Times Advocate, 1998-10-07, Page 7Wednet:dat t)'Wbct 7 199,s beater Times—Advocate F. Speaker clesc-rihes her experiences in Guatemala • By Roberta:Templeman • Si MIA (ORRFF SI"JN DF N TAhF,V ltah\ SUlivav wa r he11t a' the (.roniart\ t'resnylertan.Churctl ot, septeinnrr 2: int Sunual schout children participated tti. Utt• service with sem, 'turf• reading:, pravcrz.. singing and tip' taking up tit • collecuoi. .. Suniia� School-supenntenuen: Alice t,artllher prt, semen attendance award- tt1 int' Sut1U:) 1Cnuul chit • , cirei: t,uest sneaky! .teat. Altc.l o. tt,it. in, childrett ,` scan• and toht order experlencesrut ,uateniat.. -• I'ottowtnh the service. tutict wa s('rvec It: thy • Sunday School roomy • . . Cronianv t'resnvtertan women nav''.neett ntwtett•tt ton: the 'Libber tinttect Lnurci: -womet to. collet hour at the Staft:t allured on Octane!. hresnytertai. i`ali Lonierenct i� beth; nett• a• till Montan!' church on October r. t.}cgtn iin a:..i u.n. CROSSWORD 2 1, 1- - 2. 4- 2 13 I• 4 1111111.,..s :4 ACROSS L4'.. t , (,!,!117.41' - !kJ. 1-. wutaLov , 1'I 6?•IB/'' .:v:+,.. 1,, 1I:,er: 414I.l- tntxrr. 1' 1'3 iia xr'. 2 .,011 2 hilt. e•'7 2. ft.. 2 nw.• 2 . 2. %w' 3 4. ..e.. 4. .end.• . 4. .V . n. 4 4• "•1. 5. 414e, .:h 5 S.: 5• 6. DOWN • 1- -..' y,wr 2: 2_ •r.L> ^„r.. 2. - III' • 2• •d: 2.2 3: - ., 4: .. .,, 4 4, 4. 4 • +;i:. • 14• 4 S' 5- 1, tea I oL,• '•Lave -0" i f hound ite,�rra • Tce iq a fes s ` ,o(Es t .r��1 Mdriut4(urttr Of.1t1%- Fines• (1ualny ice Cream" API AUl=f C} • TASTES LIQ 1OMEMAD N.„,utiu ME CREAM PIES YOGURT PIES AVAILABLE AT : -Grana bent! - • Zurict, Jerry Sr FROZEN , .c --j NA l itanka141 tilt; ttaliewe"er Dessert, .ienuerspo• r -rnvin;. Racier s Marke` � � • hensai, - Knecnte, • -Exeter-- Darlings Foodiand. hearts Desire: vaiu-mar` yen • hurOn-f's k - Foodtown \. 3%Vb+` 228-1 M or 1-888-$g,D-Y7f New session for seniors I)i SIIt''OOli "Till Itaslttvllut: Senior• niet ut tilt t•renul;' u: Nepletltllt: :'_' a' Mt (.1)0)1 :Mitt\ II:t1 to: their first tai 'nle(Unr :Int. upentet' ,,:tnaUa :(l rectum; ttu l.ortl• 1'rnvet Witt a mere Pi't-. preset). 1 tt+ secrctar'._ • :Inc_ hit:Ism-P .• report trete t at: -'1 lir atltttta !•41 !talk toil 1r!telt. Oetunel i1 cleru t 'til. tt• 1tuln►esvillt tt•ttt. registr:ttior. Deputing a'. I r ! am. •- Ilrc•siucn 1 ern►., Itussell );:int" . reafth4 • illitlet. "Do; l.ilitr'•t >t" t►l:inket: vvtrvun' t5,•1,' nt:U)ett tt'itt !lir I•rtitusnur; '. •L)allua: evervt.nt y�•ut' wirnr 11 tluruttvtev to: tnt senior nlrthna`• hart',, ant. evervttnt til' tilt'1' . aupporr. tanto` silt• vvati presitiet;: Nev,, officer:, elected twt1 vea.: tern• are; prt-suten.• l,aeivl �}ht:krrili;, t�rrt. tarr. `Ear. nave: vu t pre,}utet: lt:er. Italic- treasure• j;('rtil Stade anti assistant. treasure: Altn.t �tenlint`:,. ,1 n' neat ninepin! will tie ueltt t)C1Ube' 1' !tarok! I•uikbeine!- rettorted that wilt };pule•• WV, butt. l}I (IClebe" a' l;1l' i,,tl: a' Lt.'. IAIICt all('.. IIev, 'gatte c t t't: l'eppc: wii ut sponsorec: ti. tilt lento• i atlle: t,oruot: hraf.. Waukee belts ltusscl. to' her won a' pas: prestuen: Atustcai entertainment Was given nt 1 to Alerrvnlaker Iron Scatortl. attic. llozar (,eitnar o' Zurich. heading:, were giver, n\ Llara (,ossnial: ant'. ha\ !fade: t' . . •cordillr to Statistic, Lauliu;. clung .r ! tit).. survet . Canadian, will regularly attenu religtou, service nave'.; .,., tune, better.cuance c . nappy, marriage anti are more lunar DI !WV!' a lasting nlarrtagt _Luttrell goer, pts. 4 sully.- fes' Iron sires:, ant: are.ies, !met.: tt, (-online taC). of 10Ve and rt'S{}t•c: grounu : IU' d ivoro Just out• Ilion' reasolt III hives. 'sono` tape tit ctturctt the Sunua\ (,et tot' point" • REV VERNON DEAN i Pith' b P Illeiray Biagi 2 ill Mall Merchantslise Sttei c1ritiay, October 91h A coitat*on of'hno ciothing'-risdies awaits you at Many -Lags. inch wools and -handsome tweeds that corabwedn -exciting ways -ibor_classic tall dreetvrtg, a gorgeous army tit :srreaisrs,-andsfrierrdly and knowiedgesbie staff that tltttlt-taep .guide you in •Choosing ctothes that will add preemie*. :contidenco and quality to your own personal likettyle. AMIN) is plentiful. shopping is relaxed and over Thanicapivirarstinig of hot cider awaits you. Opertersyslay `df mid 11b�turrtblsrr I Y. adios S. Oral�ead ant iiwy. 21 Isaias f Yi� 3s( Itp •wtrard w , J'nnovatwe FLOORING 1 Whs . takt. d chance' Go with the leader.-. ' Ycit, car, court' or Armstrortu to' ftoot,rt(t treat a;. WW1 !ME, a 1' 1:. 1Utip-lastilt arta (Ju0t.-It70It111(, Over 7;, years o' exporter+t;(' at,c con)mttment tc yualra Isavt n}d0(. ArnlStrOn(t t)w truSte(: t(Iaue• 10 bootleg Nuw tiro Lent; t(, cunt(- 41 ant ift! ou' extenswr Aunstrunc: t olieCLut because Uunrtti ou• sat' . you i, ye: qualitt yOt, cat come Or - a• lawny , Ina' auc up. Dor : (esay l lit ueaUt• O' dt o, Arilistioht: hut).wit hist woe las: tilt: specie, sate' won 1' Ati 4tH1St fwig Reg prices 457 Main St. Exeter 235-4401 A • • VSIM VL_ /-LOOKING Trtr t,eauty is. it stays that way