HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-30, Page 2Pag'_
Tinie::-Advocate,. September.30, 1998
wrap up
Assistance Toad
decline slows
MIDDLESEX The recent
steady decline •ih Middlesex
-County s social assistance ease -
load stalled in August. reports
the Gazette.
But the stall is consistent with
the typical seasonal pattern, Roy
Hardy, assistant adininistratur i1t
Middlesex Ontario Works .said`
in the newspaper
• Ranks of emplcwable males
-grew by two to 2I') in August, •
although'` the number ill male
head. of..latnilics continued to
• decline. niers was alsu'a nit in-
ticier til Ivo employable Ie -
mate .. with an increase of nine
• women ' n ' arc heads of fano..
lies -
offers more -
youth programs
WINGHAM What studeni;
are nussing;at school. the Wing
hang Recreation'. Department, 1.
tr Ing to pick tit-
The tee dep:truncnt is attempt-
ing to bring in more program:
toe young peopit that provide
et1111petitI C ph) steal --aCtiyit):
Sonic -theatre art: i\iii.aiso 6c of
tereJ; according to the Advance -
I pies: - -
r Pru:mint • c,i-ordmaitor Chem)
.Underwood say'.the department
-Iia. altcauly Ieanietl up'with the
F.h. Madill -Secondary School
wreuftn,' team to provide it pro-
gram for 1 1-14 year old, -
.Otlte.r programs tot youth in-
clude Curling.-horsesiioes and tti-
doot soccer, • -
it the present edui. atton Salta-
,-.. Underwood an,-
tictpate, other- groups will toren
pal Incrship, . with, the di pari-
Gluh . team, hast: also picked
up the slack i't nu -varsity sports
at the high schuol.."1-1ic Optimist
Track and Field Club cunhnues-
ti, train and the Ontario Voiles-
ball Assuciatiur, -club • team Is
-al.0 preparing for the season.
Mitchell wins
= Bloom contest
• M1I•CHtLI...- Jitdge. in -,the
Communities In Blount eutnpeti-
tion in Tiros tit'announced that.
• I%1rtchell was awarded the ;top .
humus in 'Ontario.. 'qualifying -
tlienl to advance- to the national.
competition nett year. according
to the Mitchell Advocate -
' It is the second suite Minthell
Inas ad4anced.arum the proven -
eta! level, having won in 1995
and_!inishtng Just sex points shy
in the national -event for commu-
nities of iamilar size in 1996 -
'Fite town comtietc41..1n the
1,01-:5,000 population category
and earned the ntax►ntutn blur
blooms or more. than 8.00 points
out ot•I,000_m the categories of
tidiness ellnrt. environment ell-
lltort, ionmuntly involvement.
heritage. ' urban forestry.. land-
scaped areas. .Mural arrange-
ments and areas.
North Perth
goes with OPP
LISTOWEI. - A unanunuus
decision by North Perth council
to'cuntract policing from the On-
tario Provincial • Police :neaps an
end to the Listowel municipal
police force. •
The OPP. with its Perth
County headquarters at the Sc-
bnngvillc detachment will begin
policing the entire municipality
on June 30: 1999, aceordtng to
the Listowel Banner.
. Throughout tine four months of
deliberations by council regitrd-
ing the policing of its urban Lis-
towel Ward and rural wards of
Elma and Wallace, much has
been said about the quality of
policing. •
However. in the end, council's-
ouncil'sdecision came down to the bot -
tont line. Over the five-year con-
tract, the OPP services will cost
S467,926 less than the North
Perth Police Service.
Plant a living memory with the ABCA
The Ausabie Bayfield Conservation Authority added to its
Commemorative -Woods forest at Morrison Dam Sunday
By Craig Bradford
• TA Reporter
EXETER - It may 'at tint
sound sad. hut planting a tree 111
•living memory of a loved one van
help case the pain of their passim,
and provide aTangibie legit)) .
That's 'the idea behind the Aus:
able Hayfield Conservation Foun-
dation's- Commemorative Wood,
,program • - .
The Foundation. the Ausahle
.Bavticid Conservation Autlua
civ.: fund-raising body. and Din
Hcy Funeral Nome co -sponsored -
the tunrth annual Dedicafon'C:ei-,
cmon\ at 111otrison Dain ' Con-
servatton Arca on Sunday - Over 100 family memticrs and
friends of the :rccenily .deecascd
attended the ceremony that sym-
bolized _the; tree plantings file 34
people whose final arrangements
were carried out bj• Utnney Fu-
neral; Home- or whose families •
had,niade a donation to -the Fuun=
dation on behalf 01 their loved
ones. ' •
•L+Icter United Church, Rev.
Cordell ('arsons -officiated StSii-
day's ceremony while Fdundatiun_
dtrevtor ('etcr Darblshirc and Dnt-
nev Funeral Honda. president Bill'
iriney conducted the dedication
The. Foundation. chartered on
June 1. 1974. approached .area iu
Thera' homes sevcral•year, apt tt,
. cu-sponsai . the Cunlmentoratis r
oods program - .
ARCA corporate service; ct
urdmato: Judttlt Parket -said• tit:
nlclnu►1;1 reception- each 1'e:tr --is
{tait1'lor by the participating tuner=
al !tome. and the tuundatton
In memory.. Mornspri Dam Consera'auoli Aielayed nost.r( '.
the tourth annual Ausablc Bavlielr:. d r)
t,•onselvation- Founitj -
-Iron/Denney Funeral Home- Tree. Dodicatjor . Cereriiont. (it?
Sunday..Pictured "here doing: the cerer►)orur!, -earth, turn►n -
are- Exeter-, United Church Bet,: Cordell Parson. _ARCA_ Fours. .
. plher lunerid hoarse in the prugranl dation- director -Peter'-Di rbishire' arlc' Ditifiet f-unera Hoe
is Scalorth s Box d:-Siriith Funeril,presrdent Bill Dinnel__
- Chapel to was not involved. in Sunday's ceremony Doriauons-ate its:,' iit.'id 1., ceIelt►ar.= sveddin an
Parker. also the I;uundation secretary-, sand each nlveraancs. hirrht:is, i'i' iilrth - -
- tuncral hums pays_$3? for each funeral Ali profess!,, atter tan net .:. anti pi uittng, :tic pant.
- ' It's a worthwhile program for friend: ai►d 1 iioils • ttii, go luwartk til. 1•outtU 111 it: : -
toihave a iiving memory." she. said -- •' li:nicalir. the jrio_•I:n 'p.c. 0' - itself Parker
Thitse y3istii11 to add then late loved:unc. daunt•. said ' , • - -- -..
..' iu the program can go itiongrwlifi lhrfuneral stone:` Sine -tie Vis d:twirl t,:..t leglaeie,1 cli:ttu . pet,
- sponsorship, or 11)1' SI0I) they can 11 si. then owl: • .iii,, `Can glut'. then-memo!l;il tion:1114a1, me, wiutti
tree planted ,i,tiluall' ge J>.II, tiiaiuit.; 111,!..` iilt- ( ii,.r:.i,•,ieieAl!
• Ether,- wait' -the tree get, Planted a:Abe Coni tie 1 -Ie a iii , ~ilii i ,ruittt.ttro, ; 1 itis.--1..iuilda
iuelnoralrve.Wuud location oI then chuusnig''M(11 buns ore prurlau. . , ,. -•. 1
. resort Darn; CTrntori`Ct)nservation Area Ibotlt ilst�:.. '.ilia• piogi ant I. beco .1)0011,1?�ni • 5••.1)0011,1? .,Lies Ilk,
lealuruig a Memorial Path:, Zurich'Conservatism Atom -yam Dant ills •uulloi'I_uur:oi taunt- .
. Area, -Parkhill Conservation Area anti• Ail(una s. "\\e 1:_ tuoktm to e wand iiir Morll,ni, .Ilan.
Rock Glen Conservation Arra Cunlnierinaa111v,• 11,tr44.1 :tic,, y..11kel. s:nil.. l( .,
The name °fate deceased pe►sun goes un :11at r . getting 1ull.nt nee,.: V. :• 14a0•• 1.' hill .1 .,IUIU)ri t(,
plaqut:•at the conservation area the tree Is platnted.:ti -. whe1e.'wr can e•vpan(i-w hailer it thloutil donalwn .
• 'Fur $500, dedic:uruilet can have a Metal plaque pug tet land of .carne tubes ,t'rlillol .. • -- -
al'the (lass. 01 'tile INC- WW1 (lie dt'ceased penott WWI- CtIIIlllrellitri:llrt.' •11,ttid, .ncis,auld he asci'
name - . _ - _ • - ut' lor iantl dunatesi- u, lilt wati•r,iieti •iii.' at
OClleral donations of any alrloUlll tan•be give I1 lt,1 •t:ituld eve!) be 11 itllett :obi tllc'pe1,t'Ii 01 7:illus\.dtt
mamtenancc ()Otte Commemorative Wood's nn M6- 11Oii g.urc i:uid.
- name fol the deceased person at the site c: then :Iota nitric- .010114111on . tri„- 111: • t annnlenittl:trt%t` .
Choice -\'.ootis.ploglaii..,e:ll1'al ke(.11.ors Ito' 215:-2tt111 ; ...
Recruitment co-op begins attending fairs..
' EXETER --- The South- Huron
Recruitment '(:o -operative has .re
cently , increased efforts . to bring
new doctors to the area with its at
tenclance at a job fair in Bayfield oh
Sept. 12:.•
• Co-operative tncmliers ivlaureen•
Cole, Brad 'Clauses and lira Love
attended the 'event and- reported
back to the co-operative at.its Sept.
24 meentig. -
- -: =According iii a -report from the
tau-uperative, pamphlets explaining
the South Huron region were dis-
tributed to27 medical students ex-
pecting. to graduate as tartly .ply
sicians in Juni: of 1999 and 2000.
•Gift.certificates from Eddingtons.
Sugar and Spice, Country Flowers.
Trenditions. Melba Tuckers and
Exeter Flowers were distributed - to
attract Students tut the South Huron
booth at the fair. Gift certificates
biros (-..Ire , nt..ti.i (ieht and tin
Ironwood (lull Comm: welt- ais.
given to a tch.nledical student
Many of the students uric not t,1
mlllar with the arca.:1c�44du1•
tlie. reeruitllrent- co-opt:la he', Ie -
port, and- may need to spenr1 title, -
tint' bete to help then) . decide •
whether or not ao'pi..Cucc 111 the
• Suuth.1(soon legion
Several ., • :however.:
showed interest'111. the Ale& because
of its prux11111 to London Thus
Students will he' Contacted. by the
- eo-(operative and Will he invited to
Come lir the arca tui :1 hill) and til •
The iecrultnlent committee plan,..
to attend a second doh lair In Lon .
in the end of Uctuher.
lets will be distributed -anti diene
will be a -collage of `atei pletules,
and a list of schools. churclie- and
Tentative agreement reached
Continued from front page
competition 1: today butt ' Rourke
said, WOSSA ha: conln►itted to
competition (only Huron -Perth
lt`ilt'hel, were 11111 participating 111
extracurricular actrv111es1
O'Rourke said Hill-oon-P rth
•.school, will hkel he allilwetl to
-compete nt WOSSA and OFSAA.
`.altlhoigli.ao abbreviate() or pro.:
• longed sea.!nrare (iu,slhle He said
at 11 important .Mt: tall oquirt:
1. �tealatil,tt Lit:lintc •it'; niedlcal
,IuJt•111. It, .0:' ,\Ilyunr wltt IHC
tut s• related to IIic-c It ,UUit t'S -1 an,
dit,p tricot otf-at tli'- South Muton.
1losjtilad with attention ditecied .in
Ili. euuinittct' _ • .
.r\.cord mt'' lit tit: It•.I 0111(1ettt Co.
tax:tau e repo, 1.. (ht' group •be•
-hese, rho entire arta or Soutlr flu .
•Ittnitosp ital shtilild be von kiln! to
gi`thit IC) it tWises still - 1 1r It poi
state: the ''bulr..ile.i•ye, 0 beliclt itj
out of . . ,i te.auiled
to fixe ett.all or
Zurlth -
• :l11t' 1 t, t,,tn,, „ H I1iiy =take
.eyera1 • ` It)..Ieclu,i the initiate!'
-rti". pliy.iciin. needed 111- tire area .
but :ay", 41115 Iecluluilents will is -
duce sties, u1-exrstiutt diiituts and
_•Iiiciea.r the nun111(1 of phySlcia►i.:
available to piuytde .ate at South .
Huron Hospital ,
looming over school closures
a' Continued from front page
"I can think of no More noble
way of being turfed . from office."
he said. "Let them have the blood
.on their hands."
Trustee Wendy Anderson was
offended by the short deadline the
board faces on this issue. The
province requires boards to submit
a list of schools slated for closure
by Dec. 30, 1998.
"Historically, the good trustees
of the former Huron and Perth
boards met every deadline imposed
and now we have no room to move.
The ministry has not yet met one
deadline to us. .1 think. it's time for
the people of Huron and Perth to let
Toronto know that this Is not an
acceptable situation; she said.
The plan to close schools is
short-sighted and will "decimate
our system," .said Trustee
Baird -Jackson pte.entetl-three
options ul ►edu.1ng spa.e in the
Adminl.uatwn is 1ct:onnnendnl,
the plan affecting 21 school.
Although it is tine (cast mlurtrus. 0t
is the most disruptive. said Baird-.
Jackson. • .• .
But it also uses.schools •111 the '
best- condition and respects natural •.
boundaries keeping tuiiununities
together, she said. -
clluols prupQaed_fur dowry
Atwood Public School
Clinton Public School
Colburne Public School
Falstaff Public School
Hensall or Stephen or McCurdy
Public Schools
Juliet Public School
King Lear Public School '
Mitchell Public School
1.luriungIon Tubbs School _ -
Ptir118 Scl►ool
St itertri Centennial Public
-- • Schtol .
1011)11)2l v Public School
• \ artists (S'
11ahou•Public School
Schools proposed fur
(ental Hut on SccondarySchool
Mitchell Disliict High School to
(Jr 7 to OAC
Romeo 10 JK it) Gr. f,
Sealortll District High School fir
Cit . 7 to UAC
Seaford) Public School to JK to
' • Gr.6
Stratford Central Sct:undary
School to Cir. 7 to OAC. '
Upper Thames Elementary
: School to JK to (ir. 6
(field hockey, boys volleyball. girl,
basketball anti cross country at
• SHD.HS) not ui infringe on the win -
lei sport, that include: girls• volley -
hall and hos-,haskethall. . •-
Nowit's up to (he coaches' (o
decide whether then want •to coach
or.nilt, O'Rourke said -.
"It sounds like everyone -her•. 1s
keen to go." he said "A. fat as the
level they are willing to gt, that_
remains to he teen -
. Uereica a Hort MRCP 01017 0n..
0rau::e ' cn Orrober 7
at 6:00 p.rr
Stolen car found in Huron Woods...
.(k:\\11 131 \1 R- North Limit -i Orl OPP fuuii::.:-.igen ar in 11):
Huron \\ooti> suh(trvistoasuuth of Grand_lienti or: T bund:r:
.'lit,:OPt'reci•ii.:l init)rtnauon a cat on ['menet- 1•r' -lea, ,toicc"
Dulcet'. recovered .t sill e, '')1•Dodge Shadov( with Ijeene. Illlrnne:
ACRZI.ti. 1Iv_ .:a' wa, reported auien from Sarnt.t-aroun:: iii.Lrr.
fire stun. da..• -
f Ir.
OPP ICtOut' inyoilr (i•ltil ulttrrltl tion oil to ertntt• 1-' ;:ail tncn.
at-:5Ito . 714. 2 t•)''+ • ; 11111- 5tupnet, :r
Seatbelt blitz coming_ - .
T u Innis:., 1:004.101 and Nrlrtli L -ill OPP w.:]. tom titnc' solid'
senIce , .oto -s. Canada in the- annual seatbelt blitz silica (tperauot:
Illlpael I1a1111 ()CI -,- I -- - .
E:aCir tlet:le mlCfl' iy t?l .ct up.rutating se1ltheft violation cite.!. stop, -
al ililer.e,;(14)11:,1110 411!l,Unl 111e region: Seatbch-ntnt- Cirillpit:irie,.• (0- _
mltlrupc! u•:. line, -.t+,, eaeh.plu- .: \!; surcharge (-ii;tree. asst
add is'dellterit point, o- sotti dr iv itt'CIICt' -
Itfer.. s'. int itis,, i',_ .t national eatery Lambaig:mon (lc: .' targeun f
diel, r Ort, dr r' ei i,ti. uup.ugn 1, :luted at-reducnl!' draw .1114.
manic, ttuougir eututsctiten[ and education •
officer• will t!` 1,11 Ili. itlokoul tot speeder.. 011\1:1 N w•no 1411 rete •
fight, and romaneli tit yet Dunn,_, the 24-1uur-nauuu-w rd: campaign '
last yc:i:,.oiltee s troll: 2 L ponce service'stilpped close o• 3-(-1,(1(X1
vehicle,. laud I '.70(4 scat fielt charges. ":.601 other tralir. offence:. and
1a" imp:iurtl tiii))nx cha1gc. • . - -
L:ri sear ti tht:CIO. over O00-prupl, weer killed ori the -road a' -a•
Ic.ul1 ut"rulilslilus. Nitnc Il:ut.i{1,1100 mimic. and 2! 1,0(I4! :ull(stun.
co,' tire e.inionr. h illlnm, ut tit dial; 111 cosi wages and a lulanctdt
511.1111 ()nom 1it11ti1 5\ stens In these culilslun,..pee.!. seatbelt noir-use •
ur.l Ennp.ureJ J! 5 111 w2•It fur 1101111 cuntr!iiuuti: Li.tttr.
Watch out for .those tractors
'1 ii. \t-trim-a-•unh1011 01'I' w:1111, it. yarn die motoring public about •
Iarlu uuplcntenls adttn,! ioidwaty.Ilii,:hat vest-seasull- -
.. The tlitr't-'1 .ca.tlu is steer :nod local. hinter-' are pri=paririg jai take
(tiI afro crult.. !-antlers obeli work,latc. into the:eveiuiig. and even
• into Iht=call% rilutnlue twin. to tail.: uta-tnen-crop. .
-I ne.Hlgiiwac •Hall 17.1:\rt sties this Iratcttirs.and wagon. on .1
I)Ighw::', iutriuduu• .1orloadst retinue a 'slow miming vehicle saga} .
aft. citc,l to Ilk' rex. .t.! 411 oath',: railct err uiiplement. Whichever IN
tfic iurlhcst part 1• . 1H...I I iii of die m05114 velin:Ii. The H'1,\ allsii stu es-
- i.mqps 1e:innin .a.singly led light -are r giineitr.un tht:.reai of alt :'
--Component. ht Me mini conli hallo: when tin a highway-a1y.time'-'
114411 ,1 ball fitful 11-00lc..uu:e1 ttr,i hall pistil after Sunrise anti an array
other Utne when 55cantet .'nditiaii, t.•+usc tehrclt:tto-1100)c eleari\
seers J: ,1'dutint:c 6.1 I Mani or less - -. -
1 it. \.11114 Llanbtun OI'1'.:ilii that 11an.lates sunpt' into .l aid light - --
is neetieti on the t+l all u.o.u,I ll,uicr' ani) taint unplenicrit..
Rash of truck thefts and B&E's
• SOUTH HURON I he London OPP said there were .a nonlife: of -
pickup stuck Melt,. Melts bona pickup: and bleak -ins • it the -South
Iluion :uea lair week • - • . -
• Cuilst. istsla Kist, Nato .a picicut, w,t. lepvuetl stolen limn Stcptier
township .11111t...11.yt.t 011 13100 in1.1xet t unStgi+°2" Speaker,
•., a,•. aiticn 1AAm110'. tilt rstir - - - -
A 1'\' ,ut'l :1 Imcruw:nc 544.01' .ween nun -.i hut• S: ipiluuont in
011..514.1) 26
1•0rd .laUun wagon war. sU,icn 110111 \ 1001 IA SI, III (.1ci11(07
' uverlughl Sept 25-21;. •
A pickup Was stolen hunts I {cnsalt on Sept 25 'Rusk santthe
t'�IIICI ''is lett lrnlocke(1•ttil) the key.
Would-be thieves busy in Exeter
1:\I:1 hi< I bcic wife two break-ins and.lwu shells lruln vehicle.
'mei-night Sept .23-2•t m •I xctei. Rusk said. A minorhuute. Parked to au
Anne St: driven was'enlered through x111 unlocked window Nothing
wa,.l.epolhlil film. '
Sttntcune cnteletl .In unlocked garage door on Sanders St. and then
runlu►agcd tltrough a car. Aantall amount of change -v. as sli11ct1
An unlocked truck wasenteredim Mairlbotuugh Sr a, well. Rusk
said iulmnaged.Uuough the glove flux but'Iclt tl►c eliaugc
Mai was inside;
Fmell, .1 blanket was stolen thin► the back seat of a tuck on•Gidley
Truck stolen from Granton
(WANTON ,\ pickup ituek was stolen buil Lions Park nr
Granton sometime between 7:30-9:30 p.m. un Sept. 23.
Rusk said the truck was left unlocked and the keys inside
Carling St. break-ins
'EXETER - A Wine and a pickup truck were broken Into on
Carling St. in Exeter overnight Sept. 22-23:
Rusk said liquor and beer were stolen from the hone and a stereo
was stolen from the pickup.
Lighting up their lives
EXETER - Thieves must have needed some Tight in their lives un
Sept. 21.
That's when someone reported the tail lights Isom Meir vehicle
were stolen. The vehicle was parked along Sanders St. in Exeter.