Times Advocate, 1998-10-14, Page 303U
Exeter Times—Advocate
Donna French coming to Lucan
ByCraig Bradford
LUCAN — Donna
French will share her sad
but important story with
a Lucan audience -this
French is the mother of
slain teen Kristen French
who was one of two vic-
tims -Paul Bernardo and
• Karla Holmoka were con-
victed of killing .1n '94..
French is now a victims'
rights advocate who
.speaks to -groups two. to.
three times a ' month. She
will be in Lucan as a
.. guest :of the Lucan
Knights, of- Columbus on
Sunday, 7:30 p.m., at.
Lucan • Community. •
Memorial Centre. The
Presentation is free, but
Lucan Knights( • of
Columbus Grand Knight
Gene Kelly said they are
welcoming ;donations •
towards the cause.. The
. motley will go towards
paying the. French fami-
ly's huge legal -bills as
well as. their continuing
fight to make sure video•
taped evidence • of
Kristen's time in captivity h
is not made public.- t
Kelly 'and , his wife
Juliette invited French to- t
Lucan after hearing. her .m
speak at_the Knights of t
Columbus convention at . in
Toronto. in May. . . -F
"We ,were so impressed
and were compelled to d
this," Juliette said.
Gene agreed. -
'"We enjoyed it so much
It was very tearful; h
said. "It's heartbreaks
for the. families. If w
were in the same boat
we wouldn't want 1
•.either." •
Frenchs hour and a
half presentation Includes
a 13 minute film docu-
.menting Kristen's •life
from birth to her funeral.
There will also be a half
hour question .and
answer period following
the presentation.
The presentation is a
heart -wrenching experi-.
ence for -French, butt; she
is determined to over-
come the heartache to
make sure `other. families
don't go 'through the -pain
hers has:
"It's certainly difficult-to..
deal with emotionally,"
French said.during a tele
phone interview with. the.
T -A: "Basically 1 tell the
people what we've.been-'
through." -
French -said she details
er family's dealings -with
he police, the Jegal -sys=
em and the media from
he tie 'Kristen went
issing to today Though -
h..e subject matter is -
orose and intense,
rench feels it -is impor.
tar>;t for her message to
o get out. She also feels it is
important for people to
get to know her daughter.
. "I think through show -
e ing the video, peal* can
ng relate to the victim."
�r French said. "Most of the
time the 'victim is just a
t headline. By seeing, the
video tape they get to
know the victim."
French described,her
'dealings with the justice •
e. • system and how they--
hey -.treat victims as. "disheart-
ening and frustrating: "
"I.think that victims are
pushed to the wayside. in
our justice system," she
. said.
While admitting.there
are ."good .and bad
media", French pointed a
finger at some in the
media .who sensational-.
ized herdaughter's fate,
including- those who still
want .the video tape evi-
dence to be made public.
She said -pelvic don't
realize that while the
murder case is not mak-.
.ing headlines anymore,-
- "it's still an issue that
• faces us everyday." .
Whether or -_not 'the
video tape evidence will
bemade public is still an :
issue in front of the
Supreme`C curt.
Zurich public meeting planned
concerning watershed project
ZURICH — County plan
ner Wayne .Caldwel
explained to -council las
week a proposal to exam
inc ',the Zurich/St
Joseph's watershed.
The proposal, -Caldwell
said, is -in response. to
county -wide : concern
about water quality.'The
•county is asking residents
to appear at a public
meeting on Oct. 27 at
- 9:30 p.{n. At the Zurich
Community Centre' to
express -their concerns
- about the watershed and
Jet the county know if
-they want them to go
ahead with the project...
.'According tG a docu-
ment circulated • b�
Caldwell at the Oct. 8
Zurich council meeting,
goals. of.the proJect are to
raise awareness among
residents of the?South
Maitland. , ' watershed
-about the watershed's
health, to offer. ways to
• improve the watershed's
health and to start up a
steering committee for
the project. .
•y Other•exampJes'of the
intent of the project are
to• raise drinking water
quality, minimize public
beach closures; provide
water quality information
W private lakeshore asso-
ciations, eliminate
manure spills and. mini-
mize agricultural runoff. '
Caldwell told council
the watershed issue is
more than a lakefront
- issue,.he said it affects
! everybody in the area.
t - Coun. Brad Claosius
- .supported -the meeting,
saying there' is a lot of
concern about the area's
. watershed.
. More information can
be reached by calling .
Tom_ Prout, general -man-
ager of the Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation-
Authonity at 235-2610.
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Wednesday. October 14. 1998 •
Building boom
Townhouse construction is.fuelling the building activity in Exeter this year. In
Sept.,:Chief Building Inspector Dave Moyer issued eight`buitding permits for
$877;400. One permit was for a block of townhouses at the Brookside devel-
opment anda second was for ShadowRidge.A building permit was also issued
for Wexeter Holdings for a commercial cash wash development. Five single
family 'dwelling additions rounded out the list -Above, construction crews move
trusses at ShadowRidge an Friday morning. September's permits bring the
year's total to $2,505,400 up from 1997's -total of $2,033,640 for the same
time . riod,
r\ . . .- N . .• - \ . .• . \ . .• - \ . .• N. , .. N . .• . ‘ _ .. . \ . . .• N. .• - \ . .• - . . .• %. .• - \ . .. i % . .• N. •• . \ . .. . \ - x Saue $$$durin our 1st
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