HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-07, Page 6Exeter Ti
Wadnesdas (,r:tonit' 1998
Adult day
program opens
in Exeter
I.XF,1•E1 Thu South Fluroi Satellltt Adult flay ,
lerogrunr has reopened m Exeter The fiat Program
' for WWII,: 'IL Soutti+ Huron welcomed 'chorus October
1 ut the (:nruitian Hetttrnted Clturci, oh -flume: Street
Wes: The prograu: USS Sts adult residents of South.
fturom writ 11v0 ttldUpelndetltt u, tilt' CUnitttUtlitt
and require asststauce Tilt' program: provtuc� a
- rungs! of Physical, social and Autumnal support ser-
-vices tor chime; and supportive relief di caregivers. It
is a satellite. program tut the floret; Ado!: Init. Centr
in Clinton.. I•rail, elderly, phystcftlw and devitlopnitlm-
tatty challenged adults as well••as with,
ttenlentla are clients •
The South Hurot: satellite Future plans
program: Mega] OI1I{ talft to are to expend
Juh 11)95 with tilt' fliztieime'
ut Awum: i program •1' wu- from the
I -
uttered one oat i' %/mei, a: tee present one •
f:xttter' •vtft�. unti !vtut 11)1it, day a week to
.!t tt, -Si?- t:iient ' Wtrrr_ tt5sISi- two or three
tit Week' t Ir the pruttrttn' .bays weekly.
untie`! .tilt • gluttitlict (r : W t
-Staff•uhtr1n11t'r- and twit to"Iiia' vt►tunrtter,•
• -Int ....mutt C.Inentittet ulttlrtitiey
the mato to examine, ine, utni ux:itUmpti to ' tine'progran.
with tile prurnn_ r lmla111: U :)ay Centre ori) rang: et ..
tilt• i.Uttl' '1 grin :.it+re t't1111Rittlet• h' hie I )ltitrlt )iirititt
:.041tIC1: iltl(1 Mit itUllll)t"-'O Chellt:, iron: :!Unit: Form
ItivOtV1 (! U :anion Uric c: p''tgrtltiIS ''Ther tV•t!"+
client:‘'!I4 tt11 .trausuoraq: wirekit Iron :-Inuit
fturot '::cent: ?-turut, 'fart, :.r'edetut. Lrasmwtn,(.
i.tt.ua.. Stu tensa!!• It hit tf-tu' (!kttrlt rualie!tef�lte'
aunt pr(J i to tt ::itttLirt:. -±'•ruowetU' cuutt ::r(:.!
Will- lrttt itlwtaitut . ititltltii� 'Cite!!' • t)tt'•lltapttute•. ;tit!
ter Tile tin' fitly- )illi, r'10'.' 01I( llli:nailt•1C tvt:at1It'•
b1'11114 llttt;U:;i:.Lt,0:-. t:Ut!a11tn wy.,1, :tutltt Hurd,.
tiosplltl: 11e avi!llttblt• space 'lilt 11.at ..prograt1 -nit
tui:atet: t! tit -.: urlstiat • helm -then ::►urn:t Re Alit
tt"!!lint' itinnu , :Intim.: it tett gitIleri►Slt-t
Ctllvrt buctrt, til! i,4•. • ir''1)ir•)'atl' Ilii: • uitrt si)itrt
ti'CIt'1 -11th: L'irowtt(' iIi' .t-lilit:`icllldLtttl 1•' 't!!.
't:.aieallltt• :lot .'NVa' f' Ul!!'ttll sill(' .1.10 • I1 -al
-.11-01V"0.11: :.11r1't'li•n' tIJI• pr'ugritll Citi iU Ct111li11/(lit!!,
:. It l.- t ilel10'.- UI . 'i hili-SUat':: tt'Ill , Still' alt( volupT.
pistil:. 0! ?.• 0, ttX1)011C 000 tilt'
.p`"e:it:U, U[I+ iii:'. is wt•et: boom, t!' Ttlt'ett• (IUVs evttelat.
:atilt it'tt')Vt'i• 0• stilt visit tit C11tt''CI l►t v(11L41,
lee' U' rbY:'i• i Il t(Il.b.-lt (a1111mi,ttt11lt L11111iLt1tHI . i111(.
tipper it t01 t>!' tutxa:it)lI- r.tit utiS!att!ns ;: t:rt-
tUt0l't' 1! .•.01U1t :tilt prel(tral,l;.'1o0,.s p!7►iltlri11i1. i
Capsule Comments
with Lrnie Miatello
•Wo niers wnotake iximlone repiaoement therapy
(r—ll—qt tt, counteract osteoporosis. SbG should
ensure trier t;ataurn intake Is sufficient. k total of
1200 nig e r (aIClum from diet and suppienlef>is is ilre nrrrlmutn.
Speaking of osteoporosis, afttiough r aifects'25% o1 post-
menopausal wortien, it does develop Fri one RI eight Canadian
neer, over the age of 60, a(xxxtring to die ClsteOporosts Society.
of Canada Thus mere also must have sufficient oarciuirl intake
Aboet 3(7`:,, of file -regular drug products pharmacists dispense
are natural product. Antibiotics Yoe penicillin and -erythromycin
are made In a natural temiental on prod . the cardiac drug
ckgown is derived from the Foxglove•
purls .
The word -nature isn't a guarantee hoed works and is herrn-
Although more research* being done on herbal prodids,
. real evidence of efficacy—remains ettiswe for many of them. The
tact that something is datura) doesn't necessarily make it biller.
tt lust iris its ougn '
before taknlg a new herbal product, van aoout r, we. your doctor
and pharmacsi. Herbal product, are: nred!ca1,olk, and rt is wise
to check to ensure it doesn't' conflict witn Nile/ medical/orrs yol
might be taiang
Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter
"Your Health Care Pharmacy"
Sundae School teachers installed
GRAN!) BBNI,) - At the
September 27 service at
Grand !send United
Church. the insraltation of
Sunday School teachers
was heal during the chil-
dren's unit: Teachers are
I)a`it' Kano. Ktn: Case,
Jeannie 1)lonlie'. Ilett!
Jennison het, natal. -
Wendt Love Catherine
l,ovit: Lisa: Morgal, 4Sarr�
Nit•1101W: Slid C.el:r)t'
Scriptures with - read tit
,tush 'i•.agleson, . 'Fitt
chin?''r. anthem: was "! Wit
No:• l•orgtrt Thee -
Ttlt cx,rrect dune _tor the
anti4e,rsart se rt. err tS
tii)ven:mer 1 and the
alttllta, not turkey amulet
will he (mother' 2t%
World Watt :.onlnIUtt10I
was cutetiratec al Crane
belie. !'!)lied c:llurla,-01.
October 4 Heti it .t'utniai.
stink:i 0 tmt• 00iiurel. u4
rueunluiilot: aur -difiereri:
e:mug: ot_.uread It,
nitldtuutol: Lr clic court,
gatten. hi- talked of the
disctptes, coynpared them'
to the' rising' of bread-
S'criptures were .read h-
Martonc Iiesiardine:.
The offering was collect-
ed by Liovd Mogsseau,ani
.Stier'wo(Id Eddy . '
Grand Bend 1 C.V1 wi !
be'" - tiostinI ' 'the
• Thanksgrvirl r Ecumonica.
Service or, October .: at
7:30 p.m' - •.
Grand Rend L .C; V1' will
hold then regular meeting
on October 14• Grand.
Renu . Goddin Agers held
thetr bl-weekly: euchre
'games at the Legton hills.
September 23 with eight
- tabtos Int play Winners
.were: -latches. ntgt Man
at: Ut! Vturetn. ladies •
loot - .Slim Smits ladles
most lone hands - Shirley
Eagleson' Mne', high --
Verna Levu' 'play'ing a
mar: s .card Mer:'s toN -
Hett} Hatst playing ly.
man's 'chars Men' most
tont, hands .Item
I :\1'l OI2 1121 1
SI 1?V1( 1
icer & Stump Remota; Re, C'r -
lu11y insured
over 25 yrs. experience
Dump truck
Stump grindme
Cal) Dave i,r.ur•
519 238.5451
rgnlptetc Lie• ori iuthrrg.iLxengi
LL'MITh.' GE:iIE,r
boor - WINiY,►tr.. • IIAR.')tt',IR!
234.4393 235.2681
Zurich "Exeter
Pump Saes 6 Service Lit
RR 2 Dentate. Ont. NOM irk
Weller Pump Spat hs!
suanernee le' b ,)user
' sumo b seeme •
Water Treatment bpewer
twvatek rate' wieners scar titers and
einem water system.
dry peile' :rtionceter.
?`_ y€drsexperierwr
225-2234 140G32F•039:
THL HOM1I 01 1111 1\ 1.1.1....
er•''— r
.... s .., 7F •ARE.. attet b_ +
COFiMAN HERITAGE- ' -: • - -
A steeply pitcher) roof, features gaole accents whir, apes •aetaillrlf, 'Tat exterior finis,.'combines
board and 'batten siding, StucCo.•800 Cultured Vont A t,neress tradrtlona. oes,gr. this -flume is
unique in comparison tO the standard heritage aesrgns ,.lore conmunn seer: rl tooat_- •
suudivisiuns, -
An open plan for Ina hying ano.dining roam FreateS e, spacious atrnosptrere'for forme
entertaining. which is further enhanced uy a dramatic .vauhec;ceHtng Tie gournie:•rutouer„
boasts an effrcienr "U' stuped won( area and a handy wyrl ,Siang .7 fie !Sing rcdn 0;1e! U
Tire nook and kitchen provides. a comfortably Targe area Icr informs: gatherings
Upstairs. toe front bedvoonr features The addition of a.boxed out window sea: The (waste'
bedroom offers a weleeui closet and a five piece insane with double sinks and a raiser swot -
(Uv. , ,
An unfinished basriment awaits your own creative touch • • ' -
Plans for 0-1046 may be obtaned fur $465.00 for a package of live complete sets or wurkttc ,
prints and, 540.00 for each addit,or►m set of the sante plan • Allow $1B.00 extra W cover the
cosi of postage and handling (B.C. residents add 79triu plan Iola+ plus postage and tfark in)gr
AP Canadhan.resrdents add 7% to plan total plus postage and handling.
This is one of our new designs. Many innovative plans are tort available in our NEW catalogue
Two Storey Huntes 2000-2500 sq. ft.. which is avarlab a far, $13.51 including postage and
handling and GS7.
Please make 811 ch&ques, money orders and Visa.or Mastercard authorizations payable to
Exeter Times Advocate, Mari of The Week.13659-108 Avenue. Surrey 6.0 V37 21t4
• vinv • t,arpe•
•.:;eramtxs • +rarowuoc
E celeen' setectta, el carpet enc
, vim remnant: •
PrOtess!otiii Ins:altatta!
457 - Main -St.. Exeter 235440:
Amoss from Canadian Tire
1190(04 quanitfty of' •
Wallpaper. also 500 sample'
books to choose from
Pada - f urians - afftware
Exeter Decor Centre
15 Grdle► st: Exeter
l' • ("ern- Giavin •
(Iva. t+. entriIi. .int '4(1W
, - • - hu: {i!U• .21•-6241 :
%•d):. (5!y-.2b-i,�:f•i '
iedm,rx Ldrestruutii: r Sura:
-. %-. nut - ,idtte - Situttei:.
Aepli 1I - Stat
\t' bttoe. -truce i• et e tllrldle7;
imFireplaces, Gas & Propane,
Her Efficiency Furnaces
Olt • Gas • Rupcuriniru
• Nr, Corilhtttmrtl
Foot Water tteate-
Recitals • ON • Gas
't4 Har Round the CIocit
369 Wil It. F,ame.r (418) 275.2012
A.B. Case
Plumbing Sr Heating
DI. Viotaria Sc. W.
Exeter', Grit. NOM 2.52
' - (815) 2x54+404
Sheet metal. propane and
natural gas, healing and air
conditioning, gas furnaces and
fireplaces. Water heaters •
un'ri Furmttil
• i ourtoat:r'tIv!t1- attc Froors ,
' • inlpresseo ;,uncrett
1 Driveway: anc-Sioewale
R.R. 2 Grand Band
Dan (519) 2433281
Bruce (519: 238,2522
Sated. Gravel. Topsoil
• Excavation ' • RacktU6ng
• Lane rays ' . •'Parking Lots
• Loading and Hauling
•-Snow Removal
ties 2.45-A15
ujo.c: 5 Ot'1.? Moenie 1176-.18y;
Clinton Community
Credit Union
Dale erlaat Cl.w Sea
111 fiw St tip 411!etas St
1311i-2044 130442-144
Fes 1.519.236,a) fax 1119.412.3743
buying, building co k'enuaaruct
Finan, a with as'
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