HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-21, Page 40.ednesday, October 21. 1998
Exeter Times -Advocate
Costae ----
parade begins festivities d 'Week of th
ELbeic�- w all United Z e Child'
By L At
c►_ • hurts
Church; one: Commander Eric
HENSALL - Week of the fhurc s Rev. Pam Ross are available
Y' message made an official members o
Child activities continue m Sunday was "Let's Not chairman Ed Pyette also g on visit. District- Seniors Branch.
the Village of Hensall. Lose Heart". Agnes lira
Saturday. October 17 saw was theY attended. A report was •will be aeoueh
about 40 children gather The gree guestd were Justin Sole. touriven on nament nteful ment and meat
for the annual costume Fields Matthew turkey draw held October p
parade. Led and Legion. Card-.
Hensall . e Dby the Martin. Christa Taylor 3, r begin at 1 p.m,
the groupPartment. and Jenna . Dayman A motion was made to LeOn g on Is holb
walked to the looked ager the ushering arena, and enjoyed J g donate $35 to support the Boys Lunchao
refreshments (suppliedduties. Jennifer Alderdice
by Ill a candle. and the offer- Week of the Child.
the Hansell Kinette Club); ing was received byBranch members John • avaBrilablech. Tf on)
and man Rob O'Connor, Iva Reid and 1:30 Y Prizes were Erb and Josh Fields: Lillian Beer visited some take-out me
given out. Prayers were asked for of p.m. list
Craft night will be St. Johns United Church Packwood Hospital and al
the veterans at available.
October 22 at the Hensall in Stratford.
Public School, Tinker Tots .The Friendship Circle enjoyed the afternoon's ' The theme
distributed gift bags and .October meati
Room (Room 1). Crafts Will . pack , u bale on
will be sponsored .by November 2 at l0 entertainment. i "Thanks'.
Hensall Legion and followed bya.m. - The Poppy Drive will be as held `o The
Legion Auxiliary. The lunch. - • a potluck held on November 3 ws p.m. n Oct
Iiallowe'en costume. a door=to-door campaign.
7:30 in the
will be Party The. P.C.W• of Hensall On . Pathe the Hensall
held October 23, Carmel Presbyterian November 8 thc�
sponsored by Tinker Tots . Church will hold Remembrance Day was the Helen r
Nursery School and Kids Autumn luncheon onser-was the dheveryO
an vice will be held h. welcomed every()
Club.. An admission October 27. Tickets are Hensall -United Church. read a poem ob "
charge applies. Additional available: The He•membrai,ce Day
information on they Week Baker at 262`2405. Mari, ` .banquet will be Ann Annan opo
of the Child actio' ' held ori devotions with. pr•
``tosyls- _:Ihe.Hunsall Le November - `__the read- -an.
available. glen held—. Hensall an. attic
from .the a meeting on October 14. Centre. The Community
Municipal Office, 2(i2_ when tune Commander "Thankfulness"
2812. will be Clare W speaker stressed that we
June Pyette and Deputy 'Pickets are $10 each and
We.titc:gtt, be thankful�at all ti
• - Bc,lva I•Lss accotn
South Huron
.kids will
soon :have another
drug awareness t001
from legion the hymns• on • the piano.
r at the A P ues to be collected on.'�r
• . Ten people answered the • Mondays.. Green waste
r 21 there roll call and.the
last meeting Were must bee in containers that
re tourna- read...dumped, or card -
roll at the • for the next meeting ' . board boxes.. No bags. or
laying will November 2, the.mem-.
g on • piles will be rollect�ed..
bars decided' to ack � Croon waste should be to'
er 27 the bale of good used clothing the curb by 7 a.m. to
Ing a Poor and make Christmas ensure pickup.
n at the plac:emats for Queensway Textiles will be cycling
eats will.be. Nursing Home. This will on BO ober Recycling
11 a.m. to be followed bya 28 and
potluck November'4 in the Village
-in- and .luncheon at noon fol -
s will be lowed by a short meeting.°f Hensall. Textile bags
Helen• MacLean read should be easily identi-
of the. poem _on giving thanks • _or
abell Le. tied With a sock •
ng of the , and then showed a video - lied. • •
cle was � - on literacy. The Village, of !lensall �'
meeting A humourous reading • returned to bi-weekly Col -
ober 5 at. entitled •"Bumper Cru lection of bluebox maleri-
parlor of was given b , Crop" ais and tagged garbage
United ) Helen. on. November 4: Please
MacLean. Pumpkin pie - consult the calendar. cir-
acLe:an was served by hostesses ,
on' and Fria - � c:ulatc.d earlier this year...-..
rte and Coleman • and Cat owners in the•village.
-Beatrice Munn and a time :.. are reminded. of by -law -
Thanks: of fellowship was enjoyed. - 004-98,
nod the Leaf collection continues=- which will come
dyer -and - dull--- tofu-.cffec-[-into1
y in the village of 1999.• This will require
le on Hensall. Leaves should be
thus raked into piles •at the itheregfslering and livens- .
should road (not. on they road). ° ge. cats within the oil
tnes.. Piles -should be leaves
panied - only. Green waste contin-
EXETER — lntormation is the best tool in the fight
to keep children away. from drugs
and the
Safety Book aims to be prominent in the toolbox.Drug
Part of the London OPP's
Peers � Values, Influences and
(Vll) program for Gr. 6 students, the Drug
Safety book features -110 illustrated
awat eness information especially written pages
drugevel children.
A poster to be put up in- the classroom features
photos of illegal drugs and paraphernalia such as
marijuana, eucaine, steroids; .Ritalin, tobacco and
alcohol, plus many riiore.
The book includes detailed information about drugs
and substance abuse such as their effects, reasons
people turn to drugs. strategies for saying no arid.
alternatives to drug abuse.
This book real) .Drug Safety Book
Y . gram co-ordinator Rosette
empowers parents Power, - representing
to take control of Gateway' Safety Programs
that produce~ the book,
their families and said the goal is for spon-
sors to pick up -the cost of
the home. 800 books over two e•
' years
• for Gr. 6 students in
- ROSE'i-1'E? POWE;Ii, ..Exeter.- Hensall ' and
GATEWAY $Ai l:'11' Zurich.
PROGRAMS the Meek is meant •
- to be
taken horite and used as a
reference source for the
even includes a 12-pageentire family. I'he book
drug ' section parents eain:use-as a
g information guide.
"This book -really empowers .
of their'laniilies and the hums; parents to take Control
The program alsofeatures She. said..
information exercises`astudent's teacher's guide with
for drug -fere livin personal contract
`oleates of appreciation
diplomas for graduates and cer-
ppreciation for supporters of the.
gam such as community' groupsprat
are encouraged .to sponsor the r and m,. - •
London OPP Const. Myra (tusk said Officers are now
being trained to provide the VIi' program
south Huron area. She said the DrugSafety
in the
welcome additions() the VIP salol) book is ti
"We are trying program, •
drugs once.- g to get young people to not even try
g• Husk said.
Power will be visiting lixeter. Hensall and Zurich'
businesses and community groups to obtain sponsors
. for the program. Each book costs $9:50 plus tax.
Those interesied in the program can call Power at
1-8007665-4878 for more information.
Sisters' • =
visit with rel - t •
atives in Albertalltt,tier►„�,Man ulthe
Year Paul is th
By.Annie Morenz• was. named "
SHII'KA a son of
Mabel the late Art and N
Fraser. accompanied by Webb. who Operated `othrede .
her sister Evelyn Shipka General Store 'in .
Nicholson of Courtright, the 1940's...
has returned home from Thanksgiving visi
Calgary. Alberta: where .Ken and Caryl Ba
the.)°. visited l_tvelyn`s Goderich, Bonnie Ba
granddaughter. Angela • Jamie. Sheller' and He
Nicholson, who is teach- (:hours, London. M
ing school in Calgary. Donna, i:mily and H
. They also visited with Yarrow, of Guel
cousins Ruth and Joe, Sharon Baker,'Ken- ` McAreavy and their film- Marg Baker : we
ily, Dennis. andMar .. '1'hanksgivin ►
dal' gut
.McAreavy. . .Jeremy g with Gary, .Sheena. a
• Michael and Cassandra,. .lell'rey Baker,
and Donnie. McAreavy;- - With Annie '%loin)
and Linda and Brian and Alberdina bested
Mrse, Stephen and- visiting from Ilollan
and Ruth's were Annie's dauglit
brother and wife Joe and -Ruth and -Jerry 'Leh
Patsy Sherrill. ; ' Mandy, Anneka and Sa
They toured around- of Zurich, Gerald an
Banff. Moraine Lake, Mary Ellen%ielrnan an
Lake Leuise" and family. area.
Paradise Lodge. -where With Hugh -and An•
Angela had worked for Morenz was son. Bill. an
the summer after gradu- • Shirley Nagy -of Londo
ating in June from Brock and Howard House 0
University 'inst. Vancouver.
, Catharines. They also Dein
and lilizubet
' had lunch ,in Calgary's' Adams, Elda Adams of
revolving • •Power• Gravid Bend and (Hugh
Restaurant: and . Annie.
Sp'eacial musk attended the wedding f
Greenway United'(:hurch their y
on -Thanksgiving ( Adams. niece Lesley
Sunday daughter. Of
was 11) the )larVey and
Vanderheicaes: Adams, Alanna
' A number of Strang.. 1O` Geoffrey
people ofson of 'Strang,
this area and • Grand Mrs. Keith 'Str•ang, un
Bend attended G, i,eti ay October 17. -at Our Lade
United Church' annivcr- of Mount Carmel Church.
sary sk:rvice on October Dinner and reception fol
'18. Guest speaker was lowed at Garibaldi's
Jessie Dobbyn of Inwood. Garden in London.
with special music by.St. Bob. and Pam Roemer;
Christopher's Bilk choir Christina and Robbie of
from Forest. Mio, Michigan, spent 'the
Het'. Paul Webb has weekend with
been awarded an hon- Morenz's,. and attended
orary Doctor of Divinity the Adams -Strang wed -
degree by Si. Andrews ding, They also celebrat
College in Saskatoon on ed Christina's fifteenth
May 2. 1998. In his work birthday.
at the Fred Victor . Earl and Marion Miller
Mission in Toronto he attended the wedding of
their. nephew Mark.
Weigand;,son of Bill •and
Doris, to Jodi .fill Erb,
daughter of Chuck -and
Tanya. on October 1 0 -at
Zurich Mennonite
Women from. the
Shipka area, Ure:enway
and Dashwood, attended
the - Thanksgiving
Ecumenical held-- at
Grand Bend United
Church on October 7.
.The speaker was Joan
• Vandenbroe,ck; from
Huron County Children's.
Aid Society. •
Elliott -and Kay •Clar
• rand Bend, Deck y • nd•
Cathy ) and
Memah, of -
Toronto, • visited. on -
Sunday with Ken and -
Mar E; k
Sweet -tooth crafts
Sweet craft. Former: Exeter resident Jack Gordon
shows off one of his homemade wooden candy
dispensers at the Caven Presbyterian Church
Craft Show and Sale on Saturday. Gordon said the
dispenser could serve up anything from M&Ms to
peanuts. Gordon makes a variety of wooden prod-
ucts including small transport truck models for