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Times Advocate, 1998-09-30, Page 21
COMM UNIT) Zurich native recognized for her teaching of art Times:Advocate, trptembrr 311 ]v,-), Pa,• 21 Top pnotc, Specrat vtsrtors - • 1':11(:. werC;:.)•112 . :)' r+.ail• .r)[ •1_ :v'!�'J` .!!.. _ .,. . ,.. 'il.:. .'.,i -its - ^ E•:it:''. , tt.. Above, Zurich taecnra-rvf arrest. -;: <-;)17: L,;:. !I_. _,:(.. !,_ • ,ale•,.. ,f,'L,1; ,11._..1 �;, .. ,.r.. •'iii. •I By 1 vonnr R►'vnuld, Z_.717ki:1-; fi selentinintit: :a n;' at :1 tearoom mitt rein ag , atanca.iieatnt r keCflc►. on the Pain reatilt,t' 1 • her Current aau: a- one o1the lev recognize] !.ort - Atacn:an 1e.icti }'. '!l -1 'Y. ucctriatite a- t_tl. St•inenlht-: 2.. wetcu111t'J t., 2.ti-ic't ctg►r •v.t)iner• '.11: tui tam t-caf it:Janat: Stat• hi:-cheduse.. :-I: 1 r\lit�•al ., 1.111; .. thy' C'N 'I i;wei ail:;' cwt:Uatle , Ina utr1ni• tilt':;;)-11•.,,'Isis. teaS(H11ng that a t! vont v ti ,Ir 111:)+moi'.:coun_} lrle world it•r one ttf het sci;• (It'st•rtt•. Y_':11IIt' nil •l'i`t elle, '!obi /la 1 'NCV 100011dtan... "utt '1cxa• 1,1 f:111!-111:. an. 1•-•• Pa.a.e '1'1 t,t'ty, vet.. Ica,-ning'al seminar an: • -rt _.It: u:iunl:u eta .e: -an uppllt at ;tau. •, 1 l!,:.:" 11'0 •Irl:^. Cil:all IlUtnnt•! Flet)111:• 1/11.11•. u' 1. a11i lel 1 T;tY :,rile :F1 ,,1 (•ottani tP ' :i'hCtt .• al•,till. hCa►i;!11.1 71Uih, UC.1;11; . tUtnn•`•:t •,t :' IS';'."u:•(1(In 11001,'• •n• 11!1: 'Ulf • 1111b::SSI(-.:IpaCarC.I 1:'- ti(fe•(•.••u: ithulnt•• tate_ . c1111:%ae it: lot sal!iC f,t'I, -..4,1 , t... • lu':•l ::( 111111 1C_: :(Manly'. 11(Itt::J t:a•LI: "tf' l I'» t. a•: -tit • :.pet lilt :e •. (1!:;i-11)111;71 v. :,-1 tt wiut . i•.'ti11:1 4a` tr • tt').• tion(. "(it's the 10111':+ .aaaL: 11C'r P.M!t•1ti11 r ;�-••vhc•;- •,:!• '.t(ippCJ al U1: 'o11rlho unr.: te:r,,;)r i,ti+v ,,• ,(rilnc : i emitter atn. r.1ut:11tt h_ .Ina- 1)P(,: •' s '(+u;' v: utoc:, iii at a:;111111111!.• :;tun; ;1:1':,Ct:::fa{':'. !L e. all,' (:U.•. ' .. i1i;1.:1-. L •': t.:lt Int,,. 1a.: '[l;. ,l: c:I.tU! .._ vlei:' :.; i',;'ia1} t s(hulttt' • on til':I;III_ y. tl•t,act: t • 'La: tut. - • ` 1') lh'; 1, r. ver, oust' cnah2t aIIt tetit.loi' tie• .1'il:atlJlh:' It l' I'!,:'1 teas,:, Yt'•, : '1 i!t'.' 1-ltrr: !11.111:-• 1':''11 hots•, ,". 11,.t••r•• r.tl all:t hen. Have a news tip? Call the Tinte-Adr'c►cate 235-1331 Cross Canada campaign hunts for man wanted on warrant for murder 1i oat. 01 .C.uuuda s mos: wanted luuruer suspects u1! In your cohllltutin t'• - e Llut•siurt .'t t - : .' 1, •, t�'1I1:11AU1' ,•I (t1•. i',I'it l • • :,r,.. - 4 alt; ! Ier1UvI11 ;WIC ..11111111; '_UflltltUt111 C C8111pa1�I j i)enin:. biell'yr ! How( "'t I lr st'(It•gt C'_ ttful.•'.-• t�afrilly I wit? tSlueil ;4,t t704'_ it I9)•.• ' I loWlrlg the 1111►1iit•r ••i nor. .1•010-"1: ! Shaun tvior niti s.i 1 _tf;.u•. r.: '111.110111 Kecnal:..:ti i,...,u11 i,,nn lielgtlhUUrte,'+J six'! amt Ila•• • t)(J(it was 1•Iuli,. {h. ., 1•;.11;111.0 t,•Ks,' retrigerai•,t alms U.•• • Li,'•' Althuugt:'.l 11•r:aii; ",•, .,,1)e:'. Artist 6 Inlpreemon of rata: • Dennis Mewyn-nowt• . wouip look hie tooas kir I-luwt , alrie... tit 11,1% Iual,dj'�t: 1' to t ads sapluit 101 ni'nt- that , , 1 tsar: • 1'(IIIL 1r itt'1. 111'_ sUspt'21. out• • . 1171.` i .SU1ii .. a Ivey. lueltlli• any •1 IS 11t I11E In (_ aliaU:..11U111h1' 11, • ( FU{U, ate., -MOS) tit his aUUll lilt'. (ie was LUllstanth 111 tolltat• with the authunht: fun oat IeasUII (1' another' Wtlkriuul said "it seems, • strange a person bks 1111N could Just u(• _ • and %antsh " • Cuinmuntly newspapers across thet:uunuv are hoping Howe will reappear during their Nuwttete it, Hide campaign flus week a tutu 1)t . this story with w1 Atte-enhan,ced plat. tugrapb of Howe are being distrlh • uted to up to Ib mullion newspapef readers (rum coast to coast with tilt' help of the Ornano Community 11 . ,111•v 1P',• 1 ,. .. - I - A',i:,: .u;-. ',., 1. .1 !:.Ino - . ::.J'. ':I:..,r:'.:.ill ii ,._• Illll, Ill(' ' - - ' - t• . if" .11111 1 7 11 !1:U1U1 :1011- ifi•. Illhc ni int Howe photographrld utul ut•• in fpr Rainy., t'uuce, ues,alt)c How( as (feu,►' 1! to }eft. tune 1141.31 ,) ;:5 cn, 1 , ;,Ili, abuu' 165 Ih (75 kg with wrinkles un las lorell :ad. a gat' t)eiwtefl his teeth. flail chest and arms. square shoulders a ,cat under los chin and crooked little lin gets. Police said lie i'- • lett-handed. had a deer. Juvtal laugh, walked quickly. smoked hetivii w ' and frequently used the tens –lackeys.' Anyone with inluntauun about • Howe is asked to call Crime. • Stoppers at 1440)-222•TIP,S Fol mote information about Dennis Melvyn Huwe. visit (fie �. Nowhere To Hide web 511 at hap.riv.ww.sinicue.t:utn/newshnur- tier phoned Nonhhrltnkc the following day 10 res.crve• a place in ihr next class. . The lutil1110(1! w':ts aslouiidcd s,• Irani her calit•t ptannell 1,1 drive 'S 1 miles 1,1 intend . - ke:hl l.• sIuti1 twee t./..•a, :1 wtiocl •tl heap enitlt'Itlsh(•,1 Witt• . c,uple• or slmpit TOSS', ilhtl11-at&-- Sl - 1)•a, 1)(0;c,1 Shr rtaurne,l t., N.C'rItltl:ilnkt- tater that \ t' -a' : - `a (.(4 4.11,1 seminar Iaugtil int }•'rl -.- l., 1-11-4.1 the (VI VIAL 11)rt•r helntl.i 1:41. art )...hurgeoRlnr pctpu tanto. la the I.'S • adore teat'mc Haws- luclk kechci. aside and encouraied her 1 "Cee:+ 1U'`C111;': kr:11, 1 :11.: 1:,•.• :hat Atter spcncinr tw• ' weeks ;1)l.., lr:;' U ,:r, Hats .e• s:, Ronda. she nepii:• i Rist•- h( ',v'' '•i r:, .:1)a,. Tht -1:11e Soon, 1tt:p!te 1 :h lint t:madam' Citm•eil't:i:, tilt t 01110:1la', 1,1•.': ,7 i1'. it.: -..: Network glut, ll' (mate., 1r. slid` Hea:ru' hoyrt.c.; a space. designed an,1 put. ini•t•ttie• .• •n- :rui•u(maf packets. had a•displav hctilth bull:.':III.1 St: ll:• her firs; exhibit From that came set e rat ciultnu r. ! a: St'mmar, In Oritarut and •Quehe: . The nicimen!utl.. atii Redick •s expertise in Z.hosi' vu-sit•1t- panitlnt. nave keen building iter %rats The n',-•1 ciceoratin: htact..tratl with distinctive oli d..wit from it'nVra110r1 ;- •.palate.. ?1oti:i e).1en•. passed li, tcner.c lar, onyillale.l 111 !hast n'.. Russia 111:1rc that. ac: kc:ft:-i. ha, ccinvrned the Znost':•t : • inti: 1 acini,!:. prrle^e:1 >,,t the matortty of decorative pander Acrylic's atr•easir- to handle. much c heaper boan :1:1:. reUutrt• entalpe- hr ushec.. and :tan ht' afi:•iic 1 1 aU•, striae: kc•:11:4 :ri,t (ilea around tit: ; an :nr.n: !•IVInr Wtn:11W Au -1 i1arlt - paani in :rade t Iov. Snt 4 i aprroirenr.i : 1 :iron. • 111, iw.) t+u',Ilsttini eomnr. ine. 1.) 1-••• y;1;17 '- . '• •ai. tit; aeC:•ra:,\•e• an. ti'.'.wa- i0. ilu`'' 1117. ,:..., _IC" such ::f 1t 7: . •1: , a • -t, :11 Jana. w- nc• • . attld ahotnt'• ilrut. T•n::are: ten:r1t-_ nt'ty.et" !s i:f C)sat.a airy: 7:ixt .. 1J\. : . Jalrlat tt at r'4117- ...1' - '.1. :P_.. 11U.: iL t' t'rr• COt/::.0111• {,•; t•; 0(011: . :':1111.- t.al'; kc;u:} .-jaaant:St'•!::udt•R;- asl;atc. tit' . :1:11:' •,tl'•.• 1•_)L'.' wtl::'.:,n:•.salla 1• • ale •atpan:•sr :u- utne:. !l: .. r. PIM... a titin'. !r,. ,a,. .!::. ,. -U: '1• "t 7 a !:r • .'a1t11;111, tt• t(a. -•.tett^ : •.,. t. t•. i.. tvti:. , . J.., . rRC'. I '..• 1;1:::1.'}. 1-):'+1Ji 1 .. _ .u, •ci ❑e`):. tett_ 'll v.. • Yet :p•.•pa' .tit ,:n-_ He:: err.: r' .•Utllt':... }. •:•'t- •£ "tt!. .!.t''-!.,•'• 4:1rnSttec had a hall- flour segment. alone with three other arttt•ts in a Iw'o•hout ldeo on decclraclvc art that w11! ht' (kis (rshuted through a sdc(, clot - ' This spring North 1.lghtpuhit(het of high,quatII fine arts and tie:trait'( arts hooks.. asked Redick to :new pro , is : rid lnstru:tions lar :: hard; over ,t -.ht was ''err flattered that out 01 - a,.'.;J:,. .! e(pens.on Zho1.lota floral%. t.::tiht l hose. her Among thy' kcal ured- ark: les area pea pourrhc,ldcl a man'.: •'a: ht' hot, a turd host a pie keeper and ;akt ft(1x' Resit: i. ,painted each -,"- :lc- :! hr :u.?,•.• and.preparcd the.deiat}ed 4 1shrrt- ht1.01-, .r,_ :' (:TL innat; for a week iY, he rt!I:ttagraptn•..1 a-- rile Sup rt. alt':1, her painting -brush - strike t'- t•rush'tr-.r.t Tt-a hoot. he offered I( sufis:riher, t' ^,rrtt.. i tit.: - hiwlk-ol- the- rrlonlh : r Redia. is h(uC.I (:: tot seminar. ir:.Oht(:. Peterhorougt. hgontrea1 tout Florida lo:atu.n' New York ani North Carolina before the enc ' • !'+y• A seminar in Venezuela -i' hooked for 2(1(11 -I !levet-though: teaching could -he s, rtu: t tui 1 • . rewarding to pass or skills. Redl:l: refit:t. As for monetary rewards keds: i. sat - r'-'\ a?he- or, hciciks and Video:, arc not r.Iu: t: S rt: d- re• here, •-•r the seminar: "1 Worn. vert hard ari.'1, 1 n 'def!r.,tel n. setting stet} _Howe re: : ar . n:hlr ,:rte; sa. 1 trait met ' • rrlant wonder. _ P •k an.: ready its( rids all of er the 1/4+ ,. Rcdtci. s'a\ - Redtci niter,- ,•.: et•ei•t,mt ha»'somc :reattt!- (tn:::h::e: art ii_.:.:reJ budding pa:r.ter: -*. ::-: , the:. s1;111). -pain: . _ ._ ,., i3re• •i:317: C)• 6i-4-er"taien: and de -:re hU• t, A.. :n: ^.I(.7:'i,.'.,: expressing men-, tnet - '^.1: .. _.-:r::., _-1 )(Ise their motivation t.":a-, did h. ex:eller.: In IMC 3r ..t I., -. ..^i �.!C'.. .: ! :oa _. .:.• '^;;hai0 ani ener€:• •• .t i:r :, !: l a .. ,unt 1: ;•a,u,i_ me': •i:` 1. , a.:aden: 1 r:aitzc 'la,.: tie(., n r 1 r age:.- she: refie_t).' • Ke I , n:': her, sn 4'ant> u.be_ 5tti .r. saat'st_ ,.' lt' w<;ri. a_kr, n,tledge- tri Patr:! 1C tit... .n: _:reit Mas:.r:a tett accor:'.e, art nas treed he _real',:t.• Jeti_r,- a i• r1; •••, ., aE; ., : '.t-.' _ , 3r• ef thin_ ilea sat , -- 1 •t- „ •t, •Ienearte ! .,.:;,;",..1r• -i, 0.1 . ! • ...n... -h --trait ." :1: -71,";', _.- P _ • • n1•" 1: sn_ h _r . fit7. •.,- :n: tater r,:.,.-„ f,;,t,. sa E:":... 1'11-11•• • t1•,t- - oat's . ti. tilt' • ir DX/ e - UM. - ti.: egg- C-ri::g slat a:.':•rnjti:-,te'i •,'t: .. •,e• '' 7•: "1: • 'fl`_ t':g !riot ' '-17- W K found tht expt•nen:t ' • .'1 0,; don ire -an -v. '.vae- • t a't)VJ .Veil tnotiter i` '': ''.af -. Gr%,. >-.- ' _. 0 use Lot' iiedttle• V. • ., tea; t • • . �!t'. .:: i\"•-•tv it:a.t':' :.. apj"vir 111:I } \ 1,11' '.•- 1"e"'t': ' 1 it!t':1'. 1111 : ,..- 1:: .v. 01:)Li ••, ..:i1: •' 1'I it L. 11'11'1 • llti t1sittri .',:MC• .. i•ei11'! 0PCtl . '11il",1 . - el,n'ai'JU_: 1.1• 11:4. }Jt , .1: ;LI!: • :v. • - :S:M,.. •. :iii , :rJt-1• ia' pate. Let. • -tl:M:• '._... • It was a banner year for the Exeter Rodeo , .. ullillr' • S'.t - ,tt,• 11.r- 111: 1'4 :.111:1111•. Dir 1. • 11'/'.1-..1: • .'0111111itit•t 1. .•1.11' rut 111.•_. 7' • } • , 4.;-•;`;'••. ir..•. WIC', eJ,I,A•t11c i\dal:' 11111:' 711:1!,: .t_. truttle_ 'l+• 1 _. I. 11 Yt'< (tuft r 4'1111 0011.- 1101r 1J1,•. I!UI.: ' :,!t1 -t•• ti• 11•(11!A: t)ucl.ic'> i'Il ou�!h' 17' } 'nil. F. Rolle:: lhti tulopau, two. ► Mitt Ink IUUc1 1:XC(C7 011 11S 11,11111i1et,. 'out::: Citelli:. charge...! .1 14,04... tri:. rat j!t'•,1 7.111!1•_ e•J.petist i.CCSC/IIHWC• jlal'I.7•iltl': C(0IIt'lt': manager,. lalllat!(0,. Cat, Slt SSeiTU: ol, 1;11,' IN'_ 1 1 IIL:I ttlItc(l7 1 aU aerusini. fuuJt!l" 5-1,32 1' i)san ha,t ,it.u(ttti(! 1(1111:' (,1 UI! iiddt! IIIICI NI' il: 111. Set.IIIIJ i1111,1111:1t't1•11' •skis aulnl t It,illl .. prolyl 11 u' (tool lac.1 yew, , ahoy, ,.*S7.1101.1 Jh•warJsut: .1JJe.: unuugl• . e, 01111 tar (u:•' Ilett that, alhetld1 lilt et Cir tit esti! hie idu1U' _,10 •pruplt Showe... :r catch do. • Seem:: annual! aluill!11: .l i.ln.i t/l 11171nl/1111'1'. :' t)It !,rut • • hats returned t•' 12.aetc• alto a. 11)117' 111.ILUI • SlcwarUstrr, capt•c1> 1It'xr lc.r I(IJC', 1:- ht 1''1711 111(lit SUI. ((•7SI1. filar. (his year 1- stIlc otos! di tit star: -ti:, i OSIS 7111(1 11111)1(1' Ceelen It ('.1 equipment- and. • the t;nulnds (lin'. 11ec11 dultr 0111 the }art 114 r• yvals f tit' t! .ur'J news allow the tulle sut(VSs was shared"at the tc(lur! u the recent tr.(at:u ltln & park• a, 11Nur\.Ct11111111110; 11l.ehitt !`ext Fca' 11ude!• w•Itl he held to Uiht' 111)1(11tum the niet oily • •The battle vs. hurnidit} "l he tunnmttee apptt(Fed buy mg a 7.5 ton, dchunlldifict from Rt spun:iv MuIU 'i ct l) Set''It:cs for 1,-10,571 plus (iS1 Stewardsun 'said the'art:nalhas been doing with- out a dehumidifier lot sotctal years and thy building has been getting by with a heat pump lot a couple of years The c7lpense iso budgeted In the rct:Iteauun coin- inittee•s lung-tertn-capital protect plan ••Vi'c have to' address the mois- ture probicnt." Stcwardsun ' said. "The roof will be addicssed nt..t Th.: .'!.,ti :1. •,t: • .. hU\ 111 i 1,, 1,r sl' Uhht-- -- ,•• y• t - vet's. {It's: Inc i17(IL' :,,: • .: ',: 4.1111Ut1: ,• (',lit. '"Ii' •1lr %alit a pian !t•. jrtrt a :,.::1[ kVA 1111_; • Y: `.1'. •..':7'! 111.14t':-• '1.00•1-S- 7 5.(1(1 ' •;Iffy, _!li•: t •1'7171' lltilie' lith• 1110, U: •: -: - :.1\it: l/ali i,, ha 1)(•rf' j,1)' '1)l '.u. 1.:1 t)Urltr• 1:,• 11'.r4t IVCUi1r V:,, 1• 1111.' A.11.,t: ;tt•. It', I,. •,1.1 •• • .•tlttt111tr: 1.-. 91111111:110e. , til•. I'• _,tc.: ` • ,1, 7 ,,nuns' . ut111.'. •, ',in', a: '•1•'i, 11.111 j'lit! !11: },;Iii :11 ..:"rut j•'.•!7'.' Illi;• 11•. 11.1': - 1 l•uu're hired 1 ,. Ttisit1t71':'1; tlatD tlet" , •:!red I ' 1,41,1%: slaf a: List ittrl: ..'n;CS-- ;,,JC' .; sl• (1,11101• H!itrig a. ,• su(,irn 1st the (1.1011, was tIlt. letting !u<nc ret - , .1 i'LLI•_ ..dr'. tt( genet ate...! 17(,11 b'ttit ser-. , t Strw'arustih •'woµld no: divulge 7, 4 lost' •Fhcnttpsut: w! 1'. bt' paid tic 1s acs,• itiUking tali 11ow much 0 neo fryer, .:. 24- ]trill and '0 Ileal taIlt;i sy stat, 1.111 Lost ' Up and down T•ht• samba.' •pit>tlded a in)x`tutt' C•! t•n11d Dlew 1 and bald new S for rl^: ei11Ifni in 1.,1•, anis. 111 t'oa 11 , ills wan!; Su11nt• sUllittrt pt '.t•J 1, 1,11 7: t10t1U' lo! II f4uh1IL puv! ke.t•ttut• 11111:1.' 111:,1.1Jt•` J1\111, stung !_,>, :. _._ 7.-., •. _ tai' ..•: ,e -•'! - . Ir, • bwdgelr: Sit, alt-• t'! • �i > rt a+ ' t\ _ ''. mac _ . _--.�••� I'hc $(.. 62i' k( _ geletl los\. • , - $(NN- rrl.rtt adusd t, _\;•_,'; ,a ) r: 1'. pa!t: 1:4.'0': „, •rel )leaf ane Sltvarus;.1:, t!: . meant root,_ ;h,..' i:>•.. :• lot heatir t' lit•. j+,,. I •• L••c!•:t Play gr,•un - j't ')tat: _ 7:7. 1• wet: keg:Sial •.•: .-! _ '•• boil, 1,2: :,iS• 0:4' 1:1-. ;'1'• gr:1t1 ttn�i 1t11a ,,>7• t 11, _ 7:. ptUCU wilt y.+ut+t;lc •!N HILDREN'S BOOK SALE STARTING OCT. 1 y (ii5, �nadian Science Encyclo edema IP Al fir;► My Firs; - • �. •.••••-•1� '4."; �v rot t 41 tr 424 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. (519) 235-1331 A