HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-30, Page 7FAMILY Times -Advocate, September 30, 1998, Alzheimer's fund-raiser Coffee break. Queensway Nursing Home held its Coffee Break for Alzheimer's .disease on Sept..24. This year's Coffee Break was the third.annual .for. Queensway.and •allowed res- idents and members of the community to donate 'money to Alzheimer's and drink a coffee. •Pictured above, Queensway. activities 'assistant Nancy Y•oung,pours coffee:•for Iva .Reid, right, and Lillian Beer. Earlier, Reid and Beer presented a $25 cheque on behalf of the La- dies Legion Auxiliary. - First rate dinner planned for. Dashwood By Mindy Gough Ooslr!i•oo(1 corresporulettt DASHWOOD - Autumn is here. and . Dashwood residents- are .enjoying the sight -of golden fields and scarlet trees under sunny. deep -blue skies. One sure sigh of fall is: the Fellowship Dinner presented by Zion Lutheran -Church. -This year.. the event will -be held on Saturday ' October 24. at 6 p.ni. In addition to._ . a first-rate meal, diners can look forward lo visiting with friends and - ncighhours and t terrific talent show. Tickets can be obtained by calling the church at 237-3548. All proceeds from this annual:dinner go 10 support mission work. We welcome a new little resident to.Dashwood..Alexis Susanne McCarthy was born on August 1.7. Her very proud parents are Greg .and Susanne. Alexis is lucky to have a very helpful big tiistcr, Ashley. Congratulations to •the McCarthy family on this special-,. addition. 'Earl and Kathy •Keller -were delighted to welcome their fourth grandchild recently. -Abigail - Elizaheth Keller- Was. horn on. August 20 and baptized at Mt. - Carmel on September 27. Ahhy is the daughter of Ross and: Caroline . (Conlin) Keller. She is the little - sister of Jacob. and the seventh great. grandchild horn in Frieda • Keller's family this year alone. Her Godparents arc Kathy Dasilva and Jeff Keller. Warm wishes to Abby's family as they celebrate her arrival. Our town is growing! Sheila and Mark deLange have recently moved:to Dashwood from London. and they bring with them their four children. Brian. Laura, Kara, and Shannon. Sheila. a Tupperware consultant. recently held an open house to get to know some of the neighbours: A warm welcome to this new family - .be sure to introduce yourself the next lime ' you sec them! And the town grew in another. more curious way this week. Excitement was in the air as many. residents watched a house moving - very slowly down Centre Street to its new spot on Highway 83 kitty- corner from the Credit Union. The lot was formerly' part .of Pearl Miller's yard. Word is that the structure immigrated from Crediton . after an oil spill damaged its previous foundation. We're not sure -who the owners arc. but he sure to say hello - and . welcome to Dashwuud's newest residents. • Dashwood faririlies have been• travelling as the summer winds down.; Bill and Nancy. Becker and Nancy's dad Mr. Fanner returned • recently from a trip tit Alberta. The. Fanner family held a- reunion and Bill and Nancy also .did some- -touring:in the Banff area: Anne and Murray Reid visited the Eastern- U.S., asternU.S., and this correspondent along sv.ith hushand and baby- -s.pcnt•a lovely weekend .in Trenton attending the wedding of a friend. Earl and. Kathy. Keller - toured Quebec. visited -With ° former Dashwood resident Jill Stojkovjc int "Rochester. N.Y.,- and attended the plowing match in Kingston. • Ontario. And of course. the. pride of Dashwood,.. our . Men's and *omen's Tttg of- War teams, returned " from Rochester,' Minnesota' and the international competition. Although nit medals were won.. these athletes are champions. as far as their 'Mine town is concerned. We're thankful Senior diners ZURICH - Forty-five Senior Diners enjoyed dinner at thc Zurich Arena at noon on September 23. 0' Canada and The Table Grace were sung accompanied by Glena Horner at the piano. The 50/50 draw was won by Charles Mosley. Maxand The Townliners, Phylis Dcichcrt, Andrew Rau and Max Ducharme, entertained with old time music. Solo and euchre were played. Call Kay Hay at 236-4632 by noon on Monday if you wish to attend the next Seniors dinner. that everybody is home sate and • sound: And finally, Farmer Becker has a fine selection of friendly kittens looking for new families. Sonic Dashwood residents have encountered these happy little - characters during their:evening • walks. 11.you'd like to add one to 'your family and. can pntvide a responsible., caring home, apply iii person to John and Mary Becker. The Dashwood News is .Page Invitation to UCW coffee hour Rhoda Rohde Thames Ruud correspondent THAMES ROAD --Rev. Marilyn Carter was in charge of the regular church scrvicc on Sunday morning at Thames Road. - The minister showed the youth a small cross with the words "God Loves You" on it and told them a story about it. • The choir sang an anthem "Don't Go Away 'Without Jesus" accompa- nictf by organist `Marilyn Vandcnbtissche.'Sharon Passmore read the scriptures. The title'itf the minister's sermon was "Where Your Treasure Is." Karen Etherington and her daughter Robyn received tic offer- ing anil were the greeters. - On October 4 at Elirnville World Wide Cominunion•will be celehrat- cd. 'At Thames Road on Octbher 11 •there will be a Thanksgiving; ser- vice and a chance to visit the Sunday Schools' " Sukkah Tent At Elirnville•on October i8 the morning scrvicc will he held at 9:45 a.m.. Rev. Marilyn Carter's Covenanting "service will he held at Thames Road at 7 p,rn. that evening, Mission and Service Sunday will he held onOctoher 25 at Thames Road at 9:45 a.m.-That evening at 7 p.m. an evening of: gospel music will he held at Thames Road. The U.C.W. group is invited•to a 'Coffee Hour -on October 13 at 10 • a:i». The Hibbert U.C.W. extended the invitation to meet;:at .Daynard Hall. Helen Thomas of Kincardine will he speaking on -her -six years spent' living in Japan. Pleas -e let Sharon Lynn or- Diane Jeffery know if you can attend by Ocfoher The program committee is Rhoda Rohde. Kay Grubb, Karen E;theringion, Ruth -Anne Osgood and Lorraine -Alexander. The roll . call -will be "Show and tell abbot something you are thankful' for." Group U will serve lunch. The U.C.W. are invited --to Centralia United Church for their meeting on October 15 at 7:30 part. There will- he a guest harpist" from Paraguay. Contact Sharon Lynn or Diane Jeffery by Octohcr'I if you published Once monthly. if you ' have news to share, .please contact - Mindy Gough.at_237-3892. CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw your attention to the Jollowing in -our current Always a Great Sale" Uye'r. • l'age 4. Item•#2. Ryohi Plunge Router. 54-0204). Copy reads: 'lir Collet: Should read: I/4" Collet. - . We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may nave caused you. enote d338 - Alt zones ScotiaMcLeod is pleased to announce ,tlirhue! B. Skurltinski hire %nuent 1 "rer•utire.7.nraluir that Michael StaK hinski has joined oar London Office • as an Investment Executive. Working out of London, * Midiael will concentrate on Exeter and the surrounding area. Mr. Skochinski Inas helped people manage their finances for over 17 years and takes pride in providing- exceptional customer service. r Michael and his family are pleased to permanently make Exeter their home and look forward to continuing their active mmniunity involvement, ScotiaMcLeod is a •fU11 service investment Dealer that has been providing trusted •invesufient advice to Canadians since 1921. ScotiaMcleod is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The -Rank of Nova Scotia, one of North America's largest financial institutions. For more information, contact him at his office; (S19) 660-32S4r or toll free 1-800-265-1 242 Suite .1 102, 130 Dufferin Ave. London, On N6A SR2 ScotiaMcLeod Building Relationships for Life 4 • plan pn attending. On Oetobcr 4. David and Kathryn Mayberry are speaking at Centralia United Chur'h at 11:30 a.m. "1 hey are the Ontario Co-ordi- nators for Foodgrains Bank, a Christian.iesponse to hunger. You are invited to attend this service. Thames Road-Elitnville charge, Zion. "Centralia, and •a Hamilton United Church participated in a ,fEouth Huron Foxxlgrains project: A reminder to bring a. food item for the flood Bank next Sunday. •• - Personals • Alan Dawson of Peterborough• visited last week with his cousins Murray" and Beatrice Dawson. Many people called at' the Dinney Funeral Home. Exeter to pay their respect to the late Alice May on Thursday 'and also attended her funeral on Friday! Sympathy is extended to her family and rela- tives. , • . ' Many` people culled..at the Dinney' Funeral Home to pay their respect to the late Mary Kerslake on Saturday and also attended. her funeral on Sunday. Sympathy is extended to hcr.sisteis Edith Miller and Marione Johns and families, -and to Mary's family and relatives. Sympathy of the community is . extended to Hank anti Marjan Veldman; Henk. Wilfred and• Mirjan in the passing of Hank's father in Holland on Friday: Gas Model HOTPOT HOTPOINT For the long run GAS DRYER '39995 +Taxa I�PAYIEMSi YHC $ 1 • Extra Large Capacity - .. 5 Cycles • 4 Heat Selections • • Dry 2 Loads for Price'of one Compared to:Electric • Pilotless Ignition • Take up to 5 Years to -Pay OAC DYSDALE MAJOR MAPPLIANCE CENTRE LTD. 11-11ENSALL4.262-2728 it's PAY BACK TIME at SAAN DURING OUR CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAYS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 TILL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1998. r BUY ANY 2 PAIR OF JEANS AND RECEIVE A $5 GIFT CERTIFICATE GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE REDEEMABLE FOR REGULAR OR SALE PRICED ITEMS DURING YOUR NEXT PURCHASE AT PARTICIPATING SAAN STORES. L SAA4 /&*u�a/e4bgpeop iikt yam,. 193 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-2552