HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-30, Page 20Page 20 Time -Advocate, September 30, 1998
Candlelight vigil
in meh or. -.y of loved ones who
have been killed or injured due to
impaired driving.-" -
Lear Editor: '
On Sunday. October 25. 1998. MAIM) Waterloo
•Ftegion•will he holding a special candlelight vigil to
ctlttntt:ntgrale Ilfeir:10th mini%ersar., rhe set t r
will bike plaice at St. (i.eorge'sFutest Hill Anglican
Church. 321 Fischer-Hallnt:m Road. Knchenerat
7:.() p.m.
CancI cs,will be lit by family members in memory.
of lived ones who have leen killed or injured due W
unpaired driving. Candles for unknown victims will:.
he lit by guests.
The service will be attended by various police
officers in the regions uf•Waterloo,•Wcllinglun.
Huron and Bruce as well as Wardens of some areas.
Each participating family has poen asked to hring a.
5" x 7" framed photo of their loved °nets) -
MAiL) Fluron/Hruce has been asked.ui extend an
--invltatiun.tn anyone 10 Il►Is area wlta V. a VIe0111 til
drunk driving. Please call Sharon Lee Wideman at
(519) 8144-6285 for more inhumation and to he a .
pari of This special evening.
• • . , Lynne Magee. President
MADD Hirrun/Bruce'Chapier
' Ontario
Why our school?
"Explain :to us why.you want to dis-
place in excess.of 300 students
into four other schools."
• Dear Editor .
This letter a to Intthe e Avon M utland District
School -Board :Intl this government of our concern
and outrage that the thought ever entered your minds
- to consider closing South Perth Centennial Scbtiol-
tur.child'*•schtul,•hought and paid for by local tax
' ' dollars! 11 we wanted our chilli to attend any other
school wc.wuuld live in that school arca: We strong-
ly -encourage thus_ government w -change the funding
`forniula to nrikeexceptions lire rural schnnis.
This sellin. is a community school with unique
family dynamics. It is an excellent learning environ-
merit with excellcnl.teaclters, excellent administra-
tion and eXeellent support tuff. The huilding.itself
has, a fabulous layout. The property is perfect and
could acconinn►date•sehodol needs and.growth in•the
future. The atmosphere and appearance when you
arriv"e-at this sclti nl are second to.none. A Irenien-
dous>amoutu of stoney in recent years (approximate=
ly S100.000,001has been primped Into this school
over and.ahove hoard funding by the parents. tier uur•
children. But most of all what snakes this school fah-
- ulous is the togetherness of the familie f Families. by
• the way. that will not tolerate nor accept this "tip on
the chopping shuck". "slated for closure". or your
"puhitit al dollar and cents" -attitude.
• .Maybe. sitting in your offices you don't realize
what South Perth has to offer - hitt believe us_ when _
-we tell you that you lutve never'nict stronger pei►plc-
»lir have you heard louder voices than the ones from
South Perth Centennial School parents.
At present eur schoi►i is,at full capacity. It is •
-wheelchair accessible. It has beautiful grounds with
• four baseball diamonds -and soccer fields used by
'students and•conununity groups. As -well. it also has
-a lavish and breathtaking arboretum. Included on the
school -grounds is a new playground centre. Many of
the above assets have been largely supported by the
. (Parents: '
Mure.thun 30 years ago local residents; trustees
and township Officials saw a need to establish a
school in Ibis cuntmunity. huagitte their sorrow.
imagine .what they are thinking today. it wasn't lolig
ago - the summer of 1%7 that many a faultily took
those historical and Memorable Sunday drives to
witness the creation of South .Perth Ceihennial
School: Children were excite(. i'arents.s:it back and,
S`aicf ui themselves "Loitk what Is in store far. our -
childreri's future!—These menlcrries art;.still very.
vivid and treasured in the minds' of parents and •
grandparents today . This school has exceeded the
hopes and dreams of thuse who conceived hand
thirse who huilt n. it's uric to end can't he clow!
People have told us that lhis.1 ight IS not worth the
time and energy They..ire wrong. This -is far Irani air
dorie.deal. 11 so'-utne will (elf lit the meantime. our
child will he attending •tite school her father attended `
as ;I child.•
What made you choose South Perth Centennial •
School as one til rite possible. schools slated Jur clu-
suru'' Certainty not because it is a rural school.
Explain to us`wliv vuu ,}vault to displace in excess of
300 students into lour other schools..Explain how
this wilt not then create over -crowded schools. This
guvcrnment cgntunially takes -the stand that every -
thing.being dimer fur the benefit and betterment of -
our children:.How rs thr:.sci! How will our child •
receive more recognur.m (or things such as sports.
public speaking. science fairs: etc'' These arc Memo-
rable events in a child's schotiI•career.-fur both( the
parents and the child. How will targe. more crowded
sehuols.be better''
We invite you lis visit uur school to rice for your-
self'what_this comnuurit% establishment has to oiler
our children. We stand_ tall with great prick. that we
belong 0) this unique fatuity of South Perth •
Centennial School. We wilt be heard! •
With open hearts; creative ntitlds and clear cunt.
nnuiication many 1110n -e children will graduate .rum
South. Perth Centennial School. Years front now. for-
mer slutlents will tell their children and grandchil-
rand ch*1dren the tale Of htciw the hoard and the government
thought they could.
Awaiting your response,
Patrick and Shirleyi'1ills
MPP writes to trustees
...school closures should be a
.last consideration, rather than the
Editorial Lettern% the Trustees:
•it was with grelit sadness that I read the document
prepared hyemployees (lithe Avon Maitland Schuoi
Board. that was forwarded to me: by constituents.
• There is no question that we must address the issue
of declining enrollment in the Counties of Huron and
Perth and trustees of the past have only studidd the
issue. hut school closures should be a last considera-
tion. rather than ihe.first. Declining enrollment pre-
, scnts real problems that affect real people. This is
. not about politics - it is about your kids and mine.
The. least we can do is provide clear. honest data td
everyone involved. -
Evetyone in the county is aware that the student
population has declined by over 500 students in the
last ten years. and•in fact we have snore than 2010
student spaces empty in the two counties. Having
talked to previous trustees this.week, they advised
me that for years hoth.Boards have had discussions
about how to rectify this issue. So. what has hap-.
petted this year. til alter the Board's inaction? -
The employees of the Board would have us -
believe that ifdecisions are not glade by December
- 31. 1998. serious consequences bcfall,thc Board:
The truth is that -if the Board at December 31. 1998
has excess capacity they will not be eligible for
funds to build new schools. 1 believe That this is
• good. public policy. Gone are the days when Boards
could build a new school when a neighbouring
school .had excess space. -in our Board (here are two
schools that arc substantially overcrowded and they
arc in Listowel and Stratford. It seems to me that the
Trustees should consider alternatives to new schools:
For example. adjacent schools might be used to han-
dle thc overflow in Stratford. sincc there arc number
of schools within a small'geographic distance and in
Listowel. the high school and the two elementary •
schools could be utilized in a more optimal manner.
The question trustees. parents, students and taxpay-
ers must ask themselves is:. is there a -problem if we
cannot build a school next year? i do not believe so.
The employees of the Board, further state that the
Board has received reduced funds from the govern- .
mcnt and is therefore unable to fund school opera-
tions as they have previously. From thc Board's•fdI-
ings with the Ministry of Education: in 1997 the
Avon -Maitland Board received $126,100,000 from
thc Ministry of Education with approximately $1
million going towards one time computer costs. in
1198. the Board has agreed with the Ministry of
Education thattheywill reecive $126.7(}0,((X);ai*d
negotiations are ongoing. for .example additional dol- ,
tars for rural transportation costs, plus they received
$1.1 million. for the sale -of properties.
Nut only does, the Board have the same dollars as
last year. they have noire dollars available to educate •
our children than in 1997.1 suggesk'd in a letter tit .
May I I. I99A that the previous director juin me at
the Ministry to verify the financial -issues. however.
he did not accept the invitation. i now suggest that
the Board members entertain city invitation because I
believe that is is imperative. to understand the issue
prior to milking decisions that will affect our cont-
lnmtity,.. •
It is true that the Guv_ernntcnt of Ontario is con-
cerned with the quality of education and has"
'entrenched in legislation dollaralloe ations to the
classroom -that- cannot.haltered. however the gov-
ernment has stated that min -classroom spending can
be reallocated. In the example of the Avon Maitland
School Board dollars could he allocated front adlntin-
istratuon to school operations. The government is
concerned with streamlining systems and.it seems to
nuc that having duplicated responsibilities with both
a Director and Associate Director. and the
Superintendent of Finance and the Superintendent of
Business Operation is repetitive and unnecessary for
less than 20,0(8) students. i am sure as a trustee you
4 would like to consider the administrative require-
ments prior to considering closing schools.
With respect to the school operations budget that
was submitted to the Ministry of'Education has
agreed to pay the hoard $1•I,700,(88). The Avon
Maitland Board has budgeted. $ 13,800.000 for -
school operations is this year. Trustees would want
to consider why the budgci increased by 23 percent.
In thc budget, presented to mc. there is $3.200.000
for repairs -and leasehold improvements. 1 am sure
that thc trustees-woiuld Iikc to analyze this specific.
expenditure to ensure that those dollars arc neces-
sary, when thc expenditure resultsin school closures.
i know that there arc schools where the trustees
have concerns. about health -and safety and the quali-
ty of education that is delivered And,' believe par-
ents, students, teachers, and taxpayers also share
these concerns. {respectfully request that the
trustees consider all options to school closures. As
parents yourselves and as.taxpayers, you expect
every other means of squeezing inefficiencies out of
the system will be analyzed prior to suggesting clo-
sures: '
Yours truly,
Helen Johns, MPP Huron
Exeter Fall Fair an exciting event
The final tally of entries, including
school written work was 3278!
(fear Editor.
Thr school division of the Exeter Fall Fair would`
like if) report! This lias been a most exciting fair!
Firstly, there has been an increase of 1475 entries
over 1997. The final tally o1 entries, including
school written •work.,was :1278! Wow' This roust
bring ciinunendation to all 1hc.,p;uticipattng sou-.
dents, to the teachers who• promoted fair involve-
ment and to the parents who motivated anti provid-
ed supplies for fair work. A fair of this magnitude .
has only cone ahuut with hard work and much time
• spent. Secondly. this 11)98 fair was a community ef-
fort. Many local indi% duals. businesses and service
grnups s nnisired returning and new specials. In do -
mg this we could offer a wider selection of entrs
possihfllties. larger -prize money. anti ai vcry,.heauti-
- Iul. display Of community at work together! Thank
you to our many sponsors; you made .something
special happen this year and- we look forward to
great Rungs to the years ahead! The actual set up irl
the fair takes great Culitltlllmly effort as well There
were aloud of It) volunteers helping with setup and •
recording. tallying. class tours. et: Al . ' 35 fudges -
were involved in the Judging of .,, urus school •
exhibits That is at lot tit people dirt•, sty involved in -
such an c•v hit►iiitn Ihank you to each and CS er
one- of you. Thirdly, the lair offered a wide diversity,
with progranitlung. There wer5 Int. of 'things hale
pining front pet show. electrical .alcty show. do`
show. mutton busting alai sheep umii•cur ting. 'Thi
- Magic Guy'. and lots of local muni talent slaws
surging, dancing. acting etc Than( you -to all whi•
participated in one way; of another .
' At this now I Would hkr;lu ,kyr soccial re.-ugnt
lion to ot* grand champion. w inners. entrants who
undoubtedly put mach cItirrt, nine ami oturtrtnrenl ,
11; entering many things! Girl ('hanijlion went to Be-
thany Waglei. Runncrup_ (tui Chafripunt wcnl to
Justine Clarke. Boy C'hantpuin went Io 1)an;eu Gla-
-yin and Runt erup 13ov ('hanrtiton to ki_charJ Johns..
C'ongralulauans to each"cote of you on a big lob well
dime" .
In closing 1 would like ui drank our 19,911 Exeter
Fair president. Bev !'rout. Inc her enthtisiasni and
• wonderful support and lor';_reat p1 't i ani ideas. and
nn vice president Pat Glavui. ss hs, spend many
hours alongside- me' planttnrip. typing up sign` etc'.
running• errands and heiug support,sc My •Ianuls-
deserves al- special thank •you tot then help and ulp-
purl' -_ -
Wc thank you, our ct.mn►unity, tot nuking the •
selinol fair an'exciting place to he septi•nrher 25..24
and 27th! _
• . Bespe.1tullsuhnutted. -
()ehhc \Vaglcr.
Exeter Fall Jaw i99a: School Pur President
Volunteer tutors needed
"All you need is about one hour
per week to spend with Some-
Lear Editor:' -
" We'Iisn to riiasik. Sw•inun Iesin is most ovr.
Rodlys cottttn.tomt)i1s
These worts were written -in a iournal hy.a little
girl in grade 4: Can you read whey they mean! •
"We listen to mi.rsr. Swimming lessons is almost
_over. Robbie is cunning tomorrow.-
omo row.—•These are the words she'waas trying to say.
' \Ve have another daughter. one year younger. who
.was at a lower level than this. She has been m anitied
with a tutor from the "Literacy and Numeracy. • -
Protcct". through the Avon 1vlatland District School
Phis letter is being composed, for two reasons:
One is d desperate -plea fur more volunteers. and the
-olheris a thank you for the tutor we presently have
for our youngest datlgltter. Her tutor wishes to
remain anonymous, i wish_ I could hold up a picture -
and let von know_ who she is. and thank her (or the
wonderful job.she is dining. Our daughter has _
unproved so much. not just academically. but her
self esteem' has risen toa point where she actually
has some.conlidence•in what she is doing..
1 -ler tutor. is just 'a 'tumult woman who works Lull
time every day. but has some spare titre on her
hands. as her children are getting a little older. She
read: about_the Literacv/Nunteracy Protect. and
thought that it was something she was inter ested lir.
-as she liked reading in her spare -time. All you need
alum( one hour per week to spend wall sirnegne, .
• either a child in adult. who is having difficulty with
reading. writing or rnathemattes.
You don't have to be a scholar or a teacher. but
just sinneone.w.hti would) like to help someone else. '
"They give you materials. and they offer training ses-
sions. You are one tit% one throng tutoring. but you
are nut mune. They are always there to support ans.
help you. Presently they have over 60 children s'urk
ing with tutors, and about 30 adults as Well. 'Hwy
have a very k -*ng waiting list ( with Our second
daughter being one of them) of people who turd ..
help. Trained tutors who are not volunteers are •
expensive. and most people. un: hiding us. eauuniit
afford the luxury.
(fur daughters tutor is wondcrtul She sometimes-.
spends time playing educati iia l eames frith het
-There arc.also baking nights. where out daughtei
reads the directions. and helps -w ith the whole'
process. including the taste -testing! She give!. small
anuauits of work totakc Norte. nothing overwhelm-
ing. and our daughter semis more ansiuuS to coin:
plctc t than her homework from sehoo1 She lust
w.nns to please the person who ease so n►uch about
seeing her succeed. : -
-•-To our daughter. this is son)conc who wants to
help. not .someone who- is expected to help; like
.teachers and parents 11 uur daughter in grade 4 does
not Linda until- soon. we don't know what gill hap:
Education is like a house II the 1oundauon is not
strung enough. the house will ncser hold up. and
will curve tumbling down Math, and English are a
person's lututdation. and most Ise secured as soon as :
Is possible in a•child's life. As for adults. sometimes
it makes -the dtltcrencc wheeler they can secure a -rob
or instil the% don't have the skills to Iill out some oaf
the paperwork necessary.
If you. have ever been helped by a volunteer. rust
remember hose it feltto have sgneone2lu something
sur you because they wanted to help. A ha 01 people -
want to help charities. but cannot afford the financial
outlay. This is something you can do. that wont "cos' t_.•
you a cent.. It is a caring and compassionate gesture.
On those cold winter nights. just imagine the warm
1eelnng of ',pending an hour car nitre per week With
someone who can use your help.:
` 1f y ou can help with this prop am. please comae(
Ann Heenes or Heather Roh_ntct at 519:482-7948
Even if this letter doesn't result in a tutor ha our
daughter.1 hope thus w til help tinct soritcone else a
tutor It can make allthe difference in this world to .
someone in nerd. '
'Hails tt'tlte Literacy- and Numeracy Protect. to
all the new Mums. -and especially to the i'ties we have -
alrcady !
Hcnsall. Ontario
Notice to
Beginning with our issue
of October 7, all
advertising MUST be in
our office by Friday
at 4 p.m.
424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331