Times Advocate, 1998-10-21, Page 31Ammo
IN THE -MATTER OF the Farming and Food Production
Protection Act. 5:0.1998.
AND IN THE MATTER- OF application to the Board under
Section '6 of the Farming and Food Practices Protection
Act fora determination whether a -practice is a normal
farm practice for purposes of the non -application of a
municipal by -law, -
Board File,No:: 98-02 .
The . Normal -Farm Practices Protection Board hereby.
appoints Friday the 13th day of November, 1998 at the
hour of 10:00 a.m at London Convention Centre, 300
York Street, London, .Ontario, to hear an application
made by Mr. Fred Knip for a determination as to
whether a practice is »a normal farm practice for the
purposes of the non -application of a municipal by-law,
namely By-law No. 38-1998, Township of Biddulph. -
if you do not attend and are not represented at this
hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and
you -will not be entitled to any further notice ofthe
Should you attend the hearing at the time and place
aforesaid; you may appear personally and/or be
represented by 'your solicitor or agent and may call
witnesses to give evidence on your behalf.
DATED at Guelph this 16th day of-October1998.
Michael Toombs
Normal Farm Practices Protection Board
1 Stone Road West -
Guelph Ontario
N1G 4Y2
Notes: -
The hearing will initially deal with preliminary and
procedural matters.- Identification of parties - these
persons have .the right to participate throughout by
presenting evidence, questioning witnesses, and making
final arguments: In order for the Board t0 determine your
status for the hearing, you or your representative should
attend the hearing and ask to be added as a party.
Groups, whether . incorporated or not, who' wish to
become parties should name a representative. Parties
do not need to be represented by lawyers: Any persons
wishing to become a party for the hearing who is not a
party already should be present at the hearing -to make
submissions in that regard.
Exeter Times -Advocate
The sales of Brussels livestock for the week ending
October 16, 1998.
Fed Cattle: 417 Cows:213
Veal and Bob Calves: 785 Lambs: 207
Stockers: 1907-
907-The fed steers and heifers sold at prices 52.00 high-
er. The cows sold on a good strong active trade. Beef
veal sold steady with Hol. veal selling $2 - $3.00 high-
er.Light Iambs sold on a strong market with heavy
lambs selling steady. Stockers sold on a fully steady
There were 274 steers on offer selling from 85.00-.
• 90.06to the high of 96.75.
Eight 'steers consigned by Jim Howatt,
Londesborough averaging 143$ lbs. sold for ari aver-
age of 88.38 with sales to 94.00.
Eighteen steers consigned by Howard Hendrick.
Crediton averaging 1438' lbs. sold for an average of
.8$.79 with sales to 93.00.
Twenty steers consigned by Kada Farms. Bluevale
averaging 1408 lbs. sold for -an average of 88:25 with
sales to 92.00.=
Six steers consigned by Glen Martin. Clifford averag-
ing 1240 lbs. Sold for an average of 86.27 with ales to
Fourteen steers consigned'by-Murray Shiell;
Wingham averaging 1453 lbs. sold for an average of
85.82 with sales to 89.60. •
Three steers consigned by Warren Weppler and Sons
Ltd., Clifford averaging 1255 lbs. sold for an average of
87.36 with sales to 89.25. .
"Thirty-four ste ers consigned,by Cunninghani Farms.
Lucan averaging 1441 lbs. sold k)r an average 01'8.5.32
with sales to 89.00.
•I'wo steers consigned.. by Amos M. Martin. Mildway
averaging 1108 Ibs.sold for an average--of-87.44 with
sales to 88.75.
One steer consigned by Shawn Cochrane, Alliston
weighing 1410 lbs. sold for 88.25. - •
Twelve steers consigned brMartin Metske, Lucknow
averaging 1414 lbs. sold for an average of 86.56 with
sales to 88.25.
There were 123 heifers on offer selling. form 85..00 •
: 90.00 to the high of 95.50.
Ten heifers consigned by G. O`Leary Farms, Ailsa
Craig. averaging 1207 lbs. sold for an average of 89.65
with sales to 95.00.
Twenty-six heifers consigned by • B & '1' Farms, Ailsa •
Craig averaging 1144 lbs, sold for an average of 84.88
with sales to 91.50.
Thirteen heifers consigned by Walter Lynn. Stayner
averaging 1292 lbs. `sold for an average of 86.15 with
sales to 91.25. -
»Two heifers consigned by Ron Tullock,, Meaford
averaging .1122 lbs. sold for an average of 83.26 with
sales to 87.75,
Sixteen heifers consigned by -Doug Patton,_ Everett
averaging 1295 lbs. • sold for- an average of 86.80 with
sales to 87:75-. • • -
There were 213 cows on offer.selling:
I)1 and D2 COWS: 51.00-55.00 to high of 68.00
1)3:'48.00-51.00: 04 cows: 43.00-48:(}0
-Four cows consigned by Lazy -Meadow Farms, Blyth
- averaging 1745 lbs. sold for an average of.55.74 with
sales to 68.00.-- - •
Sixteen cows,consigned by Ken Palen. 1:-xeter averag-
, ing 1438-1bs. sold for an average of 51.80 with sales to
65.00. • -
There were 17 -bulls on offer selling from. 56.50 -.
63.00 to the high of 07,50. -
There were 281 vial on offer selling: , •
• • Beef: 90.00, to 135.00. lfol:_ 85.00 to. 105.00: Plain
Hol: 60:00 to 75.00.
One rwf veal Consigned by Richard •l forst,.- Listowel
weighing 700.1bs. sold for 135.00.
Five veal consigned by Decroft- Farms Limited,'
Clinton averaging 09$ lbs. sold' for an average ,of
112.58 with sales to 127.00. .
There were 198 lambs and sheep on offer:
• lambs:
Under 50 lbs. •
50-64 lbs, . - 50.00. to 160.00
65-79 lbs. 110.00 10 168.00 •
80 - 94 lbs'. . 97.50 to 123.00
, 95 lbs. - 110 lbs. 94.00 to 110.00
110 lbs. and over' 100.00 to :114.00
. Sheep: 65.00 to 75.00' .
Goats: $29.04) to $160.00
• - . Stockers '- • _
under 400 lbs.' 125.00 to 145.00
400-499 - 117.50 to 129.50 _
500-599 107.50 to 126.00
600-699 100.00 to 118.00
700-799 96,60 to 111.00
800-899 88.50 to 103.50
900 and over • 86.50 to 100.50
300-399 lbs. • • • '109.00 t� 131.00
400-499 . 92.00 to 123.00
500-599 93.00 to 119:00
600-699 • 82.00 to 112.50
700-799 84.50 to 106.50
800-899 87.75 to 103.50
900 and over 80.00 to 95.00
Plain stockers: • 50.00 to 63.00
Farm News
Wednesday. October Z1, 1998
Why are there so many weeds?
By Leslie Huffman
Many growers have
complained about early ..
weeds escapes this -year,
and many fields are
showing vigorous weed •
growth 'in the crops.
There are several reasons
that contributed tel the -
lack of weed control this
• year..•
First and foremost is the •
lack of rainfall in th.e
early season
Most pre -4a
herbicides need at
least 1/2' of rain to
activate the prod-
-act. If this- amount
oP rain. does not.
arrive before weeds begin
to germinate: these early
. weed escapes grow and
by fall .can tower over the
crop.: It is always amaz-
ing how. large -a- single'
weed can grow if it gets
an early break.
_ Some fruit ,eg_
etable- growers • .rri-
gation to at herbi-
. cides with-rtiixud results.
The. best control 1 aw
from this method was
Devrinol (which requires
incorporation -by •water
well. weed control treatments.
The second reason is By late August, weeds
the warm season: With appeared tall and health
more heat units accumu-
lated throughout this sea-
son, weed growth has
benefited .as much if not'
more than craps. Late
season heat units have
'also Pushed weeds to
grow -lushly late in the
summer too.
.Post -emergent herbi-
cides to control weed
escapes did not perform •
as some growers -wanted:
within two days) that was
overhead irrigated imme-
diately after application
with great results. -.It
appears that waiting a
few days to,see if rain
-comes before deciding to
irrigate does not work as
above many crops.
Although there weren't
many weed escapes, the
level of weed contr
appeared much.Iow
than it truly wa
Generally, these la
Weeds have little imps
on yield,,but are givin
harvesting challenges i
many. crops. One exce
tion is the escape o
:astern black nightshad
n soybeans or whit
eans,-which may reduc
ields and bean quality:
In -general, 1998 will •b
ernentbere.d • for it
unusual weather pattern
-• and poor weed centro
results. As you plan you
weed management strat
• egy fof 1999, remembe
the reasons for weed
-escapes•this year, and
:note -»the effects on yield
and quality hciore mak-
ing dr:i- tzi• (:hanges for
next year.. •
yo.0 choose to plow.
"remember you will, be
• turning under this year's
weed seeds and turning
up last year's. .What was
some cases.
the . weeds r
were too
large when
the rescue
-treatment was applied.
Most of these- herbicides
are designed •to control.
. small weeds. Also, prod-
. ucts that need to 'be
--absorbed by -the plants
work best on actively --
growing weeds. By June,
the »w.eed escapes were
beginning to ,feel the:
drought as well' as the
crops, and .many of them. •
were not actively growing .
when post -emergent her-
bicides were applied. ,...
The rainfall patterns
also promoted late weed
escapes and lush weed
growth. Moisture ,finally
came in late July. :or
August. Although wel-
comed by the Crop, -this.
moisture also gave life to
weeds that had escaped
• ' e
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your weed control like in
1997? This may have an
effect on what you will
see next year.
• For no -till and conser-
vation till fields, weed
control results from this
year should be your guide
for next year.
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