HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-28, Page 18I•
The sales of Brussels Livestor* for the weak ending
October. 24. 19%.
• Fed Cattle: 957 Cows:297 •
Veal and Hub Calves 601 Lambs:- 10
Stockers: 2363 . •
Fed steers and heifers were selling on a good strong
active trade Coves sold S1.00-52.00 higher Veal and
lambs both sold on resteady market. All classes of
• sttiCkers sold steady
• • There were 414 steers im offer selling from 88.00-
. •
92.00 to the.high of 9s.75
• Thirteen steers consigned by. Allan Rundle. Exeter
averaging 1268 lbs sold for an average of 94.32 with
sales 9.75 •
. Two steers consigned by Lauderlea Farms.. Listowe
. .
. ,
averaging 1311Ibs sold for 97.75
1.wo steers consigned by %Nick AN eir . flrussels it.!
- 01.97.00
aging 1535 lbs sold. for an average of 92.70 with sal(
, •
• Twelve -steers consigned by SchmideBroOk Earnis
Ins . ISoodsteck averaging 1490 11»s. sold for all aver-
, Jo. of 88.69 With Sales to 96.25
1werth:liss...stesir-s---eorrsigired-by Jim How att.
. .. _._
, . .... --Liindesbereugli averaging 1364 lbs sold for an aver-
age of 89.90 with sales to 95_75
Nine steers consigned by- Brian liearss. Si Marys
averagely 1334 .lbs sold -for an average ol 89.74 with
'.- . ales 1(1-95.00:
Three steers consigned by Lloyd :Fre). Itarriston
averaging .1233 lbs. sold ter an average of 93 46 with
sales to 94.25.
Sevep steers consigned by I)on Culbert. Dungannon
averaging 1406 lbs. sold for an average 01 87.76 with
stiles to 93.75.
Thirty-five steers -consigned by •Murra4 -.Shialli--
_ %Ingham averaging--1405-1b-S. - sold for an average of
87.67 with sales to 93.75.
One steer consigned by Maurice Coe. Shelburne
`wighing 1425. lbs sold for 93.75.. •
There were 441 heifers on offer sellingirom 88.00.
.- • 92.00 to the high .of 97.00. - . •
Six heifers consigned by 'Ionia d F
sales to 93.50-
Thirty-three heifers consigned by Donald Cormack
Mount Forest. averaging 1292 lbs sold fur an average"
01'88.58 with sales to 93.50
Easter Tirneir-Adyscate
Farm News
Wednesday. October 2X, 199R
Down leads Huron Federation ofAwiculture
By Kate Monk
11Mes-anvoca'n • ; Ast
1101.MES%'11.1.i. - .1'111
1)own of Lisburne Twp.- is
the new president rof the
Huron Federation .of
She was acclaimed at
• Eridio night's annual,'
reguinal meeting at
(--( Twp. hall in
-with; Pat and her
Bob have -farmed
sbn '11(°1 Wp-frir, sever-
al years.
Than, you ver) Much
for your trust in me. -
Down -told theaudience
following her acclionation.
. Charles Regale
- acclaimed as first %ice-
. president and Neil Vincent .
IS the second vice-presi- Agriculture
fitted from him.• '
Wallace was humble ifl
receiving the award and.
'started his acCepta, nee
speech 1.)) saying orie per-
son doesn't get involver:1
. • with a.11:these organia-
'lions without the support
of his Ituni4
11 1 • wife How
ti(111 Ethan and part
Hob and Anne 11 all
ataqided• the -cererm
Daughter Melltitili
Unable to attend' beca
of s(711001(111111101.1Timits
•-I'm very proud ill
(oceupation I'n proud
Explain' it and explain
why." she said.
• "This Lc a new ball game
for us We never had to
.talk about what we were
doing because we were all
doing it.- she said. chal-
lenging the audi-
ence to make one "I'M v
erne more perstin. proud rny •
..ntS understand what* • m ohuee,ir•
a(( farmers do , occupation.
ki tie sent te
my "The realit) • proud 01. loos
rt as- . never baek my family." • •convention.
Use to the days when . AL_ ,(
100 per cent are
• Humphries
manage livestock manure
and further be it resolved
that OFA work with -MOE
and the livestock compiud-
i1) boards to 'determine.
approp.riate escalating
fines fiirrepeat offenders
• who mismanage
My family.' :A1allart• ;•
1 just (ullen bear vvt
people degrade large
ancf do ere Um, thfflj th
nR invoked in agricul-
of titre- sir said retires ..
.Agricsilture•and Rural
Resolution -calls for it .
1(11 •
. -Receives award
Bill WallaCe of
Tuckersmith Twp
received the Huron Count)
--award fur his contribu-
lions to agriculture in the
eminty. w
After- graduating from th
the UniVersity of Guelph "
• •
n arm Stratford
averaging 1177 lbs sold for -an average ef 89.90, with
knowledge not
necessarily based
n reality
Crystal MacKay
rift -trio Pork and Crys
lear Communication
as the guest speaker f
e evening. Her ligh
earted stories .comparin
t -
d a( (' worked for an
_ a
agriculture -related busi
ness in Toronto.
1-1C 50011 returned tt
Huron County and started
deir) -farming and getting
farm and. city life also had
serious Message, .
Just because kids bilc.
the country doesn't
ean they knoW-where
od- . conies from:.
(icily claimed.
She '-backed up her
ement with the eXtrin-
of her knowledge of
el. She said often she
ves past a steel factory
lamilton. oWns items
de from steel but haS
deii how St(9,11ti mane-
ured. The same is true
people living in the
lir) and especially the
.• -
acKay warned thr:
7ultural knowledge of
ren and adults.rh•
. •
averaging 1090 lbs sold lirr, an average of 89.55.with
Three heifers consigned b) John Sniudk. Wingliam organizat sMa
ions- His volun-
. . sales to 93.50 ' • .
- teer; experience includes
• Fifteen heifers consigned ,by Kacia l'arms, Bluevalr the Seaforth Farmers' Co- Pie
- - , avera.ging 1214 lbs. sold fur.an averag0 of 87.77 with ' oporati ye_ . Uaforth _isle
sales to 93.25 . ,
• • Twelve heifers consigne'd by !less' Bailin. Munktun Agricultural ' Society. uri
' averaging 1196 lbs • sold for an average of,88.31 with i
II Orlin ' (.(1Uni) ' -Milk in 1
sajej, to 93 :?5 • , ... . k.:011111111.tee llurtin ma
one ehar beifer consigned .1.) Georgy .Adanis. - : hitt.
Vederation of Agriculture'
. 1N roxeter vveighing 1035 lbs. Sold loc 92.25. Stable Funding Campaign.
'Mere were 297 cows utinfter selling ' - ' ' liensall District Co-op, the. for,
01 and 1)2 oxiws52.00-57.00 tot's. high 69.00
Huron Count agriculture • ..t
nvolved in co /111unit%
03 cows 48.00-52.(X/ 1)4 coWs 40.00-48.00 ' . and ritV
Tliree• 11(11. cotsT, -onsigned-h) Wiersnia. Myth " Quality Jerse) i'roducts.
economic stud) --•
i.49-agilig 1233 lbs. sold lor.an aversagt of 6114 with '' •S sof/.01W I 4grit.
sales [0 69.00 •
There were 16 bulls On offer s•°11trig -from 56,00 -
proud to have worked .4•Itild
63.56 (A: the high of 72 00 ;
. • ,
One bull consigned In -Fariliolme Itarms. Jullar
• • weighirig-1525 lbs Sold .147,2.00.
.01e char bull .consigned by Jinx L Tayloriuigh.
14(!fg111/1g 2(110 lbs soldfor
6 50
• There vvere.j1Sir ";al ,on 011.er Selling" • • - •
9(100 !to 135 00: Idol .90.00 to .165..00 Plait,
60 00 to 80.0(1
1 14 ft consigned l Hichard hlorsi Lisomel avi
, 1aging 74:-: sold kir an average of 135.25 with sal
1, -135.50 ••
' Three v.4 -°a1 consigned by David florist. Gowaristow
. L.
averaging 792. ibs sold li)r an avera.ge of 114,05 .wil
Sale.4 to 7'79.00
Ylitree veal consigned -1)v, Alhert!mita,
. •
' 'sale.s to 115.00 ,
averaging 732 lbs: sold hit. ail average of.1,00.59 wit
were 81' lambs and,slieep Dn .pfler-
• , lambs ,
50-64 lbs ' 125,.00 to,143.00(57
lbs ,. 106.00 L6145.00- •
, • 80 - 94 lbs 91).00 01114_00
Sbeep. 68.00 to 7:4 50
• (Joaes. $32.50 to $110.00 per had
Stockers • I..
willt.• He can give and •
ton receive criticism gracious-
0:- I -11.A member Steve
Thompson said when pre-
.- septing the award -The
• III•A has extremely befits'
ul' ' -
I°S I The market al Detifield'Livestuqk un 1Juesda). ciciober 20 trad-
i , ecl on a good demand al sieaibr pro is a, cording k, quality
,t) I American order±; wore strong..cows sold strung at $3.0044_00
higher - 1, ea/ lu/l), steadv . sows and buais $2.00-$3!00 high -
Bruit., Pellebuer-. YV riming sold 14 11.111.91, averafe weight 1.17.
. • . . .
L. jj.• average price 93.40 vv)(1, stili -,s 0. 95 30 purchased M (v1.(, 1 P
•• Paokers
[)on Ledyand Mark ,Vanderploeg. ilectlield sold 10 heililis a%,•, r ,
age.weight .122i,. auet agi. pre..e 90 76
. Dennis (lieu -lel). Dashwood sold 9 beibtrs a‘4.rage weight 11,23,
avetiage price. t$9.01 •
priu• 87 59
Jim Scutt. 1..ucan sold 10 heifers average %%Ogle 1365 average
Chris 'Pool. INyunting sold 3 steers averagt• weight 1258 a‘er
j Packers
age pri,.I. 93 20 wull sales to 100 (1(1 put chased 1, Norwich
) price 90.02
(:urd Hard), tucan sold 17 siee.'us atierage weight 1361 average
i , .
erici• 9((.65.
!toss Dull. Gotta( sold 3..stees ra%erage weight 1383'.average
Mode .% liodkins. Parkhill' sold 14 sim,•is it%erage weight 134.5.
. .
average pr.', ., 89.65 with sales to 95 25 purchased b% N,,cwirli
•Choice steel , 9, , '194o0 sales 0. 1(40.00
. Good steers 85 (Kr -)0.00 ,
• Plani,steets hl, (/)-5 00 -
Choice exoth . fuss heifers -90.00-94.00 sales to 93 50
Good healers 85.00-90.00 .
CO11111101/ arid nieuitne 8(1.00,85 00 .
Heifer) cmvs 70.00-80 00 ,
Good cows 55.00-60.00 sales to 65.00
tanners and cutters 45.00-52.00
shells 20.00-40.00
Direct to Packer cows over 600 Ib 103.00.
Iiirect to Pack.' bulls 105.00
C1/01C4' veal 95.00-100.00 ,
(ruudfiolsteiri Mill calves 125.00-$180 00
Yearling steers•90.00-107.00
Yearling .heifers 90.00-100.0(1
• 1
not be. based on reality '
and according to MacKay:
farmershay.: a responsi-,
bilit)I 10 improve 'the -
knowledge base of others.
-Show what' )ou do
• Steers
. 'under, 406 lbs. .106.00 to 140.;00
' .400-4V.) ' 1:12.00 to 134.00
. 500-599 106.00 to 132.00
• • 600-699- 93.75 to 123.00
700-799 82.00 to 112.50
800-899 ,
8,7.00 to 111.0(1
900 a.if.over 87.00 to 103.50
r I leiters
300.-399 lbs. 88.00 to 1,26.0(1
-.,;. 400-499 109.00 to 121.00
500-599 '94.0010 120.50
! 600-699 88 50.1.0- 108.00
! 700-799.. 76.00.10 105.75 '
800-899 '• 88.50 10 101.50
900 and over: 78.501.0 9915
Plain Stokers- 48:60 to 65.00
tougher regulationslhe .
111.A passed a reso
'talon calling for the go. % -
eminent to take a tougher
- stance with repeat envi-
ronmental offenders.
states: "Therefrire be
resolved that OF A
(Ontario . ed_era Club_ of
Agriculture) lobb3 . the go'-:
ernment of Ontario to.
increase funding to MOE
(Ministry •, , of ,the
Environment). so it an
adequately- investigate
prc-,..fl ' Bob
Humphries is reOrIng
- ()MAI:FLA on Ore 31. He
hasb at the Clinton
OMAI-13A office since:
• ()MAFRA manager Dan
Ca.rlo% assured the HFA
th " an ag. rep. in
-Huron Count-1oug Richards has been
named the acting ag. rep.
and a' permanent replace-
ment for Humphries will
e hired in the new year.
New president.. -HFA Past ?resident Henry Boot relin-
quishes the President -pin to newly -acclaimed
President Pat Down. -
Municipality of
a, The Township of Hay
Ayottce ers
The final installment of 1998 Taxes are
. due on, or before:
Janisse Zimmerman
Clerk -Treasurer Townshi of Ha
(Residingin Bruce, Grey, Huron, Perth and Georgian Triangle/ '
/ Are you ,able to get the trairung.you need to finda)ob?
• DU you have concerns about training in yotor
• Would you like to-be,m0re informed about adult
.training programs and services In your area?
• Would you like to nave a v.in training decisions..
. .
If so. the Visible Minority Director. of the Bruce Grey
Huron Perth Georgian Triangle training Board
Is interested in hearing from YOU and
wants to SPEAK ON YOUR BEHALF at.the Board
meetings to voice your concerns!
Call the Board Office at 1-888-774-1468 (8:30 - 4:30
p.m.) or Reg Sheffield, Board Consultant. at- 1-905431-
0763.(in the evenings) to leave your name and -number!