HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-07, Page 3030 Exeter Times-Advocate t•dnt'sdo October 7 1998 D ADS - 20 word maximum Insertion $9.63 2 insertions $16.05 3 insertions $22.47 Adcltuorwl !Sy charge tap cacti word over ntaxtrrtunt TO YOUR Ar' CALL 236-1331 FAX: 235-0766 e-mail: ta@leed .com NOTI - 30,4,t„0 1 maximum tures. ISAtUt(Uatc ton .CcEvans, l tArwnn. Catof Thanks ) i 511.77 2 insertions : $2344 3rd insertions, No charge Additional !Sy charge for cacti word over maximum • CLASSIFIED AI)j MIST HU PREPAID ADS WILL BE PRtNTE1? ['NTH PA1'MEN7 1S Id t I:IVEr) Cash. cheque With ifAtictil dentification Money Order Visa and Mastercard are accepted • Please check your ad tie first day 11 'appears to ensure 0a'tt Ills correct FICE HOURS Y to Friday 8.30 a.m to 5:00 p,m 1;. Lost Strayed 2 Found 1 Situanorxc Waniec 4 Heir Wanton f. business Opr,nnuruties c Serviette. 7 LlvesIcK* '6 Farm Macnlnert 9 Sports EQUKiniene ver. 11 Cars Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 114 Appliances Television. 61.2 Persona 3 Situations Wanted , 4 Neap Wanted aap' I WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOMI. Ll C'AN. ONT Mob -Fri aIi hours are welcome For more info cull 1519)227.16{1y (40:4 ! . The Times -Advocate-. urges •our readers to use caution when • sending -money for • kiuslness opportunity or 'em- ployment advertisements Be certain you 'are dealing with a reputable ..compan, before releasing any credr card intormatior Remem bee if any advertisemen' sounds too good to be true It Is CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT .Charges ate based on toe number or words Sets of numerals as fo• sena; numbers: street numbers Poore' numbers of prices count as one word per set Words paned 01 .nyprteris count as-sepal:eh, woras ECIRST INSERTION 1C words s9.63 Insertions $16.or: 3 u)sertlons $22.47. Additional- 25c charge for each word ave, max, mum NOTICES: 3(- woras (births. (tails announcements -coming events nlemur(ams. !Gard: to thanes ZDe each word ove•, max. num; Insertion $11• 2 Irisertlons $23.54 3rd nlsenron Nc Charge Chtsslned Ads must be prepaid Aas will not be printed until pay meet received•. . WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS -with picture. - $30.0C; GRADUATES vgltr, pt(:;ure .3x5.0: BOX NUMBERS to this, dttice $ f.EiEi per uisenlur. SUPER ADS 811.00 Deadline: Ion classified ads Is 10 a.m. Mandayt OUR ADVERTISING POLICY r>ure rhsu,l: 11re- inbrs•Auvue.,, dl:cepteu or. cemUiteh tnu:. m the eve„' rt' •' IYpukraprue:a, �rrur thin pother. u• . lar daverI. i% speu• uccup,eu. tit 1111 effwieuus Urn.. veli L - requn 11- a sun, Sequent rsyue d'... nlawr•guoda• m tlwrgt. raw- pr). glance- of IN ,ave: (semens wa, tie pato Dur at erg dppllcatiu rale In Mt. even: o, a,(Ypugraean.o env, auwnish% gouts U, - servrcrs a' . wrun};.plwx: goons („ sery, cey Md. no La scrr Auvertlu,l; 11, an Otte.' h. se. anti end; be, willoraw , at-anv pilot.. Ain enur' n,u5( be OCrinuwreUgrc wrhnr .,•:ver. pays 01 putaicallu, :1•• iimes-AOWcatr reserve:, 11,.. law lege o' reveylnl, u• 'electing; da rrhst '111:111'. Ila' II c'Ullsraer:. Inas. Irlrrldhn ant, t:, :ridllgr Ilk Cld5Sil _dl,u,. 0: a,,, auver(semern kw, twat unit., luny 1 flit PUB:., 1)' 111,:, (.unlebl:, drt• linnecleu b ,• kepruuutlrur• of•-o-gn era n+alena wrh,uu' Doe 0ernusywr. 01 lr,t "puu ,,. t.s ,unautier. Auvenrsers purcnas, 'Ras.. dill..rr• NW 11111, a Al (.gill: II din teuver(rse. „rents bruouteu tar 11,,,1 ares Auvocait u:.url a•twure ty0ugr.1111.• (,. pr)(• wgrdprr: drrdrlgru Iur u, Ire (,t:wspdpe. 51:01'. be (In among!. .wvucale 0.. sue, co; u, am pari Ilan- (/:,SUdv W- reproautrc •n dsS.gnec war. In)' tar r,(r.r Loosen' tl• Era ',t9.e•:. • Auvut.dh t t AI innE.N.4)r P(IJC.• nuvucale. . rroI Tey or - pVnsWlr !u' enury n duveti,yem(rns nut "duul,.,tlec .r. regNlc turn our lo: inure• Inm o snlgr. u,ebr ret:n ilrsetiruo of Ina; auvrrhsenrent • Phone 235-1331 t(• For Sete 17 wanted it, buy 18 Wenteo 19 Proper to, Salt 20 Properly to, Rent .21 for Reny 22 For Sate o• Ren' 23 Wanted to Ren'. 24 Property, Wentec 25 Notices• - :c LegeNotices 27 Tenders Wanted 26 Auchor Sales 29 Yarn anc Garage Sale. CARETAKER - top Exeter United ..Church Salaried lull unit. position to c(immcncc• on/4elury Novembe( 1 1996 Joh desrnpuon Ma% be picked up tit tht' church office al 42 James St CIusitlg date I, n, October 15. 1991, 141 EXPERIENCE!, KNITTER , • (l)'0 knitting machine for cottage industn' Cull 47:t-5052 (41:42• 4 Help .Winced REGISTERED VETERINARY TECHNICIAN poi maternity lravt. purl -(nut. Please submit resume to -.-Exeter Amnwl Hospital 235-2662 (4i•i GAS FITTER 11 • Licensed gas Wet to Insall and repair fnepluurs and turn:ices Apply by culling. TEMPTED • EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 26:t-6I16/tax resume & covering letter to 261-61 n oil, • SECRETARY- MANAGER McKillop Mutual Insurance Company requires a Secreatarv-Manager • QUALIFICATIONS: • Good demonstrated people skills • 1'- and C. Insurance licence would be an asset • Candidates -with AIDC preference • Computer system arid accounting experience Compensation conin'ie).. urate with experience Written replies recelved,by 30th October. -1496 will bt considered Only applicants receiving an interview will be' ccintact`ed. Send confidential resume remuneration expectation' -to - - • McKILLUI' ML'TLAL INSURANCE; COMPANY 91 .Main Street'-Soutfi, PO t&c,x $14 Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO Attention. Alex Townsend - Free Information. Seminar Veri Trucking:Inc. Is holding a fret: information seminar for OWNER OPERATORS, EXPERIENCED AZ DRIVERS and PROSPECTIVE NEW ENTRY'LEVEL CANDIDATES • We require a feH good owner operators and drivers. Comae out .to the free seminar and find out what \eel Trucking Inc. has to offer you and your family \'tri Institute of Professional Truck Drivin r also seekJnc.indlYiduals who are interested in career in trucking Wt' offer state of the art trailing 10 yualih volt for this exciting I ndtulr) J NO. LXPERIENC'L NECESSARY J PROFESSION 11 TRAINING 13Y. CL1.011I-era)• I,tS•RRL;c•f(jRS J ONSITE ACCOMMODATIONS , SEMINAR DATES LOCATION Wed., October 14' Centralia International :30 - 14:3(1 pan • Sat., October 17 10:00 a.m. • 12:00 p.m A-cadem y Huron Park, Ontario (Just off. Hwy. #4 North of London ) L,11111LE d i•edt►rtg; a, clIi 1 lir Please call Larrt . \e,utg;err•Cir k(.tii,C,ia1 ui at 1-800-721-8374 d • 4 Help Wanted EULLTtML/TEMPURAk Y LABOURER - required Minimum wage Must have valid driver's license Duties Include general ground maintenance. light construction, and operation oI Itgbt .equipment 42.112 firs per week Fir( appointment please .call 238- 8306 (41, • 4 .Help Waw JOCUS EDUCATIONAL. TOYS 'CANADA - since. I97f; . Quality. toys. games • arts/crafts Supplement family income selling through homy panics. catalogue sales. fundraisers Phone 1 -80(t - 36I -1587 ext. 93.51 or 519.07- 9422 Busy Chnstnta', season -join nom .'t39 -41x, - Avon SCHOOL BOARD Maitland Learning for a Lifetime will accept applications for the position of BUS DRIVER at Stephen Central Public School R.R. r• 2. Crediton. N01,1 11,10 Duties to commence immediately. The successful candidate must hold a valid Class •81 Drivers Licence Interested applicants should send a letter of copy of Class •8• Licence, and resume outlntngexperpe photo- copy education, including references, to the undo 9 experienco and Wednesday, October 14. 1998 gned by noon, Shelley King Business Manager Avon Maitland Dtstnct School Board 163 Pnncess Street East Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 We thank those Who submit a resume 'ant advise only those who are chosen for an interview will receive a reply LORNERACHUS Drrec1oroJEd,ecation ABBY ARMSTRONG Exeter Machine. Products (1995) Ltd. A production machining facility of certified diesel engine components has r openlrag for: Manufacturing r , This wil' be part 0! ar aggressive team and will be responsiole for developing art($ Improvmgr,new ant existing process: hands on wally broductlon .trduoteshootrng. leading aria implementing new•p►oects and equipment , We are took(ng'for ar rndtvraua' that is self -motivated witr good communiCatron skits Preference wig' be given to those that have an Engmeermg education aro s proyen background in Machining processes ane( meta cutting` tooling Other crlterta for the DOSttlon wit be knowreoge of CNC equipment-. • conventional, equipment. QS -9000 procedures and computer skirts }fi Which er Manufacturing Engneer ll!"tie r level po,llbe pa of an aggressive tivarr and art tie an entry po3ltrur wrr: start wrtrr ar otfi• as5lsbn^ an c learning the t1,� a envuonnlent. 5 E• ;ig'rieenng pr(iGeaures arta flirty ystert There wi i be exposure to rieK protec' rnanagement . Gant' Criart.. Tiaci,mg p' rractane anc flxturf acetans. enc cdtt,r t oi6.Clttr,iugt-.the.usE pi MS Access. and Routing Tele suCcessfu•';,androate must `lav( ar"Enr In aro ail re r• t g tering eoucat,ur W o the Erlgrneenn manage• • Tool gayer Wr1Gr, wll:' t1E part of ar aggressive tear- aro err (,E respur,sitile. 1tjr ouytng au Cuttr1ig tot91, 'rratnterlarice • stoop supplies. manage its inavec' rlatenatl,aepartrnent 'a::counts -arta reporting to the Engineer,.IF. Manage. - The successfu carld,aate rius• ,t self-r-tot,vatea •wits goad ::urorrwnicatiur. anc nay( p prover, oactcgrounc rr ✓urC, ta5rng. QS-90U(•prb,..eo nee_ anc computer sisiiit.. - Ir yo;, nave the qualiftiat,0r:_ anc experienceVest foVestpositton�. mai; your reSurrle Ir- cor,frae;Ice tui - Human Resources Exeter Machine Products (1995) Ltd. - 87 Canada Avenue, P.O. Box x541. • Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1Y0 4 Help Wanted •Cgf.E• DEC(rhATOR REQUIRED - . for growing huslnes's Must hr experienced Permanent pustttnr. Send resume it, Decadent Ice Crean, Dessert f' it box 81 Huron Park-. Om NOM YO Yat; Ni, phone.,a11. please4. PART TIME CL'STODIAN 1 8.12 HRS.'WEEK, - Subtrtn resumes addressed R. Custodiafi. P 0 Box . 351 Exeter. Ont NOM .1S6 not later than October 9, 1998 We woald like (0 thank all appitca . however ow) those selected for Interviews w111 he notified .(40:411 GRADE 11 A•12.,EDUCATION REQUIRED • for.Iempurary and full time factor) employment To • - -apPiy call Irrupted Emplus•nlem. Sertces al 519-26 -6116 and fax resuhir references 5141-2L3.(111' Tim a :i hie rid -vice. to applicants ;39:4,1,- 1NI MOL AL OR COMPANY N Ait TEL lc, clear snow.,from 'cunt:moms 1I(al boxe .1h Exeter on' Contract bas s - Ca; 1-5N-451- 4149 betweri, y .41 • ' ,MA,INTENANCE MECHANIC - Tenspofarj'iul, tinie.•t(• repair ma:Innen r1r;Inl jmeurnatiO and tool -room equipment - APPly ' " callin€ TEMPTED EMNLOYMEN7 .SERVICES 263- 6; 16/fai resume & c•ovenng letter " (1. 263-611.' -;41 , _ V, 3 N'TE.L -r EXPERIENCED PART TIME - Table Sir.er$.- - ataliablc- tor'da(s and afternoon slide .Apply ir, persue, -lo Three ,AAA Restaurant PART TIME POSITION available n LAUEIPPrNDRY HOUSEKEEPING ./p,-iye3t?I Wits ezva hours available thrptrgf; Lai, -,n5. Involves weekend work arid holidays 1 0n1, those being Cons,oered wig r be contacted • _ . Sendr'crrn f 100iL Nu Home,S' Hensatt. Ont. Alexandre Menne 6; Genera Hosglta requires d PHARMACY TECHNICIAN Q f rCetions •Cornmunra. college course (1'harrn�Gc Technicians ,OCP equivalent •Lxperlence• wilt; a phdrrticIt curnputer Progiarr: •Ablhty tc work irldeperldent, within delegation guidelines •Uernons(rdted ability t. ,furrctior i d5 pdrl. tit d 10 , i wtlll above average ur(ydnlLdtl(,ndl skips •Previous e*wperfenCe war, purcttdsruC 051(.1 mventury Send resume in writing by October 23, 1998 to: Jane Twining. Direct6r of Pharmacy • • • Alexandra Marine: and General Hospital ' 120 Napier Street, Gode^H', Ontario N7A 1W5 Only those chosen for at.; interview Will received reply