HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-14, Page 9Wedne+�tiat . I)rtt)bet I4 191-►, Emote, Times'Autvocltt• Opinion \,Forum LETTERS TO THE f:t)'T:if We have -to fight together Do Monday September 21 at our school council. meeting. wt• received some shocking news. Stephen' Central Public School was all the School +hoard's pro- posed school closure list. Just like .yourselves. it took u, totaily by surpass.. For the past two weeks. Stephen Central council members have ;attended every •meeting available hl their desire for the correct mute U/ fellow. • Meeting withthe! school board gave us same' answers. but still lots of questions. Meeting.wittl our MN"' Helen Johns again gave sono' answers but -stili question-~ rentainel in our minds. It began to teel tis if.parents and definitely children were caught in the muddle' of a power and/or money struggle' Parents and Children wen• the innocent par- . ties; but still the parties with the most .to lose .. As parents student:~ or community representatives. • we need to let the government kuowAhat rural schools are a very important-ntechanisni in the whoti!' ntachini: of education. We neeti to have it fair fund - an ntodel•where rural schools and theu.boards an not penalized anti when larger city schools seen, to get the extras. We must send letters. make: phorie calls to our local School i3oard. Our Mt)t' Helen Johns. our Minister of ' l::auccauon anti our Premier- to ier tiler: know.' our:teet- tngs. We nave 441 stitrt.a: the tot U flake OUr nleSSiigt• heard anti itiet( wort` out: Wit) down -covering all tilt• b Hurolt County ie the biggest agricultural cuncmunity in tlx: area and schools are detinitety ant' of the basic focal points of the community. ht the same breath, .we have to let our government, our own school boartl members anti all the trustees know that 151(;(;litt Jti 1)Ift7Nft'tfl,Y N0' III'! !fah • • (setting hall, to tin' agtic•ultural aspect or our cu.ni suunity we cannot let aur children tie treated like animals - trauuned itito sntal! areas like ltvt-safucr, al! tanners kuov that equates t+ les:. perli)rfu1uJe ' and less production. - Several tarnilif~5 (lav(:'novel: holt 5ieptien Township because they -want their cilildrei: tt. tie educate( •i8) a rural setting ill tin' mann vial hoose tint' ttstitblisne(i •lanttowtter that hove u tot alum' anti ntunt;i 111V)'!t'1- ed in their rural property and do not ptu:l to move in the near future. • We have 'to 'make our slchool.bourd awar(' that .Stephen (ventral is top-notch in academics and it vert' coring and compaautuntut• school tar till attttluutb alike.. We have so man) attrition%'to offer the Mt - dent Ludy and the students blouson' within the eoni- . niunity atntifi;pherl: that tial, %ctulu: (hsptuvb Wt. also have u., *1314 OW wheel board tit gIVI sunt+• auswors to ail Me question!" that lire' immunity around. An you Linty closing rural sellouts to receive fund* W build now achuuii'/ Where are you going to put all of these children'' Howes lung will it take to gut them to their new schuo1Y:How Much wil: it rut t.tico uumirttiy. educaiiouatty enouencalt We don't feel-Hurotl County n+eeth to slut: ml pulle- ing new sctoolh in the new tihurt, • .We also need to talk to out 5CIIUI) 111401 rotate. .ntake• Hod Allan aware trait: wo art root u' o(1' school and. explain to hitt all the woutitr-to that Stephen has to oiler anti now n closure wil. uflt1C our fancily and cuniniuntn Clrelt:. We novo to lot 011' elected oflICtal knew ,that wo- want hunt t(' vote NC, (( C1051114;rural scltui65 anti glut'. tient sawmill 'anteater and informed reasutts who tit' st(uuui listen u. 115 keep the letter' and ))tittle calls rolling.- one latter -equal: ll1 constituents ant uttt• plume call notate- five CunStttUettta We nave to Joni together illi it grout • itgran). wtiere our vuictls will h(• tiearc) am figtt: together. Our most precool: and -important cun1144utitt' 1: l wu(v(tt: our children. ;l;fY '..r.111I' . Stepine, Central ,FY/ - Ul/ Tuesday, .l"1(:1ut/er Z.". S1(r/ther, SChuul' (,'uuucli nus ury(ultzff(: thio 'cue:(+natio++ .!ltiurt'Slc,'tt ill Utientiilt(; 1111 '111411:• lbmu:taunt: S(atrit.' tluur(i meeting en .'i rulhirci 1ltc utl. lull!' tit .ur(t('utc .Sic•/)hc;/. l,t•lltrit( School u: ttppru-a,11tI f it/ t':(I 1 . t(. lar Me mit, p.ni-- nutetttt/; !' eut. (VI tlICIP eSLef(: u _!alma!/ us in uur truue't: pulls', ;Mune tet .u'"(: u' 2:i4 -6.1Y6 ur Slimmer bump 1111' lit'e'(: ilUn. Vers of those (ltivledCl(r: U' (!tial' ttt< (!lose'! Remember that children tied' !:alto! I'tttasr lit. 14, /lit: !lir t!':. i•o; 11. 44)(1' /14'l1':i/1((/,•: • t•. , ,l.;t' !' t: 11u,: i1)ltl: . Ch' ci1'u/ /tfl(llf(!k(' lit/tarC u' lruuc111401. (1(1(11l(e' (rS011- ti 5x1111(1 :,tilluU f4' • 1111 U ` SCh4.' JC lo, puss(*. • (4 )f11, ' 111!, (11i! '.sr u)1ti vu; !Will !phi' UI /tl11' lrU/1: (+SO°1''1 ill 1It• nigh.... '!Inti (Ua)t( 'idol UUL(t(•• 1( pus:. /111: t •. (urr(11t'a(u(11n11: Cli llv:t' (7':1ol,.' (1 uy':/t(it: (/4:!..14(itn Si(tL'a<' !rico l.' :4/3/' 144 t: •;i1 u. air (4: (14' •:Y/UU. 1t- C'teq'' 1/ 1ILu (/1; ,•;'+:/1 11 folic'. (lilt" if 11 )/)/)f '/ t: IUCiti'- ( 111144 8)!t' ilttir ;'it11 . „ ,itt•l ttin + iN . Litt el a4 L/„ jt1/-i(t1i4l'!• 1)tr. .,1/84.!,-1 o.:!'±,1. ,,110 '"/1it,1: •53 rri11n i! ., .4,11'./:; ., r .'114/'11 IO/l(' 0J(4,114' 'J:' 1'(341' 3!J':if '170• ,.11(1'( >r11' IJ a11ooll• 1111/3,1.• i184. ,',(8.4 illi,', I. 4. Ul!!� SCi 4 t) :1l! iltltill 111:(.1- ,'.IU•' 1484. 44.41J1'( 44' 4)l ,tj.1t11.tU1: 14 1144 t141 1., •,:1 1114;1:t11t1 1),:40,,.• • (• 1(1414 iI11:C1i1 • 1.1(444 111:1;' 4�2l:8)t! 1,10- +1111.(4-Uh114/11' 841 1, hila' u. (,/:4I(1.1 :)CIIUU 44:.11 patagrapt . •1 141(' 14441144in 441 1144 pab' ' it $bolt:: •-•1111; 011110C a'Ch1t1Ve:-.. 1o!- rt'11143111M tit'tfxc(ss:•• Caj)i1Cll\ t'I7(1li1CN,(1 hilte aye: st, b' utili 0Iit; 41 14,t ts�(le(1 pus5tl)r. til' Uta' dI1(1 ti(t)s: t•'.ulluillicit f4' I(J.tillt.IU: t)' toll• (ll:itritn.; scout): i)uildillgs, t't:spt-l;L: Cl►mlilll1tilt\ OM:, flit11110 UUU11U61C1("• t:ItSl1l'/a; i. 1111 Pru};C:ati . If 4l4:1 ,':Utica' • fllit;, alt( 0-":UIIUIIIf'•: *1' s;.o( Md. t011S1(44,'4] till (4*';141.4:44»0 - 4JutiSllt}` tf11it 114:''Ut;(" 1lt' S(U(i4 iIt: t"lIt t\'ty,' 1' }1.1: 1 cu t No I4iU. 'l4lr)lt. (il''it,' ilahriii':il' 1 .tVI 11.d( ti 1411:' :til:: 40114 life 8J4 r .lit! 11ru.� t-.4, - t 114,1111'0.1 it 41i.littiall t)' 1414 111451i/4:1.s :0714.10. 01/1/11•0 1;_:': ;p<I)itr(I104:' ',4 :+f)4!' Il. ;,*:iii)*) loath ., tt it`U[ 01t4a1001 U' itt:l• .111,:.1! -4131:.0.I41'.74:: , _'t!I ,ul')l 11Ulf.l,t • 4(4 41111 ,liut114 • (it(: lii:41 ,lrlfl(il1►vl 'Yurt ,110(' 11111'• t11i'4114_3 i 44, o'a1vU t; -01 ..11•1111.' ,1 i;:4- i4101 41,.it4111 IN1',VI' 411.1(. .141(1' riga: ill:?l[!l 1411 ioott ilii}' 444:(. Wilt: 11/1 11` 'I1, (1(14 ! It ! Ili: 114111(11111' 1' at (1\1.1!111:11, ,.1/111141111111..k .11,1' 44,444114a 111/1/4311.1'1, 1 l: 10'.110 4 441. 444 1!11.:1 gl•ul;tal)10, t,itn/tl/( ►: u. 1144101i f,t11U16t (1118 4-4411.. 44441444(4. t' 1: GNU" t:14:11',ilt :)1/1111 ill/11)1 1411 1)4,1:11)1 ll Uta st' WWII:- batik. gra'. ler) shop. attend Cllall':1t. Plitt sports. Our kid, go It 111};1' st:hunl'll;' l:\U4t:' L•si)urue TOW1.1stml> - tun. nmlgit' is Suutt4 flurun I; I: uur. Suitt Perth: 1' i ';ilii(: has ice alter S(:tlltl ilettvll\ or appointment. 1• t: u�ualit Ii' t ,+Boor Lir hit surrounding areii. ' (11(1,1111 it WI, p' 4. wi1111111(' Il' &111+1! J';1(llll' f ►m! 1':1►t►4) It:t: • 11,14' t, +til:1111'. llt4ip'S'' (!tall +,a' 11(' 1144114tiotio(' /it)I34 tt' t,41I4l1' 4 11111\ 44'4 1;011lt: It illi( i1' a':UUUi: 1441141. 1'4111 '14(44441 •'4'' itt44:ill 1113111 11Pitr;,4::-'II, 111114' /tVl:mt: +Vitt ' };till( l;l 8)U' til 4 1l'til.4:' alU'1 (141(3,4 •u' l ogle ifi st paalali: 1t4'tj 11!;':'1(1 l 111: +11+11' :4,:000 pt.*. out: ittit:ll(.t (: 1(11: :,4:11Ut1! it: Ct111(11111' i l'.litit' 111 ' (llf.l:11(1 -.1 1111 54:13111) 41114' 1,1/1►1 C411t if(il'6; {014 411 .4l:aJla- Uuhill}}', (11144 111;4:41:(' 'U' :)M1i14111.r . to U • ''I(i111t 0i0iit l)' 14104• .1\ 4:1413(! 1111 t: 101 (344 it 444 r1(1114I. 1/4., int: )4 it' {11+11! UUlll: .-(1.1' 1114:S4' ,:! 4 4:1114(44. l:1 tt:ill+ IIII1u1 .y4Jlltl 4114' 1111.1;3 .lilt lute yea! (4141:. ! ii►411. t►'. yt'lit 00.1 4:44ti(ltu4 114:41 agl• 1,i4,slil}' 44114:' 114 lilt 1111/51 et1i4:14:11' it 1414 Cllllllt4 .( ill' .,4utloLiu:})44&'- tiff hllut►4'. 1112;1 ,':i►um' ;I(1(' ':atlx)i1� K/ci .11. Ili 14(4 Latin trip fltivy ciao you be ally IUM'(' tifl1Ca/tlt'� • Tins f)ru4;11s5 4h SUCH •ii • • • ! • .4:tIllpil:44'.4'44'ii14' 44' :1111+ .4101! -ti1I481%'. +:haat:. is"4 11„ mit—mitt 641(( lot,' -1t►' , sullttllll uutr(I41(1 Moot. ,4!8)444'' • SIn'li,t 11)' iter. (141(:11 (4(4! ''til) 1411' 44441t ' }1111111;(1' it1)(- i4!::i111 t..Uilt1141 11 mit: ul'vit': 1')'. :111 U1'(lu' l8)'' \1loot - hoodoo:i b1' 11att•t \ ',i .t5k '_.. til'1111:_1,t1(!1'! tit b1 1.' 4' •:Ii111' ,:1: hots!'. %1*.'vt tl , ltllfrteet ((/444 iv), ter ,1.10! - p4' it.(1111r: :(tet (_' 4 110,' 0(44t41::.:,1 ' !; 1 ' 4''t:1 '11,411+ VIt'-r j'.1f-1;\*74. . t1..r•(►ui)I..tlg. '..34,.11 1,(114(1" • tich4 :V 4 N;' 4 1' .itilllt:( :;1414:. a1. 4()4,'.,.-..t't • 1 ¶,(4 at•4' t\.' :,.: 1+4.14:+1;.. art til! 11111;111+2 (411.444 i 1141 S':111n) 1• (,1,(141 :•04h:. '.111. 1111111:: 11 11: tilt- ,t44,'8' :': 4:41•t:.' 1 i4/' tot',:' (' II,Uilt•+ iv' i'tlli(ill.2' 114144 b!:altIlli.• ' laN't•itttl,l (/IUtit til}'. V1►1:: alt 8)(i({tit2' Oil 4... lull:: 4VOu(4 111;,.4:,h41'4 !itt 14194.1 :' :%t!.,0 1 (114 4 1114 4111111 11'11! (1114:441+(', V t' ,41itlti,tta(. '•.14:+11'i4a �1;(1vv. li/till (1 1'4 ,t)t)t' pupil:, (.444 (trot ttgltttll d11phalli Zt).Uttt, stud+ 140:, i' (Al school:. Sv if tllo forecast is fur (4:5: 4111;(41144. whati • wail those Ito' 1,4atu01/. of See 1,Efi TIFMS page. 10 Does Mike Harris have respect for law? '+'(loth '('O - Premier Mika flltri•tt, tines hot tit, 4'f• 111uc:t: respect hit lawyers, •- tial It big- ger •prot►u'n: (1 ttitt: tt( .fillet. dttt:i, tlot hive reiptt(r: l0' Lb. ttiK• 'rill I'rngr•f!fifttVe (4,!Iftflrt'at,V( premier hhOweid• hit, snore, fin - lit K•vort- V.'(0411fftde:rtt'. t'Ioalttt Moulton- .Alia), Butt: refused. an (out ll: rumpotisutcng al; humid - victims. Harris scoffed taut Rom, with hit, "na of r} of luK'vors.'• out, ut)Ilehi4ttd lent Doing tt+(:t,- nitxtltl legal whey to should nave ..cumpatisl(I 1. Vttttui. Har'is• gay!. 1! tc' protein', find increased (:om)1it111atlot. tl tole• three surviving Iliotate gutmu- p14ts 110• sniffed that itnATort, might wish 10 tundra= Ut Lir 4utllg. bot ata situation c:alittd fi►r t1urnanl:ty. Hurt th txplaulod that (.lnturic' did non Join til the tour. tttlurntg Ott Quotes! right tl! declare ittdlipen- tltlrl(:t• IU4CLIuse ton Ilit:.1't iutt'Vtlr1 were atrt':ad} involved w11((1I I5'bacutimtlg tits levity -tit- put-down. Lust wet*. ile also moved-resporisibiht) fur run - 11111f 111t' pro\'tttc:t 1 ie+gil' 4.4(1 pal. Iran: u lawyer!: tli,th wile!-+ (41: preuteresst►rr Were t:Utllt)It: 1t, 14,4;vt' 14. i:11.0l'44711II►tttil-144l(1111ttd L'Ut r: i(: tt't'4 :)limn+(: Milt' (10111 Vt4arl. a€6 inlet:1st 1' t1 put*LC sty -vett- hold 2u:xp .Ver; pa: • !'it.r11,4 ' 1.4.41 (4'l t•1t.t,1'(' tru1: <' li..\ ' !'ytr (J11":'1 :44!':itUS4 :It lt'it8'L •i. •-1'-!':'•4t':,s- 1144,4 It• alt t1:4 allC ,.,t't t'tt'N. i6 4'' 1 • 1.1 silta4trr; Ili .ttl1( .:9111: lit •t4:; :q' 11'1'; 141Wv4"'4 1111. auC us: j4(Vt:•'1n(t:rl' is .:a4 tv; 11'4+.;' ,11'}••"1=^ 41(8: 114011 Sault: 21P4'1('tlt4!t I1tra! !'1!tit:l 0(004' lt'wylrt }?U: i (.10081 14, rule t'a't: tit: }tt4V41''litlt48l1: Ct)li1C 14:'' i.tl:t(ftil' i 4V.. 10'':t1(y CerUlt0- tl. Sia:ilrr eillplt'ykn/• 1: tui 4 ti4.41liet, :411 :5Lt1,tt' 441 144411. 4'V%8t Wttttrt' tilt)! Ct: • tit.: errtpl(n (01)1 t'. 50414-• 16.1' WW1, St' tilt•\ tat!! Iola4.4 t:orript:.''ISVtl: 4tH :laic .1(1(11 tfill}Iitiyi,r1 'ttil.(5' Itiitl.4 114134 :\'.,t'.,+:•' ;Jt 1 !:utlt}Jil''illllt tt• 114441 ;►' 1v(41+1►: 4t"1+ '1t:Vl +lit t:Cj:IILI a other. tt!Stttutllttlt - . Atatth+:' cow.: M.tC' '':4:.4•''!: ..'.'. tr. • i.,. 4' , t 1:P4.1 (It•tt!:11'; 40 t1 gttter.tlt4t1 };>r,! t li'r •,tit dill+;t:i; 4134:•1! (1144' tttt<t Wl:'t '131 ' :,'►.+ 't`-t''t'l}' 70A. l0rll1:.11 t4tli'.a !idiots: tit tiU('4'.t:(' ' 4..4S' i'.r1^ 1'.)'',i- 11111. 44, ,1110:114814 18 i041:. • 411111 +"hit' -''4 it.N-',4:C: alt};4.+1:4'.a,,„_: 4'.1' U'tlt"i! }36..''1,14':•'44!(1'.+:}' Itr•t' r,. i. ilt;itllt is ' ('5t(I':111;• "tt'nft(t:1_ 4 '.!l-1, 144:: '(t '-a.'- ','- patvu' it it1'pl.)111' S!• ',41lk1 '- \101,40' 1`:i ');1- VVCti ,.1 it 4i1'-- titit' 'aitlttt:li(V': '::6atttt0{' alt•' out;:t: 1ri4s14 100!!+14 - 1)1)11►'t' tilt 111g414141::1.1 '11440 i,44j,/!•V►4:C a11(' 1 boll+.(:{:. 11111. it?' it'::t811 1.'(;:tt,6t(t1' 134+ '.1141' hitt( ...rot' -'•4Q' 1' Ct4!:1413 t' i .4o:4 )441''1 t Hitt: 44•,41 t''►:a.1t. t.8'f1;11 it! -01t4 1 .''.tett" ' 1144:' :':i:4' !':i. '': ':C'.ii1 ','.1 :6'.C.' 4:44 .ht:}6t' .144 :,•:'lt►t►. Uttit'44: ,.•tg'1' :6') .'4' .l''':i :1:'.0`.1'.•' i:'t� • :6: .i:"i: 81ia'. • 4(':4t1( ►t'1tt 8 '.1 t' (114 (tt;,a}td:al:'l; ,t• (it_ h4 '' - huntt4:(: a'. 4.ULt'' ,1 '.Ili :!it: 'aC: '214' !C.1111': }1'414:4!1'114:%:4 til::401;•4er: .'. ., JA:dI` i?'t:1� 45',4,,.,,1" /1}4}4' .a\1:4' 10,91.:1' tl ,. .1,t • 1'.t''. 1.41,:41: hl'!. .LL'.18O. to }tt:' l - .. 0'(:14}444 et, 4 4:44'.Vllti41.441C it ;,.1 1'.44'.' :'0'1 54:1 t:': (1++111) 1, :/'.1....11::•1S1•311.‘ 1.441.1111. (4,11111' I.ati' 6. 11:44 •►' .,,t ilia}l,,'••.; t•t:1 • 1'(814!01 (3131• %'I414:L tilt }'t iatltaf' 'aU1,UCi. til.4'i'. '.t r 4( ':alt;•. .. h1: 14} }/4:! (t!dolt)'l .':i:''l'.' 4.+.141'.:•1 C'.1 t(..'.t?! t: t.::4.1,r t'� tt"•4 4a.t.26. ' i .1 ' 11 tt-44(0:141:(: ii : i.'. tl ( " _ 1 6 ' !,t tl►t1;1;(: 4111:11' t)il! •V' LtU:it1l(tSl h•. '1t ,,'_• h. llilila4. 440 t l'1 );,:It1U11l42', • 111i4(ltlti.(:tutt:! 5t(1, ':ltlllta: (tit' 11(t'%t: illi:l l' 1/1.;11:1:(• it' 41t14 4',(i{,'. 104!:1:4 4 i/:4 14:t1 :a'..: (1 1)11 1 tll:ilNt (.0110:K101{(.0110:K101{lltr ill:4'.c'-44V :.1 ' '.1'i'•.4:,;.lL :';601' i ., 44,'I ,,0(4.4:5' 4- is 4:1(t(ltlltal' 6 liltll111.0.111: y J'1 (44:(44')8 t:U114p41l*Sit14Ut • t 1101 51114h1. }tt•1'it0'.4, 4.4VU4C lillft1)' c 16+(1!'1"i4iV till:: 4411 1,11,;,) (•4111 •'l, i t',.` 1' (i1:/:,144,.)4I4:5L1'i4a11,/ }4444.1(11:414: tV tilt►;• VI Eta 141(141: 4,41((44411- 99 5++61+!1 1►' Air ti(itl'kt'lt. \\'11+':4 >iial'p(!(1: 4V(((p('t.'L.VU (+14d 445511 4 ',l►ittital+:(- ,(l (41- 1J4t) 13444/ W i1 0')' .,111.1)/ th611 (1Ui1a11/(t IV tilt 1"111.11.1:• 1 VI ll:h . ERIC OCP• 113 a 131E+1(v mom , Qui!% PAPA