HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-07, Page 11_e+oneisday. October 'l. 1998
Exeter Times -Advocate
Paying tribute to fanners
Dear Editor:
We're writing to encourage• everyone in Ontario to
take the, week botore Thanksgiving to celebrate the
tremendous contributions Our farniers. and fowl
processors make all year round. We all•know that
. farmers play a key role in bringing high quality food
and other products•to us, but few recognize that they
are also drivers in a dynamic agri-food industry that
injects $25 billion annually to the provincial•economy
tnd,employs more that' 640.O(JO people.
• Farming and food processing also form the back-.
bone of strong -rural communities. and a• standard of
living _in Ontario that, is second to: none. Most of us.
-know people in .the agri-food, business who are'also
volunteer .firelighters, members :of service clubs. or
councillors in local government. •
.These dedicated people continue to make Ontario
one of the h"ost attractive places in the world in
which to live. workand raise. a family. That's why.
this. spring. the Ontario legislature unanimously
passed Perth MPP Bert Johnson's .private member's
happy hearts
ind a .new
ease on life
Dear Editor:
After •staving heart 1
rypass surgery in march •
•f this year: 1 was advised
!y Puy doctors to get
evolved in a medically
,rogranr. They stressed
rue surgery is just the first
tep - that unless I fol ow
gradual strength=iruil(1-
. ig exercis0:pla.n and a •
/ell -balanced, low -fat
let, l can. expect further
irouary complications
utvn the road, perhaps
yen an earlier -than -tier: 1 i
isary death. • thi
My .dcie:tors told ori• of a(
vo -programs within dri- ru
ng distance of Exeter: -. di
-tie in Louden. "the otliei- ' ru
i (ioder:ich. I have chosen 1
ie 'Happy Hearts' pro' He
:'ail in (iodericti which 1 Nu
elieve is most convenient A
►r me. tike .the other .70 t ir-
ieit.and wonien at Happy. of
earts, I.will
- Hearts) I would be pleased
to hear from them.
Perhaps we could form a
car pool to keep expenses
down fur everyone - and
Make some good friends
11 the bargain. My tele-
phone number. is 235-
3794. •
L.xcier. Unrlurin
Help Ayden's
dream _come
• ')ear Editor:
:\yden. A.. fiyles. a year-old irtsulill depe►i-
dent diabetic • from
verton, • - ()-n_t., ran
rough Exeter- on --his run
toss Canada to raise •
oitey til find a cure for
abetes. Ile started- his
iI in Vancouver (►ti J
tnd hopers to finish
di fax ' some tiule•
id%e an. .on
rercise' program tailored . wa
niy needs, and be con-' Lot
:antsy monitored by Ay
ained and competent
a'l'to ensure that l work- thr
ig at a safi' and:sensible schc
vel. ' • M
The cost. if• $35 per• all
ionto plus trajisporta pro
:on; classes are_twine- Ike
eekly.`While it is a major Ext•;
,rnrnittnent for •ine. it is 'that
►mething 1. feel' I tiiust do' tliro
•r .thyselfand ii v iarnily. a.t , It
,0reuv(.r, '. sir►t:e, the gran
--(Nino!has llivested sely: woo
-al thousar til dollars in your
surgery. and through hi►il
has given nie a new ; throu
ase on life after years of. 1 pi
_dieting, 1 ►vatic to-do• Horf►
ierything I call to guar.-• l)tstr
'tee tate best results fur• she rs
- it longest period possi- the st
( wool
Naturally I would prefer Exete
litre was a heart rehabili Eve
.tion program in Exeter. ' late t
- it that doesn't seem like- abou
in the rear- future. throu
uwever if there ,are tither still d
':art patients in the area Byte
ho would like to explore i�oun
.e happy Ilearts option ..Challe
•r who are already can al
.volved • with Ilappy. Ayder
bill establishing Ontario Agriculture Week. For the
first time, Ontario has legislation that formally
acknowledges the hard work and Commitment -of
thgse.who ensure we all continue to enjoy -an abun-
dant supply of foci) and other agricultural products. ••
. This year, the week runs from October 5 to 12: The
• people of Ontario can help salute. our agri-food Indus•
.try by organizing local appreciation dinners, encour-
aging restaurants to feature Ontario -grown food, -tak-
ing advantage of one of the 'dozens of farm and rural
tours that are offered ur various parts of the province,
or simply attending a fall. fair.
There are many inore•ways we can pay tribute to
the. farmers, food processors and others who On -
tribute so much to our high.quality of life. We would
encourage individuals and organizations W. express'
their appreciation• in their own way. in their own
communities. For more information on Ontario
Agriculture Week, please contact Ben Johnston. MPI'.
at (416) 32f.-509.. -5y-. 'Together, we can make it happen..
7brontu, Ontario
• Save my school .
Dear Editor:
'•My School:. n' •
Is where eveday I walk.
• _ To hear my teacher talk. '
Is where -my friends aitd. I Meet.;. My school "ground can't be.beat.
Is where my Daddy went. •
i think it is a great place to be sent'
Is where an arena is near,
We all love to skate therm.
• • I hear my school has a history too. • _
Many grandparents and airplanes flew.Is where We all want to stay.
1 jt ;t. trope the big people say. ft's OK!"
• PAIIEN1S ut . EiuN Wta.r_%
LK..srtDE:N1 AT MCCtlliln.Pulttl(: SCHooi
esearch 1 oundation, Hf(
it at 2. 'Tiverton. Ont..NOC 2111).in 'laving. had a diabetic
father and husband. as
•tilt. well as -,several diabetic
tori friends. • 1 can appreciate
Iled Ayden's desire to find a
ieiir cure , '
10 Please help. -
out Doito HV.P't•Art.
/:xeter, Ontario
y -den's grandpas(.
- and Mrs.' Dave Kir
Kinn:at-dine. Ont. ca
me on Friday on tl
y through Exeter
idon, tci tell nie ab
di'n's -Challenge
t he would be, rutin
ough -Exeter, not
'd uled stop.
rt,ri d
MPs abstain
from vote
r. and Mrs. Kirton, li
grandparents, aud of Ayden.
Ing a • proud _citizen
ter, 1 tell very burnt
Ayden would pa
ugh lxeter acid not
:ast rc''cognize(1. 1,1
dniother` told inc'1
Id love to have o(hi
h and diabetics jut
1 oil his - ,jou rile
gl i Exeter
tuned principal lie
uth of South .Iluro
ict high School an
mid she,.would intim
udents; hoping sons
CI j.oiti hint through
r.• •
n though 11 was to(
O inform the public
Ayden's rui
gh Exeter. you car
(mate to the Aydet
)iabetes Itesearch
dation or "Canada
lige 'f8" (cheques
so be mailed to the
Byle Diabetes
Dear L:ditor: •
of During the gun registra-
le. tion- • protest on
Ss September 22 Liberal'
be • MPs Hose -Marie Ur and -
is )'au -I Stec kle :were busy:
ie' positioning themselves in ,
- ttie media .as being opo
11 nests of Bill C-68. -The
y ParliainentaTy. Hansard
and ci'A(: coverage from
h.. later that day reveals.,
11 however." that 'shortly
d before 6 p.m. they were
n strategically- glued to
e their seats .in the 1 louse
1 of Curnlituns. Why the .
► Ilere's why. A Motion b
' to revoke the Liberal's t
mandatory firearm regis- u
1 tratiun was introduced by b
1 the Reform Party. to lie b
voted on by all MI's in the a
House. Instead of voting n
with' a Party .that has
continually opposed Bill
C-68, the two Liberal
MPs suffered .a bad• cast
of party line voting para'
osis When it was time
'"walk the -walk. instead o
just talking the talk-. both
MPs abstained from vol
ung: It would seem - that
•se:ding'a message to
their 'bos�t fruir.the back- i b
bench proved touch more.
difficult than protesting
in front of 1111 friendly •
media outside. • The• Hansard. also shows that '
after a '-La•zarus-like 1
recovery at. 6:'O5 p,m.
they both found their .feet,
to vote. on an amendment
to the Competition -Act,
Biyl_C 2U. -
- Mrs. Ur' and Mr: Steckle
desperately .missed the
target on this tile:. Their-
suppor t, -of the ReformParty's niotio►1 would.
have shown ,true charac-
ter in front of their col-
leagues and in front of.
gunuwlers back home.. •
I'heiniactiuns %mould have
spoke•. much louder than
ttiy newspaper. articles
possibly' could. -Instead.
hey (topped -out and •
etrayed the' very people
hat they claim to stand .
p fur. Sadly, their credi-
ility on this' issue has
eel) sacrificed at the
'tar of political.correct-
Does Mike Harris
have a heart?
TORONTO -• Premier Mike ,
- Harris, who used tu,seorn •corse
promise:`,s suddenly -demon-
. strating a willingness to bend
designedto help win an election:.
. The Progressive Conservative .
. premier displayed his new flexi-
bility in _ending a teachers'
strike.. Itis government had put ERIC
together a bill ordering'the DOWD
teachers both to return and.- A VIEW FROM
work longer in class -and --said QUEEN'S PARK
nothing would stop it going .through the legislature,
where it, has a majority. , ,
The, opposition parties, recognizing they could not
,outvote the 7 uritis no matter how long they delayed I
the bill, suggested .it -be divided so they could spend
one day debating and voting on sending teachers
,back and postpone the more contentious issue of
• work hours to debate later at more length.
llarris agreed quickly and the students were .back.
to school the next day and the opposition Liberals
.and new I)ernocrat5 will get some credit, which they
deserve: ' - .
if Harris had refused to divide the. bill: -he 'Would
have -been seen as more anxious to crack down on ,.I
teachers and put them in- their place than get the
students back in school. -
Parents also had shown their first priority was
getting students back,.. -There still are•acriniottious
battles. to be fought over teachers'- working hours,
but what peopf will retriember most is that Harris -
reopened schools. - _
'pie old.Mik(•.Harris probably would have stuck to
his script. lfarrislhas long boasted he always dues ..�
What he says and ' although this is, not totally accu-
rate, -ht•- has kept -promises inure than roust politi-
.• cians and part of his appeal is he does riot back off.
- easily. . - -
The premier .started showing more readinc•s
listen to other:~ after being advised early this yea
needs to appear kinder and -gentler. An'earh .ex
pie was when in, offered grudging c(inipemsatio
the. three surviving Dionne- quintuplets, . who -w
exploited while wards of the province, -and they
--the public said it was not enough' and he Mere
i.t .
Harris announced �t plan t6 ilistall video loft
1 terminals in racetracks. licensed restaurant's
bars to- increase• his government's already huge
from, gambling- but after complaints •th(.-• are
sto I'
r he••
all►- .
n to
ere -
and I ..
ery f•
crack cocaine- or n►ust addictive term of.gambling.. I
! . dropped it and instead will put in slot machines,.
Which so tar have caused les, ora storm.
Harris also platuie ; so :ailed charity. casinos,
ut aftet- opposition 5r. where lie want-
ed to locate them: reducers this tci only tour tiiega- i
casil`os. - .
llarris i11 his Cornnori Sense Revolution platfoun
. said he 'will -sell off some assets, ,such as the, Liquor
.Control Board' and. explore Selling 'R' Ontario, but
now has no plans to sell either becauser'ouch of the
public likes thein. - ' , r
'1'he.ctmmun thread running through Harris's
-changes of mind is that he is, prepared to. bend
Where 'many' oppose•and political capital can -bei
won and he has become skilled at exploiting the.
- opportunities -they create. llarris flatly. recused to
extend the deadline for owners to appeal property
tax assesstnents inflated -by .his governnte'nt, but
. gave, in alter the Liberals_and" New L)ento'crats
begged ill the legislature and churned out letters
and news releases urging an extension and offering
to do all they could to'assist. ;
The 'I'i►ries then announced cheekily they would
extend the deadline, but Only if the •other parties
, promised not to block it and Only.
newspapers. TV -
and radio reported it that way so the Tories got
credit for initiating the good deed.• -
llarris totally and unequivocally supported the
federal government it) rehising tt) conipensate those
inlectell with hepatitis 'C' through. tainted blood
donations before 1986 and insisted this %Gas fair
and logical until he suddenly, said in May he will -
No 0110 Itinows what pro►npted.1-larris' conversion,
but before it he was never diagnosed as having a
- heart and since it countless' hlhdia stories have
called huff compassionate and a hero, so this
change of iniad has really paid off: .
/Forest. Ontario