HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-07, Page 29Wednesday, October 7. 1')9 Running for By Craig Bradford TIMES ADVOCATE STAFF F.XET.EH -- Talk about a challenge. ' Tiverton's (located near Kincardine) Ayden Byte is running across Canada to raise money and aware- ness for research into a cure for diabete,s.. Ayden. 23 and an insulin depen- dent .. diabetic, ran through the Exeter area. on Monday. Byle. is running 45 km day ,and taking five sho of insulin a day along the way. Byle started his journey from Vancouver. K.C., on June 1 and hopes to wrap 'things up in Ilalifax, N.S... by the .end of the fall.• ByIe's goal is for every diabetic in Canada, all 1.6 million of them, to donate $10 each to, the cause and for every other Canadian 10 donate $10 fur each diabetic they . _know. Code named Canada Challenge •. '98. Byle's team is closing in on ti $100.00() mark in dona- tions and hopes c•orpo- is-. 1 .o s s u e li 11 th - 11 optimistic as ever. "There's - nothing but bonuses to a project like this, he said rate sponsorship will kick in during their journey across southern Ontario. "It's a good start," Byle said from his HV during a rest stop about a kilo- metre south of ljensall on Monday around noon. "We. should dou- ble that, hopefully be- fore we hit 'oronto." Byle was. a ittle under he weather n Monday. uffering a light _sniffle pon experi- ncing the rst cooler weather of e journey. ut despite e cold: yle was as Exeter Times -Advocate Community • a near impossible dream "it'll makeyou stronger:' When asked what would possess a man just out bf university (Byle re- cently gradu- ated • from York- Univer- sity's mass communicate ons program) to take a year out to run- across the country: Byle simply shrugged. 1 like to run'." he said. "It'll . be a good way to see Cana- da."'. The gruel- ing trek will also establish a great role ntodel for young .dia- betics while raising a lot of funds to help find a cure for the disease. The journey will also provide scientists valuable information into Child car seat clinic coming to Exeter er EXI;TElf —_ Buckle up your child! That's the message that will be spread on Oct. 17 at a child -car seat safety clinic in Exeter: The clinic willbe held at Eric 1 Campbell Motors from lO a.m.-2 p.m. During the clinic, those interested can bring in theircars and have their child car seats inspected by volunteers who will de- termine if the car seats are installed properly or if they need adjustments. Car • ' owners should bring their vehicle's own- er's manual with them. ti,. the .clinic.. According•to stats quot- ed by public health nurse. Marguerite Falconer. over. • 80 per cent of child car seats are improperly in- stalled,• mostly due to un- cleat' instructions. Also, Falconer said, car seat :companies and car companies have until re- cently never worked' to- gether on child car -safety. Approximately 1 1/2 years ago. the Huron County . Car Seat Safety Committee was formed and information and . training sessions, as well as the car• seat clinics• . have been held to supply • information to the public about child seat safety. Car seats are required • by for children up to 40 pounds. Falconer also suggested' booster seats • be used for children •be- tween'40-60 pounds. She added that car seats over 10' years ofd shouldn't, be used. • To rne'nt get more•_ book an appoint - for the clinic or. to call informs t1orn, 482-3416. or' 1-800-265,- 518-1. ext..234. Exeter withdraws from Ausable River drainage petition By Kate Monk 'LIMES AINOCATF STAFF EXE-Tlilt -- Council has withdrawn its support from the Ausable River drainage petition. - - "It's a major- issue and we're not a major player. in it." Exeter Administrator Hick Hundey told council on Monday night.. Council originally signed the petition in the sun- - Mer which would see fallen trees and beaver dams removed from the Ausable • River in Hay Swamp but reconsidered when the scope and cost of the project was discovered. Council and staff were under the impression that signing the petition would be the right thing' to do -as a neighbour. However. council has found out that few neighbouring landowners support the petition. Town staff solicited input from its engineers on the effect the project would have on the town. in a report to council. Hundey relayed the findings. The landfill site is not impacted by drainage con- cerns associated with the petition. The sanitary sewage system is not undermined by other drain- age problems. The Town's drainage system is un- affected and there is no information to suggest 1 x- etei- is causing any of the flood problems. Councillor Peter Armstrong made the motion to withdrawn front the petition but added that once 'the proponents decided what the project would be. he expected Exeter to be an active participant. Councillor Joe Hogan seconded the- motion stat- ing he felt most • landowners didn't support the project. "We're net being good neighbours by supporting it." be said. - The motion passed unanimously. It was not known at press time if Exeter's with-. drawal was enough to cause the petition to fail. . just how Diabetes affects the body of an athlete pushed to 'its limits and prove how effective exer- cise is i controlling glu- cose lovers in the body. 'While in southern .Onta- rio. Byle will. focus more on visiting schools, mu- - • nicipal offices and other public relations events to heighten awareness of his journey. • Byte met another cross country trekker, ' Lon- don's John' Davidson of Jesse Journey -- A la- ther's Tribute • fame, south of Wawa at the "be- ginning of September. • Two thirds of. the way into his journey. Byle is farther along than Dav- idson (while also head- ed in the opposite direc- tion) but both had a lot to sharia with each other • during the morning they spent together. "He and 1 are both de- termined individuals," Byle said. "It was realty . nice to swap stories." Though nowhere near his ultimate goal of rais- ing S16 million. Byte is happy -with his progress so far and the future po- tential of Canada Chal- lenge '98. if I can gest half of the diabetic community, ' something exciting will happen," he said. Donations to the. Ry- den Byle Diabetes. Re- search .Foundation or Canada Challenge '98 can be dropped off at any CIBC branch or cheques can be mailed to the Ayden. Byle Dia- betes Research Faunda= tion,. 11112 Tiverton, Ont., NOG 2T0. Tax receipts will be made available. For more information on Byle's journey, call 1519) 368-7820. 25th Bannockburn Fall Hike 3 M a`jft' Hundreds took part in Sun- day's 25th Bannockburn Fall Hike at the Bannockburn Wildlife Area: Among the -hikers were Mine-year-oid St. . Thomas resident Quin Hon - singer. left. and Travis Cald- well, five of Mississauga. Standing. with the youngsters is Grade I I South Huron student Terri -Lyn Boyle. who was among severs! South Huron environmental sciences students pointing . out interesting sites to par- . ticipants. Here, Boyle is hold- ing wild ginger. which grows in the area. Signs, trucks and other stolen items keep police busy Truck stolen EXETER — Another reminder to lock • your vehicle and take the keys with you: London O1'1' Const. Myra Rusk said a '97 red Ford 4X4 pickup truck with a short box and heavy. duty trailer hitch was stolen froiri Main St.. Exeter, in the early afternoon of Oct. -1. • The truck was left unlocked and the keys were eft underneath the driver's floor gnat. • At 11 p.m.. the truck Was seen in Exeter heading southbound on Main .St. with a young male wearing a ball cap behind the wheel. The truck is still missing. Thieves scared off HENSALI. — Skittish thieves were foiled by a passing motorist in Hensall on Oct. -9 at about 9 p:rn. - • Husk said two males in a red Ford Hanger 1/2 ton truck with a large utili- ty trailer were s.cared off by •the. •motorist as .they attempted to steal a Kubota riding lawn mower from a dealership on Wellington St: - • A lesson learned LL'CA,N' —Thieves took advantage of trusting souls in Lucan on Oct. 1. • The garage door at the Lucan works department was left open on• Oct. 1 between -1-2 p.rn. and thieves made off' with three chain saws and a water pump. They also pried open the office doors but nothing was stolen from the office. Church theft in Lucan LOGAN — Someone was doing more than praying at Lucan's St. Patrick's Church recently. Someone stole a key over the last •two weeks and used it to unlock a lash box. The thief or thieves stole Lock that camper I;XI f fat — A S80(1.camcorder was stolen from. an unlockedaifth wheel camper parked 'in a Carling St., Exeter, driveway 00 Sept. 28 between `1 9:45 p.rn. • . • Please bring it back KIRK'1.ON —The Neighbourhood Watch sign was taken from the Kirkton Community Centre last week. Husk said the return of the sign would be appreciated. Take it easy The Lambton County OPP reminds .everyone to exercise patience and cau- tion on the highways - this Thanksgiving ,weekend. - • Thanksgiving is ,traditionally one of the busiest long weekends hi Ontario. Lantbtun County OPP, spokespeople said. Friends and family are on' the roads to be,with loved ones, while oth- ers head to the cottage to prepare it for the winter ahead. During the Thanksgiving weekend last year, the OPP investigated .14 traf- fic deaths. Alcohol played a factor in four of those -accidents and five people • who were killed were not 1' wring' seatbelts. With wet leaves 'and frost leaving roads slippery especially in the early morning hours.' drivers are reminded by the 'OPP. to• -govern their 'speed accordir►gty. I'or those near water. the OPP advis- es extreme caution. Last Thanksgiving; the Oi'l' estigated three boating deaths. The I.;ur►bton County OPP said defensive driving, coupled with proper use of safety equipment, will help reduce the risk of injury and death this Thanksgiving weekend. r