HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-21, Page 25r C . 'ffie t 24 Exeter Time -Advocate *LACE ASI AD hi Renew +l24'A sin >Strleet'Smith ,`Exeter. 'iMewd:xytto' Friday, SAO a.m. .u'5.00 pm. 61),APiessiekg; 19)235.1331 strrox. ,p 2354746 (WE•tmaH: biesely.corn Classified Ad Deadliltt• MONDAY AT 10:00 AM The Times -Advocate urg- es our readers to use caution when sending money for. business op- portunity or employment advertisements. Be cer- tain-- --you- are -:-dealing with a reputable compa- ny before releasing any credit 'card information. Remember... :if any ad- vertisement sounds too. good to be true; it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on.the number .0' words. ,Sets Of nunlerats -as to' sena: -numbers. street numbers. Phone hummers of prices count as one word per set. words )oiled by hyphens count as separate words - FiRST INSERTION 2C w,ords• $9.63 insertions "$11.05.. 3 insertions $22.47. Adprtioriai • •151.{ charge for each word over maxi mufU NOTICES: .30 words' (births. death;, announcements.- cb,ntng • events - rllemoriams)" (Cards of Ulanks 10< each word over maxi -"stun). - 1 insertion -$11.77 ' 2 msertiuits'$23 54 3rd ursertion too charge • Classified Ads must be prepaid. Ads **tat be printed until pay ment received*. WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS WIU, picture - $30.00 " QRADUATES with picture $15.00• BOX'NUMBE'RS-lb this office $2.50 per insertion SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: tot classified ads is 10 a.m. Mondays • . OUR ADVERTISING POUCl • AUvernSrng 1u Jnr• 1n1le.•-Uvuedler •s dLLeyiwl Uri 4,0410140,4 ti . rn UIe oven] Of a typurJdluabill 41II . Ord' yurkun O. ilk: ddvert.Surg SIdO: 0e.4.4itdwl U, Uu• ' 4 iundous nwn.- win Ile /Len,. ,0 .1 sub setnieet issue as d mace VAX! -d1 11(, Ghalbe. *line Uhe; lr'dl41'c- 0' U& either USwileol will be para lar at arr.applrcaWe rate ir. the Arent of a typugrdph.La error aAd/Using goods 01 servwe'. at. .r • *scug pi. a guoos ur Serv1Les md, rot tie scar Advertising 1s an btler lu tel' and 11iay Gr. wouwygr n it 4111 I.Oe Any errors iuust be dcknuwledgea mum, seven days Of pubyeahurr. - I:K• Tuner,uht4Late reserves the pink lege or. revising. to re►ecbul; d0vertrse Monts pmt it considers Utu tlwnabte 41110 10 Uldrge 0111 CI41SS1f1Ldbur. 0' dn. advertisement from wet wdere,r L. loom lu lite polity 01 tits re shorn. Contents -ale prutoclon by cul rings: Repluuuc11011 0r day ntdlendl w41404/1 Uv perrnrssrort of t,'r_ ggUlrslier 1s Iwortiden Advwbsers purchase Spate &K1 cucula tion 0111y. xi. nights to drip at1vertrse-, Meats Nruducudby Ute tunes -Advocate. using drlwurk..typogtaplir 0' oho togoapl,s araIytert for by Cie newspaper 'shah tie .doe .plupurty of the Tunes Advocate. No such ad or arty par% Uieic • . 01 may be reproduced or d5S41Jigt1 with Out 4141411011 cunsunt of .the 1digs AthuLdle STATEMENT Or POLICY: Melones voca Adte is 1101 responsible fur anti•, ,r d0VwbwernelltS out submit/main !mom loan. nor Int more than a single 41«.14' reel ulser1ur/ of Mat ddvelbsen,eni Phone 235-1331 IWPINt ADS • trait rs%utts with our 1511 *per Ad or we will itiNteat•your ad up to aietother•eeven times at no digit •orforliate items only - • One tam. per ad ••Privatse non commercial ' ads • All ads must be prepaid CaII 235-1331 for bordered or monthly ad rates. 1 Lost & Found LOST -IN LUCAN.. - 'A generous reward is offered to the finder of an envelope.. containing a sum of money un Ociobei 1i, 1998. Apply in- wnting 10 Box 117.. 110 Exeter Times Advocate. Box 850. Exeter. Ont. NOM 156.143* ) 4 Help Wanted ENTHUSIASTIC:.. StsL1= MOTIVATED. - Career oriented individuals --tor lull time/Dart time kitchen employment -to wurk in a fast pace. restaurant 1f you know you have these qualities, please apply to PO• Ilax 398, Grant! Ileud. Gitano NOM ITU No experience required. training available 1431 . • L. X P 1 1( I. ENC t: 1) HAIRSTYLISTS required Ininiedlately Send resume to Thi' Looking Glass. PU Ito.' 342.. Sealorth. Oni NOK I WO 1\iu pirutn inquiries 443*) HILL TIME t1R1 WMAS11 POSITION- available lar our brew on premises business in 1, -,Neter A complete tootling ptirttlit111 ptuvidetl. -'The l►telel feel candidate w'ill posse„ suint post .secuudar t . education with guutl people . ant! tt hnicill skill;: - Please - seittl tesluuc' lir Putts Unlimited. iy0 'iban►es Ruatl Last. Exelel. Ontario. NOM (153 or. lax to (5l9)_35-001 3. 14?;44* I • VtAl'T' S'l A1'F A'l AUNT -(;USStt:'S RESTAURANT - ' Attitude .is evelything. pusiiive and happy . work un .t team. flexible Indicts. fast pace sunnier ahead" Apply ttt • PO flus --398 Giant! Bend, Ont: NUM 1'TO eta 1 PRO/ HIOtAI : OPERA! 010 NEEUEU: Vert Institute 'of Professional Truck Driving will prepare you for your AZ licence and also train yoti to be a professional tractor trailer operator. Job placement assistance' available For further information ' contact Larry Nevinger now at 1-888-903.8374 CLASSIFICATIONS Lost:. Strayed • 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment. Vehicles 1 I .tar's, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Applances,.Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted ig -2B-Auction-Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 4 Help Waisted WE ARE: LOOKING. FOR • KEY PEOPLE - to expand our financial services business in this area. Experience not necessary: Will train.- Send resume to Jeff Bond, Brunch Manager; 1615 ' North Routledge Park. Suite 34. Loudon. Ontario NbH 5L6 EXPERIENCED KNITTER - witfi own knitting machine- fur cottage 'industry. -Call 473- 5052. i41-44*) 73-5052.141-44*} 6 Services TELEPHONE -TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewire houses -Repair wiring - Install jacks for phones- modems-internet PETER MCFALLS 235.0368 PIANO '1'UNINC; • and Repairs. Calvin (inigench._RR '2. Zurich. Phone 519-23h- - 19-23G- - 48/(.9 (J8-45- i - CONTAINERS AVAILABLE for Scrap Metal or Garbage on a temporary or permanent basis. Call 284-2221 BARBER AVAIL -ABLE - - Wayne Otterbein's Barber Shop. -394 Main St.. Exeter 235-0559. Open 7:•30- a.m.. to 5.30-11.111 Closed Wed. and Sat al 2 (39-44* i tt`QJter ApPlie et/O V� , Peter Alunger Reports & invoices , Internet - Scanning - photo & OCR'text Tutoring . 235-2877 Machine Operators setup Person Full ttme employment positions for operating machines requiring good eye/hand co-ordination. Clean working conditions on rotating shifts. fiveidays per week. Previous machine experience not mandatory. but good rnechanicaiaptrtude and previous experience as 'team plaYer* will be considered a definite -asset. The set-up person must first train as operator on -numerous machine types and prove 10 possess - excellent mechanical aptitude. with a keen interest in machine -set-up . and quality of production. -The right person may Intik forward to well paid continuou$ and long term emptoyment.onra rotating shift. - Only faxed resumes Will be accepted and only those considered will be contacted. Fax: 519.235.1280 . 6 Services THE ANTIQUE • WATCH AND CLOCK SPECIAL1ST Does professional repairs to watches and clucks: Free esunuites to repair grandfather-. CIUCtrs..:Call-Rud/ -Arnhuld. 7599 Gillespie. Port Franks. Phone 243-1130 (26tfn) Travelling Hairdresser for Seniors If you are. a Senior and • unable to come to a hairdresser. let me come to you. I will do your Ian in your home Monday or Thursday. -in the Grand Bend area.- Cull 2:i6 -101f1 or 238-8265 and usk for Terri. f 1 Do You Need Help With Your Computer & Internet Problems? Cictll Jeff McCann 237-3531 J wigs'afetiK ' ice• apince TIN'PROVE1 ABILITY Of METAL MTH TODAY'S TECHNOLOGY, ADVANCED PAINT SYSTEM AND 5€ALANTS. • Paturllfnl dllerlu1lwrg srur.g,t- • Stre ge, ot_sleel . t • eK.:eases 11001 hone s Value •. Look of I(;xhtoodl rout.ny • tow nlaahIw.ahte • EuVuWrnenlally friendly • 100% lecyclaOle • weather pito ti,v redstart .• Durable wahlightweigtir • Supurlut Now 500. paint system • 9 arttutel:h.retl, pleasafg.eoiouis • Cutout't.0ordinatea nuns • Can be insulted over vesting Iuor • Avvul cowry teat Off and disposal • No exposed WI edges or fasteners • Bathed by a meaningful watramv OR "NE MINS Of AM IMSTALIRR NEAR NV PURSE CTACT: SPRINOl4OUSE INC. V Thaw ai.r..terasn hurt mem us aro aWSW IMO •. fax till,aibralit 0' MIS ADS 1 nisertior: 69.63 2liner-noi. 646.05 3 huertIoru ..... . 52.247 2t word maximum . I S{ for Inch additional Wall. NOTICES ditrtlu. Dtiaths. Memoriam'. Aneourioenlrnt , Costing Events. Cast d'rhanks I insertion 511.77 2•haegloni . 523.54 and insertion . free 30 word maximum Theifor.a tch additional word 6 Services . ENGLISH RIDING LESSONS /Ivuitable ai your farm. All: levels: Problem horses Of all - disciplines welcome. 235- 434 I . (43') " Wridnesday, October 21. 199/4 PAYMENT METHODS Al classified ads rrnnit be prepaid. • Cash • Cheque (with ID) • Money Order • V1SA • MasterCard Please check your ad on - the first day n appears to ensure that it is correct 8 Fenn Machinery FORD PLOV1 - Model 151 semi mounted 3-16-". auto reset. new paint, good in corn stalks. Call 349-2605' (43= SOSA,- . LAWN & GARDEN CARE 'Fertilizing*Hedpe • Trimming "Grass Cutting Laverne McCarter 235- • 1062 F. FOR PRIME POWER -. and. standby electricity that works and stays: working. ..cull Soniniers Motor Generator Sates Ltd. Reliabilitk stitce'' 1936 Phone 519-655-2396. (26t1n) • - QUALITY PHOTO" FINISH -MC; - .tint. t'ustunI 'framing and n0.w. 5 /minute enlargements. J.ert is Photography, Mum StExeter 235-1612 (26tfn) • • NEW - HOLLAND 975 COMBINE with qut.k attached head 53800. 5 Furrow --- Ford plow 51400. Ousel Plow. 72 $1000: Artswav 850'mixer feed wagon 51800. Tye iced drill 36 run 52000 -Call 393- (.415 .143-50SA 9 Sports Equip . - &Yehicies 1991 SUZUKI RM - 125ec Mvtocr'uss. Excellent condition used only 1/2 seaeason. balance stored in dry heated garage Selling due to mov'e.- Receipt - at tillable for new parts: Asking 53.009 00 or hest rifler For, more in thrid/ tun or tient ta11 - (519)284-1793 (34-43x) Pro Drainage R.R. #6 Forest Ontario •- FarmDrainage Specialists • SEPTIC SYSTEMS •MILK HOUSE= DRAINS • EROSION CONTROL - •-BACKHOE RENTAL • WATER LINES. - BASEMENTS. "We guarantee you the best, value for,your dollar` For free estimates call: 0:,. 828-3641. Aon 'Evenings - 7864241 Rick Wellington rw SEPTIC SYSTEMS... "i Soil Reports y Installation - Weeping Beds Designed We Also Sell & install ASL Types of Fencing ••lirt1'111'11 . I.1! Ill 1i 11 it • Ini".11 11'111f ff pr , t II it li it i i 11 .. • r r ll a - 10 1r II II 11 • PVC • Chain Link • Wooden • Woven Wire • Wrought Iron• Call Jim or Shannon Mame Me; 2354642 Mobile: 851.1890