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Times Advocate, 1998-10-14, Page 26
Thanksgiving at Thames Road Rhoda Rohde TEIAMES ROAD THAMES ROAD — Rev. Marilyn Cater was in charge of the Thanksgiving Church Service on Sunday morn- ing at Thames Road. The front of the church was decorat©d in . a Thanksgiving theme. The minister told the youth a Thanksgiving. story. The choir sang "Praise God For The .Harvest" accompanied- by .the organist Jean Hodgert. • Rev–Carter read the - Scripture - Luke 17: 11- 19, and the sermon was entitled "Thanks -giving Thanks". Micahel .. and 'Cindy .Elford received the offer- ingas well as being the greeters. The closing -hymn was "Now. Thank- We All Our God", and the Commissioning . and Benediction were in uni- son. The Sukkah Tent was very impressive and well decorated by the teach- ers, superintendent and the Sunday School mem- _ bers. Upcoming events October 14 Messengers at Elimville at •_ .m: 26 Exeter Times—Advocate Classifieds Wednesday. October 14, 1998 20 Property For Rent EXETER - Newer 1 bedroom apt. Fridge and stove supplied. Call 235-3293 (26tfn) EXETER - 3 bedroom townhouse. Call 235-4694 .(29tfn) • EXETER - 2 bedroom fully renovated apt with loll, 2 full. bathes, eat -in kitchen, family room, fridge &' stove_ included. $515/month. 519-474-3714' or 519-471-1331 (36160 EXETER - One bedroom 'apartment in a. triplex. Two blocksfrom downtown. Fridge and stove included. Laundry hook-ups in basement. $370 month + utilities.• Available Oct. 1/98. 88 Sanders St: W. 237-3682 (36tfn) Apartment for Rent • Exeter - 386 Main Street $330.00. One bedroom, appliances, entrance control, • paved parking To view 236-7744 or .235-4613. FURNISHED LUXURY 3 - BEDROOM - riverfront condo. Air conditioned, fireplace, whirlpool. pool. , deck. cathedral ceilings, gas barbeque, gas heat. Non smokers - available from Sept. =May 15. $550 plus utilities. 433-7243 (38tfn) ,,HENSALL - 1 and 2 bedroom apts., fully carpeted, fridge and stove, paved parking, TV cable, etc. Special rates for 'seniors. 13th month rent free. 262=2230 or 905-662-6603 (26tfn)' HENSALL - 1 &'2 bedroom .apartments available now. Well maintained building with convenient laundry facilities. Call Jim 262-3445.. (38tfn) LAKEViEW VILLA. - 1 bedroom deluxe apt., all inclusive, ' furnished, $400/month. 519-238-6127. (41;42) LUCAN - 2 bedroom house. New . gas furnace, air conditioning. Fridge & stove, garage. $700/month plus utilities. 227-4382. (41;42*) ' LUXURY APARTMENT - Main Floor of House, Hardwood Floors, Stain Glass Windows, Central Air, Fireplace. Appliances, Two Bedroom, Fenced in back yard. Parking. close to downtown. No pets, References required. 'Call 519-235-3633. (38tfn) MODERN., ONE & TWO BEDROOM APTS. - Main St. ' Exeter. 235-2557 (24tfn) NEW THREE BEDROOM HOUSE ' - Near 'Exeter. Available November 1, 1998. Contact Don at 519-395-4145. (42;43*) OFFICE/STORE FRONT Commercial space for rent. ' Main St. S. Exeter. 235-1462 (26tfn), 20 Property For Rent AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 1ST - Country home • 10 minutes west of St. Marys, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fully finished recroom, $799Jmonth, references required. Call 519- 229-8686 evenings. (42) .BACHELOR APARTMENT - Bedroom. Bathroom, Kitchen. Livingroom. $375/month plus' utilities. 235-0800 ask for Jerry or 235-1286 evenings. (31tfn) Shirley Margaret Apt, Exeter Ideal for single person, young or retired,couple. Stove and refrigerator, balcony, laundry facilities, cable TV and heating. One year lease. Phone Cliff Knlp 228.6236 , BRQOKSIDE APARTMENTS - Large luxury 2 bedroom apt, controlled entry, ensuite, laundry. 3 appliances, storage area, designed Per mature adults. Available July 1. Phone 519-235-29.61 (26tfn) • DASHWOOD - f and 2 bedroom apts. $395. and $450. monthly, includes appliances, laundry facilities available. Ca11 RE/MAX Bluewater Realty Inc. Marlene Parsons at 235-3777 (26tfn) DOWNTOWN LOCATION - One bdrm•. units available imm. Lots of parking. Rents $350.00 plus hydro. Call Dave 235- 2171 (27tfn) ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS - from $349.{)0 in Exeter. 235-1854 (26tfn) ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS - Stove, fridge. parking and heat included. PUC extra. 451-2131 (26tfn), ONE . BEDROOM APARTMENT - Newly renovated apartment,located downtown. Call Dinney's at 235-0173, 9am-5pm. (22tfn) 20 Property For Rent ROOMS FOR RENT • in a centrally located home in Exeter. Use of family room, bathroom, kitchen and laundry room. CaII after 4 pm. 235- 1514. (421fn) WINTERIZED LAKEFRONT COTTAGE - 3 bedroom, furnished and recently renovated. Available Oct I - May 1. Close to Grand Bend. Call 235-1245 after 6:30 pm. (40tfn) _ • 2 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH LAKEVIEW - 8 miles north of Grand Bend. Across from golf course. Natural gas heated. Available Sept. IAA. 519-236- 4607 (29tfn) 26 Legal Notices NOTICE 10 CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF PHILIP. LORNE LOFTUS FERN late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on the 18th day of July, 1998. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of October 1998, after which date the estate assets will -be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(s) WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT Vehicles, equipment, motorcycles, snowmobiles. Would also be , ideal for small business or trades person. Contact Gary MacLean 235-0800 Daytime, 235.1245 evenings ONE BEDROOM APT. - Heated, ground floor. Quiet . neighbourhood. No appliances. Suitable for mature individual. Parking and laundry facilities. 235-1497. (40tfp) RAU MANOR - in Zurich has a - spacious 2 bedroom. apartment for. rent. Controlled entry. Fridge and stove available. Phone 236-4607 (26tfn) REDUCED RENTS) Large 1,2 and 3 bedroom units available in a quiet, secure community- in Exeter. Join a Co-op and get free of landlords. Lots of extras. Move -in incentives available to qualified applicants. Call Exandarea Meadows Co-op at 235-3382. RENT GEARED TO INCOME APARTMENTS - in Clinton, Exeter and Goderich for women and children who have experienced abuse; call Phoenix of Huron, 524-1620; 482-5288; 235-3183." (42;43) ROOMMATE NEEDED - Bachelor requires temporary roommate for large 2 bedroom apartment with balcony. Furnished, fridge, stove, ensUite . laundry facilities included. $200 per month. Exeter 235-2107 after 5 p.m. (42;43x) Queensway residents enjoy activities October 15 - . UCW HENSALL - Queensway women are invited o volunteer auxiliary met Centralia U.C.W. meeting Monday morning and at 7:30 p.m. There will be plans are underway for a guest harpist from the Annual Craft and Paraguay. Bake -Sale Wednesday October 18 - Elimivlle - October 28 from 2 to 4 following the service the p.m. Youth Sunday School The Hensall United class and their parents Church women are pro- are to meet to discuss the ion assistance .and Outreach Project; "High v g prizes for the bingos each Monday in October. Rev: Kevin Rutledge of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Exeter led Worship ser- vice Tuesday.. Residents_ appreciated his message. Breakfast Club has begun each Wednesday 'for the fall and winter months when a group of approximately six resi- dents gather and enjoy -a• menu of their choice. Breakfast is -served family style. Laurel Farrell of the Public Health Unit led an inservice Wednesday. Eighteen senior diners enjoyed a chicken dinner Thursday evening and stayed for the fall fashion show provided by Geri Fashions of London. Residents ended the Week on a quieter note with another Beverley Hillbillys.video donated by Marg Cole. Coming events October 15, 2 p.m. Hugh Harper Performing Pianist. October 16, 7:30 p.m. Friendship Friday with Doug Insley October 22, 2 p.m. Birthday party with The Merry Markers; 6 p.m. - Senior diners. 7 p.m. Card party. On .Gospel" country gospel group .at Thamesview .. U.C., Fullarton, at 2 p.m. Free will offering, .Also Rev. Marilyn Carter's Covenanting livening Service at Thames Road at 7 p.m. • October 18 and 25 -. Combined choir practice .will begin at Thames Road U.C. at 2 p.m. for the Community of Area • Churches evening church • service at Thames Road on November 1. Speaker: ,Rev. William McAuslan, Wesley Willis U.C: Sing song with orchestra and special anthems from combined choir. Lunch• and fellowship to follow. October 23 - Friday - Hallowe'en party at Thames Road Church at 6:30 p.m. Parents please bring finger food (sand- wiches or squares). Treats and prizes for all -dressed in costume. October 24 - Centralia • Faith. Tabernacle presents a women's day retreat "Our Changeless God in a Changing World". Speaker: Angela Richardson. 9:30 a .m. = 3 p.m: Cost: $6.50 (meal is _included). Advance tick- ets,contact Laurie Clapp 229-6046 or Cathy Prout 235-2879. October 25 - Thames Road - Mission and Service Sunday "Solidarity with Uprooted People". . . • October 25 - "An Evening of Gospel Music"' at Thames Road Church _at 7 p.m. Featuring: Harmony Four - Brampton Quartet. Roy Dreaming Mount Forest. Sharon Parker a Pianist/Soloist. Sponsored by Exeter Bible' Fellowship. Free admis- sion. The reconstruction com- mittee. has placed a sug- gestion, box at the entrance of the church. If you have any suggestions or comments, please place them -in the box. November 1 - Four week Adult Study Group following church. Please bring a Bible. The London Interfaith - Curling Group invites adults of your faith corn- munity to participate in the great sport of Curling at the • ilderton Community. Centre every Monday afternoon 1:30 -4 p.m. beginning November 2. No experience neces- sary. For ` $6. each Monday you are able to attend 1) you will play one game, 2) exercise, 3) make new friends and 4) have a lot of fun with a wonderful Canadian past. time. For more informa- tion and to.register -con- tact Rev. Philip Newman, Riverside U.C., London 472-6071. November 14 - Judy Savoy's "God, Songs and Other Stuff", Exeter Rec. Centre at -8 pan. Advance tickets $12. from Shirley Kerslake, Helen Kadey, Sharon Passmore, Marilyn Pym, Paul. Warwick. Personals Russell and Thelma Passmore of Ottawa visit- ed. recently with the Passmore relatives. - Barbara Miller spent the holiday weekend at her home here. Exeter Parkette donations to date EXETER - The Exeter Lions Club thanks the follow- ing for their donations to the Exeter Parkette being devel- oped -on Main Street. The fundraising campaign is going well and they are con- fident the target date of November 30 to have the $40,000 raised and the Par- kette completed will be met. Previous Total $8,950 F.J. Sims $100; Wilmar and Louise Wein $100; Clinton Community Credit Union $1000 Ray and June Hodgson $100; Exeter Golf Club $100; Laurie and Martin Dykstra $100; The Bogart Family $100; Scotia Bank $2000; Dalton and Norma Finkbeiner $500; Country Trenditions $100; Lorne and Barb Turnbull $100; Stedmans V&G Department Store $500; Lawrence and Gail Stevens $100; Exeter Municipal Office staff $100; Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel $500; Greeting Card World $100; Jim and Barb Beckett $100; Nabisco Atom A.E. 1997-98$100. Total to date $14,750 Call John Stephens 235- 2214 or Ted Jones 235-2415 if you wish to contribute. or if you require information. We have acquired from Do -it center, Exeter, their small engine repair and parts department We would like to serve you in the future as they have in the past. 2 1/2 miles north of Exeter on Highway 4 Watch for signs M -D . Small Engine Repair Mery and Evelyn Durnin (519) 263-2313 Parts and service to: • Lawnmowers • Hydraulic Jacks • Snowblowers • Pallet Lift Trucks Winter Hours for Service: Monday to Friday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday mornings OPENING OCTOBER 17th