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Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday. October 21. 1998
Scouts gearing up for `Apple Day' in Zurich this Saturday
By Cannel Sweeney
mow cokREsranpEN't
IX' ZURICH - The Boy
• Scouting movement will
be selling .apples` this
Saturday morning.
The owners of the car.
.wash in Zurich, on
Saturday from 8 a.m. to ,
j2 noon, will donate pro-
ceeds to the,Scouts. •
The Zurich Mennonite
Church celebrated its 90th
anniversary on October`
18 with a congregational
••potluck supper in their•
parish hall, and a special
• . anniversary. service held .
4r: by former pastor Clayton
and Amy Kuepier of •
! oronto.
Several merchants::from
the area spent•a few days.
in Toronto this past week•
and- attended .the annual
gift show. -
St.Boniface C.W.L. held
-their October meeting on
1 uesday. The. guest
speaker was from the
Community Food Advisors
On the topic "Fat in
Plans were finalized for
the various groups to -pre-
pare for the annual fall -
bazaar to be held in the
parish 'hall on:October 24
Irorn 10 a.nrto-2 p.m.
-'Canned goods (;here`
brought for •.a food ham -
per draw. There will be a
penny sale table. a money
tree and other draws at
the bazaar.
The C.W.L. Deanery
meeting Will be held 'on
October 28 at St..loseph
Parish in Stratford with
Mass at 9 alit -The cost is
• $5 for lunch. To sign' up,
phone president Coby
Vanden' 13oomen. 236- :
4038, as soon as possijile.
The Optimist Club will .
meet on October 28 al the '
home of president•.Dianna
Klopp at 7:30 p.m.
A reminder W turn your
Clocks back one hour this
Saturday night. •
• There' will be. a beef bar-
- beetle' at the Varna•
Complex on October, 29"at-
5 p.m. The cost is $10 for
adults and $5.1or children
This social.• is for the
International .Plowing
Match. For` tickets 'or
marc• In ormt(tion. ea1T
Claire Deichert at. 236-
.413(1. Tickets are also'
available from c•ommittee,
Member-S. •
The Agricultural,District
4t8 annual dinner/Meeting
will be. held in 'Exeter- at,
the Rec.L:entre on October
27 al 6:30 p.nt •The cost- is •
512 with --registration. _
The Zurich Fair •Hoard'
-.are selling cash calendars -
for $20. Phone Margaret if `
yew want some
• The Golden Agers are -
having a euchre party at
the Town Hall on October
26 at 7:30 p.m. The (list is
$3 at the- door.
On October 27 St.
Boniface Parish K. of -C.
' are having a card party in •
the church hall at 8 p.m.
Ke.n and -Della Gascho
celebrated their 50th
• wedding anniversary on
October • 16. An open
house was held in their
honour on Sunday at the
Mennonite Church..
Afterwards the couple and
their family enjoyed a din-.
ser at Millingto,ns in.
Heather '.Consitt and
(tick de.' ,longe were mar-
ried- at the United Church
in Zurich on October 1; .
by Rev. Gani Lazaro. A
dinner anti revel tion'.
were held ati1lessenland.
The. bride- is the daughter
of -John and Ilelen+Consitt.
'Zurich. The couple will be
living at Rockwood.
John,. and Mary Becker,
Ito hwuud.. celebrated
their 25th anniversary -on
October 2(1:
-The lierkers celebrated
on Saturday night -at a
- party at filo Dashv+told
. -Community Centre, 'orga-
nized by „their- children
Residents at Queensway get
readyfor craft and bake sale
IILNiSALL - Nun and
Fitness- was certainly an
appropriate start to the
week atter the.
• Thanksgiving Holiday
weekend: when everyone
-tends to overindulge in
the treats of tate season:
Rev. Knight of Goderich
led WorshipService
Tuesday .afternoon with
Belva Fuss- as volunteer
.organist. Marg Cole- pro-
• vided assistance at the
breakfas.t.group met
V ednt'sday morning, over
'fried eggs. sausages,.
toast. orange slices. and
cofi'ee.'l:dna Deitz .was
the helper. - -
,1'Vinnie Ilutton...pastoral
care volunteer led Bible
• .Study' 1Vednesdav after-
. 0000,
,.The group is 'studying.
"(;ods Name: Gods
• . 'Nature" by Jill Briscoe. -
Ihugh, Ilarpe r, perform-
ing pianist_ played to an
eve elleni crowd
Several epis„des of "The
Little Rascals" were
shown Friday to an atten-
'.tivi: audience.
In the evening. Doug
Insley and Harvey Smith
entertained • for
Friendship Friday in the
Retirement Ilome Lounge.
Bill 'and Annamari.e
V atson of Zurich cele-
brated their Gist 'wedding
• anniversary when they
joined us for Friendship
Friday. -
Coming events _
October 22. 6.• p.m
Seniors Dining Group 7
p.ni.. Card party in -the
Retirement home Lounge
October 2b.:' p.m. to 4
-p.m. Cisme to our Craft
and Bake.Saie.
There will be, a tea
r-oom, door prizes and
raffles. All are welcome
Health Centre
All Hallowe'en Stock
on Sale
SAVE 2001oto 50010011
Proceeds from the bar
Were donated to Jessie's
Journey. '
(test wishes for a speedy
recovey go to Gird Hay.
who is home recuperating
from a shoulder operation
last Thursday in
Brantford Hospital.
Jerome, Carmel. and
daughters Heather and -
Beth and Marie and
Mozart Gelinas Sr. were
among those who, attend-
ed the wake' and funeral
of a Sweeney cousin. ,Sue
(wife of Frank Sweeney in
Forest 1.
Dennis and Dena Regier.
RR' 3. have had their
fourth'. child. a boy .
Willie -m Dennis. born
October 2. Grandp'arene4:
art' Clare and Mary -Faye
Regier, Hli 3. Zurich:
-Happy birthday wishes
go. to .Anne Flaxbard on
October 20.
-Joe arta Ma�fiia Htsi
returned home nil the
weekend from a two week
trip to. Prince Edward
Cameron and Rose�
Horner. Edmonton, who,
are spending their hone -
moein in (Ontario, spent
Thursday night with his'
grandmother.. Elizabeth
Grainger.. While here sev-
eral- .of .his relatives'•
dripped in a quick- -
Visit and to extend their
rongraitilations on' their
recent marriage in
Saskatoon on 'October 10.
Elizabeth Grainger,
accompanied by her
daughter-in-law, Karen
Grainger, returned on
Sunday after attending
the wedding of her grand-
son, Cameron Horner and
Rose. nor on October 10
in Saskatoon. Elizabeth
• ` and Karen encountered a
six hour delay in their
flight back home due to
the heavy overnight snow-
fall in Saskatchewan Also
attending the wedding
were Helen Horner.
London; Ross, and Glens
Horner, Shipka. and Earl
and Marg Horner. Zurich,
•• Richard Fisher and
Michael and Christopher.
prepared a roast din-
for Paul Klopp and
family recently.
Your Old Eyeglasses can
make a difference
The Exeter Lions Club
will send your old eye'
glasses to Sri Lanka
where_ they_ will_ help_-.
thousands of people, -
Please drop your unused
eyeglasses off at' these locations
• Dinneys Fine Furniture
• Stedmans
.• Shoppers Drug Mart
Class Environmental Assessment Nlater'Suppl- and Storage Expansioldlmprovements
The Yiliage_ol Hensall.and the Hensall Puhli,Uuhtte6_C'rnrro,sion are jointly planning -a project to
expand and trnprirve the -Village Hater system c iI'thues ut-)goer tc addres. a-rsnnf water suppl' and
water storage ffrohlems a is -planned to• equip a new: well and upgrade the,high-lift pumping capability
to increase the V'illavS.secure water supple capacn' ,It is`alst• nlanrtd n• replace the existing elevated
tank with a new eiesated janCIto increase. the water storage capacity:inc:rease normal system pressures,
'ano allow the,watrr system u. jneet,peal: demantjs Nhitc'maintlimng adequate -pressures and .fire
resrr� es
,. .
The project ins•olves the tnttallation of a well pump un an exisun€ tesi ' 'ell constructed. in I997 r: and
associated yard piping. and the replacement o1 existing hi,gh'lllt pumps This work Would proceed 'within
the existing York St pumphouse property _Completion of these water suppl impioyements will
-significantly reduce the.P1 C,sreliance on the existing King- St Nell:'which.has a history of higher
nitrate curicentra000y. thereby increavng the Village's secure water supply, capacrtj ., .
A new elevated siorage tanl:.is planned to be constructed within,a future development area north of Mill
Stand adjacent to tnorth oaf i.the General -Coach storage yard The site is curxcntly vacant.
The above project is being ptan'ad und(r S,chedule, B of the (;lass (m ironmental, Assessment for
-Municipall Water and'.Wasttwater Projects (June 14U'. An Enstrunmental Screening Repon has been
completed tr document the 'Class) LA process By this Notice. the. report is Tieing. placed in the pUhlii
record for res levy ,Subject to'comment} received as. a. result of this Notice. and `upon obtaining
satisfactory 'financing and the receipt of. necessary' approvals: the Village)P.U.0 intends to proceed with
the design and construction of the water su'ppty andrsturage projects : •
An EmjrOnmental Screening Repos; documenting the.€A. proces'.Iullowed. ►s asaitabie fpr review at•
tile following ioc{tio ns ' . '
' Village of Hensall Phone t 519 r 262.28 j''
' PO Bog 279' : - . Fax, i S19)262-2821 .
108 King Street • •
Hensall. °titarto
• NOM I X()
Hensall PUC Office
" PO Box +40
112 King Street
,Hensall: Ontario ,
- N I%1 IX0 , '
, Hensall Pulhic Landry
168 King Street
Hensall. Ontario
1113cie ted person• shoulJ pSusidc.wnurn ttnnerlt ,i the yillagc tit HinsaII on the proposal s ithin 30
calendar day Dram the date of ibis Notice Cotnnients shall he drit•tled a the y'itlage Municipal Otrite -
.11 semis'rrisuonuientai contents ansc regarding the %annul tic resoked ur discussions•.
•.with the nwnicrpalit%. a prrst'nipaity may request that the Minister Of the 1:nsirunment "bump -up'• to a
higher lesci of ensironnfental assessment "Bump•up', requests MUM he rck:eised by the Minister at, the
address'belOW withtin 30 calendar days of this Notice A copy.of the request shall be sent to ihr Village
of Hensall. It there is no request fore "hump -up' rrtcised by •Noseinber 20. 1998. the water storage
project mai pro x d io design ;aid coniruclton as presented in the planning documentation
Minister of the Etisirunment
40 St (;lair 'Avenue)West .
10th Flr.ur. Toronto. Ontanc' Is14V '1 M2
Phone )51912(12-2117
Fax )5194262
This Notice is issued October.2j . 199k '
Luanne Pharr ('lerk. ''illi( c ul Iicnsall