HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-21, Page 2311.1111elki • __ NOLOBRMI0Y841 - (Attie 1).1 Usage Nei tad Am Meredith air NIP)•oriatoutice thr bulb o lrayis William, James hunt Ai Clifton Hospital op Severn*, It 19911 weighin* (, 164 I 1/_ . 111" Proud graudoateils art huger sal Murray *Stegr Vauastra aal Jin, and LeaMoyer ul. Catharines Prutid *Jutish ). ko) Mom awl Candice bulgur aid step-dCaleb MCLeod Thaak•you 1)1 Weeail UN the 06 elft as well as ktn. Caleb. Auto to and Ill% mum A for bow Starr to bap set. bass. g UM Alban 11821.01Nic NOS %ow Iriniesmiltdveaste Announcements PHIL.L1Pfi ken autl•Loggiu L'ause Infir lirelfeV; in. plushest] 11, arnufauer tht armful ul Miaow, Sian Septensbet tit 1996 Prowl Wnte s, tagrandparent% art Al d Mar) !liaise) 11.(tiel Sootily:re' groadpareuis art. Lavern Phi Iludsuiv•Pl. and Joyei• Hall Joise... Si Petersburg. FL 04 t4 . Si(lbtNiitt - brad aad Saadi thank Gal ter ter elk urinal bona trUlfi OWL* With theil tiauelettlaw 1.er Iht Si Jiang She %yds hum larch 27 !MIS Proud randrilothers Manuel Skims, main Perni:ni hpecial thank (41° I - 7 • CO1J3ttillAt' .(F1SHER nal Cane) and la* brothers Ilya,. 1 .. Galant add Mar. an• P1 to 114110114)4X for arrival of feel) ar bat ) Huey Chloe Madnyit bunt. 1. Uet 4. 1996 ikvigAutt* Sibs Proud gram/osmosis are Angtlint. gr . Coustneas ft Y s 0. • 1 and Karel. •Willts and tauten • lie Citi and Anal Mit (4 fx I )AY1.1)P huh Christina eased to tintioutier. Ilic i rival ol theft daughter Anil yogi 'thin* lbs oi hu eptendic 17 -14%1 Pruat 'nes% 11 andparents art- Marilyn A 11 LIJAki7 le- hard 'Mai 1 his bird • yttui ousseti hoptuitibut 22. Wok tit (hi hushund 01 Ikawsout ..-ar% Iasi tut lac fhostuu ano !hue lailit‘ flew wild, 01 kwha1t1 1.eur) and hi. • our hiaucs hint and het h .'N Nuri.) 1111U 111.11 liuthano Itratl (low)", Ineadisr it. Moat 1/unmet. aid Sem (jowls :kat atollid haisiint• 1)1annt- atilt hut hutbanil hut Walker hotted ai the Johi 71 la, •uneral Allistuit St:menthes 2.1 199h Followed h% committal Witt huital ot ffruniphin hrotrinher 11041i . ft u. desired mentonal-ihnianotts act• Ifit• C.'unathusi Concur SlIeltItt • . WOUtd bt.appieciaeu is-% • • air WIIIGANIs • Pedeutullt lituwutel Heti 'tuna: • Z c I Ch.tulito 11/91. Liam% heart lit Weigund lurnirri% 01 fiseito mu; . like'. fkuhwootl nu hhis H711, nut it liuSbintl of fht• lay nieller 1.. 1Pect Weiganil /995; • Loved . lather til Hill:awl Duns Weil/anti " 04 bxeiri lute law* Wrile.uul (l')% Cirandixt . t. tit Andrea Weigand 10 " • Mart. anti -11 Cards of %Ws 1191114 llomooduo 4.11N RIPPIlk A his. dime von it, nu titvut - - Lsvuruli. faiths Mauves 4U111 irteltd, .i ull tautly!' the louver', curds flowors tine 161 hic KULP Whitt. u. 'unit (Inc. rtournii)e' litout- A sort:14064mi You II, fiatrultull - and the VON' I ' eau germ • 1 out thnughtlultirsts will in torguitei. 14 h/A Y. tainji. orAli thy Mil‘ W1.1, emeaw lira (hula ant• ttttt ow 10.01.owit•I ji I )1111. receiver lllll mauve., trait& neighbour. who suni flu, Italia eunaltints loud sent 0 Inv nail 4:11fli• CA pressruns ot swami tior.:ial numbs it' the k Din •Putiend their cithipass and puidutict•kr% Curti Pursuit, hi; thr "trlehruhui, 01.1 hltint's lilt' Ilit r • wet heurur,. huh flutIgurt. I Ihr imam WNW. Listen) titut 1 they torciul aurvicr flit tart tamed Church ladies Itu Our delicious handl: attei strrvic Liatter VAIL) lut.lticif curt. 01 Mo into* her sun and tust. •11 lutleut Our licuris un- Wrest: niched it) -youi thunitt) thioug tit IP yrs...14441u% M and Irll, Braid daughter for hest A '3 Mane Fiasco, &mei hpreia • thanks iO• Gra/WIWI -Grafittp., two Fiske, tor belpiti* WWI Hu boys. (43'0 _ HAYTI?* litr. sistet Myssit is *cox pruutl to annount:r the sliced wc1 arrival of ftargai itannait bunt (sr Monday .,t)ctobet s 199b riot and a. net% nirst• Jri lu:(4 chA ': Mums% anti Cattalo 1 (ioii tot the sat, arir.a . lays) horn. •• 4)4) flannati /c.o. 0011 ember NW% •.: 111111,2 / 4 uz.. 4, in aid Ittsvr Hospital Malawi sr ht - 114011 Ike- 1 °pun. then. 1st. • In Iht eitlitured fraves 01 lull am) 1 (IV.Utt' ttien- it% 11 Ihr ne9 falba snow rot winup Ille4 • urt Hien AfICCAlktic In tritunort (if urm &tut% loved Jur und ithudpa seta watt awe, Ciessetr 22 1940 Although wt. carnal ser you emeses von 4.annni touch v W now you urr mit us In Ilk iron mho, p• mow ol sprint ou limn ID Ott warmth to ieffi NMI 1Voitineuelit Oemitrti 21 19% • IN Ilismostiam . 11.1 lAMSOis in ii -sing het nitintors ecu, Anti inhrt wth 041 taken non. vcsrs ago 26. lees • . bili a soar John no cute . • • • 1,9t. miss You temles anti &fussy nt constani wish You wtrre here wr tow. dna -I on &was . The% wail fietistir everyea). t Imam unheard hut sis•ays neat t lilt piles -on withoin vow John , Jar runtime is•ifir sane (RI tviirt• 1(k. '(Up S in leave U. wr- all feel the loss hu: wr look you son anci !lielpf,, CAW OK 11,11n. hiecinist of Demo/ ran 61 you stil. remains.. • . ninis your tansies, and your . • laugh. . • find your warn, rind fen* Aran svc,..quettcr bon we spend nor driY16- • • • .4o• nano what 4../r 00 • befott wr char our ryes a night • c always thint of you • %kr hold you close within mg • And there you will Terrain. • 70 Wulf. with. us throughout our • - +vet. until wr noel again. Print those wint ihoughi the world • of you. Ittyr Morn and Dad 14:16, 44,44 Stlerh thoughts a *cern tea a th% • 10.,t• Vol3ii yin,. Wert hen • II e% kenienthered with prim! nun 101, •pralttutic his lame% 1.t , • DUI • '..04(nal co: 1141:1111U. I Flasseirt rusorcr: is awn% yi:uri• Hen Cr;:ititte:•:.:-. c - it Tine' 11/0 Meted htr • . *As sin olive alutte litt••• e•ut • , Wherrve, we• ell Wheletfe1 wt . Vo't 0=14114U ritenio4e:. Wt tiuvr I;• f • renicnittereC On. 1unid) '43°) ILLIAMSLA - It tumor) ul our•brultiet aid wick • John . ',lased imp" (1t0 21' a at /tarot, weighed ! If,: rc ots Our :porn aud dad Glenn agti Ingrid thani lotus to/ Ilir ors% Al2k utkiutai h. out 4,..... (Inst shish with spuiliti* tight gratialparrons hob A hut 01 loinduit and Nino.) mit% or Hirer\ (4 Fidtkinati4. Grandpa Bari (itautim., 101 Allen and Marlene If:octet art• • Milfnifft J111(COLlIfilti (CHAPMAN t Sierts%•Isceirl yam 4* CV that rudniesev. October 99h at The Victoria West Gulf 111(111Cd • -with litett Ito% JAC( Itriuuldaughter " Link girls arr Ild aid& 01 sugai am! spire. Not% with alltt,II"u", two:xis s 4.- as nice- 444.0 Ligand k 1)e, Imitate, Intl • brulhei.iii•hty; 'id Ebro tuW Marais 01 ,1)ashwuud. Charles and to. , ;tte • uf Predverissed hroliat flarrisint - Wei Dertiordisit• Pratt flendrich •C:lar., !laugh. •kerital al Ihr Ilan) anti NUM Natant 1)ailiwitini when. lin .021yrcta:--wei•••--tiertr-011 „ - • - - Laza gaud 3isters Ilculu -October 19, 199)5 fte% Gant rt. off icialtal, Interment United Cliun:11 Cetu(1er) ia 1)4114it131u4l 11 Arsured ntriiturno thinaltuns ti, tate Calvris) lamed Church Illitesleat • ft'f lluiitt tit ,:haritS id • choler would ht. • Apprrt-aarrd 0.134 EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP') t.tornrnunter Serytcs . I• Sunday School tor ali /was 11:Q06.m, Fernihreihk) Noir , Thursday Evening HOrrre • ' biddy at 8 p.rri• Fur • ink.. confect 229-6572•' .04.-Oreitare,Street Exeter Evervorte Wetcorne 0. 165 Cords of • • DUNtlAhl• I our. u 411 -triends'. reiiiittA. tutu EXETER .CHRISTIAru N HEMMED CHUB treightsour Ito .144 (ht • tt 332Mnurcy W- bvn' 11' Neter Pelu lunititigt and 31/ •octouereb.leup • 1/111111Y SeheOf tUr tt.) • tivirrs 1)1411041 eitlis and hat.sio tut. what 1 -was ln Itoapita eta' Lotion • -40:th)a,m Mominp S our triliuglillutue.ti, wet.% - itteatit appo41t•tatet1 Uuti yt/t, a1 Dints 14 • • Grec10' 4 v41.4, Nt/' 1nerN, Aveueete " 7;�0p14, Etfelitf111 .6.ttiVtt,1-1 aufirtp :mint% se _ •' Everyone We/come Mbo)wAi,N M Lilt" , $41/1' III% oittlidt% • - -, I 1.<1(:fi•-• lo vClytflit' • • ho41.411.'% at e- Nyirt.1.1kallter • Ivy 4411-atul dui; A till' thani. • you it, ifi, '1*.ett4lt lift *,.111t.:,11 . vektriatrui !unity • stinclav fYiarc• , A • tit ()t\- 1s° t ti.:3c, Lots: teOh-' i 4 t' 1itt11411r. Inn ‘1111 soef.ViiUSp 1 tEirheLtsieg lte - •. KNDXaSEyaTN, BAPTIST CHURCH - • 18hurotSt PSitr nevr WanPastor stony Suiday. Octbe 25 -Mutritity Winship 121•;.1(.) anti to. Sprichtty Sc41&4 8'30 anii '0•f( •I I ;:0() p Eyentng Febowsrup Wed .;piliFaimty Mint 8‘f'arydrie Wel,ie- OCIOber 25 • 9:30 eat -1.411:00 p.m • Woretup ftroaticaat on Community Channel •their and 41.111iiii.lgt. Fain' c.4 t 4..t.:1111 Vt/1 Vt.t.• 00)1 .44 tope! ,.5•31, ‘3.11, •' next yea, Jut A UL1Ap11 litiougn list vetti:, 11, ullileru A Martini um) tunitlim • lei le laanutriato • - CLP.13 - In loyin* turtitur) 4)4 1111 Authe) iyhtyht• I taw '4 witch your land I - in set. your sinewy hat• :. Arid ninyht• lieur_yriur_viriur-- --'-ur trot ytiiii-atimi ombruer • but Him- is suirietrunf 1'11 lucky() saleinhvtitt rn ftuoi•t •M) tityrlin you your low lin rut Will neva, irt us -pun • • Purever loved tad auk% misery it) graitchlaughtrOunini) 14:4^1. , • .C(./l/P•779U1.• IV illtkpillJr% tlf 111. , lair Iwasaki Mural, (Mune.-.4.60,. oussrd away Grit/fat 2:. 41111:: I lust' suul ruin4)4*on/0 • Alilt loam' vita 1114 , uo) u% dib l_,Io, yin, inure will) Ihruugi tilt, alum. treitric toyer) 103(41rdi% wilt- Ldi. don luituit 4•.t.' . • - LAC; 1.t:Nr.ii\ HIV ..... 1% lit 11‘ !maw riusisutti tJad aid (iiiintIon- gc tier. ttii) Witt pit.ssit:!: !twit) . l• 1: 140 11, sfreftW tat:, illy 11 111114:411 01 .',ch 10 mut, slur 1ifit)c cuost.:: Wilea, Mt paint OK Lull duvjtji.:"*., • )1,1,.g.tVt Int 1 tics, Justus., ...tort' tJuryUl! 111t3111/(11.:: • - YNI.- I wow(' hitt. it e...4intis.s . ' tti .iirecetc.titarikt it, Ur Hodder ' , au , !tic matt of &twit) Hiiroir i --' Ito their ttAcellttor cast. '. EXETER UNITED , - aerial: oll'.sLip• well yo it 10 lit lainik aid lured% it toecial thittils . ' '. CHURCH , . v I you) vtNit t.:rirti !real., •• Corner of shames awl . dud piiutx. ‘alis 'Weil (4'' • . , , Suntlity. •tiCroder 2:i 19U8• • • - _TON • Many filatii,s ,Ii• ' -14..at.-411: . e41r)3.,. whit 1.1311 Iluvotits A . Lard • nniversary SuriOav , d,ilf '(434*." Wink' I Va.“.1 a paiteto II.. Speaker Het- fuck NI NI•ny-•).1•Iculorial thiSp11.1' ajje flaViefiP '. ', ' M(idit;(1 ..1.4".. • , Sall.4 iCillilieVir ..... ill: illaelll. yini - Stiltain4 SC10)04 10•3t . ' • - 0.1t, - _ - . • 0 .• -. • • ti SOCI tr. a• Ioll(xyrop tirc' :Ay( v•cr • 712' 1.uttesy cal 1%.0001 Whihin; • . Z • . Nur, pruytuec 19;31 • Ahriiyersary Charter CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN 'Saturday. Ocietse; CHURCH•24 b8 Mair, Street • • • • /64 ) coirrtriSy Cat - 235-27134 . - •SurtdayFOOotier2f 1868 - Anniversary Sunday ' • G uest Minister Irk flek _ - Gwen Lriown it 0 irt Worsilij Stiryke 1,t) • - Sunday lunpi and • . fesovrhep to follow . Oct 21 7:a0 pi/ Sunday Schdo1 leachert, " • • . parents and support people meeting - Oot • ' 0'ou are welcome to woiship ' Goa with us a • Scdu110 Huroit-Flec Centre. tvlusit• Ly Northern • - City urnots. Irc.itets variabie at the criurct) office •4111 wdkome' f'443444(0 '4 tfe.• lit Word %do tote., • 11us 1 1..1,Cltti le/lit Iowa( 31/ Nalinilkik Ir out 1.44114 • 1 Hour • HURON COON ( 1 :sAbf• -*Nf ti1.bi.'•1tr4 1i1 0,Ii)ta.i/1i1J.4l",1.l 4 t-: .1111 1), -sv.lr )e-1e1ig/Sh.f 1e1), I suth • l(43.4)3 .1 • s . . ..ltt •• dint chef, vt101114,4 M ComI kAMhuAr..I iot/o 4ais i. ! th.)1 .) 1 Wit, '.4134441 f4 arkiS :pecal ihardstalt .trupnet I (Jul0httot1111lot WIWIfilCVC41111111 , ft.( gilt- tiCvlisNlateu,1in•4.l14.l1'.(1441, 44.1 . , •4: 01 fluitir:ount) aSca!ha. yd4 ut 1bOcute.0A' t• 1 .4t 1t 4t 1t l tt..t l•w iei t. • ..(4(4(1 441 ,A'iicil' In 1411111f tutJuin% 01[et4: dcgt•artct! Ntil Ii Why ittN( • It 1111 IhtIc • I((jt,('.- ;;-(1C Iv 1,15 1/1:..tti3Ills.% NutAl.by- s _ut- ‘Utidl .w4.* Mir ,43t1 letuovtli c iletoolc11trutagli eat: 1' i 1.‘ Asi,0tedlSit3 3141th f• .t 1tt1,n.iiNcfhcts.IciJritus.' ipcN. r..it. t .•i * ta., .,l1t1 )1tti•,i:ti‘ I..c •C 4. • 111'.1".; • Ilk111flt 01,mueit,sud,(4%,‘ „•irnhlyUt! (3414414 th%u434,4(3,41 41 1)41.314. 44' -45314 *54(4 (M: et, alum'fUpal!.tiutlook )u kj lciocirandp.,(1341401j1'. oad,,ad iittifllia. Ht-Olt-M0‘pasal at.ay se.11sr,klubt21198. VliestiLtougliis *0 thck -131!clS11::r.f1ileaht•11Pt )• tf.tUU. i13, ltant ;44i(1'. di41J)4141(14J ‘)e 13414t1 1°4E0.1 14(41440)t3:411t dm,lddrn 43..1 r l A vItil tlisafaMI of ow11.14dseiatic• .114(1 rut theiotek, tuiptaw iroin .01111% .ddif iltistatcrtit hank, 10,• • lite j3,4j3,4,.'% Lard, ictl (341441(4 4( gift% A sts..chil Map- tl ' MiV..udis* on. .. .Is'.'. N Kcit •s •1 said433'- • • • 1 . huhu wr will always remember Itor yrs, 1,e), harked Thr iviks you spoke atm sniard Tht-lithr things you sfijkalui thd___ u: Cif all ina• lilt tub u'ler...d - And ul Uat's iett ut • We'll uevet have 1t*0 gib • -That out nieniunes 2;isil • Although i've sonar anti make nt fuss bn, wit 11113yuu John IlitIlt thin' • -us ' Aad when we U41411 reridl That is-whrit wt- now yuu intim ul • ull Always tot our fauns Kuben aid Fit:tither lull bt:ci Amor mid Charles thuitoir uno Licellit: tutu. 01141, Illorf* 1414.4 ' 11110111m Country Versatiles NaMtiftiMPIPSOWIN L0714)17- • ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW 8t. SALE .Vric4ty, (-)('tuber 23rd i..1.fli.'to.10.p..41. Sa t ttridir , Or1tot)*7-..24til . . .. . .. am tv6-p rn 5utde Octobes 25th • ••j3 a.rti. tv 5 •.m. Olga Tri.thr:r•679-1tt10 Acifiu's,sivr) $3.50. C.I.NTENNIAL 11,A1.1_ W111141111 IC - 1)iii,,r) . •• _ ' FuneratOircetur • , nly someon.e who hat, been the- • ' . • ' experience,tdn under:441-4. At ppiney.$ we undet:itat. id. We'r.e been a part 01 t.1,iit, cohiinunity -. forrover 11.Q year!, dild 1.%'•V will bi''her-t• when Vou. 'need u:•• .(A49-1•16iry" //,1,(J/ .f. Ar/- twi 471 Main St. Exetel ( 235-3500