Times Advocate, 1998-10-14, Page 303U Exeter Times—Advocate Business Donna French coming to Lucan ByCraig Bradford TIMES-ADvoc,AlE srAFl LUCAN — Donna French will share her sad but important story with a Lucan audience -this weekend. French is the mother of slain teen Kristen French who was one of two vic- tims -Paul Bernardo and • Karla Holmoka were con- victed of killing .1n '94.. French is now a victims' rights advocate who .speaks to -groups two. to. three times a ' month. She will be in Lucan as a .. guest :of the Lucan Knights, of- Columbus on Sunday, 7:30 p.m., at. Lucan • Community. • Memorial Centre. The Presentation is free, but Lucan Knights( • of Columbus Grand Knight Gene Kelly said they are welcoming ;donations • towards the cause.. The . motley will go towards paying the. French fami- ly's huge legal -bills as well as. their continuing fight to make sure video• - taped evidence • of Kristen's time in captivity h is not made public.- t Kelly 'and , his wife Juliette invited French to- t Lucan after hearing. her .m speak at_the Knights of t Columbus convention at . in Toronto. in May. . . -F "We ,were so impressed and were compelled to d this," Juliette said. Gene agreed. - '"We enjoyed it so much It was very tearful; h said. "It's heartbreaks for the. families. If w were in the same boat we wouldn't want 1 •.either." • Frenchs hour and a half presentation Includes a 13 minute film docu- .menting Kristen's •life from birth to her funeral. There will also be a half hour question .and answer period following the presentation. The presentation is a heart -wrenching experi-. ence for -French, butt; she is determined to over- come the heartache to make sure `other. families don't go 'through the -pain hers has: "It's certainly difficult-to.. deal with emotionally," French said.during a tele phone interview with. the. T -A: "Basically 1 tell the people what we've.been-' through." - French -said she details er family's dealings -with he police, the Jegal -sys= em and the media from he tie 'Kristen went issing to today Though - h..e subject matter is - orose and intense, rench feels it -is impor. tar>;t for her message to o get out. She also feels it is important for people to get to know her daughter. . "I think through show - e ing the video, peal* can ng relate to the victim." �r French said. "Most of the time the 'victim is just a t headline. By seeing, the video tape they get to know the victim." French described,her 'dealings with the justice • e. • system and how they-- treat hey -.treat victims as. "disheart- ening and frustrating: " "I.think that victims are pushed to the wayside. in our justice system," she . said. While admitting.there are ."good .and bad media", French pointed a finger at some in the media .who sensational-. ized herdaughter's fate, including- those who still want .the video tape evi- dence to be made public. She said -pelvic don't realize that while the murder case is not mak-. .ing headlines anymore,- - "it's still an issue that • faces us everyday." . Whether or -_not 'the video tape evidence will bemade public is still an : issue in front of the Supreme`C curt. Zurich public meeting planned concerning watershed project ZURICH — County plan ner Wayne .Caldwel explained to -council las week a proposal to exam inc ',the Zurich/St Joseph's watershed. The proposal, -Caldwell said, is -in response. to county -wide : concern about water quality.'The •county is asking residents to appear at a public meeting on Oct. 27 at - 9:30 p.{n. At the Zurich Community Centre' to express -their concerns - about the watershed and Jet the county know if -they want them to go ahead with the project... .'According tG a docu- ment circulated • b� Caldwell at the Oct. 8 Zurich council meeting, goals. of.the proJect are to raise awareness among residents of the?South Maitland. , ' watershed -about the watershed's health, to offer. ways to • improve the watershed's health and to start up a steering committee for the project. . •y Other•exampJes'of the intent of the project are to• raise drinking water quality, minimize public beach closures; provide water quality information W private lakeshore asso- ciations, eliminate manure spills and. mini- mize agricultural runoff. ' Caldwell told council the watershed issue is more than a lakefront - issue,.he said it affects ! everybody in the area. t - Coun. Brad Claosius - .supported -the meeting, saying there' is a lot of concern about the area's . watershed. . More information can be reached by calling . Tom_ Prout, general -man- ager of the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation- Authonity at 235-2610. Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire' Insurance Company Exeter, Ont. NOM 1 S 1 (E ,tablished in 1876) Provides Full Insu- rance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Joe Ch411. k045 Michell ,44470 I on•F..n.y 101 2 Dubin Lang Gan r,*r 1012 •Stan.. JackHo00.n Nkt.1444on Mrcr..r ow...1413 Grarnrn Morro Wow 31112 SI Pauls ' AGENTS Wayne Menet E .r., - Laved Mug,. Oook. Sorb *Amber. Lrplr, Jus ur..c. welts H..d OIIr:.. Ems., 2260260 A refund from surplus was declared for all poli- cy holders who qualify, are on record and in good standing as at december 31, 1997. 3462260 ..3462676 22114132 .226,400 2261016 . .306.2642 .3662777 .6w6012 t s18 2nd Mon ge MONEY AVA(�ABLE al 6.5% interest or less Personal Loans Totally Unsecured it you quali- ty, monthly payments as krw as Amt. App. Mthly Payt. 327.68 310,000 354.16 315,000 $81.25 Consolidate Your Debts 1(800) 387-1932 Astral Funding Business Directory AUCTIONEER FULLY LICENSED & BONDED, CALL OR FAX (519) 666-0833 Pick up and sales of complete or partial estates, Specializing in Farm, Real Estate, and General Sales. ruing the community and area for over 40 years. .xw**********s: REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free estimates 90 Day Wananty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 272-9660 Wednesday. October 14. 1998 • Building boom Townhouse construction is.fuelling the building activity in Exeter this year. In Sept.,:Chief Building Inspector Dave Moyer issued eight`buitding permits for $877;400. One permit was for a block of townhouses at the Brookside devel- opment anda second was for ShadowRidge.A building permit was also issued for Wexeter Holdings for a commercial cash wash development. Five single family 'dwelling additions rounded out the list -Above, construction crews move trusses at ShadowRidge an Friday morning. September's permits bring the year's total to $2,505,400 up from 1997's -total of $2,033,640 for the same time . riod, r\ . . .- N . .• - \ . .• . \ . .• - \ . .• N. , .. N . .• . ‘ _ .. . \ . . .• N. .• - \ . .• - . . .• %. .• - \ . .. i % . .• N. •• . \ . .. . \ - x Saue $$$durin our 1st ????Pd SSS S 4nnwersarj‘ .CZ 9 It's our way of salting. st-Afg SThanks for your. tremendous support _' during our first year. fast hile Theyer W Ow ???????????????????? Held TKO System #3 Blowout Specials - Cyrix 200 on Selected Models Mid tc►wer.case Startingas * 200 Mtiz cyrix low as s 5I2KB cache ram * 32 MB SDram • 1.44 MB floppy dery SSSSA * 2.1 Gig hard dm•e - * IMB video -card ' win 104 keyboard * Windows 95 w%disk & manual * Mitsumi 2 button -mouse pad and mic * 24 speed CD -tom ► * 51) watt speakers. _ * 33.6K data/fax/vorce modem. 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