HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-23, Page 2516for lie 841141)1(, h, 1. 20 with tup-roll miter ti 11, Ieel .u) height, t:ah he uce.t to; *vet:Shop welt loonmte U14 11d floor (:(u. b.. Hewett ul. dtsloantkd and rebuilt Nest reo • collated steel oft lodes with white coloore, stet.: f401 C hunne. tnsIu11,J ,\ tt6S(( or beat ottt•: 461.121' °I 1°r n)nn• nlIUtu A%$04 t? •425:1 c Alt:' 9:1t TRACT 1.h • rebuts: , •Fn.,; Ill lawit tmtwet I tole% reel .enoyl gnndei rutuultct anti snc+whtowcc.a(luebute..I tat Luh Cade' a Laws Mnwel ?-uvwiflennl' engine, .,51x1 R• 1otk1t1*+L $ )I hitch • I sr' 211.8tit+ hoe... 41041.0 101 dual(. 1.1(1- 01.' Engine and Ir*p. Aron store Loll i•1' 2$41!1.3-41SA :CENTl11t1 hAR.M - I'JSI FIN( SAU • t, tie moved 110, i '.) 11111., %o.I). of h 401(3: 0.904.t., Jolal. Al lUILI . t lN. !t , 620: 114-4 iSA CHAN;GI' I'AHLI stony'. cat• seat cot chapel pall trammp pots. computer•lahl: 31.1;2,4 t• CUA1PltTEi TA.C'T010. ANIA,Z1N(• ' • SC'HOUI. SPECIAI 1 Yca1 011 pavtnefu. fret. saner: 200 mutt cosec: Interne: pnmt'i: software Mill MOP. SI(.I44). 404. 1 I;t, --(144 ;i.1; ale: deliver%, 11!f,4Ut Ul'Nl'l I!14)1 LrthVT I ll1\ AlVFl\' t0,: 144,. Phut! !•i .1/9''-t4'•--lt:A 1;t—TRE.!:. oat! Mo.;, 111%141. 1.044.1 :1n . 1 ,1. j' 1.1 4)4'44 U..I 11411.. 41::.1 *6 for Sole FIREWOOD - seaweed hardwood hick°, Iscoclt ash topicdelivered olid {vckcJ t. Rhone Ulgnai Lan.r,;gpiny 2 it,•-.-; .(1(4111,, FIRFWOOI) FOR •SALT•'- Hard%.,1.. Maple .\ whm• all . 54(4:4)r41 2; ' lin 14. • -1 114'.. HoitJ.. wulol .h. brake, 'rac►n}11411. and 111.1 \t.1, ) 00. chat'` 57511.4, .'eon.:tow 2',.. 1•J;„ I4OCK11..1 *a)1!IPA1l`N'I (,,,fu, shoulder plsd'-' '1 a,:11.1.,.). Pant-, I'm 12444. CC\T shall p4d1 riot.. pad Iteeb helm. a.tJ :'('Il below: (-:d: 19.1 271(: HURL. s (1V!'1'. RF.(t4 R4t,i';'rtNt CHIC 1',1,1\ to (,...•;me(t •'I0 ItCL l(. ..111411. 1/U4tt11 A.a,lattt, (:11. 224-.11.7(.! 1414 e •IL\ I4IRFT:C'; 1V.,:1)11 ION h(1.. .441., Iodic.. Wee vc'lo44.. 1111441)141. '•..-. G' 44 )i4 .41141141. 14. 11t11i:•Ueu1. 2 i"' -•I"4' ty• A\1A! f:LECTRUNI. "1.,:1. . - tl 6I,1. 111.: tie!, • 4411 %OU.. L:n. !n. ",; "+• _ •,SSI( MILLER AI All 1ti. .'.! . atm, 2211 volt r. I'.I ... r 4'.-455A A1L;S't SEL,(. HOT Thi '11 ural .'near,' :II; hump. RuUhtt 4 f. I r. ' t. marntte. Must h,,.• dtsasseinh:r. shut /.00, '.1k0 430, - COUNTY` OF HURON -Highways .Department • QUOTATION- FORMS- art, avaitaule troll Iet ottict 4)1 tn' `,.Uunl\' 0' FtUroir k.neineef.:-ourt Hous!:. (iouenct). E-Jntarl' N7A 11112 '1 319 524.7.112i and wil: nE' ret:elve(a until 11' •o'ctuck noon, friday. October'. I99t3 to: the wl(olrinl c)uotatfol. - .Quotation tor the 19913/9» winter Season Rental 01 a truck tractor and dump trailer t<t haul road salt to the 4 patrrol yards • FARM.,FOR SALE BY .TENDER ' • - • 'it. aC1-42-:. ranaon uiatne(' - • Esnc: detcr..'rT' trust_, of:.rico_ • MOUSE van) araC ^toe' LUL•o'.::c Rushwood-L.uricll .ares' D,VI4•.'1)(-IO15E1( to iwi' (4111 (i4S, , ors ,t•)nr '• F()1t A1.'P()IN-I:W:. i ALL: .,P Seth>.af _514-2tiri-47 l CLASSIF(E M.ARKETPI-ACE- 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' 4 .. f2 • 1.1, .,v' 111111.•. Jll 44 n' l.' ,r t i.�•. 111-1 t=r4petl,P: U I1✓11:- 1. . fdll ,,1411 ,t I Ith_• 1.1.1,1 '12 .941141 •'1:-• 4114!1144'. .,d ,. irJl•7G • oA15111 plan', oda! dr1 6n9c'14,. . voluc_ arfyw11t1, r'd4- Ii 1•Ind14 - VIIId.11 1 i•t 4 . FRE) J )t/E1''',• 4 22.' ..un:uu,t' •0:41:' 3! • iele4IS101=411:.,.0]+ 414eS14, 3a1e4,1 ° an ti!, Shar:r ale%'J ..dl'. • J.''., wi.:I h4.• :11 1.• 49(. u 1, ((41$)elwe: - •-&4!-.;.•44.5 .410'!0.9;, Atilt 1.0:P(-4fEfi_ tate, op. in tuns^ . 44)44642441.00'4 lasup" 1.. 44414441141249'J (1441'. (...,*(114.1519-• ort Lone°°°. ifnwapdper-. rr .'.dv: boob* ,130:.dnt, 111u< re44t' .1414,' abn.I, 4 lien .y(Y)•4 11in10i S114:.. , L11{xhxWlti 11', txCbel:r. u(ydn:rdbLLc, 4401,,, df11 wdUerSltn. 4:ud'J . .44-1 01. diad611v' 40124, d0'. '.1"1/111.31111111 1. dUrafd tthei.. re4441(1 lo. tlolundl uedui4) ,ill I ..: (214.1 et 1.r: u.•a4 'vim, 01 tow Altana_ )'tv1u.Lt_. n.u1. , (:!(415'4 i4a41J r1Cr,,t/ :d 1.126411' k. ,•;'1 , ,':atilt':! I', 416.1:1 411114:4. 4,49(4444, 410411:: . Ric t�'aii , . v. A.FE_ riPr,U:,"_': a L l.;c 4.101044 0dttue4 rfaruwuu; roc . °rbu44Ynlrr! u: I1m1uef 31+111 4411011 4 1;14,1 '411,4101a11, tit:ease() Ile 151a1Re1:. ono Lett,w4•, 49.1414x11.1 , 00tuel('l> at"' 471•, 4,441. (141Le.' I•I 11410e4,1141: YdI101 ver re' 1 . •d! %••:codec iaiti)14a50.' - - j Lr11951P1/ M,ttl�!1.Yyt'Jtt4=;7. 0i'4'(1'1 tit, ,.•�, tU1 4 4•i b6inGr•. U„0115,.91' rtdnUa4Ct 0t4 , .,anlnur.r, + ru4e4 v J seri:,. . b:Utr4.,A': 1••. J. l: JIM, I lH 4s• • r I'• V•. 1 1 LI, a ,h0tslfnel • !t'. CO ,,./ 444471 _l,'.,,t a, 444441111A.•41! L•: 9 ; 1,41,1.: 1t", l-r61.l 14l41atl40•,n', 'Ls, 1.•ua. t . . , y . ,l ' 1' low uV11a1I439 •1 •. • I. •'r'i •,dlA: rid/1010A ..d . 14,4., ile' A1J,Llth rA ' • •)• 'Yr1J4(1 , 1,151444. »,vide,. .14160-(.! 11,0(14) 1•' :...unlnea a1;t.rJGu.nr,. Fu uen4•.•, .1.444141•.1 4.1444°044. t448t141/d l98` ... ..Pb. 4)S' ry HRS, 142., t' M •, ., , 4.1 • f41 y. .: I..vbS1111Ci.t.; 11,1 .: dS I 6411. .0luu -. paf 4I 164e1 ..b9 1 (44((41: 44.'4,U!.r i1J ucpv' : U1a N,. ;; area 41)4441141 �1 •un,vt .. dr:1.•.4461 /b1 (Ab oft•,' : oa 64444:11441 dt14514d11dUd 11.. 4t • V,IVid., 1,♦ Iileaaul,. Lunlylelr. Merl+9,441 Sldl02-41-UI. at. 1414.44 O1144..Lumeti ,:rwul. lU 4 .1.100146n4.e 911 mut:(. um" .0vei Yc:. rbsul.1aty yarU.r' ' !L .115,1.- ou11a1 !'anlnaf`. Y40,UTJ :.xerlt_ 61.144•. .41(44J. Yrr JIua:I na4u4ddle. 1•81.)o•bbr•1/1' `wwe,.wU31ud')Lcr' ins IdS1e5, y1uwln, muelw_t 41.1., 1d4444t.1d4.p:dlu.n 14u11444114i +' ;.44)44 (1)1114444'., Ia1U.ie,.lCplb4e: lauvb5 W 1444,,.1.. 51109,• ptotiu(41 uttoutpt 044o,1 5014 dna, . 1iu11w Ue)1Nlnslal;t11, ueuteatna Tootle.. udngC' ot00eurer 4 auu,l.e! Oultu 14 .-emu-b'.. bit.. ' AF,', 11191 N'..Al, ',;E4 1411;4119_ u• to. lex,., mune. 19„1424 -44440 4'.444)11 .444446 )ny244141 tt,4 .. .. 1;•). A'LI: ,•9tAl•J21-9944.,. r,; 144. LcAkl. AUCIWNE:EH4I4(. :.144)4121, 4549)4', (+uvnmurl L • 9:; i 1.. TnWnuatnr, Lunlac' Southwestern ;./04.ott. JL144104 V' 6uceurtde4U1y H R IIS Vrtw03lui, Oman° N4f 744, 1-88E n7J-699'• - K Yi WELDING A FITTING ACADEM'r wi.l lea(' yu,4 f4' oe d Leff/lied emitter -1111e, 1 „ rulaloel. 30J1 14„v 4403,24,014. aa44la11.44 ma f l4: ava4a64 19 Looe 4.0l1„ quah4r Day)Allemuus41 oenu.y Wallow.. Clump. 4.undu'.:7441,•44 blanllor, Vows..' :•80Gdb1.2/e-: L�Ytii.A?µi"atii BRAVA 3Wu-. AMU Ku Ju4''MMY. Ennaecec PlOtabsa'51? CtU.4: Monianxiaru :.44 Fk4, py 32 Shcan, 32x Ldlun, 4 J ftly hardttve Malan Mystique 41n0 Vola., ;;arc 3D Fut Duple. Simon Card 564' V.9U Fax Moment, wnaiws.9E Cd 8 manus. 4P' 20 SVGA Mu',tlur, Kel buard/Muuae&PaOiSpeaAelsJEpson 604. Collo• Prader SI499.99 Tu (rderca!l48OO-852.890` BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER vn h swig's? tlurme•sludy culls: Cali tuday 4441 your FREE BOOK, l•W14.267.;629 The Waling 5clloa, 315 McAnhu' Avenue. Sude 3098. Ottawa, 014 K1t. wl� T1ENT )(i 1;;;i -t11., He•• , • IIw14J 46,111, 0.0d0109.:1411. lit) uwul OYexdtf-: .'40th°,» 1., pd, 1 du244114„ rd}1 am .4 4 6'_ . sss .• P- CU YCI.tUY: STY 4--1YM4.'h4etx)51r. 114,114 emotte1a4Wm diol, talJluq:1 : ,,;;• , say: a' 1.800-bW,-41441' I1 'LUI%L1N'- 11411E Ahwaw!,' :,all,.. 44.dv LP .1.411e:; doe;. dry; upel females lour: @emir' dn41 44914,6” ..eikluldl %.U,SIMI" :.441121• .:4141p.c alya, . Aluelt'l Ftune :'•4u,) -'!.'t- 11 % . 1.1 -403.2419-5ett; • LAU SE144-UUN1lUENi:1 - 1149. y... Wei,. ,441 • ala•• 'Gtdntil'cS 0• - Fou twbua'. Wo) i•' •' 1}4,/.4iS I CAI l-8Ot}Sb!-S44941 kswa; 2('244 Wheal.): (..ASSES' Sa1:, tap,:. 10,4..44!.. " Ldl pnlnl4me01 realulabu4 11,11.4 14(449).', Anus,: 41e44011e4 4141(1041 61.4111,21!) r(U' 1114,111640• 1 (11411, 406.96 3.-.55'4., e.! [5 a, 4°°•44::•1,. 1111p•,wwn1,l11tol,4,1ewm4)u„ 52f4tdLu•;: y,....., tee • GROOMING COURSES STAR. 0(1104444 besl4 1.r AUoan,:eil it y1u'4r1i pet. 114411 "letvdldne,;( p�rul1Sswna• cal49441 u: 11°00% -4! beauhlul be luOis )480u•56.r.k•a44t STEEL BUILDINGS . Ends included (10 We: I:. • 24 $2.988.00, 21 Jt. 31) 83.16) 0:. 21 + 411 S ,bc•t u 4: , 44 56,935.0' 3: , Si' S4,Jtii10' 4, c • S),989.4G.. 4u l Til 114,044.00 5i, 1 aI i2i,aub u Ouwu. flower 1.904-668.542: MiS' 1:U111UA11 COMAIENLIt. ,hill, 1 44 444,• wdY Ged spat. )uddlIy.. 1.41WlCJ rah.: 41..1 11., raimi:. saes J'Jdb, 4008( Iu &1156" :J,d5P,.J ILSLuu,x04! ;.alt how 4)4 44r4' 44111,3-8/5•98-1, T YBEE'ISLAND, GA , DeSOTO BEACH MOT E MAI•waek speaat $951)1,91':, to -earthen% (Solt, 1 Thufsday, 1-2 people. su4}ecl 10 drallab)bt) uath,iweek)ylmonthi Lotulye.:avldura l: 1.844; 285.38[18, Pin 1409( ULD CARS, dn4 ((01021,04, • Willy s, Model 1 wA Plymouths. Cllays. Folus, Pltealu(t1 ((Ulu 1!141 50s. Au4) CwWlie wanted hum'549.5.! pilo '51 Chevy Cash oder 519.225.2801 16 ion Sale 16 For Sale (e1(411•1• 1.1.,'. 44,4.1,4:. . . r... • !':.11)\ • ,,i('',• l'i, 4,..1'1, 111.1.. ,• l'It I'\1' ,. le u_ 41,11+. ,.. • t.1:E 141' '• 1:�(.'- .\, t:.9 ..- .. 1,111:' S.4131.344 i1411ri,I lit / 114 . :.4 AI,',\:a: ,:,,:t' 44494 nu.. (19144, (•r 4 r (1..:. , • '' 1 .. .,1 •. :.411141 !(r•. . 7,L \t FIRT•WOI)I• 11 %__: �\ 1. %%...IJh11n - \.!6.1 411_:.,• U1) I'ltt)4,4 ;1'. tl 41 .. 'i • 1, .r.� , .,., -. • 11sMctlon • IlerVICe •Part} D1SDALE YA101t ARY/WC= Cleil7111E (.T( Hamill • 262-272E I;,., ,tri (... ..1.:1',1 1 ('I:e r•1:1 . Alii(,! 11.111..1..,1%, 1.1- ,, It.. ill..•: l(11mh,11Ct .'srr•It' ' N. \I ''1, - 1'; 444,49101 ,1.11a.Sy11�•aer _:14*.., .rt_ •....• , •., iCORPORATION:OF THf. COUM•Y.OF HURON QUOTES -FOR SNOW REMOVAL 1998/1999' __t,caln,n� d4(. (Alnico) • ')urvnvlewi.Ticall,' - Urdil: lr14.14401 i. -brussels • ,71Lilui • Oudericli - • �,;(� n;tl„ t,►1 "9p1,t'14S11 542511 1>ultulnt; .. ✓!Hauer/1144/11144 1.zol, :44130 lA- 4't�11.E'G UI'1 cl! 4(44' ((url)44 (10))4(4, QUSIIOLI:• Ilour Al: quote., It: u' rr(:tW41(, at 1141- tilu1eun: 011h, 44, 4,004: Ve,:t.0 est.lo' J"t' 3011 114% Luwe: u• do Quutc .. n�J1 Ilet:ea4,dn1L du..oNle( " ' ' Sul)Iml ttuo es f(' - CLAUS BI4EEUh Uirector'Curator Huron Lowey Museum 110 North St.. • (soderech, (lntarw N7 A 21.8 • • 1e1' 524-2686 • 1987 HONDA CBX250 Good condition, easy on gas, ideal beginner bike 51250 certified 1519) 235-2122 Visscher Farms Country Market Y4^ 3DB :::''I)' :.allhtloWe: uotatn:`:• - •116 (t44'llidLf. - I'nt.yt:ia ac: -)1! Open Mon. Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p•m 5 km W. of Exeter on -Hwy. - 237 -3442 - - ter'►)J/'ht) • !)r(,,, •'. .auction Sales Auction Calendar Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 .TMS.-Wee11• 6ollitda).,$I1140Mh 3l 26 at ID in . _ .414(11' (1r :nu . . 1,' Fi1)rl',h.Ir: 14411. . _ m4e:• ru)'tt' (i• VJhnten ::orner- 0l "4w'. rh,• ,•:1• Va:r n :;1001-011.' aucllr kr Air Marti Snr11r6 Inc. A: . . 5111 3t%Owh1fwe: 00•1a1)11 44)901'. 4, Inrt1/ (1t4'• • too!, r` ,t;)' 04'54: -e,U' 49:1• L V+1f .:1010(4';. 1):. '-'4 : -:i;irl• 14)1, t•:'. 44,111 Ur;Yds"- ;111:' 1111110r4['I ' 41'!!: •-4(rnittlrl- h . SI'1 Ft' - t. 14. ''(1 .:•:11124' U 1:1'..' V:••l-. omlpg Wadneslyay..0ctoDoi 7. aL5.PdYL �r'.hf '•.11 ,, r` hr)1ttia11ci1r :)tt:'-:l)!h .:Nt.l' tr,n-. reel !„ ;1(1dlhnn: - 1('1 ; 4' per rr;)' '.:,'t: a's: O:1VI4. • • • 4 PROPERTY. AUCTION ft * nt excellent building end lot which must' be solo dui• to owners health* Tuesday . September 2S - 4:Oti p.n. P.RQPERTY _0 stet .'4' ?'L. v.0! ilarlrr: (:4'rr11" :1-41. .?< 4:JJ _ t'''11141 . '100111:1 h. 4.!0:-. tin), v4344, . Lf 1 14 - * Sot 1191:1 -1111: .11044 ro(40. Bac; 10no- :'!)44: 4441 * ,r r.,: t.: Mai. • sectio. na- : tar}st 41061:: ;'1)11 1f 4• • , ,,,.. :'('• .a11t hv0r: (:ed014'45411 • 44(44 .111"' . �• r k - lUS'. ItldUSirli)• Wei. Iea;l.. • 'h'":. 4 '• ' . .ntaa414' rn Plan rale. . :,:1:, 'I,•. _ - 4 ,4 .. ,., , 111)4' ». 1ta" ,mite 1)1 ;MS( '111;41g Vihit . - •. ,41 :4:I it Y• I ,%1." :,:lv. l F.l(,.t 4 TERMS _ !:. '1- (r',.. navmeri sin :)ei. 44.9 )11 • _'. 9:.-• ,111.r•::-lOLIefillt ,(,4. ).41 • it .4'...,.' '4'4. ..'... 1:::i-14: '1•;I! -. _ 11 Ii x t' 1 the owners apn►6Vd salt, d salt, - - 4 VIEWING: t.,. -,-.0n1,.., .:;).)(n 'a•siln ;(,--;era il,itw,ats i' hl !',i., : t ,',. { r ... 1!0411-- • -ir'- 00041 .. .• -' { Risco &- Ramo'. Auctioneers: Phone :'Pax 66fi-083: k.•. 1" Wanted -To 8US' ' + • I'1), O1•i .. II:.. - •i.:' _ :-1'1'_ .. :1-, t .. 171:•3):4• - - 18 Wainer. RathwelI1 L Associates 1n - EXETER' PROPERTY AUCTION a, rI. 9upc. (191(114 rl-: 1'4442!44 .:,1:�.- J(ere. i4F PrOUF .•,,�_ .-. . 14t Lc!:: 'ail'?QNI_ :, •'::_ '.,1'. :t='- n.n..',.. .. !7t. .,• Auctioneers bruee kathweli Kent Ratfnwell For information • 5 ti 9-233-7181 '1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. i * GIGANTIC CLEARANCE AND CONSIGNMENT - TT.-.- T'r+'-- 1. •* * . GARLIC -• . N _ 1, N WANTED 1-•••••!;* Great Lakes {Garlic Co urzzszzzxzzzz.zziizzzzzzizzz.•' 19 Property For Sale - •1 4:4'tl' • • .1 CONSIGNMENT AUCTIiON )1 4K - OF FARM EQUIPMENT.' '♦r HOUSEHOLL. ANTIQUES. ' X 1000,-. Ell . X liderton Fair (aruumh * - • f • Iluertun. Ontaar * - Sat.. Oct 1(2 - 141:Ull .lint 7t Already constgueti.1 nuusehold* •1 true' Strome°) If yet, w(sl;. to* consign to•tres sale: please- call* a- sour il4- • pussiou • tor* auvertisrng anti placemen: Auctioneers: Fuson 6 HOusuw.:" Phirue,'Fax..666-O83.- k 4444444,4404•44444444 • kAfgQE AVCTIUN SALE Tb it Nt"(. 4r i,•_ndt(. U('L' ..i'r( (u,rt b(p etit'tl. 't 't, ',1 Nu' it' (!t, u ✓014:, bui!024"- n ;:,(14401 },11er.. (4;111/1..ruurinl(r.- Saturtla)'. September 2G at RIDING trAWNMOWWE$: dWnt,u'. F r0 • -• APP_LIANCES: (114K,'. mg4r• fircdsrns' e1o' L-ot(' all ye• Acro°:,, 30' elecU'' Sluv'; ytndlI4 _)Iia': 11eeie' . uehulnldlfle' t111G1uwdv'' ( ; 4,1':d01e.• ' l .vitt- 11.1+4111•. 0,2744(414)11, upllgn: Yd'.Uu(1 ANTIOUE4,_ APRNIURF g_c_e:'"r'(r'byu' mule uplrudr(: wrtr <•sl• pow,- gia+ dour , thoive' dor- 4! 01w4.-- cow- 114,... :•040,1;. °voce g+d. C4'11041 cabnlet (V 04 HOP: »%'setae'. will - iuwe•,' gro.'.:. 414114E pnl. cupuudtd .0444'4. tot d41 (dual wilt t.4:1)l.,' pe04:sta ane 10049(:. GUPUudI(i Uol(un'. erne„ caunur'. wuuue, .Mui; taut. wove:. 045(4 14 matching titian.. tut. tu4, 414 SI' w1Cne( 1t r1' ';;dn('. t(u11n:.. pont, slum' 11444Uerr• 441u11 ;oar IdU1' will •i nldlChntt, el1drr' (i1.)( new;. f debut, Ct1d)1: oianke.t Lu• : wdsn5(dh0�. roChtlt}, ,'119.1. 41+(1 ntgt. Cltdtt lure'; pleue Uedruun• tulle:- with nlatlresse.,•ptu', other Mess((,, dere CneS' 0' urdwer!• pm. 1401144 Ctle51effle1(. 140444:14 CheSLO4I(ei(! dIId Char. HAW sed' cnester4seu: U:1c4 (Alp: : te•;lute• Chdu:, 1101. Nee. Vow tamps 4..1e01.4 44,111'-. AC'.-UemCe- IglI!+ul '.d4lhetb. 10 ono', .. •(Jc". ()the- crucn:- steep°• c!uC.Y 11101111'_ 4(4IUGM ()eh:. I1U[le' UUr, ll, Uuar0'., pint Geove' }d•. 0+(: mt44. 444)4(11`!.'1(1Cluut• Marc(, (.0444 '11tUr Dale}. i7VUe1IC1 t'. pin' /war (.r11144(4e:. LdhleSIUt' Jet4e4• t:4,11n 1(01, Cu -(1p. 19(* Falrho4in4: Darn !,awn0d' Alduth1• 'amp oil :cm tpS. Depression glass. 4 collectors pate:• 010 tor,-. or(: (00)0: olgr Of tering Of dishes and glasSwal(•rnciud+ll}. dnnyue' p+cw: . stereoscope, sad irons. old pictures. ted tigurn,e(•• 1971 Bisset btu: calendar, pocket watches: towels: 41edd+ng 193' -gun hcens4: Uutlul 3 new bathroom vanities. odd new cupboards old Joann:, 144°1.,'1'(; tools. wrenches. and hand toois. semen' layer. Ottem lal(S. gale tools and mise etc . Skill saw. lig saw. drill Sooty Vac: let; VlsI extension (;010s -- TWO AUCTIONEERS selling, starting at 9 um) Please come ear4v. TERMS: Cash or cheque with propel 4,0. Auotioneer.Richard Lobb 619.482-7888 Clinton SAT. OCT. 3 at 9 a.m.: Large household auction. Moder, furniture etc. for Estate of Joyce Hamilton and Melba Finigan u' Goderich. www.auotionhotline.com * AUCTIONSALE _ Saturday,' October 3rd 10 A.M. SHARP, * hp►r6xnalateii 7f trataur: .,asF SKI: * .,415(41.'` L0' . UVF!' l:);) piece:- 0' E1eV> i14I`. ;1544!. • me itioli t;Rica' tia<ther:, nTle:, a' ttautt311ltln' ;)441 ;at' * Bel _ Mit:tpt_: tll,E'r: Weea4:aie! tidl!tJc1V\': * JIIUVI/1iI01)(3t':- 1 * : Auctloneerp:' Glenn Sinplatr, BruceWaro ane Ent DI) ,. * - "Come t Cttectt or Yam - Buy at you' price nature tm.'kuctu)r.' r * WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT Hwy. #6, Wiarton, ONT. *' 519-534-1638 or 534-2980* * * * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * FORM 9 - SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC AUCTION The Corporation of the County of. Hurur - ,1)0(44!' ((ia'. int- (dl1U)t:, . Urb41141411 11el441 Y,l! .0r. 10;,1' 1 (:1.Uit aucliUI 0' ,;:U; (, ct)tir I, (11, itotno' u' 4:44 :r' i(lUe' BJP. it' ''lulu! suutlh .<uu' - -1.)u,' r. 1,•tl.,' . ,,. . .400431°24 ',144444(1 ,i.".. Description of Landis' . Murninum the .(4. •<. F;dl 3:: - '(:• pe' 110,4101114:1!! ',tt)nUe' .a' ail); HS p!" 411:iO 000,7.0'/\41111444'- iUW1151mt, p' iUGde+441411(,.. Uulti. t1' "how PcOrtro.i.J. 01 JI►tdttt 2. t.tOi (..Floe• .3° As ale' IriSlrurnen? iuntte• _- A:, per pislrunlerr INutliue::31411 U:. ' . iuwnSIirh 0' iUGherb(In(1 :Cou1111 U: ''1U101 . 'Hlurincl 01 Untalt[ .• . 0.41. kart .o' 24. Pldt'- ,- pe' ntstwinen! Nuintie' 1.32S,O4 iuwn-snipb1 llitne)Snntl ;,°unit 111 or - 11oVatu4_ all Gnidni - - pa : °Lint•-buuln Fri:': 441 but ?,u, (.utlyesslur k. pe: U(slrunlet '. I9untue: 18697 • iuwnSlul; of 1liest NidtnidnuS1'• ,,°unit lot nut°, r. ••ir• •kS Prurin4;1_ o: Unia,tt A5 anluunt4 pdy0Ul4 Uy 111E Suc4;ebslu, putt lydb4• 54,dl, 'Jr lull81 (3444 tow: 04 the 4484(1 tt cast, 441'hun t, trlue• v' (' cheyu* cerr4111e(1 u, o hall.. host cu1puta4lu! u F Puri:t' t. v' Sdvnlg5 ()Mut - The nlunlupabtl 144 41081.0 mane`. nu ,eptese114d11u1, te};d:Udi) to u1 any °the: 111dtter5 ielothc.tU the t0U(4 1%,411. 5(444.' ht;:,pultstu itt, fur ascertoo 2d1, tt.ese matte's ►4545 rat, no: unien010 pun:hose!: TRIS 448444 15 gurelhe0 by 4422' Mulircrpd'. idt Sdrr:•,/i(t' 01(..(440 i4:j1i fax Sales tithes The SULGeSS1u, puIChdbe! 10/414 410 IeyulluG t( poi tin amount bid plus 8444.unw4ated taxes and tlii leott ir. who (ti.sh le' 4d' For further Information regarding this bale. contact: - - ileasute:, Gu14)0)at4044 of the Guuntt 01 hulul Gault et.Oust (,°deny.), Ontario iv7A,1M2 - Pe,sut.la: utlurmatlur) W11410100 On this 44401. Go114 caul puISud!r Municipdr Tan Sales Act will be U4440 lul tilt pdnpyb(44 01 (lid! 154. Questions should be directed to the fIeedun. u' tn1u11t)idttu)'.d'tC Privacy Coordinator at the Institution IeSpunSlUle for the p1ULeda)e5 under that Act.