HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-09-23, Page 22Page 22
1 inter-A(li'oi(
September 23, 1998
-100 Births .
BRANDEKHOkST • John: Brenda tura big
brothers Bryan. Joshua and Thomas praise
Gull for the birth of Joel Daniel un•
:September 1. 1998. Weighing 9 lbs.
AIlI i d grandparents are Albert and Jean
Vandcrlaai and John and Peta Bran}lerlio6t
Proud great-grandparents are Nellie deWit.
'Antje. Verburg and Brant and Menu).
Bylanta 1i9'),
PDOKTINGA.- tug slsICr J.nue 4114 big
brother Philip together v.101 their patents. •
Gem gc &• Cheryl. thank God lin the sale
arrival of Keith Wdbam. twin tieptendiei 2.
19.98 Proud grandparents include Item) &
Hilly t'oorunga. Run and Darla King. and •
Bill & Jean Oslerluu AJsu a special
mention of glautude w DI Salisbury and the
nursing stall at Clinton. Public Hospital ..
101 Marriages
1s1AJUKY/WIiIN - Southampton, Ontario
Glen Maury and 1)ot..t' \\ cut were married
on Saturday..SCptcmhei 1.9. 1998 the
eels molly and rrkepuon look place at the
Elwllune Inn, Ingersoll. Ontario -139'1
102 Deaths
I)I(IN1 fill. Oast,' \Iuii.I) suddenly at .
his hone in White Kuck.. Buush Columbia
un Mciud.g. September 14: 1998 in his 42nd
year !)c.tth Toted soli 111 Wiling and
George \\ est. u.t White Rock. 1) C and
Muaa) !Loaned 01 Kenoia, Ont C'hensled
brother 01 lrienca of Chdlnvack. B C and
• •uncle to her three children. Tara. Levi -and -
Jurdan.. fear grandson of Emma and Doug
Knowles and. the late'Ch1'f and (stay
Brinuell. Qho sadly Oussrd by his )many
.aunts, uncles•and.coustns Prltate service
and cremation. In lieu of .!lowers donations
to the Heart and .Stroke Fund to the
:Canadian Cancer' Society would he
appreciated. (39')
With Us
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
•• 11:00 a.m. Farnily Bible Hour
Thursday Evenintq Home Bible Study
at 8 p.m. For into, contact 229-6572-
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
• Everyone.Welcome
332 Huron St. W.
Pastor Peter Tuinirjga,
• 235-1723
September 27,1,998
- 10:00 a.m. Morning Service
Sunday School for ages 3 to Grade 4
' during morning service
Nurseni Available
7:00 p.m. Evening Service ,
. " Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5'30 a.m.
flout 4:••r111
102 Deaths
187 Huron St. W: Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachele
' 235-2661
Sunday, September 27
Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00
Sunday School 9:30 and 11 :a.m.
- 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family -Night
- Everyone Welcome
September 27
9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Worship Broadcast
on Comfnunity Channel
ELLIS - A aeunu(al Ser1Tle toll be held for
Peter Ned Ellis who passed assay on July
17. 1998 The utte(Iler l null take place al
the Exetet Public ('meter) on September.
26..1998 al 1'wpm • Ani 1, rends acid
neighbours are Int )ted to pay Then last
respects to a los wg 1111 WOW Mid lather
68 Main Street Sot)th
235-2784 '
Guest Minister: Rev. John Neilsen `
. - Courtesy Car - 235-2784
Sunday, September 27, 1998
11 a.m. Worship Service and Sunday
• School + •
Sept. 23 7:30 p.m. Board meeting
Oct. 5 11 a.m. World Wide'
Communion -
Oct. 25 11 a.m. Anniversary
Service. Guest Minister
The Rev. Gwen Brown •
You are welcome to worship add
with us.
H:\GGAK.- AI -London flealth Sciences
Coale. \Vesluunister ('anulus on tirmenthe'
20. 1498 Kathleen IKa)11Thompsoul
Haggai on Lue,ul Belo\ ed tote 01 the late
(Chalks Haggai 1191,21 !)cat mollies tit
PPJsthe and' 1)on S.on and Alice and Ab
Gilmour all til lShAdlhuiiy: o %n.hgt teat
grandmother of Rooms- mid 151,1na Scutt and
Lod.' and Clay C'haitiDonau and great
grandIwNtel of Inane-. istaCi rine and
.Leanne Scott and Calvin caul Surae
C•halt+.mncau lk:u sIsicl :ural •1ster-url,w
01 flotcucc Hudguts 01 l.uccw.:\ndlen and
Mallon 1lwnupsoi au.1 Bel !MC 1hunipsun
all of McGill'slas predeceased by sisters
Minnie (Barnes. Glace Dison and Edythe
Watson and brothers Hiram. Muria) aha
Swan Thompson Friends may call at the C
Haskell and Son Funeral Home. 2.23 Matti
Street. Lucas on Tuesday 2-4 •and 7-9 p
where the Iuncral service will be held on
Wednesday. September 23rd at 2 put with.
Rev. Bruce Pocock officiating Interment
SI. James •Cemetery: Clandehuyc
Donations 10 1101)_'1'nnny Anglican Church
or the Canadian 'Cancel' Society would he
appreciated by the lamely (191 ;
LOVE' • At South Huron Hospital. Exeter.
on September 17. 1998. Walser Keith Lu4i
to his 63rd year Beloved -husband of
Pati lc13 1'f uekeyl. Love. Fuu41y
remembered •hy his sons Gregory and his
wife Nancy of•Mississauga. Gary and los
wife Kim Of RK 2 Iters til. Grant and his
wise Lauren til RR 1 141101. and Gordon set
RR I Zurich 1.uvtug grandl'arhe1 01
Bradley. Alexar..ler. Pamela, Lindsay.
K.actyli. ltarren. Danielle. andl)i•anna.
Dear Mother -sit Robert and Ingrid Love o1 .
Buffington and Hcicu S1.Kas of Eseler
Prcdee,slsed b) his plums PI,ss .1114
Luve,a(IJ brother in law Ken- McKay
Visitation ut.thc J S1 511 Beath I onertl
Horne, 49 Goshen St Noah, Zurich. whets:
the. Ilnlelal service was held un 'September
19111, 1998. Res. Canav:til-
otlielalcd Interment 11.,IJs Cemetery'
Stenional :ontribruiuus to the Heart and
Stroke Foundation. Klppen Unttcd (Church
.Jr the' challis of choice would be
appreciated by Atte family (39) -
-MAY - Alice May passed away Septemlter
22. 1998' Arrangements incomplete. (9x..1*
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Sunday; September 27. 1998
10:30 a.m
• Infant Baptism
wa Transfer of New Members
Rev. Cordell Parsons -
Sunday School 10:30 a.m. .
Nursery provided,
Courtesy car: Ben Fisher
Alt welcome!
105 Cards of Thanks
WILKINSON . We would like to thank •
everyone who helped us celebrate our 25th
Wedding Aunlvenauy -A special Uwuk-)ou
to uui daughters Tammy and Monter lir
()tanning lie Open House. Thank -you to our
1411111) anJ blends tor the cards. gilts and
best wishes .venal thanks to Lloyd acid
Warren Annrti lir the great carriage .ride
hack 10 town ahoy being left us the country
and. lir the-rlrjes gncn to our guests. Also
special thanks to Paul and Irene. Jeremy and
Aunt Marion for the help with the kitchen':
Juries \\e aplireciated it all. -George and
Linda 13941
WOOI)BURN - The family of the late Edna
G Woodburn wish to express their heurifeh '
thanks to taunt). friends and neighbours for -
the !torah 11hules. chantahle'001atron5.,
cards. food. p,aycr5 and words of cordon
Junns /lie 1051 Of Olen beloved mother and
grandmother A speelal thank you -to
('raighOlnte stall. those who continued to.
sum there. Rev Kota I'utinan and
Box Funeral Home. Patkhlll. Leona
MurnsseN, Bath Dietrich and families 091')
106 In Memoriam
lHF-EK - In ueur.'ry 01 a dear husband, tattler
anti gr:uidIather. George: who passed away.
three "years ago. Semetllher 22. 1995
D(ypl) missed along the was
Quietly lei embcted CNet) day -
No longer. in our lives Io shame
• !flour hears,. you air always there
Lovingly « inenrlxred by Lucielle, Lli>Ja.
Ken, Betty. Bryan. Karen: Darren. Charlie,
Kiuthu. Lauren. Maggie. Conor and E
- DESJAR DINE • 111 loving nteutuly of
Norris. husband. lather: 8landlathci and
great grindlatho. who was takcu 11„1ll us
one year ago. Seplendicr25. 1997
Today recalls sal memories.
Of a lived one gone to reit.
Arid the unci who dunk til )urs.
Are 11e ours who luted you best.. -
God saw you getting rued: •
When t cure was nil tri be.
So Ile closed firs arms around you, .
. • And whispered "Cornett) Me
You suffered much ulsdeme.
- Your spirit did not bend.
You faced your pain withcOuroge, •
Until the \cry end..
You tried so hard -to stay with us. •
Your fight was rain vain.
God took yuu.lo His loving home.
- And freed youiroin all pain.
We will always love you and cherish the
wonderful years we had together
hIade)cne: sons and daughter. Jaughtcr-m-
laws: son -or -law and family 1 0)•).
VAN IX)KSSELAER - At his residence. on
September 16. 1998. Joseph Van 1)ursxlael
of Dashwood in his 7816 year tear brother
of Marie and Kalph-Astle til Dashi.00d and
Susanne Van Dorsselaer til Belgium. Dear
uncle' of Wendy and Eric Nelhv:rcutl of St
Mary S. Don and "Janet Braver of Sea(oul>.
Cynthia) ud'David Hynes of Plyin ior>,
South Australia and other tierce and
nephews. Predeceased by his brother. Ray
-(19801. parents Peter (19691 and Philoruina
(Maes) l 19801 Van Dorssel:er. A memorial.
service will le.helJ:u the T Barry Hoffman
-& Sons Funeral 11010e, DastiwoJd. un.
Mond ty. September 2X. 1998 al 7•30 p in
The Rev Roby' Peeples officiating
Interment.Calvary United Church Cemetery..
Ilasliwood 1i -desired. memorial donations
to The Diabetes Association. Dean and
Stroke Pu undaliun or charity 'of chi{ice
would be :unitecd:lied. 139)
105 Cards of Thanks
JAr1UES - Out most sincere thanks to
• Kraut) and friends for the many heautilui
cards. gifts. !lowers and thelovely party
arranged by our children: all of which made
40th wedding"a , -ersary truly aria) 19
remember. Ray and alarm W ) '
KA1114E •, We•wish to express our" deepest
thanks tri hien&s and neighbours for their
support and kindness during our mothers
illness and death. The Bornath & Kress
families (391)
+The enthustasnn of the public has again
made the lair :i access Many tti:iks 10 our
many sponsors. withuul you we -couldn't.
keep going. Thanks to all -those who
Volunteoec their time in any way :ill
weekend. you also keep cur fair guug
Special thanks to M.C. Leon Paul and Ray.
Swluer lir a job well-done and to Paul
hlkNaughtrnl for entertainment Sunday -at
the Fiddlers Jamboree. (39) .
106 In Memoriam
.COLEMAN-MOKENZ - In loving memory
- of rimy pare1115. Wesley and Jane Ann
Colemuu. my Nonce Sarah (Sadie) ('okntan.
and our sun. Ronald Wesley •Murenz
Mother passed away September 21, 141-60,
my Dad. September 1 I.- 1949. Sadie, July
22. 1977 and baby Kunald, August 23. 1941
• The Memories we have limn day to day,
• Ntrlength of time can take aw.ay.
• FOG In Our hears yuu,are always tie u.
Los ingly renenibered and icly dear
My parents are tenembered by thc11 family:
• grand and stem grandchildren. Sadie is
remembered by her. sisters and brother.
nieces, nephews and friends: and our hat')
son. by Hugh & A •'Moroni 119x1
PICKEKING.--In loving memory of a dear
husband. father and grandfather. John
Elmer. whu,passed away 16 years ago
September 22, 1982.
A bouquet of !lowers just for you
Spnnklei with teardrops instead of dew
-Ansi 10 the centre a forget ute-knot
to let you know we Iwvcn't forgot.
Thinking of .you often. Marilyn & (triilly
\h'ALPEK : In loving memory' (11 a deal
51510: Mill Marguerite who passed :VA :I) 101
years ago-. Sepenmber. 26. (9XX
Sadly missed. always loved and reitenttered
by yotir sister's Grace & Rem ! 9P I
Clothes Crazy
Going Out of
Thanks to our valued
customers for the last year.
Due to unforeseen
circumstances we are
closing. Anyone (laving
consignments within the
last 90 days, please pick up.
Store will he closed as of
October 1, 1998.
LLL LLLLLLLLiLL LLi' l8•LLLLLL'L'L'LLL1:-Vat 1raLLL LsL'L•L1SL'.et'•tLtLaricine aL1Lwci mig
U.' 'rjUllilithiliti.4) Zwillnmily [-$.
+•l-'',. iii B013 & EVELEEN JENNISON ig
• i .1 ...t ,.
The family would like to Invite friends 4
AI `rt -t and relatives to an OPEN HOUSE ei
.,r .•I, - in honour of their parents'
Golden Anniversary
Saturday, October 3, 1990 4
from 2 to 4 p.m. r
at the Rbiat Canadian Legion,.
Grand Bendr (LLk,•
Best Wishes Only
' Congratualtions Mom and Dad' -
LL`1L_'L•'LLL/'L1i'LLLLLLL'LLLLLLL�'LLLLLLILLLL'L`'LL4vLlaarviLL'1.9cagLtcLlga7 grae-wL'LLLL
MCNL:ILLY Fainly and friends 'are the'
precious jewels set hie Dining the Iasi three .
_►nonths.-we hare come to realize how
' blessed -and rich we truly are. A sincere. •
ihank you in all that shared your concern
and hist through flowers. rants. gilts. phute
calls. visits and maws John & Sharon.
(39') •.
_ NOELS • Marian Noels and the Mindy of
the late. flatly Nock•wuuld,like to take this
opportunity to express their appreciation W.
Rev Bruce Pocncl: for lits kind prayers: (o
those who sent flowers, cards and made
rnenloria' contributions. Thanks also for the
sersiee )rr m:der) by the Odrft:Bows and
Rebekahs. Also special thanks to Bob
Heywood: the ladies of the Trinity Church
who -provided the luncheon. A very special
+ thanks to C. Haskel('& Son Funeral Hosie,
Lucas for their kindness and thoughtfulness.
NOELS • My heartfelt thanks for all
kindness to me in the passing of my hushaild
Percy-. 11 tieans-4o ouch to ire. Jean (39')
KOHDE We wash to thank the committee
that had the social evening:and presentation
. fur us at, Usburne Central School un Tucsdy
everting and also to the choir members for
the noisy chivari. beautiful muni and the
delicious lunch which they brought. It was
all very much appneiated.and iremores of
Our 50th Wedding Anniversary which we
Will always remember. hill & Rhoda (39x)
SCHENK • 1 need to start with my wife.
Darlene, who's cornlnitl►nent and love could
leave no doubt. 1 love.you too!!! For the
relatives and friends who visited for so long
and faithfully. thank you. For all the
wonderful cards and Bowers. thank you. To
Ur. •Stcciuk and nurses -of S.11.H., you were
great. A special (hanks to George &• Inez.
Bill & Marg. Marj & Lynne.. Esther. and
Phyllis, Laverne -and Marion. Jack (39.1
TAZIAR • Thank you to all the members 01
the Woodham Shower Club for the beautifoi
shower gifts. We greatly appreciate your
Thoughtfulness and generosity. Christine
and Barry McKamey (394.
The Town of Exeter's 125th Birthday
The Exeter Fall Fair's 144th Birthday
Sat.,Sept. 26, 1998 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
South Huron Recreation Centre
-.Door Prizes: First $125.00 • Second: $144.00
O.ince to "Sunrise." Play Cards in the Foyer.
.TICKET PRICE: $7.50 advance; $10.00 at the door
Lunch provided
Advance ticket:: from Dien of Exeter office, any Fair Director yr call
for Jennifer Hargreaves
& Rob McClinchey
Sat. Oct. 3
9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Lunch Provided
Age of Majority Required
For more Information call 233-3103
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Kirkton=Woodham Commonly Centre
Featuring it Mak(' 11 and
.Take 1t Table
Lunch counter proceeds to
Kirkton Fair Board.
Lots of Door Prizes
, ((-)Illy) cutch help (eIci)ratc thea
54th Wedding/It ll iirerSwi '?
Iry and Lois
Sun. Oct. 4
O1'I-N i101 - li
2:00 to 4:00
Please no gifts..
For those tohn Irish.
a.box for donations
to Jesse's Joarru'y
will he provided
St. John's -By -The -Lake
Grand Bend; Ont.
•.11.,e,,-•,•“•••:..- • .a i
$10. - Adults
$5. - Children under 12
Sept. 30
Tickets: 238.8158
1st sitting at 5:30 p.m.
2nd sitting at 7:00 p.m.
Lordy, Lordy Barb is 40!
SEPTEMBER 25, 1958
1 1)51'.11Vt) 131::'r. tt't}i(t ;
Liner Alicia.
1,rrV. Lb a, Ssicfilo arid
1 ).0)1,11.•
• R..lu•r t .110,1 ( ..11,0•)
L Happy 16th Birthday -
4t`,▪ •
Jlupe this isn `t -1011gl distarleet!L.
18 1 )Ivv 514011, Dad. Stacey 44
- .
; • I1•Itokl rind
f 1' aria i l .�•
li►trirlt/it tri 1
Sr -1)t. ''•;. 1945 P.
lsn r /iroir tpnu / sstu ry s
_ r
SEPTEMBER 25, 26, 27
with FM 102 Radio Personality Phil Main
o Kathleen Anderson and Dana Rimeikis
v huol Champs:'Jonathon Thornton, Meghan O'Rourke
and Amy Shapton
o The Wild West Dance Company
o Ambassador Competition
v Homecraft Champs
v Lawn Decor Winners
v The Bodacious Jazz Band
✓ Admission $4 Adult; $3 seniors &student; $1 elementary
• Exhibitor.(member) passes honoured on Friday evening
• 1 c UPC, 1'4 r__.__._s
Redeem for Free Cookie and iDrink
Friday Sept: 25 - 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. I
JAMES :\\I) l':CI'111(:1A
(\Y11.1 %I0Rl:) B:\\NER\1AN
I:rionds and relatives art'.warmly
invited to an OPEN 'MUM:,11 the
Royal Canadian Legion hall. Church
St. St. ‘larva on Saturday.
September 26 - 2 to 4 p.m.
Best (My
ESTATE SALE - Rain or shine. Stove, fridge. washer and dryer.
Total household. content. 253 Algonquin Dr. -Huron Park. Sept.
26 and 27. 8 a.m. to ? •
Saturday, September 26, 1998
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
(corner of Huron County Roads 2 and 5)
• Furniture • Books • Tools • Toys
• Kitchenware • Dishes • Games
• Records and taped • Bric-a-brac
Something for everyone!
Bargains Galore!
Sponsored by:
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish and
Precious Blood Mission