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Pt 41.
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Exeter Times-Ativuratr
Wednesday, October 14, 1998
Singer Giselle Durand hopes a demo CD she completed in the summer can help:
increase her exposure and get her voice heard by recording studios; record e;om-
• paniesaand songwriters: She points out Celine Dion as someone for whom she .
has particular admiration.
By Scott Nixon ..
hAYFItiLD Giselle t)urand_ wants to -
be it star..
The l 7 -year -obi Grade 12 student at St.
Anne's Catholic. Secondary School in
Clinton hopes the hard hours she has-
beett-puttiug in over the last few years
working on her singing voice will pay orf.
Durand has been singing fur approxi-
mately four years and 'perturnts at wed-
dings, competitions and concerts. She
has also appeared in the quarter finals
for Western. hair's youth talent search
three years in a rink. The Walkerton
Music• i•estival is another frequent- stop.
lir Durand, who has perforiited there for_
•the last four years- and won four first
place prizes.
While she has_ high. ambitions -for the
future. Durand started singing for the fiur
of it. -
"1 liked singing as a child.:1 started
siugt(tg in the chinch choir when i was
about eight years old and then. when 1
was in Grade -8 I decided to start, taking
void' lessons." . -
't'hose lessons continued until •Durand
completed her Grade 8 vocal exam. to
August. Durand said she will still see her
-vocal instructor froiu tie'. to • tittle but
won't. he taking; regular lessens. The
Pursuing a dream
lut;hertt level for 'cingtut; tr,. Grt(.ut i (r. hut
Durant[ suit' she won't pursue her Grade
I(t ,l►ecausi• she's not interested iti music .
hlsu►r} .:tltr stntplt -wants to Shit; and get •
lien voice- heard
Durand also hits her Gr'adr h in 'guano
but she d-uesu attend to pursue her
'piano jtluyiut;. she says. explaining that
the PRIMO t5 ~!clip!! it tuul - to help ht'r •
learn songs. . .
Because she's ht+itn singing, at tiittn}
different events. 1►uratid
has had to le:urtt all ditkir- I -
etch styles of singing.. She
soon- hopes to uarro>v. herr
"1 sing almost -anything, c
hitt nt tile futurt' 1'd like to
sing 'puptitar music but
right taw. I sing popular
Music:. Broadway, . coUn- -
try church rnuslt:, at lust depends what
1'nt singing for ': • .
t'upular sutputg. She says.' best suits her
• voice anti tt is popular singers such us
Cehut• Ditut that Durno t aduur't's.tuust. .
• "1 tltutk that SILL' Pas an incredible-
voice."' i.►uruud says of Dion addit►g mitt
the Quebec -born - Diutt has had, to over -
it great deal to her cur'tft:r. cru:itul-
- tug t,arriu:r
"1 thutk. tha' popular singers have a lot
o1' taient in their voila and tin';v•re: not •
..lust Ilk( sortie bands' will just yell
Singing, for Durand. -has court natural -
"I don't lint) singing -hard at all, 1 can
usuaily-pitik things up really fast " .
While singing brings her personal plea-
sure, Durand says she enjoys .pleasing •
others with her voice: •
"It makes int Itappy. that .1 can short•
my talent with other people and that I
can tin something- that .utlltter people
• (1(03.'
And unlike many .perlOriners: Durand
duestr't suflirr trine stage fright. Slit -says
the only brie. she telt nervous iu front of
-art audience wtis bellow her first singing
competition... Now. audiences don't both-
er her at all.:
-`lie bigger tht' better,': site says.
• explaining that she tilt,, limn in .front of
'audiences exceeding it few hundred .poo- -
it's hart. for Durand to pinpoint a single-
. highlight •in her career -so tar. .
"Every time -1 sing is a favourite
nioluetit." skit' says- • -
She considers. her performance in
Guuspel. :- -rsical put on `by her high
.school whit( ,nt 4t'as in Grade 1(1. a par
ticularfsp('! .), rn(triit•nt t)0(41 USE' ttta1
ryas her firs; appearance Ina rrttis►e:al
Int Addition, t(, pierf(irrrtirt 1'uratrd cont _
pitted .a de•tno (:1 at th(• s::rnm('r •Shf-
tt(kiJeS Ntif rrt('r:ea Se her exposure
1tec:orded at a studio outside, of lihvth..the.
• demo• contains ttir-tei songs. that Darand
recorded in one •night. She intends tc,
make cdpies•of -the CU to send to varto;.ts
record companies.
recording studios arid
v songwriters - to
increase- her _t•xpo- •
tibcause she doesn't
write her own materi-
al. Durand said she
eventually- wants •to
get together vttth a .
band .U111 1.11 songwriter and record a full-
ieugth CLU of material That. she hopes.
will lead to videos and a surf.essfu!
sitlgirlg career
-taut v'htie'she dreams of stardom
Durand reunion; grounded. realtztrtg the -.business is tough -
•Soutetltne`, tt is intimidating because it r
do big and I know there is i tut (...orn- -
petttiutt -QUI there . . Lt►ter+: 5 albVayS tt(e
concern that 1 worr't make'it but
•gurnt; to 1.0 AtryWay.
1n addition to Iter singing. Durand
keeps herself" busy at scttuul, juggling her •
tltnt' on studtettt 1:ouueid arid several orgy:
nttatiurtel committees-. And she +bakes
sure tier singing doesn't hurt her grades
or prevent her frurn having .free brie
with her friends. ,As must. of her singing
engagements ere- on weekends. 1)urand •
cats separate her Singing front her. •
school. -
Whilte her success so tar has been. the
result of personal discipline. Durand also
gives credit to her parents. Dan and- -
Mic:hetle, for- constantly supporting. her.
.Michelle says she and Dati are "very
proud" of Giselle and adds they hope she
fulti:tls her. dreams.. Michelle says that -
while she knows the music business ca.t3
- .be tough, she thinks Giselle }las the abili-
ty to tuakt' it.
Dau adds that it's also important for
(Giselle to finish srhuoi, which site
_intends to do at the I. niversity of
\A atttrlou or Wilfrid Laurier vviteere she
hilitis to study to:counting or civil engi-
Officers installed at the Pride of Huron
Rebekah Lodge on Oct. 7 were: front
row from left, Grace Ballantyne, trea•
surer; Barbara Tiedeman. financial sec-
retary;Beverley Campbell, junior past
noble grand; jean Hodgert, noble
grand;Audrey MacGregor, vice grand;
Gloria McFalls, recording secretary;
Helen Coates, chaplain; middle row
from left, Hazel Corbett, left supporter
of the vice grand; Lois Mcfalls, right
supporter of the junior past noble
grand; jean,Noels, outside guardian; Iva
Blair, right supporter of the chaplain;
Luella Taylor, Rebekah; Ruth Skinner,
Naomi; back row from left, Joyce
Morgan, colour. bearer; Elaine Skinner,
musician; Leona Hern, right supporter
of the chaplain; Mavis Atthill, left sup-
porter of the noble Grand;Aldeen
Skinner, conductor; Evaline McAllister,
inside guardian; jean johns, left sup- -
porter of the chaplain; and Mary Fisher,
warden. .