobpr 18y of her sister, Della and Ken
1 A surprise-re�tirenie-nt party was held for' Ken
Mungtr. owner of St. Joseph.sture, 1113 #2 Zurich' at the
lion i'avernon October 24
ind Vteronica, Bedard celebrated their 40th wed-
nniv'('rsary,ori Oru,l)t'i' 25. •
iste(1 - -•
Irl( show in London.
aroma on Sunday.
Meet The Authors
Of Two Newly Released Ontario historicals
"Lake Huron's Summer Dance
Pavilions" Sand, Surf & Music!
by Peter Young • .
The concept of this -book came about as a result of Young's -
interest in the history behind Ontario's dance pavilions and year
round dance halls. Most of these wonderful buildings have
disappeareddueto fire, demolition and conversion to other
uses, yet the memories of -warm summer evenings, great -
music, dancing and romance are very dear to the hearts of
many people who remember those good times:
`Haunted Ontario" U.�i t Arno
by Terry Boyle
Terry was here in our office in June -for his book "Ontario } TH,M 11111Y11
' Memories" and now he's back by popular demar,u,witll his
second. -'.
For history buffs, ttavellers in Ontario and anyone who likes
their stories with a twist of the'macabre.,"Haunted Ontario" is
the petfect companion. ,
Illustrated with black and white photographsand explanations of:
where to find these 13 haunted places, many of which are public. S18'95 Plus GST
The Donnelly Homestead being one of the visits. .
If unable to attend, you may reserve
your copy by calling Sue Rollfngs at
(519) 235-1331 or by calling your
local newspaper '
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