Times Advocate, 1998-09-23, Page 191 SPOR r(-; l renes -Advocate, September 23. /998 Page 19 A helpful hand • Learning the basics. • Kaitlyn Hern.,4, gets soiree tfelp from Exetor Rrnget{e Association : volunteer Mna' Ondrejicka at Hensall Arena last week d{ring a liromo practice. There are, 25 -n'ew girls. trying the sportfor the first. time and 70 girls have, registered so fa"r..,Newcgrners can -stili -sign tip by "call- ing assohit'ation ptesident.loan Morgan at 235-1487. Exeter lawn 'bowling scores September 12 Audrey Vla::(irevor 2W 11 f;r-an M,iekte ,, , 2W. I Marshall I h:arnti` _'%V'2(1 Jerry DcBoer 2y` Pat -Palen : 1. ;•.-1W1.; Frank Palen, • '15V 1, • Septepnber 17. ' (:i•r.tldirie 16 [3„h 1 hompson flov.artI Jtplin, Star. I t)rac licnherg. Mari DeBoer•- Henry Urachenherg .2W 22 John Cooper , 255,21 Marshall Dearing 2W19 Wilmer Adkins 1W22 September 19 ?la, lon Dearing - . 2W-10 (shish:ill Delimit! 2W31 .'„'4• 35 2W27 ' 2.3 (Minion Stewart Ralph Batten. Howard Johns Stan Ruth Wilmer Adkins Jason Batten 2W2K 2W24 2W2.l 2Wly .2W1% 2WIR Har Brintnc)I " 1W27 ELMIRA - -Eizetcr.lawn bowl- ing club's Boh,'Thontpson and Doris Hackney.,captured first prize in- the Freiburgers LC:1C. Ladies Paris/Mixed . )'airs tour-- ), With(' nanlen► wish 3 win• l5 -on Saturday. Tuesday's best All winners. The Exeter Golf Club Tuesday Morning Ladies League wrapped up its season last week and handed''out its annual awards. At. left are the low gross winners, from left: Theresa "McCann (senior D flight), Betty Smith (senior C flight), Liz Stephens (B.flight), Jo -Ann Middleton (4 flight), Grace Drum- , mond (senior 8 flight), `Jeanne. Phillips (0 flight). Not pictured winners: low net: Dia Batten (senior B flight), Ina Browning (senior _C .flight), Sheila Reaburn (senior A flight), Jan Baker (8 flight), Marg Upshall (C flight), Marjorie Rowswell (A flight) and Lillian Mathers (senior 0 flight); most improved players: -..Pat Campbell (D flight), Apne. Dougan (C flight), Middleton (A -flight), Jean Crerar (match. play runner-up), Ester Johnson (match. play winner) and Drummond (B flight). Huron -Perth champs Hensall hard hitters.. The Hensall Hit, Happens ladiesslo-pitch team won the Huron -Perth championship Sept: 1¢ with a 13-1,2 win over Wright Stuff. Front left: Diane 'Dearing, Brenda Wilds. Laurie -Knights arm Teresa VanRaay. Beek left: Marj Partridge,_ Anja. Johns, Julie Ritch ie. Deb -Lora. Tammy Preszcator and Kate Monk.' Absent were Lisa Campbell and.Helen The- ophilopoulos.n Hensall _won the oper)1ng game -of ,the series 19-10 on. Sept: 8 in •Winthrop . thanks to .solid hitting throughout the line-up. In the second. game in Hensall last Wednes- , day, Wright Stuff. took- a 9-2_lead to the middle.of the fifth, inning when Hensall's bats came alive. Bensatl scored five runs in the' bottom:of the. fifth and six in the ;sixth inning including : a grand slam home run-by4Brenda Wilds. ,Wright Stuff carne. back with one run in the top.of the seventh but couldn't string together enough hits to go,ahead. (photo/Martin VanRaay) • • To their credit 'Credit' those bantams. The Crediton Bantam girls fastball team recently won the A' cham- pionship at the league final tournament in Kirkton. Front teff: Lindsay Parsgns, Carie Perts chy; Melissa O'Brien, Jessica Davies, Meagan Preszcator;' back left: coach- Clare Martene, Krista Dearing, Elisha Martene, Kelly Bowers,. Nikki Cyr, Sarah Hodge, Brandy,. French, -Lind- sey Green and coach Brenda Marten. Absent is Sara McLaren. Crediton beat Hensel! 12-4 in .the final. On their way to the final. Crediton polished off Usborne 22-9, Fullerton 11-10` and. Hibbert 6-5. (photo/contributed) 5, Pin Bowlers Association elects new president ' By Ron Dann ZURICH • - Ei•xeter's Mike .Crcgan was elected as he I998-99 president of the Zurich 'Town and Country 5 Pin Bowlers' Association at i1. annual .electicin of officers meeting •Wednesday. Gerry Hcalheringion was chosen as vice-president. Past president is Ron Dann. Other positions include secretary' and lottery chair Laurie Stanlake, • treasurer and Nevada chair Bev Crcgan, tournament chair Mike Van Damme. membership chair Jen Glazier, awards and record scores chair Donna Thiel and piublicity chair Jean Dann. • The next Zurich Association meeting is scheduled •for 1 p.m. October 4 at the lanes. • • . • A first time escr meeting -betw,cen repre.enlaiin/es of the Blucwater 5 • Pin Bowlers' Associatilin and the Blucwater Proprietor, -will take place ail p.m... October a at 'Walkerton. 'i'he purpose of Uns hi,tonc meeting is a genuine effort of both group, to estabbsh completely, co-ope1,11 understanidirlgs concerning- a I I Ontario lave. i'tn Bowlers' 'Association (O.h.1'.B.A.l tourna- ments: • '[lus.spccial joint meeting will be followed by a Blucwater Bowlers' Association .2:30 p.fn. meeting at the same location when schedules and locations for the 20 game O.F. P.B.A. Ontario Open Blucwater zone rolloffs, the five game Blucwater zone rolloffs of the O.F.P.B.A. Provincial Youth Challenge and als.) the Bluewatcr rolloffs to qualify • for the O.F.P.B.A. Ontario Booster Club •Championships will be established. ENJOY THE FUN AND BENEFITS OF BOWLING IN AN ORGANIZED 5 PIN BOWLING LEAGUE. •SPOTS ARE FILLING UP FAST FOR THE 98/99 SEASON SO DON'T DELAY. BOWL IN A LEAGUE O14 THE DAY OR NIGHT OF YOUR CHOICE. - • Monday Night Ladies • Tuesday Night Mens • Wednesday Morning & Night Ladies • Thursday Afternoon Seniors - • Thursday Night Mixed • Friday Night Mixed • Saturday Morning Youth Bowling ' YOUTH REGISTRATION DURING SEPT. • NEW Glo in the bark Bowlin; - Weekends "NEW BOWLERS ARE WELCOME" "QUALIFIED COACHING AVAILABLE" TOWN & COUNTRY LANES (10Grand Bend)1niu. ret Zurich 236-4923 Enjoy Canada's Fastest Growing Sport! • 4 • Havea sports tip? ' Call the Times-Advbcate 235-1331 September 17 I:uw net ' A Ilteht hu, Hughes 11 ILght G 9N211 • C Illghl E ivlanthcld-. Thaws, to pin: 1) Ikanng a1. Winning teams First 11434: E. Mansfield. 1) Payors, Binges%. G 1k:u it! Second 11471: S Kurhan. 1 Hug►k,. S1 ('ole. B Kuhar - - - 12 . 14 15 Wednesday Ladies • Septentber16 ' Wrap up banquet, 62 women present Club winners - grins A Iltght Maiiene Pariuns 42 B ilighi Tran Mau 51 - C"fhghi - `Pauline Run land, . 56 1) (light Elltabrlb koestenfolg • 6n •-Club winners- net - 16 ' 16 A flight JuJ) K)le . 11 flight }rue (inulol (' Bight - Pat Campbell I) lllgbt )ankle llrlls . 17 The %Millett all reel\ ed :101 and enpr) ,:d..I local and ,I,;:nal rntrnaur runt 1111:7) thanked hien yunsprs and those whit donated pri,cs: and Bob and - Janet Slason and then slatr - September 19 First Huh Fletcher • - Jobiil(eglei Jule Steen . Lei Webber " 17.' .41 44 .1i 169 Sctund Al ?recce - 42 ( tier Joe Green . 46 -Hill Schaefer - 46 J.i:k l3ryuhan 1116 Second 101., W111611 - 32 toe) Ross 1 rdn. 1 _ - 46` Bthi Presicator • 47 Hill Thompson _ . 51, 1116.- Fuurth Frank'Uoliurp 47 • Jur Itr ler 45 Sail.\lrap 4 4.4 1 keu Hermann - - ' 5' v • - 196 ('loses( 10 pin: N4 Bal TI) p,rnl. #7 Al , Vicece HENSALL SHERWOODS \\OAA SR.'A'vs, LUCKNOW Sunday, Sept. 27 1:45 p.m.. Hensall Arena Exiiibition.game ScotiaMcLeod is pleased to announce Michael B. SI urn,,, Investment Erecutivc. L ,:ic(,n, that Michael•Skochinski has joined our London Oflice. , as an Investment Executive. Working out of London. Michael will concentrate on Exeter and the surrounding area. Mr. Skochinski has helped people Manage •. their finances for over 17 years and takes pride 'in • providing exceptional customer service. Michael and his family are pleased to permanently make Exeter their -home and look .forward to continuing their active cotnmunity involvement, ScotiaMcLeod is a full-service Investment Dealer that has been.providing trusted investment advice to • 'Canadians since 1921. ScotiaMcLeod is a wholly-owned ,subsidiary, of The Bank of Nova Scotia, one of North America's largest financial institutions. For more information, contact him at his office; 1519) 660-3254 or toll free 1-800-265-1242 Suite 1102, 130'Dufferin Ave. London, On N6A 5R2 - 1, ScotiaMcLeod Building Relationships for Life