HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-10-07, Page 1SEIP'S
4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
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Have fun at
Harvest Hop
fish kill
4 & 83 Exeter 2354262
, Exeter, Ontario. Canada •
Wednesday, October 7, 1998
$1.00 (includes GST)
Valeo Game
IIL:NSALL-The October
meeting of Ilensall-council
will be held Tuesday. Oct.
. 13 due to the
Thanksgiving holiday.
One of the most dis- - .
cussed topics around the
dinner tables ofT-A read-
- ers currently is the possi-
ble closure of -three
schools in our immediate
coverage area.
Our news teani takes an
-in-depth look at local rein. -
tion to'the recent. "bunib-
shell" announcement by
the provincial govern-
ment. See pages 4 and 5.
TA Qebuts
new look
You re. reading the
newly formatted T -A.
which lias'gone tabloid •
-after ,125 years of being a
broadsheet -publication.
Onto of the -biggest
changes is therewill, be
many more weeks where
the newspaper will•be
_.printed in one. section.
- There's still as much to
read but.press capacity
goes- to40pages for a
tabloid compared to 20
• .pages for a broadsheet.
The Crossroads section
can be conveniently sepa-
rated from the regular
paper.... it will just take a
little getting used •to.
Production manager Deb
Lord and newspaper
design specialist David, •
• Janzen have spent many
• hours to arrive at.a clean-'
er loilking; easier to read .
format. -
We hope you Tike it. •
Please feel welconu: to
. giVe the a call at 235-
,1331 to let'us kr 'what
you think .
Jim Beckett. Publisher
Avon Maitland and teachers ratify
two-year deal, both sides satisfied
Youth group available for raking
The Exeter United ChurchYouth Group will be offering their services to rake your lawn on Sat., Oct. 17 •
at no.charge, although donations will be accepted. Pictured front left are Matt Watson, Ben Parsons, Erin
Miles and Karin Lorento; second row from left are Carie Prout. Megan Preszcator, Meaghan O'Rourke,
Amy Shapton, Rhonda Dougall, Laura Cooper and Chris Tyahrt; hird row from left are Judy Dougall,
Tristalyn Russel, Sarah Workman, Rebekah Prout andKris. t .... back row from left are Jason Miles,Tim
Snell and Kieran O'Rourke.To book the group to rake your lawn, call Judy Dougall at 235-1491.
By Scott Nixon
EXETER.— After weeks
of no sports or other
extra -curricular activities
at schools iti the Avon ..-
Maitland District School
Board. things are return=
ing to normal with the rat. -
ification Inst Thursday of:r
two=year contract. •
Under, the new deal,
which expires August .
2000, teachers will not be
forced to teach the extra
class as required by_th t
Harris governrfient's 13i11 -
instead-, 10 teachers will
be -hired tc; make ufi for
die extra time. - In "addition,. Avon
Maitland. chairwoman-
Abby- Armstrong said
some subject sections will
be conihined to reduce the
• number, of teachers need --
ed. As well, similar tours- '
es such as (trades- 10 and
'.11 English' may be com-
bined and. as happens
,every school year, classes
. that don't, have enough
students willbe Cancelled.'
, After .ratification of the
contract; Armstrong said -
Deny request nest for "floating restaurant" she is "pleas( d v,ith the
Cciuncil has denied'. a:
request to allow for a 68-
'!foot lloa'ting restaurant to
be opened next summer.
Bob Dell, who origi- --
nally appeared at coun-
cil's Sept. 21 Meeting,-
,was asking council to
allow him to 'store his
boht in the winter along
the south basin at a mini -
Mal charge and to -allow
hila to open up the boat
, as a restaurant in the
Council suggested ttt its,
bct. - 5' meeting that
Durrell look elsewhere.
In denying the request,-
council took. into consid-
eration four letters it
received from area resi
dents opposing the poten-
tial floating restaurant. •
One letter ,in particular
from Manore Marine
Limited received atten-
tion from -council because
it pointed out that the
•inner harbour in (;rand
Bend "is, already highly
congested and very
unsafe ... The addition
of a floating -restaurant to
this area would be irre-
Other - concerns
expressed: in • letters were
objections to the- fact
council had considered -
allowing Durrell -to store
-the boat at a minimal'
charge, -the potential for
noise and srnells from the
floating restaurant, possi-
ble pollution to .the. river
and lake and obstruction
of the view of cottages
overlooking the river.
. Durrell. said council -
should have shown hirn
the letters before
Mondays meeting a'nd.
allowed him to address
the issues before 'they
denied his request. '
Mayor -Cam Ivey agreed
Durrell should have been'
given copies of the letters.
"Perhaps our hands
should be slapped," he'
Durrell also accused
council of changing their
minds based only on four
letters: - -
Ivey disagreed the let-
ters were the determining
factor. iii council's deci-
sion but didn't deny they
did have an effect. • Continued on page 2
-Maturity, of all the. , partici-
- pants involved in negi►tl'--.
ations .and gave. credit to
"the Ontario Secondary
School - Teachers''
-Federation (OSSTF)
'District 8 for asking its '
teachers to begin ,volun
Leering, for-extra-curricu,
lar activities last -Monday, -
before the contract was,
Armstrong, who admit- '
ted she was worried- a
deal couldn't be reached,
said it is important that ,
sports and other extra-
-curriculars are back on ,
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