Times Advocate, 1998-09-23, Page 23••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tea served in "Alice" style at Blue Water Rest Home ZURICH - The alternoon of Septemhcr l >. the . Swinging Seniors entertained -the residents of Blue \Yater hest Honic in the auditorium. Andrew Rau. Phylli Ur,thert. Claire Glasse. Doug Insley and Luis Hudti,n;-played old Dine' niuxic for the seniors, sang solus and kept everyone dao: tot! to the heat. Wednesday• afternoon tea ,became an Mlle in Wonderland Tea Party ?with pianist Hugh • Harper dressed in his wool tuxedo dressed as the Mad Hatter. Betty (Y Brien and Ann McBride served tea. Evangelist Arnold Grattan... Gospel hall. Grand Bend_ con- dut ted Thu.i daj - afternoon Chapel Ser%ucc with the assi-- tance kit his wile a. organist. Fr Matthta Wrunski. St. Boniface Church.urtch celebrated Mass. The Baine --evening Adjuvant Cathy Shansi gathered with 2S residents to make homemade. -pvi..t and the trca: was enjoyed with rerreshnw nts • ' • hrtd.ty was •.Autumn Apple • /'e-srtval da. and the residents retruntsced ah(tut apples. their_ • ianou:,name, and..all the differ- ent dislic. to he made..with apples. Art Coker: •of. Bayvie Subdivision planed traditional or,.;u1 music: in the Chapel On Freda\ afternoon I Saturday afternoon vo untcer Jim Purvis took the residents for a drive-in the country. They toured Hensall mills to watch truck. loading. beans. travelled the 2nd :concession to Clinton. returned to lunch '►y the Goshen. Everyone took note of the tanners harvest: ing their crops and the various animals along the route. • Monda\ aiternpon the resident. witched the riuivie "The Wild Pony -on the large tetevisiim. • The resident took torward.to (tit+ to the _Lamhton Museum Qui•1t" Show On September 21 . Bible Study with Kev. (;ani Laiaro --and -the f.akeview - Conservative Mennonite Church on September Z'•.au Alihetrner - Coffee Hour on September 24: Art Coker. September 35 and a trip to watch the Exeter Fair •- Parade on September 26. On September 24. Margaret Catherine' Hess- will celebrate t)7 years young. In htiniiur of her . birthday:.the .family are holding •ati• Open House on- Sunda). - ;September 27 front 2.4 the auditorium"tat thc'Blue Water Rest Home. • • WWWWWWWIMISIN Dance Hall 9pnt lam 349-2678 ure Dancers Wekoma Fri., Sept. 25 Country Versatiles Sat., Sept. 26 Keepin' It Country WIFYIESUSS WIlif1 W `tiNVI•:Itti Hensall Minor Hockey and •Hensall Sherwood: Foul Ball Stag & Doe Sat., Sept. 26 8 p.m. -1 a.m. Hensall Arena 2 Live Bands "Roys Garage", "Stu McCann and the Blarin: Knuckleheads" • • • • • •• Lucan Community Centre 1 Bingo Wed. Sept. 23 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1000 Jackpot Game. 53 cans or less $1200 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations. no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 • • 'Forgiveness' discussed at U.C.W. meeting EXETER . The evening. unit 1{xcter Unitcd.Church Worn - met on Sertcmnher 14 and be- gan the 1011 Kersl III w Illi it pot- luck supper, -Betty Clark. Carol Moore and trace I)ruuunond l;onducled dc- sotions using. -laving for To- .tiiy" as their theme. . Guest speaker-Yv'onnc Re• vntrltts Lave an enlightening talk (Ili-..lureiveness."• jwcrrty rmght nteinbcrs. an- - cwcrcd the. roll deli with a sur- pnse •that happened during the siunntet Donations to Phoenix tluusr- loader over the past few 'months were acktiiivwtedged. Audrey' MacGregor reminded the group of the fall fall.). 00 •5eptcmhcr 2X at Centralia Unit- ed Church• with Rev. :Marilyn Carter as •speaker: . Norio,- coc:will reported that -a haraai .v ill he held Novemcf 14. She requested anyone with large margarine. -containers. to contact her rhi next cited ive Meetingis on September 2) at 7:31)- p.ni- and the next general tlleciingi September"20 at S p.rn. FINAL RESTRATION '98/99 Graduate -Earl and Glenda Wagner- - are proud.- to announce -the_ graduation of -their daughter, Heather, from the Child and Youth Worker Program at Fanshawe College •in June. Heather is . currently employed by Homestead Group Home. in Goderich, as a Foster Extension Worker. Love_ and Best Wishes -• . Mom and Dad, - Lori Lynn and Chris - 'Inc/Derrick i►nn', '}.li'nulh', titylte'nlf)('r-23 1'i').� PpXtt2.3'. Taziar McKaruey Christine Taziar, daughter of Jrie 114 Mary Taziar of St. Marys was married w Barry McKarney, 5011 of Mildred • . Mckarney and the late Donald McKarney of ,Nova Scoria ou August 2.2, 1998 at 5t. 'Theresa'\ Roman Catholic Church in Fredericton, New Brunswick. SAT. SEPT. 26 lea s) 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. DANCE STUDIO Bldg. #75 Huron Park ANDREA WEGG.e•0., ..t. (behind the Post Office) 4cro-Gifnluastics • `Iltp and Jazz • Ages 4 and up MINI 2.4112IR IUSIUtI�;"I 1:SU3#i,IUS1- $3I;wt tat► _ The Granton Masonic Lodge pre,ent, 1*H E ANNUAL FISH FRY "All You Can Eat" SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1998 From 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. - - Granton Masonic Lodge, Granton, Ont. , Adults: $ 10.00 Children $5.06 For Tickets: Murray Switzer 229-6344; • . -Larry Hern 229-6947 r ' i t a tans slufls*nasu Isnlr.sm*smisUIll 1.. *4 d int Craft Show U Sale I- + 177 Helen St. Dashwood, 1 Sun., Sept. 27 10:00 - 5:00 We welcome you back to S decorating and glft giving S Ideas o1 S • dried floral bouquets, ; swags, arrangements S r hand painted shirts, bags• and hats .• • V wooden shelves, cabinets,• • rocking horses. tables •• • r Teddy bears, candles, ••• chocolate suckers, • caramel corn ;. V country accents, pillows, folk art dolls S V hand sewn country hearts, ; cows, cats Coming events 1' I iIUKON PARK BKOWNIii PACK - Ktrgntiatiun and lira meeting, ,September 2,. h (0 g:((1 p.ti. al McCurdy Public School For information call Kathy Ford 215 22'.7 or, Mary Walker. 1 hrea 236,4557.149.1 : UI•PLi('A f Blt114G : -"will scan OcKiber 14. 1998 Eaeter Legion at 7:311 p.rit lobo Bnn111e1i. director All bridge players wet...me' (19-41*. ' • PAREN 1 5' •' Want to nuprufe your parenting skills' Attend an Early Childhood S T E P. p•ucnung program. lot p.ueuts.ol children age. 11-1. yr. Learn new 6:ununum- caWu1 skill., elle( 1Jsc dist 11)1111eltnthlxls.and.)rateem 1.. Ik *Id at McCurdy Publ.. 5t)r001. in 1Iururr Park. on l humday,evcwng. mon 0.1 xth Nus' 1916,.7:00.900 p m1, rhi cusp is S31141Witeisiin•) ti 00 per couple "I rnau.c.l A sisnptce in available 1t needed Spomored by. Women 'today tit Ilurtm .\ Kota) Response for Ileatihy Ctir)dien Fur more rntirrurrftuu. ur to register, please .alt .524 676.7 or 1-8(047941716 ( 19-411 - ROAST BEEF SUI'I'LIt Btucelield Untied Church. Wednesday.' October 14. 1998 51.1110 7:311 p.m , Aduh. 5`1.011, Children (6.12) $4.(11), Pre School tree. Advance tick cin only. Fur tickets .011 482-5554, 233.711(. 213-3232.09-41'1 RUMMAGE SALE & AUC t ION - 'Wednesday. Ucl. 21. 7:00.9:00'p.m Thursday. Chi 22:100) .1 w.-2 (() p.m Auction Thursday 12 noon. South Moron Rec Centre. Exeter. low nwldcpuk•up4a.m. Wed. Oct 21 VuluntversVickMoe.(39.4'11 wATCI 11:1 SI HOUR • Make yuur Thanksgivings known Ex Ceti Cable 12. Octi,her 3, 7-11 p.m , October 4. 2.3 p(1t. (.9A0•) . YES' IT'S TRUE MURRAYS' CHRISTMAS HOUSE WILL BE OPEN - 10.00 everyday AUG 10 Dec- 24/98 lab off every purchase. and 505 off selected ?ter chanilrse. IMAGINE . FOR 20 years our 10 tom home has magically shimmered with the glow of twinkling lights; the enchantment of the decorated Chnsunas trees. chcr- ished ornarttenls ..all cxpenly crafted and exquisite .,will stretch your imagination Please conte visit. choose a day. treat yourself. treat your faintly. tell all your friends' Expenence the "ULTIMATE" in Shopping Pleasure! 7304 Richinond Si. AKKONA 519-828.3398 01(11400.575- 1974 "Learn How" Demonstrations - Daily IO a.m. Hon to cralt mlctprclive. Holiday Ih•wrations137;39.1• -YOU ARE MORE THAN WIIAT YOU SEE" - 1s the theme for our Coffer: Break group this season. All women, of every age arc welcome to curve and be. encouraged in whoGod created you to be, and be challenged to grow in a closer relationship with God as we. study Biblical truths Coffee Break struts Tuesday. Sept 22nd. 9:45.11:30 a.nt at Ihe Exeter Chnstian Refrained Church. Free nursery for children 0-2 'yrs.. Little Lambs & Story Hour programs for children 3.5 yrs, bid. For more info. call Cindy 235. 1723 or Joy 235.2754. "For 1 know the plans I have for you..' declares the Lord; "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. (37.39) __ _ APPLE PIE SOCIAL • Sunday. September 27. 1998 of 21W p.m.. Exeter Villa. Music by The Bodacious Jazz Band. Cosi S2:(X)lperson. Proceeds to.lesse's Journey. (3839) - Hayter - Otterbein -On• Saturday, August 15th at the Brucefield United Church, Sandra Joanne Hayter and .James Lloyd Otterbein were united in marriage with Rev. Tracy - Crick • officiating. Joanne is The daughter of Bob and Sandy Hayter of Varna -and Jini is the son of Wayne and Judi Otterbein of Bayfield. The maid of honour was Pam Salverda. -friend. of th,e bride._ The bridesmaids were -Carla 'DeVore, sister of the groom, - Brandi • Schoenhals. Mary Elle.n' Webster. and Elaine- -Christenson all friends of the - bride. The best,man was Rob • Boyce, friend of -the.- groom. , The groomsmen were Dennis Otterbein,- •brother of the - groom, Jason. Jeff and•Jamie Hayter: -all brothers of the bride. The music for the cere- moriy was performed by' vio- - ' Iinists Maarten: Jessica, Stephanie, and Sarah -Louise Bokhaut: The reading was done .by Angela ,Weitlaufer, friend of the bride. Following •the ceremony, a reception - was .held at the Stanley Township Complex in -Varna with Kim McVicar, . friend of the bride, -es the master of ceremonies. `The ' couple hon- eymooned at Walt Disney World in Florida and are now residing in Exeter. Joanne and Jim would -like to thank their family and friends for helping to make their day a very special one. ' NNYNireans.N•N.•.•.N••.•N.. •NN••NY..•N..e nsa Forthcoming marriage Claire and Margaret Derchert Zurich and Brenda_ Schellenbergen, Stratford wish .to announce the forth- corning.marriage of their chil- dren Jennifrnr Marie and Robert Peter! The wedding -will take place on September 26: ' 1998, at, St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. if RADFORD-COOPER Forthcoming marriage - John and. Elaine Anderson are pleased to. announce 'the ,forthcoming marriage of their daughter Karen tq Dan _Masse, son of Gerard- and Henrica Masse. .the. wedding' will take place Saturday. October 3. '1998 at Our Lady. of Mount Carmel Catholic Church. Mount Carmel, Ontario. Forthcoming marriage - Glen and .Peggy Restemayer of. Dashwood and Sylvester and Geraldine Grim -mock of Woodham,are pleased to announce The forth.criming - - -marriage of 'their. children - Julie= and Chris.: The ceremo- ny will takeplace on Saturday. .September 26. 1998 at 2:3D p.m. in Zion - -Lutheran Church, Dashwood.. Open reception to be held at Kirkton"Community. Centre at 9:DD p.m; :photo taken -by Kim L. Pearce • t.' _. . •1 Angel.t Li..r 1Zad1.'ft 1 and !'s..,n K.,herl tame. Cti,pur s\..1r , united 111 rnarrtag.• ,at Amy;, 22 .u'Itniteheld l:nitt'tf ( leu r. 0. with Rev. Cheri 1 1Nocli anti 1), 'teen Canavan ottl.1.11ieet; Angle Is the d.iuf,htecol j0,51111 and lau1 Kadlonl 01 ( Inttan and Stott 1• the .ort of lune and 11.15 .1 Cooper o1 Isq•pe•n 110* Staid 0111))nour Inas S1 ' .t 1104.111.1 the linde-?laid- were. Karen 501 though. 1.15.1 K 1y. 1 is kit 1) ' to. Ind Iuhe { onstit. iiwild. of ilv• Bride, and Nina 1'oltercunt .11 the i Bride the 0,-sI,n.ut w.Is P.e111 1hi) •11111the 1v100111' 1101 Were } IA.ruue l'ar..'n-. Stack 51\).1-..p.i- 0t' 10 Kadk.rd. Brim, )01111g. { and Steven John -.111. iflend , .'1 I)u• ( 40.'111 I he 11;.tcergirl. 1 Were 011V141 tlender.on and' tej•h.mie.1.ii itt Int•.r.,0llw Bode-lhe.oIne.t ss .1. Cara `leplrt'tut•n. and the organl.t ss.t. 1 Mary Moffatt 1 he .. ti pi u 0- reader. Isere Pane Armstrong and Luannt•Ste%eie,.•n 1,11•nd%14 the Ill de 1 .•I1.'ssmg the ceremony, a retell( tot. was held at lite }1.I 1)' s 1, o‘11.1111, Con.pies with Meta Palter atoll 1),1, til t .ne.rit .i, \la.tei •. o1 Cerernonc•1Ill. laudehones 1,t„tat...) 1,t Albert.. .11111 lit 0ish Columbia, anti .no now re>1.111tg In Is wren Align' ,11,1) '•toll wouhi like t., (hank their fanuh and mend, I,'r helping til ;� • make their das' a VCI% a i)t, .it_)i' • .iindntetnor.rblrooe •'� ifs `....=�_ 1 74 peat eteilt So ete deep:Rd>L at Ile Pe ceut rit•de:94e4 %lt ideet in Grand Bend, Ont. 5 miles south on Hwy. 21 - on the left. SAT. & SUN., SEPT. 26 & 27 9 AM to 5 PM Admission $1.00 Free Parking Under the shade o1•an oak Savannah forest, patrons are escorted by asphalt walkways. The unique setting for our food concession. beer garden and our brad(' new washroom facility. Facilities can accommodate up to 8,000 patrons. Dealers set up $75.00. Call 238-8382. ., t: i' 11 4 ", 100+ 1 Dealers Phone or Fax 1-519-238-8382 PROMOTER: RAY SWAiN v+yvVV~ amessamosessessossesimes..NN.NM.a.M...Y.Y..NM....eW.•••.•. r1.N•NN.••• HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY JAN FISHER : : 7-x ii From your lovable father & Mike & Chris FINAL RESTRATION '98/99 Graduate -Earl and Glenda Wagner- - are proud.- to announce -the_ graduation of -their daughter, Heather, from the Child and Youth Worker Program at Fanshawe College •in June. Heather is . currently employed by Homestead Group Home. in Goderich, as a Foster Extension Worker. Love_ and Best Wishes -• . Mom and Dad, - Lori Lynn and Chris - 'Inc/Derrick i►nn', '}.li'nulh', titylte'nlf)('r-23 1'i').� PpXtt2.3'. Taziar McKaruey Christine Taziar, daughter of Jrie 114 Mary Taziar of St. Marys was married w Barry McKarney, 5011 of Mildred • . Mckarney and the late Donald McKarney of ,Nova Scoria ou August 2.2, 1998 at 5t. 'Theresa'\ Roman Catholic Church in Fredericton, New Brunswick. SAT. SEPT. 26 lea s) 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. DANCE STUDIO Bldg. #75 Huron Park ANDREA WEGG.e•0., ..t. (behind the Post Office) 4cro-Gifnluastics • `Iltp and Jazz • Ages 4 and up MINI 2.4112IR IUSIUtI�;"I 1:SU3#i,IUS1- $3I;wt tat► _ The Granton Masonic Lodge pre,ent, 1*H E ANNUAL FISH FRY "All You Can Eat" SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1998 From 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. - - Granton Masonic Lodge, Granton, Ont. , Adults: $ 10.00 Children $5.06 For Tickets: Murray Switzer 229-6344; • . -Larry Hern 229-6947 r ' i t a tans slufls*nasu Isnlr.sm*smisUIll 1.. *4 d int Craft Show U Sale I- + 177 Helen St. Dashwood, 1 Sun., Sept. 27 10:00 - 5:00 We welcome you back to S decorating and glft giving S Ideas o1 S • dried floral bouquets, ; swags, arrangements S r hand painted shirts, bags• and hats .• • V wooden shelves, cabinets,• • rocking horses. tables •• • r Teddy bears, candles, ••• chocolate suckers, • caramel corn ;. V country accents, pillows, folk art dolls S V hand sewn country hearts, ; cows, cats Coming events 1' I iIUKON PARK BKOWNIii PACK - Ktrgntiatiun and lira meeting, ,September 2,. h (0 g:((1 p.ti. al McCurdy Public School For information call Kathy Ford 215 22'.7 or, Mary Walker. 1 hrea 236,4557.149.1 : UI•PLi('A f Blt114G : -"will scan OcKiber 14. 1998 Eaeter Legion at 7:311 p.rit lobo Bnn111e1i. director All bridge players wet...me' (19-41*. ' • PAREN 1 5' •' Want to nuprufe your parenting skills' Attend an Early Childhood S T E P. p•ucnung program. lot p.ueuts.ol children age. 11-1. yr. Learn new 6:ununum- caWu1 skill., elle( 1Jsc dist 11)1111eltnthlxls.and.)rateem 1.. Ik *Id at McCurdy Publ.. 5t)r001. in 1Iururr Park. on l humday,evcwng. mon 0.1 xth Nus' 1916,.7:00.900 p m1, rhi cusp is S31141Witeisiin•) ti 00 per couple "I rnau.c.l A sisnptce in available 1t needed Spomored by. Women 'today tit Ilurtm .\ Kota) Response for Ileatihy Ctir)dien Fur more rntirrurrftuu. ur to register, please .alt .524 676.7 or 1-8(047941716 ( 19-411 - ROAST BEEF SUI'I'LIt Btucelield Untied Church. Wednesday.' October 14. 1998 51.1110 7:311 p.m , Aduh. 5`1.011, Children (6.12) $4.(11), Pre School tree. Advance tick cin only. Fur tickets .011 482-5554, 233.711(. 213-3232.09-41'1 RUMMAGE SALE & AUC t ION - 'Wednesday. Ucl. 21. 7:00.9:00'p.m Thursday. Chi 22:100) .1 w.-2 (() p.m Auction Thursday 12 noon. South Moron Rec Centre. Exeter. low nwldcpuk•up4a.m. Wed. Oct 21 VuluntversVickMoe.(39.4'11 wATCI 11:1 SI HOUR • Make yuur Thanksgivings known Ex Ceti Cable 12. Octi,her 3, 7-11 p.m , October 4. 2.3 p(1t. (.9A0•) . YES' IT'S TRUE MURRAYS' CHRISTMAS HOUSE WILL BE OPEN - 10.00 everyday AUG 10 Dec- 24/98 lab off every purchase. and 505 off selected ?ter chanilrse. IMAGINE . FOR 20 years our 10 tom home has magically shimmered with the glow of twinkling lights; the enchantment of the decorated Chnsunas trees. chcr- ished ornarttenls ..all cxpenly crafted and exquisite .,will stretch your imagination Please conte visit. choose a day. treat yourself. treat your faintly. tell all your friends' Expenence the "ULTIMATE" in Shopping Pleasure! 7304 Richinond Si. AKKONA 519-828.3398 01(11400.575- 1974 "Learn How" Demonstrations - Daily IO a.m. Hon to cralt mlctprclive. Holiday Ih•wrations137;39.1• -YOU ARE MORE THAN WIIAT YOU SEE" - 1s the theme for our Coffer: Break group this season. All women, of every age arc welcome to curve and be. encouraged in whoGod created you to be, and be challenged to grow in a closer relationship with God as we. study Biblical truths Coffee Break struts Tuesday. Sept 22nd. 9:45.11:30 a.nt at Ihe Exeter Chnstian Refrained Church. Free nursery for children 0-2 'yrs.. Little Lambs & Story Hour programs for children 3.5 yrs, bid. For more info. call Cindy 235. 1723 or Joy 235.2754. "For 1 know the plans I have for you..' declares the Lord; "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. (37.39) __ _ APPLE PIE SOCIAL • Sunday. September 27. 1998 of 21W p.m.. Exeter Villa. Music by The Bodacious Jazz Band. Cosi S2:(X)lperson. Proceeds to.lesse's Journey. (3839) - Hayter - Otterbein -On• Saturday, August 15th at the Brucefield United Church, Sandra Joanne Hayter and .James Lloyd Otterbein were united in marriage with Rev. Tracy - Crick • officiating. Joanne is The daughter of Bob and Sandy Hayter of Varna -and Jini is the son of Wayne and Judi Otterbein of Bayfield. The maid of honour was Pam Salverda. -friend. of th,e bride._ The bridesmaids were -Carla 'DeVore, sister of the groom, - Brandi • Schoenhals. Mary Elle.n' Webster. and Elaine- -Christenson all friends of the - bride. The best,man was Rob • Boyce, friend of -the.- groom. , The groomsmen were Dennis Otterbein,- •brother of the - groom, Jason. Jeff and•Jamie Hayter: -all brothers of the bride. The music for the cere- moriy was performed by' vio- - ' Iinists Maarten: Jessica, Stephanie, and Sarah -Louise Bokhaut: The reading was done .by Angela ,Weitlaufer, friend of the bride. Following •the ceremony, a reception - was .held at the Stanley Township Complex in -Varna with Kim McVicar, . friend of the bride, -es the master of ceremonies. `The ' couple hon- eymooned at Walt Disney World in Florida and are now residing in Exeter. Joanne and Jim would -like to thank their family and friends for helping to make their day a very special one. ' NNYNireans.N•N.•.•.N••.•N.. •NN••NY..•N..e nsa Forthcoming marriage Claire and Margaret Derchert Zurich and Brenda_ Schellenbergen, Stratford wish .to announce the forth- corning.marriage of their chil- dren Jennifrnr Marie and Robert Peter! The wedding -will take place on September 26: ' 1998, at, St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. if RADFORD-COOPER Forthcoming marriage - John and. Elaine Anderson are pleased to. announce 'the ,forthcoming marriage of their daughter Karen tq Dan _Masse, son of Gerard- and Henrica Masse. .the. wedding' will take place Saturday. October 3. '1998 at Our Lady. of Mount Carmel Catholic Church. Mount Carmel, Ontario. Forthcoming marriage - Glen and .Peggy Restemayer of. Dashwood and Sylvester and Geraldine Grim -mock of Woodham,are pleased to announce The forth.criming - - -marriage of 'their. children - Julie= and Chris.: The ceremo- ny will takeplace on Saturday. .September 26. 1998 at 2:3D p.m. in Zion - -Lutheran Church, Dashwood.. Open reception to be held at Kirkton"Community. Centre at 9:DD p.m; :photo taken -by Kim L. Pearce • t.' _. . •1 Angel.t Li..r 1Zad1.'ft 1 and !'s..,n K.,herl tame. Cti,pur s\..1r , united 111 rnarrtag.• ,at Amy;, 22 .u'Itniteheld l:nitt'tf ( leu r. 0. with Rev. Cheri 1 1Nocli anti 1), 'teen Canavan ottl.1.11ieet; Angle Is the d.iuf,htecol j0,51111 and lau1 Kadlonl 01 ( Inttan and Stott 1• the .ort of lune and 11.15 .1 Cooper o1 Isq•pe•n 110* Staid 0111))nour Inas S1 ' .t 1104.111.1 the linde-?laid- were. Karen 501 though. 1.15.1 K 1y. 1 is kit 1) ' to. Ind Iuhe { onstit. iiwild. of ilv• Bride, and Nina 1'oltercunt .11 the i Bride the 0,-sI,n.ut w.Is P.e111 1hi) •11111the 1v100111' 1101 Were } IA.ruue l'ar..'n-. Stack 51\).1-..p.i- 0t' 10 Kadk.rd. Brim, )01111g. { and Steven John -.111. iflend , .'1 I)u• ( 40.'111 I he 11;.tcergirl. 1 Were 011V141 tlender.on and' tej•h.mie.1.ii itt Int•.r.,0llw Bode-lhe.oIne.t ss .1. Cara `leplrt'tut•n. and the organl.t ss.t. 1 Mary Moffatt 1 he .. ti pi u 0- reader. Isere Pane Armstrong and Luannt•Ste%eie,.•n 1,11•nd%14 the Ill de 1 .•I1.'ssmg the ceremony, a retell( tot. was held at lite }1.I 1)' s 1, o‘11.1111, Con.pies with Meta Palter atoll 1),1, til t .ne.rit .i, \la.tei •. o1 Cerernonc•1Ill. laudehones 1,t„tat...) 1,t Albert.. .11111 lit 0ish Columbia, anti .no now re>1.111tg In Is wren Align' ,11,1) '•toll wouhi like t., (hank their fanuh and mend, I,'r helping til ;� • make their das' a VCI% a i)t, .it_)i' • .iindntetnor.rblrooe •'� ifs `....=�_ 1 74 peat eteilt So ete deep:Rd>L at Ile Pe ceut rit•de:94e4 %lt ideet in Grand Bend, Ont. 5 miles south on Hwy. 21 - on the left. SAT. & SUN., SEPT. 26 & 27 9 AM to 5 PM Admission $1.00 Free Parking Under the shade o1•an oak Savannah forest, patrons are escorted by asphalt walkways. The unique setting for our food concession. beer garden and our brad(' new washroom facility. Facilities can accommodate up to 8,000 patrons. Dealers set up $75.00. Call 238-8382. ., t: i' 11 4 ", 100+ 1 Dealers Phone or Fax 1-519-238-8382 PROMOTER: RAY SWAiN v+yvVV~ amessamosessessossesimes..NN.NM.a.M...Y.Y..NM....eW.•••.•. r1.N•NN.•••