HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-21, Page 37AUCTIONEER
Eutaw r
1% edr,eeiday, . (ktobetr 21. 1999
Planned funeral home wg 1 WallPaPer
caw face board hearing Nov. 9
lllillfSAl.l. - Cnunctl'hut• hawed to principal u sin.
plan ter u funeral hone. at 79 King Street. although
the funeral hone, still tacos hurdles, bntnre• 11 cue
While" council rezoned the'_ property 'to ac(otemo-
date the lettere{ hums• un Jute 13, the proposal
ntuttt puss u hearing from the Ontario Municipal
hoard on . }Vol . e► in the Hensel' council chantbort,
btcaudr u nuniber of objections wort• subntitteed bt
neighbouring property uwnum. '
Huron County planner %'aviu Caldwell presented
the site plan to council on (let 13 and. clung with
owners Doug and Joyce.. Niciiiitttliv wont through
same of tlu t oidlis oldie future funeral home..
1 rank will Isuter.untl exit .the funeral hume.h sir
car parking lot on Albert -Street Caldwell said exte-
rior lighting it( the funeral trona' will be lunatic
although there will brit light iltunenuling u sign .
Caldwell sitar he couldn't predict wltut..tie nut-
,tinie in►urd hearing wilt be. ,tut he
said.. to- was'interested to silt' whiti will iut{iptit
Iie.Citu5e' r!•sttte'nts. navy t'iliseltl u !turnout tri cui►-
rerll, ilt►eilt (tIt htttetrtll homy:
Anoint':floss concerns err• worriers that chllth•nn
k i • 1 1 sI will 1 i:t' tt crcasee trai-
n(' Flue to loiresruls.. Nuwtever. at council's ,luh .13 • 'hinuielt-
E':XFTE?k - Cutbarhf,
• front his parent contputty
have farted latoter buHi-
nesttanlun heed ttirkell to
change the name of his
Main . tre"e•t butiinfetis
Color four M'ortd to
j -.lixoter Wallpaper World,
liickt►11 hus biotn in the
• premiss of changing the
nurnr- of his busiines;s
since Mut and says he
1 ww. ttorcetd • to do so utter
parent company 1(:l
1 urc;etd -4O of its ..smulter
sturet. to ':;Itstie .
Bickel!: claims. 1(:I:t: poor
treatment of Hint probo-
illt cost hint S•10.000. Ftt.
shy", tC1 eitih guy,' hinl,.a0
Buys tt001:. •n1 tut, chis;are,
instead tet ttit• retquu•e:tt (t(t-
nsteud of closing the
• htuultleti., Wbie t tee'" (:ante'
rlt►se'.ti) d"iniig flit kill
[lltrttiod 'L0 take,. 1.1 ON e•r
nitrehnl;.-sublissitins 111 l&tve111'.lit lhe• t►otnrul hunie
tar outwttigheit thitsr ilt.tiultst it
!filth setter 'wilt state• Limit cosy:, tit tin. , ioti`tl
'.. 'nietetill w. t` i_rSt;lr1t.- ai✓-1-irnr-iindii:uul iiiiiis on
__---L-.Viii 10
The: inove has r/rtit[ltetd
ill ,tiici;esll lasing the• Color
1 our�lurld lint of ptt[[lt
Whitt .he describes s un ti
-.•tiuuhebu.td !UMW - and
currying .(.uuud►utt-owlittd
1J1'ttatlt ' Paints.. %Ili('h
ticrurding ti► BickeIt has ti
. • L; [tuulitt anti pricy (untpu-
r'uble- to Lim Color Vow-
. World paint.. •
ltr'[I stilt 'b.. able to
match uny colour ul'.puiut
customers bring in.
although tit• admitted it
will. take trial some time
be ready forYear
Act:urdilig to the 111111- . it) get ps.rt{ to the ttt•v% ,fu!`zic,i�alities-
:.are responsible..
for nisuring -- -
public salely is
> lot .jeo ardized` .
Ti.,, Kos/metal' 8uv(rrit-
H1eilt 1' tuiict riilal about '
the impact •tit' ithe Year
?01)11 (-Y2K, rhallrtlll;(' tie
cllttlin tlil ltl .SillO,t1
Tin, tnCludtt,•any pussi-
hie disruptiult. to esseetlal
('t,llllllutllt\ Services 1114(1
ittty-i(iipiitit (111 ii cotntrll.-
Ility''s ittllhi.t to H.:spun l It,
it major. tliuetrgntle:y .orit
ittipl ;uteatl-thew citttrieru
flay emergenc;r:place.
L)aug Harrison of. the
- Ministry. Of. the Suticitur-
Ge iiet�l1 ituti- t.;urrectiotiai
,Services. has wr•ittttn
Ontario's tIUtiticiJJillities to
untle;r{ins tht inlpurtanc.e: •
ut'.deahng.with ttit 1=4 •
• ,55110, itht1 11.-titrttss that'
"Y2K coirtPtrxiice and
et)ergency ,p repareeitietst•
aliti rlts.pi,riSI' is .the•
rust►t►nsi-hells u1- cat:!•
conirnuteO "
The Yeai 2001i issue.
arises -front the fact that
-iliiII. conipuletrs. cottiput
• or software• and 1nicie
t}roc 4 ssorti teeter in mite:
illation teCitoology tied
technelugicitlly dependent
ettniputeny.051- 0(113 1111
last two digits of it year to
store- dates .and miry
. thescetore tial• be able to.
interpret Matti; atter 19)()9.
This -could result in these
systems faiituil; to ()p(tratt
:properly or ceasing to
'function prior to or 'title,
Der. 31, 1999.
..iocat•systems. wind;
nttt� to Yon:in? at,lr 0 tet•
\ ,l tiilhetlttte' itli(1.WIWW I:
iital itftut ' .}►ui►itt Salettl
oat:iota till' are but-
it.-t:utrtrtu Itity ut.ilrtu'S.
;etlt�}titutt(' syatnu+,, trtatis-
icui. laCitttios. ,etnittrgoitit
Cti:.ititt"e:h- sySt0Il1S
cutitnruittty emergency
upttrittiutls cleutrtos. -
(ltlkirili' will Uc c01100 Ii%g
all communities to deter -
:Mine how ready are
to dell with ttil' potetlttuil,
ttai.artt, posed by the
t st & lrect Mortioge
gI b .i`....nleieoi feSS PrrSfHld-
Loans . ulal.y riifiecutert +t you goal,:
. ty.:munthly payment•. a5 tow as -
Amt. App. Mthly Part.,
$5,000' 327.68
. 'S10,000 ' 354.16 ,
• 515,000 381.25
Consa(rdate Your Debts
1(900) 387-1832 Asral Funding -
business going through changes
Another chunga will be.
u nevi sign on the store-
front, which he expects to
Wive sometime this. week •
He also plans to
inlprove the layout of his,
wallpaper and border
stunpl.ss •
ltickoll suys'his wallpa-
per. border's, and siundriis
will remain mostly the
same after the
changeover. - .
Bickel! lair, his. profits;
should increanie if sales
remain the suni. bec:ausle•
ICA dontand.d he iwy till
of his ..products; .from
them. Wove, that he s nut
with ICI. Rickel! can *.hop
around for r.heafwr prod-
'! Bickell
gets most of his business
between .March ane
.e•ptember. although ht
Say!, last month's sale --
were disappointing;'
h was Alio (►fuen Ulu hot
lust summer lar painting
but Bickel) said sales in
wallpapers and borders
have been "excellent."
Bickell. who retired as a
Yrterinarian s assistant
from the Department u1
Agriculture s.t t* n gars'
Red Bickel!, owner. of Exeter Wallpaper World. says
his •knowledge•of the patnt.and wallpaper business
should help things go smood:dy.as the business
undergoes changes.
Small -
Business Week
In Canada -
Monday.: October 19th To Friday. October 23rd. j 986
Open House
B:OO a.m. 5:00 p.m. (Wednesday Undi'9.OQ p.rnJ •
Celebrate -
Cana+diun Entrepreneurship'
at the
Duron Business Centre
- J38 Main Street South, Seaforth
9427-0306 -
p+„t, ASE NOTE:"Th.e correct phone number above/
f1� :
. • Attractions
•J7ee Seminars (call, for irtfermotion!'
.Complimentary Resource Materiats'
•Talk To A Small Business Advisor' -
•irowse Our -&►ctensiue Library'
.d:ifis 4 ,f«snriletas '
iroAo af ma, ar...
Ramona JoseptIson -
author of14earIStoorl Shopper, Nutrition on the goo`,
will pjti you in fhe express lane for
Head Smart Shapp.ti g 1 tatitg
Tuesday Nov. 3 -
St.. Anne's Catholic S.S. Clinton
7 - 9 p.m. , 68 gdinission
Pie -req. by Oct. 30 tit:
482-3416 or •1•800,265-5184
• I
44.Wednesday -Nov.:4 Ealing well is +101 a!►tiul Buil+.
Stratford Country Club:
••7 --9 p.rn.: $8 admission tom. if 's choice.
Pre -reg. by Oct. 30. ut 271-7633
You turd fake home a copy of "i4eariStnari
Shopper, Nuitttian on Tht gun"
says his knowledge
of the business should see
him through the business
transition successfully
. CAth- OR FAX
) ar saws of
t patrtial etatesg 1s Farm. Real
y General S°am ra fly ane
kw ova 40 years.
Sewing Machine
so oil makes
Free estimates .
90 Day Warranty
Expe►wrwe►d since 1952
Sew and Save
. Centre Ltd.
149 Downie St..
Phone 271.9660
To_aII members of the
Credit Union Limited:
1.. A member of the Credit Union. at, least 18 years old by
- October 81st.
2. A Canadian citizen or a person Lawfully admitted to
Canada for permanent residency. ..•
3. A member who is re ceded in good standing on the
records of the Credit •Union.
4: qualifies under the Act. Regulations or Bylaws of the
' Credit Urlio►i. •
5. Complies with risk managemei t'polic.ies of tie Credit
Union and Credit Union Central of Ontario.
6. Will read and become familiar with the current bylaws of
Clinton Community Credit Union- Limited: • .
7. Will participate in training programs as may be
.. prescribed from time to time by Credit Union Central of
. Ontario and as Miry be prescribed by:regulation. `-
Nomination torms may be picked up at the head office to Cin,ton-
Nomtnation5 wit close on Friday: November 27. 1998 at 5.00
There will be -no nominations from the ttoor at the Annual._
Meeting on Wednesday. January 13. 1999 beguirting at 8.00
p.mat the•Town Hall. Clinton.
For further information about the Board of Director or Credit :
Commute positions or nominating procedures contact Stever
Tyndall, CEO at 482-=3466 or Mike Grogan. Branch Manager at
235.0640 • • '
Dated -this 2 3rd day of September 1998 at Clinton, Ontario
, oei\ I�rt'rner�
Director Director
48 Ontario Si Main St 118 Main St N
482-3466 237.3777 235-0640