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7 tmes -Advocate Septenther.23, 1998 •
Back Weight watchers back-ta-school tips
1" for beating the brown bag blues
• By Ross lipligh tram the
archives of the
txeter limes Advocate
' Septinhei 2.i. 191is Lucan
••• Hydro toreittatt. Jint .Freenuni
Wa. officially . retired Fridas
night ,reeeived chel
. •
For molly (it us. r,((o(-10-schoo libc4 cokt tt,,, pa, itiao
means•goine hack to a hectic tuorAl. with low -la. ..tives, Ina
me schedule and the dreaded 'v to so.. hist 11 t !l'(.tl le.
brown ha1 blue, You know -the • titite 11-.C31 WI Kul ( .11t po,...• top)ipr.
Om. when vou tyiss over packing a that are varied and nutillitia!
nutritious lunch for your •ehddren -Sandwiches at soil its,. mu..
only to tryst over whethei ornot '11 popular 1rnch nine staplu Expel,
will actually get eaten 111C111 %1'1111'. dilterent while ora,
outlictroitt An.. lirbanowics;
Whai mote important .1 !wick!, !trend- 1, „ determine which, ).ot.
••,.Qt °Marl,' Hydro an,: a. a: that good tot Your children 4)1 on: • cht10 mete', Dow. •torgt-1
ant pj
toundel ...Ole 'LUC211. I risli that. tompl v. ?kic! 4.4-eat,-)-1-k-n-roc—wal-P's • haFel`
Motor 110t.:Ke‘ lean.; iieZ11121---. -Sable lo e hitt .' • 11131.., interestifig :ilterriative. .1
waft 111-• (11'. wa" •ts. "" According 44, Weigh.: Watchei,
•. .
sliced bread
• _It sou and vi)a; citildrep Inab.
Idneht:, the evenin"
Ica. t' mgredientikt tO
maipes or -light mayonnaise to one
side until at..morning 71111.lielp,
keep everything 'fresh not soggs
tired 111 his tions;: • • Vie: anwer i. a resounding
• 1he Hen -z.1; air Alter 3f).yeats. /at tie•IpIng people.-Ca
meal 195.4 ()limper has. been •
healthy and • wholesome' tood.
sold to .1 volunteer me depart Weight Watcher, . ha. comptied •
number ot t1f). that will help* tura
vow.. hrow Oa: blue, into th,
brown,hae hovel,
. • ism, Well . Itoge. . . • Actively involve your clutches:
WatiL Jul Delitoc). 'AI cht Auncli-making 3proces"
beatn. I Jo: rottorts liase the, helped to make it therniielvc.
Holtzman)) tinipon owal.• children- will have .t greater setts,
Desna:. titers nelis;.•• iewc. - •ownershttwhen it corrics.nin,
111C111 111; Mississippl . -
-Winneis in the inesi-s con,
pvition IriiiiwoOkt gold duo
tin. yeas weie Ray Al
• • Cnotas. 11i3! v. 10 irast
welt • an cal, he • satet ie. 1. ,
Warm cie.,\Kor IC/Ckel FrOzen lure,
you, wilt Maw rt, lunch tune art,'
licht cool the.other 11C111‘, •
• in 'Ind, narritsou sok.•
naiticioant J1.1110:t 1 CO -.Ito opeirtne tiroisii bag and -dig it. , low -sugar treal Inas willw ne)CCI)
, ,'
}."..1" • 13 t_ ''' l"."I'l 111111' -
. 1110new only some patient:seantvotchildwa•iron
n1:otnatiti 961 :O•n. II to me •udanc to hccitie candFrson-childrel,
trest ,
. • . 20 i,/..,A.o../i(() . • - - .mastety ot the alt tit preparing, and trust ()-_!-.).-. vegetabte . 5. 1- Tit/
Lisa . packint._ a :nutritiona. :lunch Mal -1:41. ()met . loss, las soLon: . gratun.
Scptenine: ._ 1 ri-,-,•••
Hume. •ccret:11•z ticasbre. , ; Ines. wili (nioy eating,anik.. pedlar), nal. c• a na:: 1,s n•a.. int 7. ,siI,i a
nr me- about to -their iriend•.. tfic-trics -
'Yantis. AtIt11011. 1 cent ' 1,. • Kith know ltit. !block' 111V x Ilk: , . \ tituriitt, 1set:1) stt . _ 1 me
. h1.11 111 keel) ‘.k.i1111 11n1
)tIfl Heart). %le'.s :haw.
0111.01 heans ..i, 1h t-.ilcn casit•
t .1oVo tt1t.11 (WI arki ix 11,
ii th.• it -;1%( •
, 1.IJ •
• is.CCI) .11.14.1t,k1 s.1.1 1 10 .th..4)1111.
11‘.., 1,w 1.. it1..t.,•(0'ett1
\ktlete‘l.' 1'110.511:11., Ti .111;11)11,
11 1 *1111111 ts3s 11111 101111.1 111;t1
11.1 ',WOW 1,11a: •
• 11,. kin .• 1 10 ens. titittittet..
•• ten. -1131 ..1/11ta1nel . an. 1111.,..:
sat an. ast 4.1:c-rpackc.:....Itl,
oversvrappe,1 tooki
With ., wholi.,43111, pow(' ine.c4
that actualis CI cane;. 111 null,
tiontst,' .1 Vs civil Vki at,:tset: •
- stns child %sill 0.! t tatr,,10.
4Iterimist5' !vow an,
ittentitt alcnne.•
• • • Nov. t clehrati-n, it 351: yea. •
.‘‘ Watctiet, wecki. •
weighs crintro! manageinci,anc
-lleall11%. lifestyle income itirout2..
Jos1.1 Viitss Lust....1
111: AUS3b1- bas Lon., agg
" I it
• out Canasta 319,1 minim. -Ili kk 011,
1.• wars nun, ziPn: iti Weito,
Watchtsi mogran . ;tittpi) Mot
a ans. zonvement1.- located yvelet.
Vvatctici Centi.• c30 too tie
No 3c, ••827-114)- ttr• location nets.
. 3
- ... •
Customer Appreciation Day
.• • By.Muriel Lewis
(1R4N1ON tier well
Iron. the communits los.
Bakke.. win, has been cinAtineet
(ienerat 1-itsststla!
Sept 16 • • •
(lisattio Coninitini•:-ation. a.
K !atm. .held ai• enso.••ard
:leo (line • a pp tv I :NI it) .1.1 .., 1
1roleOcAnIC111'. cleplion.
with :retrestimgrit. Senn -110)4 •
-I.' trolls 1 3,•1 I) is. .
• "I 01011131? • 1 int
hreaktai at. Luau tirehal wa.
wel atiemie,; an, vet, ettlosalit
0:, semeiotic.. 1-
• .s.,esscra. Iron.lilt 3(1t1t(lI1I(I((
einoved ttiy.lick." an,. Isor, dinnt
41 the commumr. ector • o.
Septetnhc: 21,
Al Coatito.„ Linitesi Churci,
Sundt's. Las keadc; Val I-M(1ton;
ciliated her sermoi •A. wszs nra.
- Sunda', Grantor and
Wesley it oy' to: -:1 cointone,'
`servic.: as• Orantoi, itillowe.'
313 open house
A: Pau! .. Anglican Crime'.
iStrktoi. os. Sunda Glenci.•
M.e,aki4 ceienraie.' 61.•
1n: lesson WCF• tea.' ti
..„„cninin, and in,.
111) Sunda'. • 11:: I0 S •
l'acl , . Isisho0 kohes • • •
•presidin. • 1!; ,
C tin at . Ser.'
cesve._ sp.:,1, ,
iron. cintary _Louses vation
Aintikoinc- SirreCt:ls,e
11.1 1011,2. and Onl.Sla11011
a0."311 ontstitst.C!I jt.1 '
• 11:
Winn 1143. n WI
Loc.. kw, etor.: • • :
\ (Hill:, 3 se.,
0130 "ulnirtn13103 111111011. 133 in •
• MOO: suisouitued Ii`,
Laiiiit . Untie
sueei -
Ctenitoo Cow -gni , 1,
ents, .won ti;- 197s. •-'
onshis (.• distil: milk.-
• • tastoalltetigue aeleat-ing -Far •,.•
MU in tir.: 1313.11 ioun.. kone• •
.. PeItSCIIA -
• 35 YEAR' A (;t
• Septeitme:. 21s, 196 , - (...a1.•.
ly 1111V Simmons Otis Wen
sen to ilea,' we SF -IDH s SLI
'dela ti.Un10...1 it 19(0-0 • he- • •
executisk. -ttikankit. -
pit:stator _Mc Aitisirs -
seCretai.• ..i-inu-
buytst: tie:tame:A,,i 3f1111:,
al116pUt.,itcI(clidil 111d:•
Hof rims:.
1•oriner Lusty; kieton
Ciatiae NI. 101s men -1-3
pouste., '.0.
ltiltlsO 141 1 ae.vcittliiiie(11 (.10 1;.
1.1et,teitine• .' 195' ' Ms
all NI: ' 331. ,
13,0 mt.- se.14311.. 1 3. 53t''
we.. guest... 1! 1.11111t. 01111)31 • -
",r, 1 ikPok .44,Chl,t1.11.0 1t1 1
Llt) 1
11131 1 tleacoll(111,1 13(31
C.4113? 10 In '192
dasiN wad.:
up' - Niarstial:
Kirkttni an 1 1,01 11,..• 1 jeo,, K.1.;
• 1 ,,,VY t*Hiititnt titaLet.1tuir1tt its a
(las? ink os 11:41115 con,
petet. a: OA' 1:, (moo!, on •
- 1-04.14-e• .
Sepivotte . 2' 194 -
Y`eition I 131 5403' 1 tecentls fk
ceisco a Mentioned Dispatche.
Co.111111....10: . 1101 •
• ,f1e1: 411.1 Mi.. Ocolge leiiu
Mil; Lonaol, an kahilelis of.
Extp.C.. wt./. i1c33 Fort. col
Saturday .31 \ esteln
Lxeeer 133311n311, sponsto
/ a, baby contess.,.;•13331 t...ipeta •
house tle.; 1011131131 (11 Child
Welidt: • •
Haw) Cole I. attending the
Collegk !Ilium/n:3, as the
timictsit'y of 13,13,1113,
Sixtecil-yublit school
• VitSSCIS tealiced ?till 1.60 101 (11?
• bias y League un Saturday
M. 1thdMI Witham ktiokiti
01 Ilikune. Road returned un
Saturday alio Spending lilt.111
_lioneyinoon In Lasteiil 0.111ill 10
and Mt. and Mts. Vciwin Miller
• have icturned Itknit then wed-.
• Septetithet 22. 1921 :-The
Lucals Junius. hase Won the
jUilitn • championship of die
NW1141 ttic final game was
played i,i Lucan on Saturday
when the home 1314111 deli:Med
Durham 1-0
The Zurich 1a11 l'aii
. held on Thursday and hid,. ,
! tam. 'Ilie weather W3351d3131 nd
j eXhibih were excellent with a
•1 large eiuwd present
The concert and recital in
James Street Church on Mon -
•I day was hugely attended and
' I thoroughly enjoyed by those
, present. The -entertainment was
t- under the :Auspices of the Sun-'
1 Jai!
"Mt: rtrtintru, Mtivinis i Abslgt.
ti• anniiii; thi, •
gintilas Iron, .--V-to 14 7 1, 0, -,
I leVs. report:
• 1 lnit •.• memher. ntei Monday
evening•at the home of Pan, •
flave• •
Have- ledtt..
is-'11)eir000t, ;tous ..
atic inn. twos. ',is,
11. /one 31 /11'1' .1 new. atadito , •
w, arie I !ni:
; s,..,•,. (1t t Anglian: Ian
103 .1 I( - IOW: 7
1-0.• • .ir13 tWealie all • - Wert
In& it ll reall.Vt rnernstrie-
work...taw...1..1th:- Sep: 2:
1 0 veneral-l1CV,
101 (4.iohe - 3 .ths
s'Itsitct wa I Int! On: nicnihcf's
. . Bridal.thower '
Lind.. \Naha:. dauentel 1.)o,
an Walii- o' •}:irktOl.• wa-
tioni-furct: .slostve! . •
.11o0.t(3l hs Saodr. Wahl 0. Samil:
a.'•10. nom; IV Mar Vs•allt. 03
Sundav. Sep. 21,
saindr., tea: a (stone, w11;,43 wa-
shot, Hearne! Ni\'zitti., ant.. Rim ,
_IS/ vas . tiao • y4. ( k stir .
anniyersar. ncares• In,- int:
is.ter. Derr. an, Fait' 'Wall' '
Lind.:.a sn•
• . Iterresnment ;wer,
o noStesle Sancr. ,ant, ,
t<1 l 'NAN( 11\1,
• 1' I t N'1( )ti 111.
1 :ss
or lease with
Zero Downpa-ment
itmonth, lir 830 month:,
'114eight iticiuded.
Zen'. Securit:t Deposit.
• ,
1998 Dodge/Plymouth Neon 4 Door 22D Package
•2.01_ 16 valve 132 hp 'engine *Automatic transmission *Air conditioning •N4/FM stereo ...Tilt steenne
. *Centre console *Remote trunk release.*Side.4»PaCt beams ."Next generation".duai air bags
*Child protection door locks 'Split foldingrear seat •Cab forward.design •3 year or 60,000 kin marr1ty
• •24 hour Roadside Assistance *Fuel efficiency„: City 10..11_400km: 28 MPG:
HWY 6.7L/10034n, 42 MPG'•Plus a Complimentary' tank of fuel -
C.Mr orstears reed 43) 3)3 f may f r an IP e 1 Of petIOA3 1/3t 1,11
yegistletioo and tbey tineneine may include toes See ready fot complete dttsits and conditions +Based on a 36 month tease for Dodeetymouth Neon ;Ail tease **taw
IPI /thick.: Reader May seli/lea se • ior less Petader tralde Mabe 110(3)33) leaseVtinantins yotiost to approval by Chrysler Cte it Canada lid tea set/financintoestio fiance. msor
If 321 00 Niosetres are funded 1061.200 theigt 03 60 1245133 (04 "gess t 113(3
33) this is doe tog lease with np(3obxktreltwee...st 1 0% tm$K,,,g up I0) 1$ft
Lumpt, $20,000 0 0% pout$ moet( term, moollity paymtnt .s 1111 16 C.411 01 berroo.ng )1 3: Val atities'ion 0 t2000.3 th.s is a sonipie,eatt,datron linty f /A lutt tent, of fel we 3,
purchase 01 fent 01 NIS 1991 yentas (913111031KI) 0 eel 111(nen3a (at.ngs Nem determined using aticytd Iranpod Canada 1.11411.11 913.10) tosai winithrowcrits.cs,
IA •
rprt UM strAvkt