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Haugh lire Inc.
265 Thames Rd.
Hwy. #83 E.,
Exeter Minor Hockey
Tyke Little Hawks
. Exeter O4 vsl. Watford 2
Goals: Scott holtAsssts ChristopherrPfaff Jake
Partridge Carly Mercer, Ty
Bilcke, Sarah Lovelace, Ashley
Denomme, Cole Hackett,
Stephen Clarke
Team Record: 2W. OL. OT. 4
Tyke Power ucks
October 24
Lucan 2 at Exeter 10
Goals: Steve Morgan (7), Tyler
Bryson (2). Avalon' Kerslake
Assists: Bryson, Ke
Matt BUcke (3), Ste
(3), Tim Lightfoot
Pache (3). Jordan S
(3). Brett Thom
Goaltender: Levi
Next game: Nov. 1.
Senior Tyke B
Forest (11) 00 at „Ex
Goals: Jayden Desja
Lucas Skinner (2)
Overholt (4). Jarre
Jordan Hod
Johns. Brett WarwiAssists: Overholt, ck
.Shutout: Litdec
October 25 - Exhibit'
Lucan 2 at Exe
- Goal: Overholt
Assist: Mitchell Part
Goaltender: Skin
Next game: Oct. 31 a
home vs: Seaforth; Oc
12 noon at Stephen: N
1:30 p.m. at Seafo
Duckworth. Spivey 2), Sedlak
October 24
Exeter 5 at Si. Marys 2
Goals: Reer (4), Anstalt
Assists: Spivey. Jamie
Rasnberg, Murray Youmans
Next game: Oct. 28
L/M Huron Tractor
October 17
Forest 0 at Exeter 6
Goals: Steve Mason (4). Jason
Assists: Chris Wilhelm Joints
rslake (2). . Kollias, Zak Honiuth (2). Chris
ve Gregus Armstrong
3). Andrew Shutout: Rick Dupless
pson (3) October 18
Northover Exeter 6 at Parkhill 3
9 a.m. at Goals: Troy Levier (2). Cutis
Masse (2). Derek Kelly
Assists: Kyle Campbell, Dexter
ombers Brand, Roy, Masse, Levier
Goaltender: Dupless
Oc ber 24
eter 11
rdine (3). • October 24
Brett Exeter 6 at Strathroy.0
tt John, Goals: Johns, Scott Turkheim,
n Mason, Masse, Lavier (2)
ff Penn. Assts: Kollias (2), Mason,
Warwick Wesley Turkheim, Roy (2), Lavier
hUd •
Shutout: Chris Wilhelm
on game Exeter 6October
at Thedford 2
ter 1
Goals: Mason (3). Roy. Masse,
ridge Kollias
t 9:45,
t. 31 at
ov. 1 • at
Shamrock Novic
ctober 24 •
Dorchester 6 at Exet
Goaloals: Jared Green
tender: Stephen 0
October 25 - Exhibition
Lucan 3.at Exeter,
Goal: James Marsde
Assists: Sean Harrigan,
Goaltender: Osgood
Next game: Oct. 29 in
Thomas; Oct. 31, hom
Parkhill at 12:45
Novice Local .Le
October 24
Forest 1 at Exeter 2
Goals: Corey Millar, Ga
Assists: 'Blair Parsons, Brett •
uScott Godkin
Next game: Oct. 31. Lucan (11)
. at Exeter, 10:45 a.m.
Atom AE
October 24
Exeter 6 vs. Dorchester 6
Goals: Scott Loosley (2). Reid
Halpenny (2), Jared Anstett,
• Darrin Denomme
Assists: Loosley (2). Halpenny,
•Anstett, Brett Crerar
Shamrock Atom Broncos
October 24
Goals:Fieter 5 at St. Brett Hackett (22y).sLar
Northover (2), Adam Hayte
Assists: Northover, Hayter (2
Mark Dietrich (2), Travis Ed
October 25 •
Goals:Pt. Jordan Darli0 et ng. Elder "
Assists: Hayter Dietrich
Shutout: Corey Bilcke
Next xeter at
Thedford. Oct.30, 8:15; Nov.
1, Ilderton at Exeter, 4:00
Shamrock Legion
Peewee `A
October 14
Port Stanley 3 at Exeter 4
Goals: Everette Dionne (3),
• Nate Spivey,
Assists: Jeff Duckworth, •
Andrew Sedlak
October 21 - Exhibition game
Clinton 0 at Goals: Tony RegieExeter
(3). Nick
• Erik talt Denomme. e� Cam Muckworth rray
Assists: Armstrong (2), Lavier
Goaltender: Dupleseisy
RSD Midget Generals
• Exeter 5 at St. Marys 5
e AE Goals: Andrew Freiter, Scott
Keys, Ryan Ralph, Robert
er 2 • DeVries, Brandon Martin
(2) - Assists: Keys, Ralph, DeVries:
sgood Martin, Craig Overholt (2).
Chad Monteith
game . Goaltender: Ryan Sullivan
n October 28
Mitch Exeter 9 at Thedford 3
Goals: Andrew Mayer.
MonSt. - Mike Seip,iTim MayerOverholt
e toMartin
Assists: A. Maver, Overheat.
Ralph (2), Martin (2), Jared
Oc ber
Bourne (4). Matt Rowe, Keys
Goaltender: Brad McDonald
Next game: Oct. 28. Ilderton at
vin Exe
Novice Girls
October 24
Exeter 0 at Mitchell 7
Occtober 25
Exeter 1 at Lucan 9
Goal: Emily Sararas
Next game: Nov. 1, Exeter at
- Thedford
HMP Junior Girls
Stephen 0 at Exeter 2
Goals: Karly Pinder (2)
Assists: Chantelle Elder;
• Megan Skinner: Sherri
Skinner, Amy Taylor (,
, Goaltender: Brittney Revington Next
Next games: Oct. 31, Parkhill;
Ty Nov. 1, Alma Logan at Exeter
)• IntermediateGirls (I) St
er October 20 Goals:
Exeter Times -Advocate
t .rain �
Tyke (1) Lasers
October 24
Lucan 10 vs. Exeter 8
Goals: Cody Kelly (3). Venose
Harrigan (2), Kevin Flanagan
(2). Cody McWh(rter, Cory
McNaughton Katlyn Flanagan
Assists: Kevin Wardrup (3),
Kevin Flanagan (3). Trevor
Schun (3), V. Harrigan (2).
Kelly (2); Katlyn Flanagan (2),.
Grant Dietrlck, Jenny Engel
Goaltenders: M Whlrter. V.
Harrigan; C. Kelly
i.ucan.1October vs. Port Stanley 1
Goal: Scott Thompson
Goaltender: Korr y Ho s
L/M Novice (1)
Lucan October vs. Stephen 1
Goal�(or Lucan: Judson.
Assisi for I.ucan: Ryan. White
Goaltender for Lucan: Adam
Novice AEOc
Port Stanley Dat Lucan 8
GoDueck, Blair Hardit e (3), Luke
Griffith, Ian Legg, Jacob
Assists:CocLegg, Mark
Timmerman (2), Taylor Allen
(2), Micheal Harrigan, Tyler -
Shutout: Russell Vanderheiden
October 25
LGoals for 1 uan can: Harat die.er Allen
Assists: Allen. egg, Griltlth
Atom,'A' •
Lucan 9 vs. erton 2
Goals: Batley VaiiPretl (2). •
Michael Noyes (2), Geoff Mos
(2).Jesse McLeod, Sean
Davison, Dustin Mt Ta art
Assists: Noyes (4), Moss f2).
McLeod (3). Nick Engel (3),
Bryce Bumsteaggd, Tyson
Next games: ct. 31, 2 p.m. in
Stephen; Nov. 1. 4:00, Watford
in Lucan
Junior Girls
Goderich bat 24 ucan 8
Goals: Kale :Mills (2). Jeal
Holland (2). Claire Barker,
Hayley Rushton, Jodi
VanKasteren, Megan Thomas
Assists: Kasey McNaughton (2),
. Wendy Jacques (2), Thomas,
Loni (lardy (2), Sarah Duenk,
Harker, MiGs
Intermediate Girls
Fighting Irish
October 25Lucan 6 at .
field 1
Goals: KatharineyMi s (2),
Jolene Heffernan (2), Brianna
Gatt, Stephaine Cornish
Assts: Cornish. Brooke
Hosking.,Jenna Bumstead,
al ender.Jenn Ili an
Next game: Nov. 1 In Lucan.
6:15 vs. Parkhill
Wednesday, October 28, 1998
Equine winners
Not just horsing around Local riders made
their stables and communities proud by picking up
hardware at the recent '98 London Horsemanship
Awards Banquet at Ilderton Community Centre.
Pictured, from left: Lucan's Laura Rollings (inter-
mediate reserve champion), Ilderton's Brittany
McCully (intermediate champion), Canadian Olym-
pic team member international show jumping
champion Beth Underhill of Schomberg (awards
presenter) and Denfield's Vimy Henderson (3rd
green division). All three girls are coached by Judy
Henderson of Equine Consulting, Denfield, Not
pictured are winners from Brookehaven Farm of
Clandeboye: Clandeboye's Katie Veinot-(beginner.
-division champion) and Ailsa Craig's Kate Mulhol-
land (lead -line reserve champion) and Paige Ro-
maine (4th overall beginners), (photo/Sue Rollings)
L/M Senior Tyke
Forest October) 4 at Stephen 3
Goals: Chad Insley (2), Dillon
Goaltender: Thomas
Next game: Oct. 3
Parkhill, 10-a.m..
Ryan Knee (2), Joe Powell,
Wes Johnson
Assists: Knee (2), Stuckless.
Powell (2), Janie Bibby, Jeff
- VanBergen
Courtis Goaltenders. John Young,'
1 in Justin Hayter
amrock Banta, AE
October 24
t. Marys 5 at Stephen 0
attender" Richard Young
October 25
e (2); St. Thomas 1 at Stephen 5
Gals: Chris Tgaht, Tim
in er, Frazer MacDonald,
•Hodgins, Kevin Overholt
ts: Hodgins. Matt Anstett,
Lee Finkbeiner .
tender: Jeremy Howard
.L/M Senior Tyke (II)
Or 10
Stephen c3 at Parkhill 3 Go
• Goals: Ritchie Forrest, Matt
Koricina (2)
Assists: Stewart Irvin
Michael Lovie o
Goaltender: Cam Wells - Meld
October 16 - - Nevin
Stephen (II) 1Ea•Stephen (I) 1 Assis
Goal: Konctna Goal
Assist: Forrest
Goaltender: Marco Moreau Sh
Strathroyt7batt Stephen 4
Goals: Koricina (4)
Assists: Irvine. Steve Mann,
• Forrest
• Goaltender: Wells
October 24
tephen 2 at Mt. B yd es 7 .
Goals: Koricina (2) -
Assists: John Hall, Forrest
Goaltender: Moreau
Next game: Oct. 31, 12 p
- Exeter at Stephen p m.,
Shamrock Novice Rep
ber 24
Stephen 3 at Port Stanley 3 -
' 'Goals: Justin Lightfoot, Kurtis .
VanOsch, Kelly Cronyn
Assists: Lightfoot, VanOsc
Cronyn, Eric Duenk, Bret
Steeper, Nick Jeffrey
oaltender: Kyle Masse
game: Oct. 31, Lucan at
Stephen, 1 p.m.
amrock Bantam
October 24
Stephen 4 at Forest 4
Goals: Scott Davies (2). Tim
Meidinger, Kevin Overholt -
MacDDoona d. Davies.
an Dii Dixon. Scott
Rolph, Mike Kerslake
-Goaltender: Chris Desjardine
Junior Girls
October 2 - Exhibition game
Parkhill 4 at n 2
Goals: Kristen Reschke. Carrie
Assists: Jodie Parson,
Stephanie McCann, Jillian
atElma Logan 2.
Goals: S. McCann, Aimee •
McCann, Dixon
h; Assists: Dixon (2), J. McCann,
t Nicole Muller, Tanya Stuckless
• October 16
Hensall 0 at Stephen 7
Goals: Dixon (3). Kelly
Twynstra (2). S. McCann, J.
Assist's: S. McCann (4). Jody
vid - Parsons (2), .3 McCann (4
October 26
tophen 3 at Parkhill 4
Cronyn: Lightfoot Da
sts: Reschke, VanOsch
ext game: Oct. 311, Lucan a
Stephen, 1 o.m.
Exeter 6 at Elma Lo an 1
Goals: Megan Ratz (3), Shawna
s Hayter Se arah Missy
Parson, Kim Keller, Ann
Marie Parson
Goaltender: Miranda Hayter
ober 21
Exeter 6t vs. Stephen 2
Goals: Missy Hayter (3), Megan
Geiser, Shannon Milley, Rowe
Assists: Megan Katz (3), Keller,
October 25
Exeter 1 at Mitchell 4
Goal: Rowe
Goaltender: Miranda H
Next games: Oct. 28. Elmar
Logan at Exeter, 6:20 p.m,;
Nov. 1, Stephen at Exeter, 12
Atom Supper Sonics
Stephen 2 vs Port Stanley 1
Goals: Leanne Cronyn, Greg
Assists: Cale Duenk, Jason
Thompson, Travis O'Neil, J.T.
Goaltender: Jeff Baker
Peewee Rep
Stephen 9 at Porober t Stanley 4
Goals: Jason Stuckless (5),
Kristen Reschke, Dixon,
Jeanne Hern, Stuckless
- October 18
Stephen 6 at Henan 3
Goals: Emily lnson, S. McCann
(2), Stuckless; J. McCann,
Assists: Holli de Lange, Dixon
Elma Logan
) Stephen 2
Goals: S. McCann, J. McCann
tender: A drea Glavin
October 25
Stephen 0 at Exeter 2
Goaltender: Glavin
October 21
- 4 game winners
'Tom Williams 338
Jim Davis
Ann Northey
Ina Williams
Mike Underhill
Hal Walsh
Gil Northey
Eleanor Hendricks
Joan Cole
011ie Essery
316 ..
Heusi!' -
October 20
Gert Eagleson _ 479
Alice Thiel 455
Hazel McEwen - 429
Isabel Rogerson - 427 -
Tom Williams 390
Bill Coleman 379
Edna Dietz 375
Dave Woodward 371
Novice `E'
Oer 24
Hayfield e2 tovs. Hensall 0
Goaltender: Aaron -Bedard
October 25
Zurich 6 at Hensel' 8.
Goals; Matt Martin (4), Danny
Moir, Shawn Thompson, Justin
Fields. Erik Lawrence •
• Assists: Martn, Thompson,
Lawrence (2), Ryan Campbell,
Shane Timmerman, Keven
Bluewater Hawks
Atom Girls
October 24
Exeter Junior Girls 2 at
• Goals for Bluewater:
KristinKleuskens (2),Carrie Lynn
Assists for Bluewater:
Kleusken, Loyens, Laurie
Goaltenders for Bluewater:
Kaylan Symes, Natalie LaPorte
October 25
Bluewater 4 at Kitchener Atom
Goals: Laura Noakes. Loyens,
Katie Stewart, Shalena Dale
Assists: Stewart, Dale,
Kleusken -
Goaltenders: LaPorte, Symes
Next games: Oct. 30, 7 p.m. in
Hensall vs. Sarnia Atoms; Oct.
31, 12 p.m. in Hensel' vs.
London Atoms
Elma Loggan 3 vs?Hensa! 1
Goal: Daniel Campbell
Assts: Matt Campbell, Blair -
Goal tenders$ Grebgell McTaggart,
Gaelan Minhinnick .
I -
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