HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-30, Page 5$1000.+ -
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Heading to the desert
Viva Las Vegas. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority
corporate services co-ordinator Judith Parker. left, and Carl-
son Wagonlit Ellison Travel & Key's Doug Ellison, right,
present a voucher for a Las Vegas trip to Bernice and Bob
Norris of Staffa on Friday.- The Norris' won the trip as part
of•the joint Cash Is King fund-raiser of the Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Foundation and. the Huron Country Playhouse.
The fund-raiser raised $10,000 to be split between the two
Where have all the heroes gone?
By Leonard
A. Lesser.
London. Ont.
The newspa-
per Help
1.'aa.led ads
,holtl(1, read
clean cut, hon-
est indit idual needed to be a posi-
tive role model fo inspire our
youth to live morally and ethical-
ly clean lives." 1 am afraid that
the Mist of applicants may. be sus-
pect if w•c- chuuse from politic.
and sport. President Clinton, the
father _figure for 250 million
Americans.. has admitted. he has
lied to his wife. family and the.
rest, of the. co'untry and .yet his
popularity_ nunibers arc --60 per-
cent. The question has -to he asked
if his private life should he sepa-
rated from his role as the: chief
executive officer m the land.
Should his sense of morality
and fidelity -represent the ethics of
the -rest of the population? Should
he he a role model for the (pil-
lions of children and young peo-
ple who. swear allegiance to the
flag" •
1 will not sit on the knee and.
he the oracle letting you guess at
lily response. •1•hosc who read my
column know that l believe that
all the answers should he "yes"
The president of the U.S.A. has
an obligation to display apositive
moral tune for the citizens. he rep-
resents. Will he du the honourable
decd and resign? Dont het on it.
Let us look at the sports fors
some, leadership for our youth.
How about-hasebal1 and all the
hype about Marc McGwire and
his quest for the home run crown.
The headlines read "Big Mac Ties
Maris" and all the linos and .sports
writers aria• all aglow about the
magic number 62. Three million
fans have packed the stands and
Millions more are glued to the
T.V. for every -Cardinal game.
The term "Big" :is an interesting
term. What slakes Marc so awe-
some and powerful? Sure, he
probably pumps some iron but he
also is alleged to use Andru, a
i iine'-Adtw(ate, September 30, 1998
Page 5
performance enhancer that pro-
motes nlitscle growth. I - am not
know ledgahlc about how drugs
affect athletic per(urntauce. In my
youth 1 used to eat copious.
amounts of peanut Muter sand -
%Niches when I wanted to bulk HP.
I called a leading football coach,
and a doetrir'toary ti► understand
the use of drugs in sports. The
coach told me that Andro i.'not
allowed '.hy -- the I O.('..
International 1)1% ntpic
Committee, university athlcUi s or
the National. Foothall league. The
spurts Medicine doctor told Inc of -
thc "minor side affects". Nikki
pressure problems. possible steril-
ity. liver, and heart disease and
she also told me Thai the drug
should he banned. Ben Johnson'
•was..humiliated and disgraced
when he tested positiyc for
steroids at the Scout Olympics.
'track was the wrong sport
Baseball writers .and fans would
have idolized him and Made him
King -of Swat.
Our youth are faced.v ith hard
moral and ethical questions
regarding sexuality. honesty and
,drugs and nearly of out' heroes are
pour role models.- if the president
of United States of America can
blatantly lie to the nation and
cheat on his wile and our baseball
players use drugs,iwhere can our
youth hope to find positive role
models? The Media, "1'.V., radio
and 11ie tabloids Iced us a daily
diet- of hoopla and sleaze. If we
Want positive role models for out
kids. than we have to start at
home with our own sense of
morality and honesty. We hay• to
speak out about negative leader -
be it in sports. church. edu-
cation -or politics. •
"Most men look at things as
- they are and wonder why. l dream
of things that never were and ask
why mei'.. • .
Len Lesser is it .specialist in
-guidance providing personal,
educational and career coun-
selling jor families.. Ile can be
reac•hrd at 519.134-,' 311 .
New Canadian Tire store
plans still not finalized
EXETER--- [Mails un.Qlc proposed new Canadian' lire are slow
to Colne but John Lund of the existing Canadian Tire on Main Street
assured the T -A that current .employees will he offered jobs, at the
new li,c.iuon '
Lund. though. • said the new store. proposed' for a lo(:ation ofi
(hales Road east of Highway 4. is not guaranteed to he built. And
while Exeter council has passed.Ihe company's site plan. the .new
stole .till has some inaior problems to overcome before it cozies to
fruition. Lund. wouldn't elaborate on what those problems are -
Lund. who said he will "quite.titissihly" he involved in rhe new
store. said talks of building a new Canadian 'fire store in Exeter
started about two or three years ago; - .
Jennifer Sexton. a Canadian Tire spokeswoman. said the proposed
new store is simply part of die company's ongoing clforts to expand
in c '11101011itles. •
- -
Sexton couldn't provide the T -A wutr'detatls such as how touch
the new stere will cost or when construction will hegira because she
said plans still haven't been finalized.
In a presentation to Exeter.couneil on Sept. )1. the idea of starling
conaruction in the fall -Was discussed. but Sexton said that is still un=
decided: When construction does begin. she said•it will take six to
eight months to,compkte. •
E3otli Lund and Sexton told the 'I'-A"details of the proposed new
Canadian Tire store will be niade puhlic.once they are finalized.
U.S. rule will reduce smog in Ontario
TORONTO - The Ontario Medi-
cal Association says a rule an-
nounced by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) will re-
sult in a decrease by the year 2003
of at least 15 percent in the amount
of polluted air over Ontoi to
• "Today's EPA announcement of
s tougher emission rule is at signifi-
cant step and reflects. a rccomnlen-
&Mrin the OMA recently track to
the agency. It means less pollution
will drift across the border. to h;►rn1
public health in Ontario." said. Dr.
John Gray. past president of the
He was commenting on the
EPA's announccnicnt of a•rule re-
quiring 22 midwest and eastern
states -to make- deep cuts in their
emissions of oxides of nitrogen
(NOx I. These emissions arc a key
precursor of hath acid rain and
ground -level ozone. the primary
component of smog. which damag-
es public health in Ontario and else-
where in eastern Canada.
13v 2003, power plants in the 22
states cannot - emit more than .15
pounds. of NOx per one ' million
"Based on our initial calculations
we esti(natc that this new. standard
- will result iii a decrease of at leas(
I5 percent in air pollution over nn-•
tarn)." Dr. Gray said.
• 711e OMA made a presentation
May 29 in Washington to the EPA
in which Dr. Gray urged the agency
- to .consider i( standard of :15
pounds per- trillion BUS.
The OMA's tcsliil)ony to the
EPA followed' the May 12 release
by the OMA of.a major s(udy•of the
:Weise public health effects. of
ground -levet ozone. •
EPA news releases are available
on - the agency's wehstie at
w'ww.epagov - •
Funding for
school board
still unsure
by Michele Greene
CLINTON -'the Avon Maitland
District School Board has yet to
receive. but it does know there will
he. more educational assistants in
Last Tuesday night in Clinton.
superintendent Susan Burke told
trustees that the hoard's application
fur additional funding for special
. education, through the intensive
support amount grant. was
"This is good news for schools.
This will mean some added
educational assistants." she said.
Burke said the assistants will
help special education students as
well as other students in,the class.
"We're pleased we've been
recognized,. tor doing a good job in
special education," she said. -
-i'he new educational assistants
are expected to he in schools within
two weeks. Burke said the hoard
won't know exactly how many.
assistants will he added 10 the -
system until the province releases
the additional funding' amounts.
• •
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Middlesex Farm Hiker
Tour goes this Sunday
1.t 11)1)1.I:SI:X COUNTY • -
Sunda%. October 4 will he a day td'
learning for almost 7.000 people
tooling the countryside as pact of
the popular Middlesex haunt Hiker.
'four, -
City riteck country as 5-Isitors.pct
the Iamb,. nr.utel at the tiny loads
ur gaic skytt,trd :1t, the biggest
machinery this side of Richmond
Street. Count piglets at the 151 til
Rttn McRae on Charlton Drive
identttt apple •carienes - they'11
loin It all tit :i small area heittecii
Loudon and Strathroy.
A casual set-up allows lad -lilies
to take dict time drisiiie bunt Lunt
to farm. "1"he% .art sample the bit kis.
talk to 'knowledgeable Lunt opera-
tors, tour them -all or just -a Iew.
Best of. all. Ws .free' Map caul be
picked up on the day id the tour
from 1(1 a.m to 2:30 p to only at -
Masonvilte Mall parking tot (hear
Sai,nucl's Restaurant). Sherwood
'Forest Mall parking lot (look fit
the tractor ), or any of the tout
stops. .
For (111te. inform: tiuti, contact
Eric Vandenhcuvcl, 519.245-0031
Monthly Educational Seminar Series
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Sue last week". T -A for inlr,riiia-
• tton on Huron's I :u in Hiker Tour
through East Huron. Tour packages
can he picked up at the. Sealitiih
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New Applications are
• Welcomed
Joe Ctkriltt. 13135 IjAtaell
Run Feeney. RR 2 Dut,im
Latry Gardiner, RR2. Statta.
Jack ttixfyert. RR 1 Kiktt,n
M cnaerO'Shea RR3 Granton
Morris Willows. RR? 51 Pauls
Wayne Mayer Exeter
Odx,d Moore. Dublin
Bath Worden. Dubth
Joseph Unrac. Mttdreti
Head Oliice. Exeter 235.0350
A refund from surplus was de-
clared for all policy holders
who qualify, are on record and
in good standing as at Decem-
ber 31, 1997. -
Are vpu graduating in 1999 or 2000?
SCHOLARSHIPS: 10 in Ontario
for grads 98/99 and 10 for 99/ 2000.
A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
A resume detailing an applicant's Work history and
education is extremely helpful to an employer who
is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy.
Your personal resume should accompany
your letter of application.
here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resurntt:
❑ Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer
than two pages
O The resumes should be typed on, 8 1/2" x 11" %%bite paper
with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look
O Start with your name, address and phone number
O Next under a sub -heading "Work History'. detail the
previous jobs you've held • in reverse date order
- that is, last job first. .
O Use a separate paragraph for each position and ,
precede it with the dates you held that position.
O State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
❑ The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the
name of the institution at which you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the'end,
list any specific instructional courses you have
attended in conjunction with your work.
O Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list meinuerships
and/or offices held in professional ur iirdusty,
O Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" lis' ,ny
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
employer - such as volunteer work, etc.
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
factors that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an interview. So make it as impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
professional -looking resume
Call Debbie Lord at
424 Main St. Exeter
(519) 235-1331